, - - . ' - - - i . , i i 41 e LOOK 1 You ill surely make a mistake if you "do not take some stock in the mines of the Aurelia ; Mining company, before another raise. THE PRICE of stock will be advanced from , 71 to 10 on. April 1. From last reports the mine is producing ore every day, and will ship ore this summer. Investigate and see. I " ' AURELIA MINING CO. J. A. THRONSON. VRAT TO 1 the question that preplexes the housewife these days. Call at our store and select a menu from our choice line of canned goods. Or, better yet, we have on hand vege tables and other delacicies that wilt relieve the monoty of the usual spring menu. .. Remember, our delivery is at your service whether the order is large or small. NEBRASKA GROCERY I MRS. MAGGIE SHEARER, Prop. 5 Milk Talk No. 2. CLEANLINESS A milk is the natural food for the young, containing within itself all the reguirements of the body, and as any adulteration is injurious to the system, (either from absorp tion or otherwise) therefore the health of the consumer, and espec ially the young, depend to a great extent upon those who handle the milk. And as there are so many ways in handling the cow as well as the milk after being drawn from the cow. Every consumer should visit the place from whence he gets his milk'(no matter if it is surrounded by a high board fence) and see how the cow and the milk are handled before using it as a food for the baby. : SPRING BROOK DAIRY j is always open for inspection and 2 invites you to come and see Practical Gunsmith . Repairs Strictly Firstclass Guns re-stocked Keys fitted to door Lo ks WM. AGNEW Adams Aran LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY. PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. This is one of the best musical in institutions in the state, and that people In this city and valley are beginmng to discover the advantage of thie schoel. The system is the latest and most practical, and m einb all tha latest discoveries in h thr art of. teaching music. The Y school is divided into two depart t menU; No. 1 is for beginners from years or more ana are wigm, the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 2 to 6. Here they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week as thsy desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Phone. 475. HERK EAT V if LOME DIRECTORY EAGLES La Grande Aarie 259 F. 0. E. meets every Friday night in Redmen rial-Lewis uuiidinrat 8 am. Visitinff brethren invited to attend. L R. Snook W. S- Dr. 0. L. Bigger W. P. I. 0. 0. F.-La Grande Lodsre No. 16. meets in their hall every Saturday night visiung Drotners cordially invited to at- tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant H. E. Coolidob, N. O. D. E. Cox. Sec STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. 81. I. 0. 0. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome, U. e Fowler, C. P. D. E. Cox, Scribe. M. W. A.-La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every first and third Wednesdav of the month at I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. C. S. Williams, V. C. John Hall, Cleric FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Maid Marion Wo. 22 meets each Thurs day night in Redman hall. Brothers are Invited to attend. r- Frbo Hon Chief Ranirer L. L. Snodorass Financial Sec. Board of Trustees Dr. O. L. Biookrs John Hall and C. S. Williaml FRIENDSHIP TENT No. 8l. K. 0. T M. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays each month in I. O. O. F, haih Visiting nmgnis welcome. H. C. Ball. Com. Mox. Bloch, Record Keeper L.O. T. M. HIVE No. 27. Meets everv first and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting ladies are welcome. Mauds Lono Lad v Commander. M. C. Vissey, Record Keeper. B. P. 0. E.. La GRANDE LODGE No. 453 Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks hall, on Adams Ave nue. Visiting Brothers are cordially in vited to attend. F. S. Ivahhoe. Exalted Ruler G. E. McCully, Recording Secretary, LA GRANDE LODGE No. 169. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Mjgts every Friday - of each month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. All visiting memiers welcome. N. L. Ackles, Consul Commander J. H. Keensy, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE. No. 27-Meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights, N. L Acklcs, C C. R. Pattisoh, K. R. & S. IN d HURRY? THEN CAM j WH. REYNOLDS THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the D. pot or your home in less time than it takss to tell it ' ' Day phone Red 761 Night phone Black 192 Wagon alwaye at your service KlZf ROTES Of SPCST A few weeks more, and then "What's the score?" President Murphy of the Chicago Na tionals is still trying to induce Jimmy Sebring to play with the Colts this sea son. Billy Lush, after laying off a year, will again be with the Cleveland club. Jimmy Barret is having trouble with his injured knee and did not go south with the Detroit club. Garry Hermann, of Cincinnati, says he will test the Ohio law against Sunday ball playing, the first Sunday his team is at home. The Pacific Coast League this season has 36 players formerly of the big leagues on the roster of its