.' vL . TODAY'S NEWS TODAY Wfl;ttrtr F'f tonight ; "UUtl. And j - -.-- - ! Mitt PRESENT .. mm . . . .1 (Scrlpps News Association) Boise Mar. 15. Tha attorney of th Wegtern Federation of xMiners presented - r'- " .w. mu, ui tiAuvds corpus for Moyer. Haywood, and.St John before the United State District' court. Tha mU ter wa taken under advisement by Judge oeawy who will make hit decisslon this . afternoon at !:50, . Harr Orchard, the confessed murder mr ex-governor . bteunenberg was taken to Caldwell tljis afternoon and ar ranged before Justice Smith. He asked tune to plead .and arrange for counsel and he was gpmted" 24 hours. Vincent St John was taken before Justic Stoval at Caldwell on the second complaint, charging him with the murder of Steunenberg. Sheriff Rutan, of TeV lunde, Colorado, was present . with .a warrant and an order to remove St John to Colorado in case ihe Idaho charge is dismissed. , ' i . , , ' , 5vn heavy arnjed guards, rour'with Winchesters, assisted Sheriff Nichols in conveying Harry Okchard from Boise to Caldwell this morning. When arraigned, at the request of Orchard, Attorney Ed L. Bryant was appointed to defend him. Aft - er being arraigned. Orchard -was taken before the grand jurry to give further tes timony concerning his confession.' ' j'. ALTERNATIVE SfclT GRANTED f Boise, (5:45)-iludg Boatty granted an alternative writ of habeas corpus peti tioned for by the attorneys of Haywood, Moyer and Pettibone. ; The ! writ is re turnable at 10 qVslock Monday morning,: ' (flcrlpps News Association) Tokio JapanMar. 15. The lower house adopted bill for' the r national z.ton of the railroads today.' ' ' ' A riotoccured today " upon the an nouncement that there had been a raise In the street oar far which was immedi ately quelled by the police. ' T 3 )) ) - :Y;ISIT i ETERY TIME YOU HAVE Every freight and express Jrlngs something new, and there Is not a day that you cannot find a new arrival of some kind They are always pleasing to the eye and combine more quality and style than usual, not to forget the prices, which are unusually reasonable. ; . ," ' , BELOW WE MAKE A MENTION Of A FEW Of JHE LATEST ARRIVALS i New hats in crilcss New sKirls, in street New ladies' Jackets New shirt waists New corsets New Jadies' shoes; New men's shoes : - New ladies' collars New ribbons - - . New shirts V . New Petticoats New fancy vests 'New men's hats . 300 YARD MILL ENDS .Worth, from i2!c to 16V: a yard in leng .' ths from one yd to 197 yds Choice 9c yd I ' ' N' THURSDAY- MARCH IS. 1906. 1 NUMBER 111 MR! ROOSEVELT (Scrlpps News Association) .' N3 w York. Mar. 15 - M rs. Theodore Roosevelt and several member of the President's family will be among the hundreds of prominent person who wiH attend the special performance of "Haun sel and CrzUT'-at the Metropolitan Opera House tonight Humperdink- famous opera will be given " by the Metropolitan Opera Company for the benefit of the benefit of ..the- Legal Aid Society, in which Mrs. Roosevelt and also President Roosevelt are deeply interested. A sonvenir, prepared under the direction of Louis Windmuller. HUNTERS LOST IN fOfi i Eureka, ' Cal.. March.. lB.-JamM Brown is dead and Lee Reed is dying as a result of a hunting expedition.' The men started out for a hunt last Sunday and oecame lost in the heavy fog, and after wandering around all day Brown , gave out and died. Reed continued to tramp several hours and when found was ex hausted. tRAIN MARKETS (Scrlpps News Association) Wiicago, March 1 5. Wheat OMned at 77X closed HU: corn onaned at 4.7. V "closed at oats opened at 29V closed at 29 ft. .. . - , dAMBLERS Pendleton.. Marrh 15. In a sweenincr gambling raid made last evening by Mar shal Gurdane and his three deputies. 40 Knight ct the green cloth were placed under Araest and told to appear in the police court this morning. Those arrest ed were found playing in the Columbia. Idle Hour, Rainer Beer Hall and over Foster- and Mcintosh's saloon. Baker & Ogg and the state saloon ' were als o visited, but the players has been "tipped off" by phone. eeee44e4esassss OUR THE OPPORTUNITY variety - $ 1 25 up and dress wear 2.50 up - ; . - - CALLED IT A MASSACRE (Bcrlpps News Association) . Washington. March 16. The Jot bat tle was described in the house today by Congressman Jones of Virginia as a "massacre.". Senator Bacon of Georgia stated that he hoped the slaughter would prov to be justified. