v. M - v I sirtnr PHYSICIANS a. LI BIDDERS m. d. . Physician and Suroeor Offic Ralston Bid. over J.M.Brry' tore Offic Phon Black 1521 . Residence Phon Red 1001 ' DR. A. L. RICHARDSON '"' PHYSICIAN AMD SoROKON Offic over HUl'a Drug Store. Office Phone 1562 , Residence Main 65 - N. MOLITOR M. D. imVfilCIAM AMD SURQKOM Cor. Adam Avenue and Depot St Qffio Main 68" Reticence Main 68 1 - , W1LLARD ' SMITH s ... " . , '.. PHYSICIAN AMD 1UROI0M . . ( lWfe Building, opposit Sommer House tftM hour. 1 to 4.--J. to B. p. m. ffcDjein71;; '. BACON & HALL . , IWWCMIJS'AND UHOEON Office in Foley Building, Phone . Main n-i... M.u. It 19 M. K. HaU residence. Main 62 WETER1NARY SURGEON . DR. P. A. CHARLTON ...VETERINArV SURGEON ' Cffloe-ftt HUT Drugstore, La Grand Or ' SRjidence Phone Red, 701 . . OKf fVUSH 561 ' Farmer Line 68 ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD U CRAWFORD '. ; AtTOSMm-AT-LAV i AtWAMD ' '" '- ' 4 OKIOOOM Offlc In Foley Building J.' W. KNOWLES. . Attorney and Counsellor - at- La Offlc in Ralston Building La Grande, Oregon.'' H. T. Williams . . A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS " attormey-at-law ' Offlo in Ralston Building La Grande. Oregon L A PICKLER Civil. Mining, Irrjoatiom Emoimebrino AND SURVEYIMO - Estimates, Plan, and Specifi cation. Offic In Bohnenkamp -Building. f .afiBiMBc. " .': Orboom Dentists ., REAVJS BROS DENTISTS Offic Sommer Building Offica Black 61 Rwldene 1 171 C. B. CAUTHORN ' DENTIST ' ; Offic over Hill1 Drug Store La Gbamdb. OREOOM i vour stomach churns and digest the tfood you eat and if foul, or torpid or out of order, vour whol system suffer from blood poison. Hollister's Rocky Mountain "TV Vmm vntl well. 66 cents. Tea or Tablste. - SNewum Druo Co. In every dim its color ar unfurled It fame ha prad from sea to ea; Be not surprised if in th other world. .You hear of Rocky Mountain Tea. . - ; Newlin Druo Co." r r ROTKZ ;. Nntfea Is hereby given that my wife, Rosalia Johnson, having left my bed and board without Just provication. that - that will not b roponsibl for any bills she rriey contract from this dat. Axle Johnson Dated this eighth day of Feb. 1906. at Perry, Union county Oregon. " t A Crerpina Death. "Blood poison creep up toward the heart causing death. J. E. SUarn. Bell Plain. Minn write that a friend dreadfully Injured hi hand, which walled up list) blood poisoning. Buck ten's Arnica. Salve drew out the poison healed the wound, and saved hi life. Best in the world far bum and ' sorts 28c at Newlin's Drug Stor. TABLE BOARDERS Mr. Grace Barrie would like six table boarders at No. 1808. 4th. St, For par ticular call up red 881. Spring la coming; look over your photo uppliea. What needed, we can supply. W have all th latest photo - requisites at right pric. NawLin Druo Company. Classified AdvertlSen lents. Rat On Sent a word, oc'-hlf a cent a ord each subseque nt kiser iion. Cla Mined add brings guick re sclts. Try one today. t ; . FOR RELIABLE ABSrRACTS OF TITLES go to the La Grande Invest ment Company. La Grande, Ore, to Foley building. .. s ' , REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amounts on city and country real estate; Loan dosed promptly, aa soon as title st ap proved.' La Cram ok Investment COM PANY. FOR RENT Five nn house on corner Depot and Fifth streets, furnished com plete for housekeeping. For particular phon Red 251. HIDES. PELTS, FURS. JUNK-Highest price paid for hides pelts, furs and junk Harris corral, one block east of Qeddes' grocery stare.' . MosvHarris. WANTED-rTie-maker for work on P. & I. N. Ry. Extension, north of Council, Idaho. Wages 12 cents per tie. In - spection monthly. Good timber. Trans portation furnished over P. & I. N. Ry. Apply to Levis Hall, tie contractor, Weiser, Idaho. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT- i'umisnea nouseKeeping rooms in suites of two, three or four. Phone Black 601.' ' - WANTED Two waiter girls immediately at the Model restaurant " FOR SALE Two modern cottages in th residence portion of Walla Walla. Inquire of Mrs, Simmon, corner 8th and N Streets. .v 1 FOR RENT Two story house on Wash- -ingtoa.Av. Rtnt only $12.00. In quire at La Grand School of Music. FOR RENT Five room cottage, inquire of Mrs. Emma Simmon, Cor, 8th, and MStreets. " " MONEY For loans on city property see t Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate ' and insuranc. . 1 . FOR RENTPIasantly fumi&hed rooms suitable for lighthousskeeping. - Mrs. E. C. Moore. 