six clubs. All Western Pennsylvania rejoices. The great and mighty John Honus Wagner has signed his '06 contract Just half the National league clubs are claiming tha pennant New York. Pitts burg, Chicago and Philadelphia. But the chances are they will close the season in just about the order named. ., Joe Connor, brother of the fomous Rog er, balks at going to Montreal, where the New York Americana had placed him. "Powva," the name of the new Pennayl-vania-Ohio-West Virginia league sounds The fans of Macon, Ga., are 1 sorry to lose Manager Billy Smith. They call him the "Immortal Billy" down there and all are pulling for him to land the Atlanta team at the first station this season. ' The Boston Nationals would like Pat Dougherty of the Highlanders, but not at the price of $3000. WHEN r jsri7 IW Ifflli Where 41.1 you come from, baby dear. Out of tlx everywhere tnlo the Wre. When t!d you net ymir eye ao blue ? Out tri (lie sky aa 1 came through. What make the light In them park It aivl spiu r Some i f tlie aearry spikes let la. Where did you ret that little learr I toutvt it waitiug when 1 got here. The fact is as sad as it is true that the baby find the tear waiting to dull its blue eyes, and stain its soft cheeks. At she first it "has no language but a cry." Its one necessity is but to give expres sion to its suffering, and for that a tear suffices. The mother who stoops In anguish over the wai.ing child would do any. thing to ease its suffering. But she is helpless. The time when she could have done so much for her child is past. She did not realize that in those anxious nervous days when she shrank from the ordeal of motherhood she was preparing suffering for the baby. The path of motherhood is soothed and made easy for those who use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It gives physical buoyancy and mental bright ness. It tranquilizes the nerves, en. courages a healthy appetite and induces refreshing sleep. It gives the mother strength lor her hour of trial, and the confidence and content which come front strength. It makes the birth hour practically painless, and by increasing the natural, food secretions, it enables the healthy mother to enjoy the happiness of nursing her child. "Favorite Prescription" contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, or any other narcotic A Mother's Gratitude, "I would like to aapresa my rratltnde to yoe or inc oeneni i nave received from your wonderful medicine, ' Favorite Preacrlp tkn' wrltea Mra. H. C. Anderaon. ol South Britain, New Haven Co., Conn., (Bos Jl). 'During the flrat month of expectancy I could ax keep anything on my atomacn. Was so eick that I had to m tn hMt and . for week a. L tried different doctora, but with little benefit. I read about many being helped by uaing your medicine, ao I thought I would five N a (rial. I began to take your Favorite reacription ' in November and I had a nice little girl baby in February following. My baby weighed over eight ponnda. I waa only sick bout one hour, aud gut along nicely afterward! waa up and dreaaed on the eighth day. -1 never had the doctor with me at all; Jiiet the nunc and one or two friend.. Mr friend, thoueht that I was atck a very ahort tint. I think Ir. Pierce's Favorite Praacription Is indeed a trut ' mother's friend.' for it helped me wonderfully. Thia makes my second child; with the Brat one I did wot take ' Favorite Hrearrlixion.' The Httle one lived juat about two monlha and aha waa airk all the time. Thia laat baby la aa plump and 7 mm muj nwwcT owa Wian." Much Better Health. Mrs. Annie Blacker, 6jf Catherine Street, " . . . i. , . ., writes ! Your med ia nea have don wondera for me. For yea ra my health waa very poor; I had four miahape, but ainea taking t. Pierce'a Gotden Medical Ita . eovery and Favorite Prearription ' I have muck better health, and now I have a Sne healthy habv I have recnnlmeuded vow medieinM tn awnl Qf my friends and they have been benefited Dr. Pierre's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent fret on r-veitjt oi si one-cent staiinis to pay es Ijtiimi of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Purree, butfau, N. Y, I4t vtr.. .nr.fj (9 CURIOUS LIKE STATISTICS. What Soma Things Amount To In the Coarse of Three-Score Tsars and Tea. A German mathematician has beon doing little figuring to demonstrat" hat the Biblical span of life of three rore years and ten really means, and his results are very Interesting, says the New York Herald. Seventy years of lire mean S40 months, or 25.550 days, equal to 61S.J00 boura. or 36.792.000 minutes or 2.207,520. 000 seconds. It shows that a man reach ing that age has gone to bed 25,350 times, and, excepting childhood, he has breakfasted 25,000 times, as well as lined and supped. Supposing that he isd taken three cups of coffee or tea a ay. once at each meal, he has consumed 5.000 cupe of either beverage. If he .moked three cigars a day he would havr -onsumed the enormous quantity of 54. f50 cigars, which at are ceota aplec ould mean $2,737.50 went up In smoke Vt the rate of a pound of meat a day he has eaten 25,000 pounds, or ss much as 12 oxen. If he walked a mile a day, omit ting, of course, his iliiidhood, he ha covered 26,000 miles. He has taken 736 840,000 breaths, be ing 1.200 an hour. 28.000 a day and 10. 