4 4 if 1 ! 1 S. JED M Q N D S, TAILOR NEW SPRING LIME OF WOOLENS ARRIVED ALL THE LEADING EXCLUSIVE STYLES McKennon Building, next door to J. H Pear's Jewelry Store. Fine AT Confectionery and Cigars j VanBuren's j f REPAIRING J. II. PEARE. ! FOR WINTER Our new machinery and additional help will enable us to do fami lly washing CHEAPER, QUICKER and BETTER than you can do it yourself. We call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work. Qive us a trial and y:u will not be bothered through the winter with family washing. A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY FHONE Main 7 LaGtvnfc, OifgcV Spring is coming; look over your photo supplies. What's needed, we can supply. We have all the latest photo requisites at right price. Newlin Druo Company. LIGHTNING COL LECTION AG ENCY H. A. Watson, Mgr. All claims placed in our hands be paid direct to the creditor. ' Our system gets the money. , Full particulars made known upon application to interested pities. Office up-stairs in Ralstoo bui'dinf La Qrande. Or. FROM START TO FINISH our Vista Orada cigar is ahead of all other every time. If you want gen uine satisfaction and real gratification when enjoying your after dinner smoke. . just try a Vista Orada cigar. We will guarantee that you will say it is the best medium priced cigar that your mouth ever held or your palate enjoyed. Try one and you will never smoke any other C. C. HACKMAN. Factory Corner Adams Avenue and Greenwood Street. Red 1641 A BROKEN WAKn Is seldom beyond repair by a skilful watchmaker. We have repaired some watches that looked as if it would be a waste of time to at tempt it. Today they are running as well as ever they did. Bring us Your Watch and let us put in proper shape. No matter what's the trouble we can fix it.And we repair jewelry too. So skillfully that you wouldn't know it from new. People who know us say our charges are entirely satis factory. Jeweler and Optician WASHING ! TABU BOARDERS ! Mrs. Grace Barrie 'would like six table ! boarders at No. 1 808. 4th. St. For par ticulars call up red 881. HAVE YOU ANY X Magazines. Illustrations, 2 Journals, or Printwork to i bind. Ask for 4 IDEE PROS. BINDERS 12 PRINTERS Located in May Park, opposite the Fair Grounds. La Grande, Oregon GIVE US A TRIAL Z La Grande Evening Observer MONDAY, MARCH 26. 1906 Published daily except on Sunday, One year in advance $6.50 Six months in advance 3.50 Per month 65 Single copy 6c Enteredjit tha;Post Officeat La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. CURREY BROS- ED'S AND PROP This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. ADVERTIHtvci KATG8 lptar Ad rates farolaheO opon application ocal reading Dulloee lUc per line drat naei- tlnn, je per Ho for each kubnequenl loxr lion. . eioluttoua of condolence. 50 er line. rdi of thinks, Seprr line, HEIP fOR THE JAPANESE Almost every town in the Northwest is doing something for the starving Japa nese in Nippon, Cond:tions there are deplorable and many of these brave peo ple must die of starvation if help does not come soon. It is too bad to think of such a thing in a country so favored and blessed as ours. The state of Washing ton has undertaken to send 5000 tons of wheat and a corresponding amount of flour with as much money as they can raise in cash. Two large steamship com panies have agreed to transport all con tributions gratis. President Roosevelt in a special proclamation to the people of the United States says: "The famine situations in Northern Japan is proving much more serious than at first supposed, and thousands of per sons are on the verge of staravation. It is a calamity such as may occasionally befall any nation. Nations, like men, should stand ever ready to aid each other in distress, and I appeal to the American people to help from their abundance their suffering fellow-men of the great and and friendly nation of Japan. Union county is sadly in need of a greater population. Bring water on to the farms, not now under irrigation, and the large farms will soon be bought up. Lend the hospital fund a helping hand and thereby assist in securing for this city a worthy institution. Even if you can not make a large donation, a small one will help just so much. The time for registration is becoming shorter every day. Do not wait until the last moment. Register today while there is an opportunity to do so while the books are down town. Register now while you have an opportunity or forever hold your peace. The polls at the primaries are only open in the afternoon during the hours from twelve to seven o'clock. If there is a full vote it will require close attention to business to allow sufficient time to vote and if there are many to be sworn in it will require so much time that some will be left out. The remedy is to prepare yourself now by registering. FOR SALE Two Registered yearling Bulls one Red and one Roan J. E. Reynolds, La Grande, Ore, FOR RENT Four room house to rent cheap. See Mrs. C. Ralston. 