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, declared ' that it was not time to condemn the American soldier until all of the facts have been presented for consideration. EIRE AT COIFAXV (Scrlpps News Association) Colfax, Wash.. Mar. 16 Fire this morning gutted the new Colfai hni.l mn the First National bank. Loss estimated ininw uro fiiflH Tllf IIATIOIK CAPITOL Matters of Importdiicc Discussed . Nations Interest : (Scrlpps News Association) Washington. March 16. Senator Till- Lman presented the committee report on M th. Manknrn vallu.J . . i -n iwmusu im rvguiauon Dill, with recommendation toiav and said "The gross earnings of the railroads in round number is two thousand millions dollars. The net earnings ar $700,000, 000. Once every year evary dollar cir culated in this country passe through the hand of railroad. Onci in every three year every dollar in this cauntry become a part of . the net earnings. These net earnings are equal to the entire annual expenditure of ths United States govern ment It i small wonder then that the most brilliant lecral minds ars ntainari (a make explanations, frama laws, secure their passage and execution and their ever mastering Influence oerthe Judiciarv and executive departments of the state and nation. The average citizen Is al most driven to me belief that tn ftaht helpless when he sees the government it controlled by the railroads. The liberties i444444Aai4;AAAAaia-Ai STORE EVERY DAY IF YOU CAM 6.00 up .75 up .50 up 1.50 up - 2.00 up .15 up - .01 up 50 up .85 up 1.25 up 1.50 up EUNERAl TODAY (Scrlpps News Association) Rochester. N. Y.. March 16. The fun eral of Susan 3. Anthony took place this afternoon.- There was a large attendance and many addresses were made paying a high tr'bute to the life of one of the great est women that America has ever, pro duced. Many were in attendance- from all portions of the state. COURT ORDER REQUIRED Scrlpps News Association) Chicago. March 15. The probate court today issued an order that "No tocks, securities, bonds or cash be drawn from the Yerkes estate except by order of the emirt Ar nnnn um .i.. ......... Central Trust Company. ).. by Ttiose Wlio Have tin of the people are in jeopardy. Party lines m tn committee are broken. Those senator agreeing to favor the am gen era! provisions differ on amendments sought to b inculcated. to produce a pas .uuai norm oi resentment, ir the rep resentatives of the people fail to give the reuer tn country so earnestly demand Th bill as It comes from tha Hnn. loosely worded and is capable of different interpretation,. The senate must produce me oest possible law." He discussed at great length the ques tion of the delegation of power to a com mission and the Judicial review and said the authorization of the committee to fl raw i too elastic and should be stricken out. lilman urges that hereafter all issues or railroad sacurtiesbe under the control of commission. That there should be peedy K readjutment of capitalized value, but he desires to protect as far as possible innocent holders of , watered stock. He advocates tha am'ad prohibiU'any interstate carrier of. procuce or transporter of any article for sale be allowed to mine coal for thei own use ana to compel all road connecting With other line ty grant fair and just traffic arrangement and to put all chipper on the same footing. ; ' Washington, D. C, ' March 1 6. Con gress seem to grow more earnest in the purpos of holding close hand on any great work of the nation, and not rfnl.. gating absolute and unqualified control to executive official. When Senator Hey BUrn, of Idaho, brine ud far cantidar. tion hi bill to place forest reserves under greater direct congressional control, and tike back again the power of. creating such, it seem atsured of greater support than was thought probable some tirrn ago. :. If th Heyburn bill doe not secure i place before congress, eivins western in terest an opportunity for voicing the feel mg there on this subject, it i quite cr tain that some other bill will be Introduc ed. Senator Fulton, of Onaan h. ku. endeavoring to get an expression of th Senate on this question, especially racrrd mg th creation of more reserves. The experience of some of the stock interests of the state In so far being unable to con vine th reserve manaorament of th right of Oregon men to the range in that sute, ha been one feature of manage ment that ha created much discussion in in creation of Oregon reserves, the necessity of appealing from soma of th Dureauomcial to the President in person with the consevuent trouble and delav mi prolix procedure, and the positive statement made by many persons affect ed that land is now embraced within re serve which would be valuable for agri culture and horticulture, emphasizes the necessity of riving the people whera tha reserve are created more of a voice in th work. It is held by many that this cannot be unless th power of creatine reserves Is left with Congress, in which body there 1 a marked tendency to defer local question to th delegation affect- ad. Washington, Mar. 18 In granting Senator Fulton th courtesy of delaying creation of tha Roe-ue River forest ra. serv. in southwestern Oregon, President UHITED MIHE (SrrlppsTews Association) Indianapolis, lnd Mar. 1 5 Th specia National' Convention