: i p i r i'i rMMMt w - LOCAL ITEMS . , .. .. i At THE GOLDEN RULE STORE 1 500 PIECES DRESS GOODS J au tne novelties and staples m suitings, wash goods, white goods, percales, prints, t 200 MEN'S AlVD BOY'S suits The new and nobby things in spring wear. .; Prices SI.50 to $15.00 per Suit COMPLETE STOCK OF MEN'S HATS New shapes, new shades, natty ones as well as the staples. Make your selections now while the assortment is complete. . S. O. Swackhammer came over from Union this morning. i. P. Bonnet, of Summerville, is in the city today transacting business. : Mrs. Louise Bassett of Oakland Cali fornia, le.t today for her home, after spending several days as a guest of Mrs. Mary V. Mallory. J. L. Dodson and family, also his father-in-law W. F. Powers, all of North Powd er district, have returned home after sev eral month's treatment with Dr. F. E. Moore, the osteopath. A phone messace from Entemriaa thi. morning informs us that it was 1 3 below zvo last night and snow' was 1 2 'ineha deep. 1 Reports from the lmnaha section of Wallowa are to the effect that the cold wave will result in some loss amoni the young lambs. .Notices are being posted callins for a speciat school election to be held on the 3 1 stof this month for the purpose to vote $8000 additional echool bonds for tha completion of the new school building now : . in course or conatrnrrinn PRUNING TOOLS' f - . - "' .';...... .i - e' ' " Now is the time to prune your orchard If you nelcF any new pruning shears, saw or knives, call andjex amine my complete line of such goods, you will find just what you want Also see my assortment of fine China in hand painted, decorated and plain, any kind you want Do not forget ab6ut my cut glass . and silverware. ' ' MURPHY MEETINGS COSED Don't forget we are among the largest handlers of fllSHES in Eastern Oregon, both foreign and domestic ware., Havilnnd and German China. ' BEAR IN MIND TOO New spring goods is not the only insentive for you to visit our store. You will find, after inventory, bargains in every section.. The painstaking shopper can always find something useful on our bargain tables. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY 1 TLarorest Stdrp 1308, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue. Smallest Prices r Just Arrivec, my entire line of SPRING An, SUMMER SUITINGS Your inspection solicited. A. V ANDREWS,! : TAILOR and HABERDASHER National Buscuit Company Goods Just arrived, a large aesortment of these splendid goods. For dainty refreshments select from this list NABISCO WAFERS FESTINO VANILA WAFERS BUTTER TAIN BUSCU1TS OAT MEAL CRCKERS FIVE O'CLOCK TEA . SOCIAL TEA SARATOGA FLAKES GRAHAM CRACKERS UNEEDA JINGER WAYFER THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLLACK, Propr. pea: I "if IN BUSINESS AGAIN Business with me means THIS time to stay t LIVERY BUSINESS of course. Twenty years with horses has placed me in that business to stay I have looked over the entire east and found that there is no place like home NORTHWEST HEWS. i- i . .. ' na improvement or promotion or "boost" club with 60 members has been organized to boom Fulton, a south side suburb of Portland. Clarence Shurtr, the Arliwrton march ant who recetly assigned, will be able to pay 100 cents on thedollar. it ia aaid He is moving to White Salmon. Waah to a fruit farm. He was in business at Arlm gton 20 years. the sum of $45,800,000 was naid n,,t by the American people for 23,996 auto mobiles In 1905. Of this amount $39 1 00,000 went to American maniif-.fnr era for 22,750 American mads mar.hinna only 1246 being made abroad. , The O. R. & N. has bouzht a block in Northern Portland from Ellis G. ""Huahes for $100,000. The block is bounded by Ninth, Tenth, Overton and Pettvomvn streets, and is vacant. The railroad com pany wants it for terminal numnu This block could have been bought six months ago for $30,000. It lies m . ocality where rival railroads desire switching privileges. When you want a first class turnout call or phone the RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE IOE WOODS PHONE RED 641 JEFFERSON AVENUE ,,te.a.aaaae.aee.aaAa f ttttttf t ttlMMMMMMM MMMtii f A a ' t, are caused by Indigestion. If you eat Ittle too much, or if you are subject to attacks of Indigestion, you have no doubt a nuruiMi "i Dream, rapia neart beat, heartburn or palpitation of the heart Indigestion causes the atnmah t expand swell, and puff up against the heart. Thi rrnwAm th k.r fares With ita ar.tinn. anil In tha ru.... -i ume me neart Becomes diseased. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. takes the strain oil of the heart, and enntrihutaa Fi 1 rl h m am ttrength and health to every organ of the y-.wuiuiK.iuun, uspepsia, sour ....... ....BMvn wi Mil inucuUI BIlmbrinM llnlnw tK Ctnm.A J r.: . i.vwiiMMi.iig UlgVS H" Tract. Nereous Dyspepsia and Catarrh . Mil HHIHKJi A(Ur tuln. mj fea would dlrtm mt sr malrina htan palpiut end I would twcom nrj wZ pnellr tot a .bottle of Kodol and It tan xtlmmr URS. LOK1NO NICHOLS, Paan Tan, . Y. i had Momach traubla and wai tn a bad itita a I had kaait treubl with It. I took Kodol DvtDasaia Curt lor atwwt Kxu Booths and n curad Ira. a KAUBUt, Ntrade. a Diitests What You Eat Sllar Wtti. a14i 11 Umm a .Ml aa aa Jrta ar at ot I fi .!. ti ta. u- IklMI. VIA. Hon. N. C. McLeod came up from Elgin last night ana will return in the morning. He is arranging to have his 25,000 railroad ties ready to deliver to the O. R. & N. Co. as soon' as they need them on the extension of the Elgin branch, which he states ' tha thinks they will be ready to receive in aoout three weeks. Ail ELOQUENT LECTURE , All woodmen who failed toCttend the lecture last night certainly misaed a rl treat National lecturer Whalen delivered an address which for e MuancA anil rnn- centration of thoueht was almnat r.l... icai. unlike many lodge lecturers he did not smother his audience with a m'niH tude of figures and statistics, but dealt more with the broader and more fraternal features of the order. Should he again visit this city the La Grande Camp of the Modern Woodmen of America will see to it that He" receives a more fraUrnal off ing and a larger audience. Will BE READY APRIL I The New Savines Bank nH Tv.,.f Company will be open for business April st in the room now occurred h tha p enbaum store. The management . has purchased one of the famnn. Mmn.,. steel bank safes, which will be set in the window in plain view from tha night and day. This is the modern mth. od of protection against burglary and when the safe has a strong electric light thrown on it at night it cannot be robbed Portland raised 369R u . ' VUIIH IUIIVIU1I for the fund that will sand an .tki.i;. team to Athens. Greece, nart The balance of the northwest represent ed in the person of one Snnkan contributed the sum of $5. But desoite' the difference, the fund will nn h.r.Mi - eh viBiviou as the Pacific northwest contribution. The special services In Central Church of Christ closed last evening with an informal nvmflm. tn frt ". .---- T"he meeting has been a great help to the church and Evangelist Handsaker and wife leave with the respect and good wishes of the congregation and the general public. The preaching has been simple, clear, direct and courteous. No abuse has escaped the evangelist's lips. The resident preacher will not need to explain or make excuses for his helper. The varous lines of work have been strengthened. Not only have twenty-six been added to the congregation, but the. Bible'School has reaceed its hio-heat mint Last Sunday the basement was brought into service for classes. Mrs. Handsaker has held meetings with the Missionary Auxilliary and did much to encourage the laaies. I he evangelist seeped bent on leaving Bro. King better provided for and tha church having now paid all in debtedness on the property most heartily approvea ot the oroDositmn. At tha close of the echool on Sunday Mr. Hand saicer presented Mr. King on behalf of the school a five volume set of tha Rihl. Encycloyedia by Gray and Adams. Last evening the church cave its minia- ter a purse well filled with the useful and voted him a substantial increase In lar support Not to be entirely outdone Mr. King on behalf of the church nr.. sented Mrs. Handsaker a gold and silver offering last evening. the church looks forward with bright anticipation, ine membership is united there is no debt, the various llnaa nf work are in condition for advancement and with trust in God and each other there is a brieht future far Cantni Church. GOOD APPLES (HEAP We have a limited quantity of good apples. We want to close them out in the next few days, and are offerino them for sale at 75 1 per box, whils they last. Oriooh Produce Co. ' ATIENTWfl RATHBOflES Wednesday evening March 14,1 906. promises to be an excellent meeting. There will be several initiations after., which a fine banquet will be siven. Anv " and all Rathbones are urged to be pre- . sent. 1 Eumci Proctor '-: ' M. of R. and C. ' GRAND BALL A grand ball will be given at Armory hall Thursday evening by the young peo ple of La Grande.. Every-body invited to attend. Good music and a cood tima guaranteed. I . it. A FAVORITE PLACE with those; who know what good living means is : THE MODEL RESTAURANT ? There are all, the little accessories, that help to make a meal enjoyable a well set table.- comfortable seats, nlente of room, courteous waiters, and efficient service. The chief attraction, however, ia tha excellent food and fine cooking. - rfices are very satisfactory, too. The Model Restaurant J. A. AibiKklt, Propridor OPKN DAY AND Nl.Hf 'JXZZSZfS Si 50 rtmmmmmmm aaMswaef . ' : 1 1 " Agents for the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns CHICAGO STORE Agents for the Ladies'? Home Journal Patterns A THILL Druijt ' In ever clime its colors are unfurled Its fame has spread from sea to aaa- Be not surprised if in the other world. You hear of Rocky Mountain Tea. Niwum Druo Co. 'x ; ' HAVE ARRIVED BY EXPRESS AND WE NOW HAVE ON DISPLAY THE FINEST LINE Of WOMEN'S SUITS AND COATS . Ever shown in La Grande i $12.50 to $35.00 SEE OUR WND097 DISPLAY MRS- T-N. - Hardware and crockery. - tor-' ' ' "" mm..... i