1017 Fourth Street ROOM AND BOARD -In private family in centrally located residence. Mrs. H S. Masses, comer 4th and Main Streets. FOR SALE Two , 10 acre tracts, 7 room house on each. ; One in orchard, Furniture goes with on glace. One tract in Cove, other close in. Also one town lot in Cove.;. Inquire Osoai Lund, Gov. Oregon. . ..... LOSTA Masonic watch charm, on the street between my office and resi dence. Reward for return,' Dr. N. K. Hall. FOR SALE A few choice young Berk- : shire boars and sow, also Italian Bees. : William Hall. . FOR SALE Good singer sewing machine s cheap at M. E. Parsonage. FOR SALE A two acre tract with am ple water, right One acre in fruit four room house with pantry and cellar barn and other improvements. Cheap . if sold at once. No agent's commission paid. Inquire at this office. , FOUND Ladies brooch studded with diamond found pn th street today. . Owner can secur th same of H. W. "Stoner. ' . " WANTED A woman or girl to do house work. Enquire of M. Baker. FOR SALE 8 cr of land for sale, including 5 room house, adjoining La Grande Investment Co. APPRENTICES WANTED Inquire, of Mrs. J. R. Forrest, the milliner, at one. FOUND A fob watch chain with Ma sonic emblem attached. Owner can secur same by calling at this office. A FINE JUICY ROAST rn iltvava be had from us. Our r.frioerators are always well stocked with the most delicious BtEf, LAMB, VEAL, Poultry. Game, etc You will never be disaooointed in the flavor or quality of the meat if you deal with ue. Rohr & Company LA GRANDE PUBLIC SCHOOL . The following examination in general information waa given the entire high school on March 7. Time allowed, one half day. Number of students examined. 75. .. 1. Spell. (I) symphony,' (2) suicide, (3) serenade. (4) memorable (6) visible. (6) voluntary, (?) stationery. (8) soprano, (9) apprentice, (10) illegible. 2. A grocer buy 56 bushels and S qta. of nuts at $3.20 a bushels dry measure, and sold them at 12 cents a quart, liquid measure. Dry measure quart has 67 1-6 cu. in., and liquid quart 67 cu. in. Did he gain or lose and how much? " t. Who are the following; L Charles E. Hughes. Edward VIIL Thomas A. Edison. Joseph Cannon, Elihu Root 4. What noted Chicago merchant has recently died? . : 6. William Rainey Harper has recently died. Who was he? 6. What I th estimated distance from th earth to the moon? What i the estimated distance from th earth to th sun? 7. What is th function of a government mint? 8. If you wished to send money through the mail, by the aid of th post offic de partment, what would you call for at the post office? If by the aid of a bank what would you call for at th bank? 9. A lot is 10 by 14 rode. Find value at $55 per acre. 10. 1 . What is the ealary of the Vice- President of the U. S? 2. Of the Presi dent? . How old must a man be -to be eligible to the offlo of' President? -4. Nam on extra allowance to senator etc, abov salary. 6. What body of men con trol o Incorporated town or city? - 11. What is meant by th term "ship- subsidy?" 12. Name three important subjects be fore Congress this session. 1 3. What three life insurance compan ies have lately been investigated? 14. Name the lawyer prominent, inquisitor in this investigation. ' 10. $320.58, 3 yrs., 6 mo., 13 da., at 7, and $436.46. 2 yrs., 2 mo, 24 da. at8J. Sum of jntret. 16. ''Voting by proxy.1- Explain the term. 17, Is the Post Office Department paying or a losing enterprise to the gov ernment? . 18. . Name at least three of the lead ing express companies. . 19. Who or what? Alexander Graham Bell. Barograph. Elias Howe. Fallieres. The Culebra Cut 20. Pile of wood 8ftx6ftx6ft4 in. rind vam at 18.00 a cord. Som of th interesting result of this lamination are as follows: 61 missed No. 2. 39 21 S3 29 30 No. 9. No. 12. No. 16. No. 17. No. 20. 27 of th 75 examined stood above 60 and all other were 60 or below. The highest grade was 82, lowest S. S COURSE Editors Observer: Permit me space in your columns to say that in my humble judgment the lec ture course which we have enjoyed in this city during the past year has been highly meritorious and deserving of th liberal patronage it ha received. It ie not un usual for a city of this size to support strong course of entertainments, and for the eake of th school interests, I should be glad indeed if th course could be con tinued next year. It is my understanding that even a better course ie possible for next year, and that an opportunity will be given the people of this city to express themselves in the matter, in th very near future. A on interested in the welfare of the city, and in th develop ment of one of the moat important insti tutions, it is my sincere hope that the privilege of a strong