3K The Good Old Standby. Nothing like a nice cut of juicy corned beef with cabbage or saeur-kraut once in a while! We can offer most of the time whole or half rounds, if you can use so much, or whatever quantity you require, of well fed and carefully corn ed beef-tender, "tasty" and wholesome. If you're in the notion today, 'phone us me oraer ana we it nave around in no time. the meat ' .i-i h r . ' f f - Grandy& Russell i - ,iv rx -il ! ; '"nr. " M-v. MOW MANY? X Times have you wished ; for a daintily decorated 1 room? well, what's the Z use of stopping at the X wishintr eate? Push it X open and you'll find your- x sen wen insiae our com I fortable showroom, with X an attentive array of iir"ll r-oilinrr and hnrrier paper, that will make day aeiigntf ui by eyesight, the night by dreams of de signs artistic. Here, then for interior decorations. STANIELS & JARMAN, Paper Hangers and Decoratoratars RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF RUBBER TIRED BUGGIES RUNABOUTS AND TWO SEATED Just the thing for this summer The prices are right, call and see . them. All new designs. We have the very rig you have been think ing about. TIMOTHY HAY THE BEST EVER Phone Main 6 GRANDE RONDE (ASH CO. Lewis Bros. Prop. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at a school meeting of school District No. one of Union County, Oregon, to be held at the high School Building in said district on the 51st day of March 1906 there will be submitted to the legal voters of said district the question of contracting a bonded debt of Eight Thousand Dollars for the purpose of completing the schoo building now being constructed in that part of the district North of the O. R. & N. R R track, the vote to be by ballot upon which shall be the words, "Bonds Yes", and the words. "Bonds No." Polls to be opened at 1 o'clock P. M. and remain open until o'clock P. M. By Order of the Board of Directors of School District No. One of Union Countv. Oregon. Dated this 10th day of March A. D. 1906 A. C. Williams Clerk of School District No. One of Union County Oregon. H. J. Youno. Chairman of District School Board of School District No. One of Union County. Oregon. NOTICE STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The annual meeting of the Stockhold ers of the La Grande Irrigation Co. Will be hp .H MnnHau Inril O.I .. 2 o'e'eck p. m. at the Mrlors nf th 'a j ...V?-i j I Si RIDING I Commercial Club for the purpose of electing Directors and other business that may lejally come bafore said meeting. W Sargent, Se;'t FIR STREET SECOND HALD STORE Is now open for your trade with a nice line of new Furniture, Chairs, Rockers, Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Ranges, Cooking Stoves and Heaters, at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, also a complete line of Tinware and Cooking Untensils, Glassware and Grockery. More new goods arriving daily. Wanted to buy A large quantity of SECOND HAND GOODS. We pay TOP NOTCH PRICES, to get them Call or phone Red 1751 FIR STREET SECOND HANu STORE G. W. LEE. BIG REDUCTION SALE IS NOW ON AT HILL'S DRUG STORE Very complete line to choose from, in books. Perfumes, Toilet Sets, Manicures, Hand Bags, Vases, Smokers' Sets, Ink Wells, Mirrors, Albuns and many other nice things. Call and see what we have. .'. . e A. T. Prtjcriplion Druggist W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO. AGENT FOR STANDARD SEWING MACHINES Bargains in Old Machines taKen in trade for Standard White $ 2.50 Singer 2.50 New Home 5.00 White 10.00 Hawood 10 00 IN BUSINESS AGAIN Business with me means LIVERY BUSINESS of course. Twenty years with horses has placed me in that business to stay When you want a first class turnout call or phone the RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE IOE WOODS i National Buscuit Company Goods Just arrived, a large aesortment of these splendid goods " For dainty refreshments select from this list. NABISCO WAFERS FESTINO VANILA WAFERS BUTTER TAIN BUSCUITS OAT MEAL. CRCKERS FIVE O'CLOCK TEA SOCIAL TEA SARATOGA FLAKES GRAHAM CRACKERS UNEEDA JINGER WAYFER THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLLACK, Propr. Read the HILL LA ORANDE, OR Wheeler &Willson $ 10.00 New Goodrich !$. 0 New Queen 5 CO Singer 20.00 Singer Drophead Nearly New 35.00 4MMMMtWW THIS TIME TO STAY I have looked over the entire east and found that there is noplace like home IF PHONE RED 641 JEFFERSON AVENUE t Observer if rv