of United Mine Workers of America, which wa called at che request of President Roosevelt, with a view of furthering th differences be tween the miners and tha it poftsiblt, to Drevant triU at Tomlinson's hall today." President John Mitchell will call th convention to order and it i xpected that fully 1,8000 dole- mu oe present . at the opening ees siori this afternoon. " The delegates were eieccea py the local unions in tha same manner as for regular conventions. Both Anthracite and Bituminuou coal miner will be represented in th conventipnl which, according to the call, has been summoned together "For the purpose of considering the wage scale and the trans action of such other business as may law fully be brought befor th convention." A torm is brewing within th organi zationwith th Pittsburg district a ,th center of the torrrrf It I considered certain that there will be somathintr nf a clash between President Dolan of the Pittsburg district and President Mitchell and many are inclined to believe that thi. conflict may have far reaching conse quences. No official notification was sent to the officials of the Pittsbure district. but not withstanding this direct aliirht President Dolan. Secretary William Dodd and Vic President Uriah Dali lingham of th Pittsburg district, heading a full delegation, are here to attend the covention, Tnsre is considerable specu lation concirninff tha attituda uhlh President Mitchell will assume in raoard to these delegates from the Pittsburg district.' If they are refused admission, there is sure to be trouble, a th Pitts burg district is very powerful and Pat rick Dolan has many friends among the miners not only in hi own district, but also in other districts. At the headquarter of th miners there i a feeling of uneasiness concern ing the result of the convention, which the dslegates make no effort to disguise. W.iile some of the delegates seem to be confident, that a compromise will ba reached, perhaps not altogether satisfact ory to both sides, but urticiently so to prevent a general strike on April 1. manv ! others are not so confident. The faar that any compromise acceptable to the 0 w . . 11 Everybody should have pure blood; ''it'e-Ihe'; pnly way to keep in perfect health; Late win-'1 ter and early spring are trying times for people with thin, impure blood and there is danger of serious disorders arising wiveii w enncn ana puniy it. Your cnances of keeping well will be greatly increased jf you take our !.:'' .. : HORS ; EXTRACT This preparation will purify' and ' enrich " the' blood and is a sure cure for ; any of r the ,dis- ' orders caused by impoverished or. impure blood rheumatism, skin diseases,' etc. Insure your health by taking it now. . - - PRICE $1.00 ' ; ; I NEWLIN bRUG COMPANY i La Grande, WORKERS operator, will be more or less disastrous to the Interests of the United Mind Work ers. ' - . The situation in the bituminous district is squally uncertain and tea miner ar looking forward with, nidrabl appra'. uwimwi wm outcome of tn masting 'tf th bituminous coal operators.:, which ha beencallod to meet her on the 1 9th of thi month. v i' '.' Indianopoll. March 1 5.-The miner -held their flrt session this morning. Pt- rick Dolan 1 present to oppose th Ryan resolution, which he declares an insult to , the operators. . The credential committee In their r port barred Dolan from the convention. SITTUMERT fXPICTED ' (Scrlpps News Association) .' - ' - Chicago. Mar. IB-John Mitchell stated " this morning that tha miners. eAnvantinn v wa called because some of th operators had led th miner to .believe that an agreement could be effected.' Ha aaU i-- that it 1 hi belisf that th large respond siDiuty restinj upon th miner would , tend to bring about a successful tarmlnai tion of th troubl. H also stated thai President Roosvelt' letter, was sufBciant cause for th calling of th onvntion,; QUARANTim fRKTIYf r (Scrlpps News Association) v New OrWns. La.. Mar. 18 Tha antin restrictions againt Cuba and th'. Central American porta, and which wer recently adapted by th Stat Board of " Health, go Into effect today.. , Mobil, Ala. Mar. 1 0 In ' conformity '! with ' the action of the Marin Hospital Service and the resolutions of tha Quar antine Board of Mobile Bay the quaran-' tin regulations adopted against infected or SUSDlcious certain tha W.t Inrli.. -J Central America become effective today," . -WW YORK'S MB (Scrlpps News Assoolatlon) ? New York. Mar, 16 A blizzard aaiiaJ" tii city today and hat crippled transpor- tation. wire ar down and many "ar" regular death trap. Th oulica ar. keeping th people off of th wire until th lineman can clear tha danirar Th Waathar nr.Hlr.llrtna . - r. ... lllurs, r now and a lower thermometer, x ' ) S44e))9) 1. ,'1 unless' TOmethIiiitsi'.'fJr-V?'. ; SARSAPAR1LLA fl Oregon.'' " -1 . Xf C 'I Continued from page 5