lecture course and the enjoyment and culture it affords may be placed within reach of the . people this city and especially the ' members the public schools. Your truly. J. M. Martin, Supt of Schools. GOOD APPLES (MAP We have a limited quantity of good apple. W want to cloee them out in the next few days, and are offering them for sale at 78 f per box. while they last, Onioon Produce Co. FAVOR AO ft gram! 1 At our open Grange meeting all are invibtd to attend. .. As the Grange is absolutely non-part isan we invite all who desire to attend and take part in our discussions. - I have been creditably informed that Judge Harrison was an honored guest at our open meeting at Imbler. In justice to the Judge I will eay he was not at the Imbler gathering, but if he had been there he would have received the same courteous treatment extended to other candidates that were there. , The Grange stands for education, econ omy in County, State and National af fair. . ' : A Government of, fori and by the whole people. - ' C D. Huffman Master. ariiiimii i inoiiirv no. 1. How do you feel my brothers? Since you have been away. .Among the great big fellows Who are pitchers of the hay. And what do you think my sister Of what you saw and heard; The way they said and done it . And the selection of their words? The pieces read, the songs they sang. Were of the very best And shows th train of thoughts that's on Th farm r of th West , r ORAMOER NEXT DAY - . ' Once the Grander gay a party, My I but there was lots to eatr Sandwiches and chicken ealad, ' ; Cakes and every kind of aweet ' ., '' Must have been a million waiters Anyhow, I'm sure of eight; ' s' .. 'Cause each time I eaw a new one . 1 would have him fill my plate. When they woke me up next morning Stomach didn't feel just right And I did'nt want my breakfast Guess I ate that too, last night, by gosn.-' NO OlARGI FOR DELIVERY Never think you ar bothering when you ask us to deliver drug store goods, small orders as cheerfully delivered as large. - : We have a free delivery service inaug urated for convenience of Our customers. It's a prompt service, so when in a hurry don't hesitate for fear you'll not get your goods promptly. Your prescription wa will send for and aeiiver. rnone us, writ us; we re ever ready with the goods goods of a quality we us ourselves, too, and we are quite sure they will suit you. If not, we will refund your money. . Newlin Druo Co, IN LANE COUNTY . J. H. Aitkin of Huntineton. candidate for state treasurer, was in the city Wed nesday looking after hie interest with reference to his candidacy. - Mr. Aitkin made this office a pleasant call and im pressed the political man as a strong and clean man. Eugene Register. , Eminent Doctors Pralsi Hi Ingredients. We refer to that boon to weak, nnrvons. suffering women known as Dr. Pierce's i avoriie rrescripuon. Dr. John Fyfe one of the Editorial Stall of The Eclbc-tio Medical Kkvikw says of Unicorn root (heUmUa iNoioi) which is one of the ehluf Ingredients of the 'Vi vorlta Pnwcrlption" : A remedy hlc h invariably sett es a uter ine lnvlfforator makes for normal ftc tlrliif of tlie entire rrprudurtive sjitu m." He continue "In Urlonlw we have e medica ment which more fully snawera the atxm. purpuaea thnn an y oMwr drvfl urllli which I am aeawUnUd. In the treatment of diauaees pe collar to women it in seldom that e caw U seen whlrb doue Dot present some uuiratlo fur this remedial ejrent." Ir. Kvfa furthei arai "The followlna are amune the leadliu rouicaiMms tot ueioniaa umrurn roou. fait or arhlne in- the back, with ieueorrhu atonic (weak) coudltUma of the rvpixxluctlvi orvans of women, mental depreaaion and Ir liability, aaaoclatud wtib chronic diseaaea u; the reftroducure oreana of women, conatarr sensation or neat in me region of the kul nera: menorrhsyia (duodlnir). due to a wvak ened condition of the reproductlra sratcia arm;nori-uoa utuppreaaeu or aineut monuil period K anaimr from or ac-omoanvlna' a aiMionnal conditioo of the dieentlve onrau ana enwmtc i thin ruoodl hahtti dravirui senaatlona to the extreme lower part of to abdomen." ' If more or Ivss of the above symptom are oresent. no Invalid woman can di bettor than take Dr. Pierce s Kavorlt. Prescription, one of the leading Ingmll en til of which Is Unicorn root-or Ucli.tilan. and the medical properties of which It most laiiuiuny rpres!nta. Of Golden Heal root, another prominent lngTeaient oi "favorite rmaenption,' Prof. Flulny ElllnRWood, M. D.,oT lien- Doit Hodicul Collcim, thlcaa-o. says: "It la an Important remedy In disorders of tne womb In all catarrhal conditions ' and eeneral enfeeblemenk It Is useful." Prof. John M. Hcodder, M. D., late of uncinnatl. save of Uolden Meal root i "In relation to lie eeneral effecte on the eystem. fAera if im meiMdne In m aiiut which tnara it aura gmuml unanimity iipUiUtn. It la tmtmnally reyarded as th Ionic useful in ail OMMiiiaiea atatee.