; V TODAY'S t NEWS TODAY, V0ffn" Fair and warmer tonight ' -.'; and to-morrow. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 16. 1906 NUMBER, 112 I - .. . - " - "T ' 1 ' . - v - No- 7 i : ti . ! KUD TAFT STILL rnuruu it iJui'inriiMi ( (Scripps News Association) . Washington, D. C., March 16. It li givtn out thit morning from good author ity at th Whit Housa that Secretary Taft had potibvtly daclinad to accept tha appointment of Associate Justice of tha suprtmtcotrt of tht United State. Ha ha held tha matter under apecial consid eration tha past few daya and arrived at the conclusion lata last night -, . - ' The following statement is given out at tha White House that after . Secretary called at tha White House and announced hit intention of declining" the" honor, "Tha President will consider longer the list of names given him, which will'contain that of Secratary Taft, but no announcement willb given out in "the near future. When tha secretary was told of thitttatt mtiitTh't merely said "that's all right," At noon today Secretary Taft was seen by a representative of tha Scripps Newt Attociation, and said: "My decision regarding the acceptance of the judgeship dot not really effect tht question definite ly. Clt simply will result In tht postpon meni of tht appointment. ' It it not defin ately settled yet" ? : DPPOSmON KILLED (Scripps News Association) New York Mar. 1 6 Disappointed in surance officials say that , Hamilton speech bat practically killed oppsition to tht proposed Armstrong bill which it now before tht legislature. " " t?V-"?ftVtMM VISIT CTERY TIME YOU HAVE Every freight and express cannot find a new arrival combine more quality and unusually reasonable. BELOW WE MAKE A 111 IDED New hats in endless variety $ 1 25 up New skirts, in street and dress wear 2.50 up New ladies' Jackets - 6.00 up New shirt waists - - - J5 up t New corsets - - . .50 up New ladies shoes ., ,.- - 1.50 up New men's 300 yard MILL ENDS vVorth from .Cto 16' a yard in leng ths from one yd to 197, yds Choice 9a yd m 4 ' t (l( OH DEHVER AIID RIO flRE ADDS TO . .. RUSSIAN REFUGEES (Serlppe Newt Association) . San Francisco, March 1 6. Aboard the transport Thomae from Manila, among other passengert, wat tht wift of Consul R T nMr nf VIHIf 1 ... forced to flee for her life during the riots of January 25. The vessels brought nine Russian stowaways, five of whom art Cossacks and admit belonging to tht Russian army. They all claim to have plenty of money and will be permitted to land. . BOTH ACCUSE (Scripps Newe Association) Lot Angeles. Mar. 1 6 At a culmina tion of tht graft charges. Mayor McAleer attempted to forcibly throw Councilman Houghton from his office thit morning. Houghton demanded that tht mayor provt tht charges. . Tht mayor and tht council accuse each other of grafting in connec tion with the franchise of tht Salt Lake road. , ' - THEY ARE (Serlppe Newt Association) New York, March 16. When District Attorney Jerome wat questioned about tht Hamilton speech and at to what act ion he would take stated, that he had nothing to say regarding the situation at this time. There it a panicky feeling in insurance companies. They are afraid of what Hamilton may tay if he it pressed. Af RAID OE HAMILTON Mt)t)e)t)t)t)ttt)t)t)t)t)t)t)t) OUR THE OPPORTUNITY brings something new, and there is not a day that you or sobe kind. They are always pleasing to the eye. and style than usual, not to forget the prices, which are MENTION OP A FEW OF THE LATEST ARRIVALS shoes - - New ladies' collars New ribbons -New shirts -New Petticoats New fancy vests New men's hats 4 ' '''' ':..'