152,000 in a year The number of the heart boats Is still grester. Let us sup pose that there were 75 heart beats a minute. This would be 4 500 In an hour 108.000 a day. 39.420 000 a year and 1,751.400.000 for 70 years of It's. And bo the statistics could m nn ad Infinitum, but the figures (riven will h sufflcient to sbow wiut a Ufa ot;70 yearn iuve.Ua.. SEAMEN ON SHORE LEAVH- Jackiea Are Ko longer tha Soysterers mat They Ware la me Old Psyn. ' . Recently Bailors bv the bunded. from the North Atlantic squearon were given snore leave In New York, and they behaved thamaiiivaa nn wall that the New York papers praised mem oigaiy. on tb:g the Cleveland Plain Dealer says; With tha disaDoearance of tha nld navy the royetertng navy seaman be gan to disappear also, He survives oa an occasional Isolated case, but te regard Urn as typical Is to slander the nary. In the short period since the outbreak of the Bosnian war tha Ann. traet betweea the new and tha old naa become more marked, a result due (Shlsfly to ths Influx of a nmm elaai nr rucrults. gathered largely from "be west, Americans with hardly an exooptlon. better educated than the recruits c former years. wltU better traditions via, on the whole, perlups less give: to creating a riot, a rumnua and a row than the mors fortunate young men wdoss fracases on college campuses are now being recorded tor the de lectation of the public Within a few months report from Kiel, London and Paris have shown that the Amer ican blue-jaukst behaves himself sbroa' as well as at home. The fiction that ne la Incapable of rational oloymesk. has survived too loug." EXTREMITIES OF THE LAW. Where One Xan Waa Vanned for Sit ting 8U11 and Another for , HoTing. Mr. Perclral Fltirusher wore a frown and his ; automoblllng costume when baled Into the Justice court on a charge of exceeding the speed limit, relates the Seattle Post-Intulllgeneer. "It's an outrage!" he asserted, vehe mently and repeatedly, but the only friendly glance he got was 'from Mr Footloose ' Freddy, who waa taking things easy la a swaybacked chair and watching the proceeding with interest, Mr. Footloose Freddy was also under ar rest. His case was called first, and he was lined $20 for vagrancy. Then th charge against Mr. Fitsrusber.wa ou and be, being guilty, was also assessed $20 and costs. .. ' "It's an outrage, a miserable oatrage! " he repeated. "It ie, fer a fact," agreed Footloose Freddy. Which gratuitous consolation so pleased Mr. FiUrusber that he paid the fine of Footloose and walked with him from the Justice court, continuing hie comment upon the outrageousness of the proceedings. . "There' no such thing as Justice In this community," asserted Mr. Flu rusher. "I should say not. pard." agreed Foci loose Freddy. "Why, look. Iey uati you for movln' an' me ter stitin' still Where does a man git oftT" ; DO ROT fORGET Dr. Ward the noted American special ist will remain in his office in the Sommer hotel until ten o'clock D. m. Saturday March 17. in order that all who desire may avail themselves of the opportunity to see him. t HOUSE CLEANING MADE 1 EASY With ths assistance of JOE WILLIAMS Charges reasonable and Prompt Service. Leave orders at tha Red Cross Drug Store or phone blk 271 Learn to be a salesman. Travel, sea ths country, sell looda and earn sin to ten time what yon make now. Ws teach yon bow. Pre "Builetia" tella all about it. Writs for It. EAtfOHal. SCaOOt OF SALHatAaSBIP, 07. aS.SVMSamaili Avt,.Miai.aaral.Bla . IV v I, , POTATOES W ' NTED We are In the market for sevcarl cars or pota ioes. We will take any quantity that you have, from one sack to a carload. We also want a limited quantity of carrots. ON SALii Our storage No. I. is still filled with the choicest hay. All grades; timothy, mixed and wild hay We offer the hay at very low prices PHONE Oregon Produce Company 1 ttttf tit IM. .a.. f I LUMBER WHOLESALE" PRICES Better Lumber and Cheaper than is sold in U Grande, Wc deliver it to your building ' " v j Crande Ronde Lumber Go " . PERET, Ready For Business WITH A FULL LINE OF FEED, HAY AND GRAIN We are ready to buy all kinds of hay and grain, and pay the highest market prices. Slater Buildincr IEFFERSON AVE Main 57' La GranJc ESTABLISHED 1887 Capital Stock, Surplus and OFNCtM AND OIRKCTORS 1E0RGE PALMER, Prisidint. J, M. BERRY, Vice President. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. . ' GEORGE L. CLEAVER, Assistant. Cashier. W, L BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cashier! BERRY, F. M. BYRK1T. A. B. C0NLEY, C. C. PENINGTON, . F. J, HOLMES. General banking business", ; Drafts drawn on all part3 of the world I CITY brewery! JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. I Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern . Otegon 5 Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best j LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE; 5 AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE? : ...,..........,..J Read the MAIN S . '"""fTTT?ffwfw,t''Mt$tHvv OREGON National Bant I; undivided profits $160,000 00 ! .1 Observer I