1 . :! i t i t SO i na J a;: a PURE r T DRUGS U Soma little things essential to ba bies' comfort and health. We have uch a complete stock of TOILET ARTICLES that it will ba eay to procure any article desired. Two graduated Pharmacists always in attendance. Prescription and goods promptly delivered free. Red Cross Drug ii ore Wholesale and Retail A. d McLennan. Ph. u. Two Telephones, Local black 271. Vergers 10 FROM START TO FINISH : our Vista Orada cigar is ahead of all others every time. If you want gen- uine satisfaction and real gratification whan enjoying your after dinner smoke, just try a Vista Orada cigar. Wa will euarantae that you will say it it the best medium priced cigar mat jruui - mouth aver held or - your palate enjoyed. Try one and you will never smoke any other C. E. HACKMAN, Factory Corner Adams Avenue and Oreen wood Street Red 1641 2 S. EDMONDS, TAILOR MEW SPRING LINE OF WOOLENS ARRIVED ALL THE LEADING EXCLUSIVE STYLES McKennon Building, next door to J. H Pear's Jewelry Store. v - I i Fine Confectionery and Cigars Af VanBuren's REPAIRING tor A BROKEN WATCH Is seld m beyond repair by a skilful walcnmaker. We have repaired some watches that looked as if it would ba a waste of time to at tempt it. Today they are running as well as aver they did. Bring us Your Watch and let us put in proper shape. No matter whit's the trouble we can fix it. And we repair jewelry too. So skillfully that you wouldn't know it from new. People who know us say our chargee ara entirely satisfactory. J, He PEARE. Jeweler and Optician FOR WINTFx WASHING Our new machinery and additional help will enable us to do fami lly washing CHEAPER, QUIQKER and BETTER than you can doit yourself. We call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work. Give us a trial and y:u will not ba bothered through the winter with family washing. A. B.C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE Main 7 La Grvnfc, Oregon. ' tltlliMlllltillttltttitlSt La telle Evecioi .OUscrver MONDAY, MARCH 19. 1906 Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance ..: - ". $6.50 Six months in advance 5.60 Per montfi i. 66 Single copy ......s.. 6c Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter, i CURREY BROS, ED'S AND PROP This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will ba received subject to ' the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. ' ADVEHTMINQ HATEH MiplayAd imtee tarnished apon application ' .oeal reading aoUoes lOe per line Dial near MUU J pa ... aw ZZ.-T T? lion. 4aaoloUoasof eoadolenee, jeiet Una. arue of thank, to per Una. . ; MROUIKENERT TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF SOUTH LA GRANDE DISTRICT I hereby announce , myself as Candidate for the Republican nom ination for Justice of the Peace, subject to the primary nominating election to be held April 20th. W. Grant. The new city council assumes its duties for the year 1906 this evening. From this time on there will be eight council- men. The house of representatives and the President ara with the peopls and the senate as usual is for corporations, and the people, that is some of tham wonder why socialism is growing. While It is a fact that the high license idea is growing stronger every year in the northwest, it is also a fact that there is not another city in this state with eighteen saloons with as few police court cases as in La Grande. . Oregon today is several decades ahead of any other state in the union. This was brought about through tha Initative and Referendum, and tha direct primary nom inating laws. Tha people in this state can make and unmake such laws as they desire and can nominate just such men as they wish to become their public servants. La Grande is going to make rapid strides this year and this means that there will ba much building, but property owners must remember that raising the price on vacant town lots is not the way to build cities. The buying public know how much lots are worth. Home builders are willing to pay actual valuj but they will not be held up. This will be a good year to dispose of vacant resi Jence pro perty at reasonable prices. The Minnesota Experiment Station is now sending out to the farmers of that state a new strain of spring wlieat which promises much in increased yelds in the spring-wheat section of the middle north west. It is designated as Minnesota No. 188, and has been under test and devel opment for 1 1 years, during which time it has given higher average yields than any other variety. A cannery promoter recently visited Freewater, Ore., and endeavored to per suade the people of that place to put in a plant which would cost $6,500. It .was wisely decided by tha Freewater people to investigate first, and a committee was sent to Wenatchee, Wash., and it was found that by duplicating the Wenatchee cannery a saving of $2,270 in the cost of machinery would ba affected. Tha com mittee found that the stockholders of the Wenatchee cannery ara well pleased with their plant and its work. Tjieir shipments of canned goods for tha "past season amounted to 69 carloads, although peaches and tomatoes were a failure. Oregon Agriculturalist A Creeping Death. Blood poison creeps up toward the heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Plains, Minn, writes that a friend dreadfully injured his hand, which swelled up like blood poisoninir. Buck len's Arnica Salve drew out tha poison healed the wound, and saved his life. Best in the world for burns and aoras 26a at Newlin's Drug Store. nond Notice Is hereby given that mv wife. Rosalia Johnson, having left my bed. and board without just provocation, that that I will not ba responsible for any bills she may contract from this data. Axis Johnson Dated this eighth dav of Fab. 1906. at Parry. Union county Oregon. ANNOIJrKtMENT . I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for the office of County Judge on the Republican Ticket, subject to the will of the Republican ElecEors, at the primar ies to be held April 20th, 4.906. Wm. B. Sargent. ANNOUNCEMENT ,TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF UNION COUNTY 1 hereby announce myself as Can didate for the KepuDiicannuniiuauuu for Representative for Union county subject to the primary nominating election to be held April 20th. S. R. Haworth. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF UNION COUNTY I hereby announce myself as Candidate for the Republican nom ination for County Judge, subject to the primary nominating election to be held April 20th. J. C. Henry. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF UNION COUNTY I hereby announce myself as Candidate for tha Republican nom ination for Sheriff of Union County, subject to the primary nominating election to be held April 20th. J. M. Murphy If YOU'VE FORGOTTEN Your Drug Store wants, phone us when you get home. We deliver promptly No extra charge. Newlin Druo Co. STRONG Again la 'what Mrs.' Lucy Stovall.ofTilton.Ga, said after taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Hundreds of otherweak women ara being re stored to perfect health by this rem edy. YOU may ba well if you will take ft. Indigestloncausei nearly all the sick ness that women hay. It deprives tha system of nourish-, ment and tha delicate organs peculiar to woman suffer weaken, and become Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables tha stomach and digestive organ to digest and assimilate all of the whole some food that may be eaten. It nourishes the body, and rebuilds the weak organs, restoring health and strength. Kodol cures indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, sour risings, belching, heartburn and all stomach disorders, ; . . , Ditfests What You Eat Umm M nd m Um rtl. T 0 t tin. Mar? .1 S.O.OaWItt Q.,tIMCMfl,P I I Lfc- I MWItt I 111. T. A. HILL, Druggist To Chicago and the East Fast trains daily, through to Chi cago without change, lnm points in Oregon and Washington, via the Chicago, Union Pacific a.ui North Uestero Line, the route of The Overland Limited, over the d. uhle trtck railway between the Miswmri River and Chicago, nuking direct connection at Chicago with all lines to the East . THS BEST OF EVERYTHING. For further Information apply to W. A. Cm. (lateral An. C. N.-W. Ry. IM Tata Street, Portland, Ore. FIR STREET SFCOND HALD STORE Is now open for your trade with a nice line of new . Furniture, Chairs, Rockers. Iron Beds, Springs, .. Mattresses, Ranges, Cooking Stoves and Heaters, ; , at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, also a complete line . of Tinware and Cooking Untensils, Glassware and ; Crockery. More new goods arriving daily. . . . '. t. Wanted to buy-A large quantity of SECOND HAND y GOODS. We pay TOP NOTCH PRICES, to get them Call or phone Red 1751 FIR STREET SECOND HAND STORE? a r G. W. LEE. I' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BIG REDUCTION SALE ON ALL CHRISTMAS GOODS IS NOW ON AT HILL'S DRUG STORE 1 Very complete line to choose from, m books. Perfumes, Toilet Sets, Manicures, Hand Bags, Vases, Smokers' Sets, Ink Wells, Mirrors. Albuns and many other nice things. Call and see what we have. .'. .'. ., - . Ir, 4. A. T. HILL Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE, OR eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaeaeeaeaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' leteeeesettieteefetsceetefeeeeeeeeessesssaessiestass BROOMS Just Received from Eastern Markets Broorm, Children's, 25c B ooms, Kitchen 25c Brooms, 1 itt'e Favorite 35c Brooms, Carpet, 40c Brooms, Extra Carpet, 45c Brooms, Velvet Carpet, 50c Brooms, Lilac Brands 50c Brooms, Cinderella " 50c W. H. BOHNENKAMP GO. : : .........;;J .'. HIS APPRECIATION : -H v ti 2 t T5i, BUSINESS tho,'"Bi'y appreciates the advantages ofa' checking account with a banlc TW j- ... " u account miss many of its advanUge, ' "P S," f We are always glad to explain the workines of a checkino accnimk to those who are not familiar with banking . r0UJt Interests paid on time deposits and in savings department.,. l " CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $74.0QO.ao : 1 - ' ' Vhe farmers and Vraders 9ationa( Siank . eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeaa aeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaeaae)M. New Spring Street Hats and Tailored Turbans J ; ' New Lace Collars and Scarfs E. M. Wellman & CompanVi A r Lin ' . ' - ADAMS ' AVENUE 1? .aw J hi 'eeeeeeeeeaaa