... THE HORROR UTAH AND CALIFORNIA EXPRESS AND THE IFADYILIF LOCAL MEET DURING BLINDING SNOW STORM ' (Bcripps Newt Association) " "' Denver, Mar. 16 One of tht most awful wrecks in the history of western railroading took place thit morning at two twenty at a little station known on tht railroad map at Abode, four milet tast of Flortnct. Tht wreck it tht rttult of a collision between the Utah and California express and a Leadville local. Tht Utah and California train wat doublt headed. At the time of tht accident a terrific snow storm wat In progress. '! - v' " " According Jo the first reports mort than forty passengert and trainmen art known to bt dead. The cause of tht wrtck It said to havt been tht result of a miscar riage of orders by tht dispatcher at some divitsion point A ftw moments after tht trains struck. Art brokt out among tht wreckage and many were burned to death. Expreti messenger McCartland wat badly injurtd and pinned under tht wrtckagt and burntd to death while friends stood helplessly by unable, to render tht least assistance. They threw tnow over tht burning man in tht hope that they might save .hit lift but there efforts wtre unavailing. . PRBPARINO DEATH LIST The railroad auditors aro preparing a report of the dead and injurtd. Dozens of tht injured have been taken to Pueblo. Many of those taken there it it thought will not turvivt day, at many of them were not only injured by tht splintered timbers, but art also badly burned. . COOKED ALIVE ' ' -' A man and hit wift while trying to escape Mirough a . broken window were caught by a rod and wen burned alive, whilt willing handt were in tht vtry act of effecting their rescue. A lint wat formed and men grasped tht man's han Is and drtw him' from tht coach. Whilt in tht act of pulling him forth, tht flesh came from tht bontt of his hand, and he died a second after reaching a place of STORE EVERY DAY IF YOU CAN 2.00 up .15 up .01 up 50 up .85 up 1.25 up 1.50 up GRAHD OFflClAL REPORT OF SITU AT10N safety. ' Hit wift and their child wert burned before a rescue could bt made. EIRST OOACA A DEATH TRAP A majority of tha dead passenger were in tha first coach of tht west bound train. - Tha exact number of the dead will never be definitely known, at this coach with tan mort wtrt consumed bv fira. Nothing remains now but tht blacktned timbers, tht twisted rods and piles of human ashes. ' THOUOHT OP OTHERS WHILE BUrNINO One man, whose 1 namt will probably ntvtr bt known, though whilt burning by inches, and with a horrible death .con fronting him,' wat tvtn then considerate of hie fellow sufferers, and though badly injurtd and pinned under the burning wrtck, called to those who were endan gering themtelvet to rescue him, to tavt themselves. He called in a loud voice, every syllable expressing anguish and torture, "I am too badly injured to want to live, aava yourselves." A few mom enta later he had ceased to breathe. BOTH TRAINS LATE Both traint wtrt late and were trying to make up lott time, and the survivors state that tha west bound train wat run ning it a terrific rata of speed, -and that when the collision took place, tht shock was sufficient to throw tht passengers all in one end of the coaches and many of the seats wert jarred loose and were hurled upon the passengert. Firt brokt out al most simultaneously with tht impact of tht two traint. This it without doubt tht worst wreck ever occurring in the state of Colorado. . All occupants of the sleeping cart e captd, and it it beleived that if tht wreck had not taken fire the death loss would have been comparatively light. Those in the tleeping cart say tht impact oc casioned by the collision wat very light The mail clerk. L. H. Rose, of Denver sayt that at soon as he discovered that something was wrong ht jumped, and at that time tht intirt tidt of tht train seem ta to oe one mass or namt. I here wert many hair breadth ttcapts, several being thrown completely through the car wind ows and tvtn then escaping , without serious injury. FAMILY OF NINE KILLED Of tht Htwitt family, of Loeb, Kansas which consisted of tleven members, all but two wert killed. Tht two tuvivort art badly injured and may dit. . , OPPICIA STATEMENT Dtnvtr Mar. 16 At three p. m, today tht official statement issued by the Denver and Rio Orande places the death list at not over fifteen, and tht injurtd in the neighborhood of twenty. Tht following it a partial list of thost killed or injured. The list it incomplete and it It thought improbable that tht complete list will ever bt secured. KILLED WILLIAM HOLLIS, division engineer. ' HUGH SUDDUTH, fireman on east bound train . HEWITT FAMILY, nine known to bt dtad S. H. SWEENEY, passenger, Trenton Mo. . INJURED