!' . I COAL (ML I I ; stew mm j oprei - House ; 5 s '? n H ATRWJRT) Pmnriatar and Manager. ' '. AMUSE METS TUESDAY, MARCH 13. COAL COAL ifcCENf FROM, G.0U5JN AT& Act si IN. A Startling Sensation THE I l ; j s 3 i. I I 1- I; ; . r 3 I r ii . 1 i IOVV MANY.?-- ies have you wished daintily decorated 4n? :well,' what 3 the of stoDDine at ihe Ihing gate? Push it Jrand you'll find your- well inside our com- Fable showroom, with attentive array of !. ceiline and border er, that will make day X fit by dreams of de- is arusuc. nere, men interior decorations PELS & JARMAM t'apcr Hangers and 3 I )ccoraf oratars GRANDE MESSENGER SERVICE -RATES- X blocks from fountain . lOn . 15c .25o n " ' place in the city ..... .. C L. SMITH I -CREAMERY BUILOhG DONNELLY'S NEW CIGAR STORE ..E line of Cigars, King Sundries. Tobacco, and Fruits and ectionery. All the loading dicals. Best appointed Club ( in the city. A Gentleman' P. DONNELLY Prop. 1 Next Door to Post Office fARMERS s the time to do your fenc'ng J 4 fenceposts, we have them foi iir post were cut from green fur Wack trees and are thoroughl) ' ' have about 5000 of them which . i dispose of this spring. We will :e them for live stock, hay, grain, itatoes or other produce. . i orders at The Qolden Rule or at " 6 Sixth Streot. Also dry cord- ": ir sale in any quantity. . ; v , J. Anthony ' HE LA GRANDE IURSERY SHADE TREES Is one of my special ties. Delivery to be made on or after March )6. . scial bargains on Roses ;!so have a fine lot of Apple, lr, prune, plum, cherry, eppri :, peach, mulberry, shade e and ornamental trees, pes, currents, gooseberry, ' ckberry, dewberry, rasp f,ry, vines, creepers, and Ige plants. 4 ;one 1611, Thorns' grocery (Geo. W. Powell, THE XFORD PAR MtS FARQUHARSON, Prop itaM Mmrtnimt ol VINES, LIQUORS ND CIGARS lunches .and mixed drinks a ialty. Fair and impartial ment to all. You are invited ill and get acquainted. We are now in a position "to fill all coal orders very promptly. Order today ,?nd get yaur coal today TIMOTHY HAY THE BEST EVER 5 Steam rolled ' barley still leads in the horse feed line. . : WOOD AND COAL Phone Main 6 GRANDE RONDE (ASH (0. j Lewis Bros. Prop. J. R. OUVER. UNION tOUNTY ABSTRACTS V Farm Lev us a Specialty Best equipped abstracter in Union county. Many years experience with the Union county records gives me a great advantage. It is folly to purchase real estate ' without first securing a propar abstract. An abstract from my office will show the title just as it appaare on the official record. I. R. OLIVER, I. A ')lANIK;'RrXi N Room S 1 Sommer Building WAILOWA COUNTY Send your collections and cash items to T&e Stock Growers and farmers Bank, OF WALLOWA, OREGON. We pay five per cent interest on time deposit CAPITAL. 5.000.00 C. T. McDaniel, Cashier.. V, K. Steunenbkro, Pres. MSTERIM AND MAKING CABINET Furniture repaired and upholstered No order too small or too large. All work guaranteed. Old furniture made good as new E. E. SCOTT, Shop 1420 Adams Avenue Phone Rod 672 J. L MAPS, Contractor and Builder Draler in Building Material La Grande, Oregon Drop a line naming work, and I will name right price. ....--- , -.-f--.--.-., -. ,.-- In "Cousin Kate" at Steward's Opera House Wednesday. March 14." THE MOONSHINER'S DAUGHTER , The big melodramatic success "The Moonshiner's Daughter" fresh from suc cesses all through the country will be seen here on Tuesday March 13. It is a play out of the ordinary and embrace a series of sensational features as w ell as a pretty love story and is one that is wav frnm the ordinarand conventional sterotyped melodrama. The comedy element is of the breeziest sort and a general dash assists in the action. Every stick of scenery used by the attraction is carrired by the management as it re quires massive and , pictureque environ ment for a successful intrepretation. Some bright specialties and the famous LOT L. FEARCE 0R SECRETARY Of STATE lo tiie Voters ol Eastern Oregon I am a candidate for the republican nomination for secretary of state before the primaries April 20. 1 was born in Polk county In 1866 and have had 25 years experience which being of a clorica nature, makes me familiar with the work required in the position to which 1 aspire Any assistance which you can extend to me in this matter will be fully appre ciated and gratefully received. Lot L. Pearcb ; Salem Ore., March 1. 1906. ; fASY MONET ; The Oregon Association opposed to the extension of sufferage to women offers a prize of ten dollars for the best essay written by any-one under twenty-one years of age. in Union county, Oregon, on tqe subject of "Female Sufferage not de sired in Oregon." Essays are limited to twenty-five hundred words, and must be mailed so as to reach the chairman on 'or before May 10th. 1906. Any-one desiring to compete may se cure literature bearing on the subject from Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, 780 lovejoy Street, Portland, Oregon. ' - ' The competition is confined to bona fide residents of Union County who are less than twenty-one years of age. Mrs. James N. Davis, 861 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Ore. Miss Jennie Smith. Miss Esther Goodman. Committee. n&PECLATKOflcT All persons holding accounts against me are requested to present the same to me and receive, payment, also all who aro indebted to ma are requested to call and settle, as I expect to leave about March 15 Fred Bock Spring is coming; look over your photo supplies. What's needed, we can supply We have all the latest photo requisites at right price. Newlin Druo Company 1 $ l Moonshiner's