- Prof. Itartholow, M. D.. of Jcfferaoo Hedlcal Colleae. says of (iolden Heal : "Valuable In uterine bemoirhsce, mener rnurle (ikMllne) and coneeatlva dyameuur rtxea (pamf ul menstruatlxnl. Dr. Pleroe's Favorite Prescription faith fully rftprenenU all tne a Dove named in (rredlenUaml cures thedlaeaaea lor which Uiey are recoiniuouded. Mm MY and your . opportunity will be gone to see that successful specialist ' ' ; Dr. Ward The Great American Specialist Whose marvelous cures in our midst have astonished and gratified everyone during the past two weeks. If sick don t delay, delays are dangerous, but go and so this Wonderful Specialist While you may, he treats all , kinds of : '' - Chronic Diseases . The treatment Is by medicine and osteopaihy combined SOMMER HOTEL 9.m to 9 p. m. ... Consultation FREE Will Remain In La Granda until! . Satur day , March 17. , Closing at 10 p.m. ; fARMERS V. i ; Now is th time to do your fencing,) you need fenceposts, we have them -for sale. Our post were cut from green fur and tamarack trees and are thoroughly dry. We have about 6000 of them which we must dispose of this spring. We wifl exchange them for live stock, hay, grain, eggs, potatoes or other produce. Leave orders at The Golden Rule or at No. 1606 Sixth Street. Also dry cord wood for sale in any quantity. : ' '' J. Anthony" Taken as directed, it becomes the great est curative agent for the relief of suffer ing humanity ever devised. ' Such is Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea or Tablets. Nbwun Druo Co. . i ;LYMAN & SON, , TRUCK AND IRANSFfR Best equipment for careful and and prompt transfer. Piano - moving a specialty. Trial order .'solicited.' Prompt and careful ' service guaranteed. Day phone Main 64 . ' Night phone Black 501. LIGHTNING COLLECTION : " ' . n, AGENCY v H. A. Watson, MflV 4J All claims placed in our hands be paid direct to th creditor. , S . Ourystm gets th money. Full particular made known upon S ' application to interested parties. Oflice up-stair in Ralston building Z . La Grande, Or. . i ' HOTKt Of ORADtS Notice is hereby given that at the next regular meeting of th City council of La lrnda Oreson. to be held on the first Wednesday in April, 1 906, an ordinance will be presented " establishing grades from Fourth street to Alder, on Adams Avenue and on P st 8th and Washington and all of M st. in said city. Profiles of the grades can be examined at th of fic of th City Engineer. , Dated at La Grande, Or, March 8 1 906. I. R. Snook . 1. . ' City Recorder I, i - i r THERE'S TRUE .ENJOYMENT and refreshment in the teacup when it contains tea ' brewed front on or th othei of these carefully selected brands: Sip tori Ceylon, English Breakfast ' Gunpowder, Spider leg, and Young Hyson. . If you like good, pure, delicately flav ored teas you'll like ours. Our teas ar representative of all our groceries, i " PHONE MAIN 46 QEdDEJ BRIT NORTH FIR STREET - J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty . Best equipped abstracter in Union county. Many years experience ! with the Union county records gives me a great advantago. It ie folly to purchase real estate without first securing a proper abstract An abstract from my offic will show th title just as it appear on Hhe official record. h R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, oil EG JN Room S 1 Sommer Building ANNOUNCEMENT Having'purchased the Boss Meat Market from J. Bull & Company, we wish to inform the citizens of La-: Grande that we will endeavor to merrit the patronage which the Market has enjoyed, and will appreciate any and all trade which we should receive. Our" endeavor which at' all times to please our patrons by rendering the best possible service. A trial order ' is earnestly selisited. KR0USE BROS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Go. ' W0VT IIUR1 YOUR 1 tETH- not these confections because they're purity personified. The old idea that all sweets are harm ful to the teeth, hurtful to the stomach, was exploded long ago, for soldier often live on sugar and gain in strength and endurance. But our candies are not only pure and wholesome they are delicious as to flavor. You can get a trial pound of chocolates for 60cts. SELDER, ThcMndY fJti - ; v. -" ewv.-- "uti s,nffl,V , , , i