GEORGE BRADSHAW. Chicago S. W. FIELDS. Uramie Wyo. . ' PHILIP PETERS. Florence. Colo. ' JAMES TROCIENE. Florence. Colo. R. I. JONES, Denver, mail weigher. W. A. WATK1NS. Denver ' W. R. PAGE. Yuma Colo RALPH BRITTON, Brighton, Iowa MABEL E. FIELDS, Wolcott Colo. ARTHUR E. HEWETT. LeboColo. MYRON PHILIPS, Salt Lake City, ankle hurt, W. F, PAUL, Portland Oregon, foot injured. L. C. RANCOTTAM, San Francisco, neck Injured. OFFICIAL STATEMENT OROWS Denver, Mar. 1 6 The railway officials at three thirty today issued another official statement in which they place th estimated death litt at fifty and the injured at twenty-five. Officials of the roads wtrt at tht tctnt of tht accident within two hours after tht wreck occured. MANY PERSONS MM BATTLESHIP OREGON (Scripps Newt Association) ' Washington. D. C. March 16. The battleship Oregon, now on Its way from Japan to tht United States, has been, or dered not: of wi..aw rf l to the United States it will ' at once bt taken to the Mare Island Navy Yard near San Francisco, to be extensively over hauled and thoroughly modernized. ; It Is expected that the work on tha battleship will probably consume alt summer and the ship will not be placed In commission again until tome time in tht fall. ! ' COMMITTEE AT WORK ; (Scripps Newa Association) '' Indianapolis, March 16. Tha miners convention it not working thit morning. Fighta are being made before tha - com mittee on the scale of wagos. The com mittee has decided to reply to the anthra cite operator's refusal to yeild to their demands. , , .(Scripps Newa Association) Omaha, Mar. 16 There it consider able excitment in thit city regarding the large number of hold-ups and murders whioh have taken place here reoently. A mob' gathered at the jail thit morning, and demanded three negroes, who, it It alleged, have confessed to the hold-up and shooting of Edward Fluey, the ttrttt car conductor who died yesterday. A riot call was sounded, which brought forty policemen who quickly dispersed the mob. There wert some tort htadt but no ar rests. OMAHA HAS SMALL i race War TORE BLQOBj Everybody should have pure blood; it's the only way to keep in perfect health. ' Late win- j ter and early spring are trying times for people f ' with thin, impure blood and there is danger of serious disorders arising unless something is taken to enrich and purify it Your chances ... of keeping well wiii be greatly increased if you take our HOPE'S EXTRACT ' SARSAPARILLA This preparation will purify and enrich the blood and is a sure cure for any of the dis-; orders caused by impoverished or impure blood rheumatism, skin diseases, etc." Insure 'your health by taking it now. price $1.00 7: ; V NEWLIN DRUG COMPANY J av La Grande, Oregon. " j . . J IS flfTY i)f ; unions : (Scripps Newa Association) ' Cincinnati, March 16. Jutige Ferrit today refused to grant an injunction to ; the Campbell Perkins Company against f their employes, who are members of tht ' Leather Workers Union, declaring that while the employers had a right to hlrt and discharge whom they see fit, tht tm- ' ploytt had tht right to quit with or with' " out a specified reason. He alto said .tha law gave .the men tht rights of organiza-. , tion and could do anything thati an Indiv-' -idual could do. Ht laid that tvtn "pick- .'i sting" wat undtr certain restrictions lagal. LONO) OONPERENOI Presideqt Mitchell for tha past two 1 hours hat been in conference with Rob- bins, tht leader of tht bituminout operat- ore. Upon retiring from tht conference . he refused to discuss what occurred. J REMOVES All DOUBT (Serlppe Newt Association) C ; S Lot Angeltt. March 16. Tht action of J Mayor McAlttr In vetoeing th ordinance prohibiting boxing contests, txctpting in I certain ttctiont of tht tighth ward, rt- moves all legal barriers against holding tht Gant-Sulli van fight and tht match t, will be pulled off tha chutes at tha bast- i ball park at scheduled. Tht referee has ' not yet been selected. , . " -i GRAIN MARKETS ,;J (Borlppa Newa Association) :' j ' Chicago, March 1 6. Wheat opened at-- -76V closed 7B?; corn opened at 45;, closed at 45; oatt opened at S4,; , closed at 29. - ' : i