Quartette are also a feature SOMETBINO REALLY OOOD Next Wednesday La Grande playgoers will welcome Alberta Gallatin in the London and New York society comedy success "Cousin Kate." - Her coming is being awaited with much interest. The Louisville Courier-Journal said of "Cousin Kate" after its first night at Macauley's theater in that city, "it is one of those plays that goes straight to the heart, tHat wraps up the interest aod holds it cl?sUy, and, without offering any deep moral problem or intricate thought, clears the cobwebs 'out of the mind and sends one home in a much humor for having seen it.".. Miss Gail Laughlm of the Now York, lecturer for the Not oral Arr.erican Wo min suffrage Association who wlil lect- i ure tomorrow evening in the Prebyter j ian churcn. Miss Gail Laughlin is ore of the most j noted women attorneys in the country. ! 3''e' is a member of the Now York bar an 1 has basn epart ajenl for the United slates Industrial Commission. Ait of her -iddrass were scholarly and profitable. Cincinnati lOtiio" Enquirer. TAX MMET COMJM IN . ' Up to Saturday night. Sheriff Johnson has received about $50,033 on taxes since March 3. He states the amount coming in exceeis any previous year, which shows the excellent financial con dition of the county. If the entire tax is paid by March 15, three per cent reduction will be (ranted. If one half the tax is paid by the first Monday in April, no penalty or interest is added until after the first Monday in October. FOR SALE-8 acres of land for sale, including 3 roim house, adjoining La Grande Investment Co. AUCTION SALE There will be an auction sale at my place three miles east of Alice! on Wed nesday March 14, at 9 o'clock, when the following described property will be offer ed for sale: Four head work mares, three geldings, four three-year old mares, one two-year colt, six milch cows, four yearling calves, one bull, one header and derrick, one hay buck, one chopper, one fan mill, two gang plows, one sulky lb-inch plow, one walking plow, one tmwing machine, two hay racks, one three section harrow, one cultivator, one garden drill, two wagons, one hack, two buggies, one- set buggy harness, one set single harness, five Sets work harness, three saddles, two pairs of chaps, one set of hack harness, one Jackson fork, one orgin, four badroom suits, one dining tible, one cook table, two heating and one cook stove, one cen ter table, one ouch, three rocking chairs, other chairs, one churn, one sewing ma chine, one safe, one lard kett'e and stove, four sets dishes, two rifles and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Terms All under $10, cash; eight months time with approved security at 8 per cent; five per cent off for cash. Free lunch and coffee. Ed Stringham, auctioneer. G. P. Childers. veur stomach churns and d'gests the food you et and if foul, or torpid or out of order, your whole system su.Tors froTi blixd poison. Hollistor's RocVy Mountain Tea keeps you well. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Co, I i I . rr J, - ill - - 8-BI0 VAUDEVILLE ACTS-8 Beautiful Scenery Entire Production arried PRICES Orchestra and Orchestra Center, 76 cents. Balcony, 60 cents. Children in Qallary, 25 cents. T !S)TEW D. H. STEWARD, Proprietor and Manager. Sweety, Shlpman &. Co. presents America's Most Gifted Actress Alberta Gallatin in ; . The Latest London and New York Society Comedy Success I I 4 COUSIN BY HUBERT 281 Nights Gaiety Theatre, London. WEDNESDAY MARCH 14 PRICES-Orchestra, $1.50. Orchestra Center, $1 .00. Dress Circle 75 Cents. Balcony. 50 Cents. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS ' D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor. Complete Machine Shops and Foundry General Blacksmiths, We manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill., the best and cheapest mill on the market. Our shops are equipped with machinery to handlo any sized work, nothing too large or nothing to small. Highest prices paid for old iron. . . . The Good Old Standby. Nothing like a nice cut of juicy corned beef with cabbage or saeur-kraut once in a while! We can offer most of the time whole or half rounds; if you can use so much, or whatever quantity you require, of well fed and carefully corn ed beef-tender, "tasty" and wholesome. If you're in the notion today, 'phone us the order and we'll have the meat around in no time. Grandy& Russell 11111(1 BHiCK Brick furnished in any quant.ty or any' style. No contract too small or tc large, bee samples nf our pressed brick. GEO. KRETGER. L I traup, Oregon. ovel Vaudeville ; Surprising Glimaxes , Dress Circle and KATE" HENRY DAVIS 276 Nights New Hudson Theatre, N. Y ' NOTICE Notice is hereby given that my wife, Rosalia Johnson, having left my bed and board without just provication, that that I will not be responsible for any bills shje may contract from this date. ' '"Axle -Johnson -. Dated this eighth day of Feb, 1906, tit Perry, Union county Oregon. ' Centennial Hotel I Under new management. Board and Room $5 per week, caph. Meals 25 cts. Special rates ' fm nihe Monthly patrons. No. 1 41 7 Adam Ave. Phone No. 1161. - ' Mrs, ;W. E. Murchisoji, proprietress Beautiful Hair and Face t May be had by having scientific Shampooing and Massage. The HOTEL FOLEV ' Tonsorial Parlors are prepared to do these specialties and Friday of each week will be for LadA" customers. Pribate par lor for ladies .Lady attendant in chare. : C. T. COLT Prop. -' G. E. FOWLLH Truck arid f Transfer j T Wood and Coal PHONE 1611 ; All order given prompt attention A i s V 'v .i 1h 'I i SI