La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 08, 1906, Image 1

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And tomorrow
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VULUME V : - ; 1 .-.--,;
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(Serippi Newt Association)
v Ci. rvunsourg, March tt. After today
the Equitable Lift Assurance Society of
New York and other American insurance
companies will write no more policies in
this country, at least not until internal
peace is again restored. The insurance
companies were compelled to take this
step for their own protection, as of the
deaths among the policy holders in Russia
fully six par cent were directly due to the
political and economical disturbances ex
isting in Russia. The American com
panies who are doing large business in
Russia suffered considerable loss last year
owing to the fact that so many of their
policy holders were killed in riots and as
there seems to be but little prospect of an
improvement of the situation in the near
future, they found it necessary to sus
pend their business until further notice.
(Scrlpps News Association)
Cleveland. Ohio, March 8. The law
providing for 2-cent railroad rates in the
state of Ohio went into effect today and it
is asserted that all railroads in the state
will comply with the provisions of the
law, which gives-the rate for passenger
transportation within the limits of the
state at two cents a mile. The big roads
have made no change in their schedules
on account of the eduction in transpor
tation rate, but it is understood that some
of the smaller roads will be compelled to
discontinue some of their trains to make
up for the loss in fares.
(Scrlpps News Association) "" .
Ottawa, Ont March 8. The Dominion
Parlimeot will be opened this afternoon
by Earl Gray, Governor-General of the
Dominion of Canada. The session is
about three months late.
(Scrlpps News Association)
San Francisco; Mar. 8. The coroner's
jury in the , "Tenny" prizefight case, re
turned a verdict finding the responsibility
of Tenny's death upon those in charge of
the fight. " : ,
It is asserted that over eight thousand
women are employed in agricultural pur
poses in Iowa.
We have a line of shoes made for us by Peters
Shoe Go. that we call our "All for Wear, and
its made "for wear" only-not for style.
We've a wide variety of these goods for dif
ferent purposes, from heavy work shoes to me
dium dress weights, in men's women's and
children's, at a range of . prices from $2 00 in
men's and from $1.50 in women's, up.
You can undoubtedly find the exact style you
, want in our stock and you'll get a shoe that
will break all your records for wear and comfort"
(Scrlpps Newe Association) ;
San Francisco, March 8. Gen. Corbin,
If we are to have American missionaries
n China, we must have troops to protect
them. The recent rioting, as I understand
it, wasdone by the river pirates and al
though trouble is bound to come in the
Orient, I anticipate nothing of a war-like
nature. ,
There is absolutely no foundation for
the sensational reports of war in China
and the boycott on American goo is is
rapidly adjusting itself an 1 ia now pract
ically stopped. . ;'' . .; ,-. ,
It was at my request that troops have
been hurried to the Philippines in antici
pation of trouble with China. It is better
to be prepared for emerg mcies and this
country is taking no chances. All of the
great powers have troops there and there
s no reason why we should pot.
There is no foundation for the statement
that Japan is In a fair way to become the
owner of the Philippines. The United
States will turn over ths Philippines to
Japan when England turns over Hong
Kong to China. '
"China is making no effort to protect
the lives or property of foreigners. Not
withstanding the general distract of the
people against missionaries, the feeling is
as intense against Germ ins and English
as against Americans."
(Scrlpps News Association)
New Yorki March 8. The grand jury
this afternoon indicted Frederick Burn
ham, president, and Geo. Ellridge, vice
president of the Mutual Reserve Life
Insurance Co., charging them with for
gery and grand larceny. '
I The Royal Tailors
Particular Dressers Wear Royal Tailor
Clothes-They are made strictly to your
measuse at a saving of from "
20 to 40 0
The Royal Tailors Guarantee
Strictly First Class Tailoring.
" we gurantee
1 H
I f HUSH Ml.
(Scrlpps News Association) '
San Francisco, Marchu3. The steam
ship Corea-arrived this morning from the
Orient and brought General Corbin. who
is returning from Manila.
(Scrlpps News Association)
Harrison, March 8. Mrs. Clinton Metz
and two children were found dead in the
snow half a mile frsm here. The mother
started out in search of her children and
all perished in a blLiard. " -' '
Ccrlpps Kurt Association) .
.. Boise, March 8. Attorneys for Mover.
Haywood and Pettibone filed a lengthy!
answer to the return of Warden Whitney
in the habeas corpus case in the supreme
court this morning, reiterating all conten
tions contained in the original applications
for the writ '.he answer claims the
men were kidnapped in Colorado and se
cretly conveyed to the state of Idaho, and
as a result of the conspiracy on the part
of the governor and prosecuting officers
of Idaho who aided the conspiracy with
the governor of Colorado. That the men
were denied all rights guaranteed under
the constitution of the United States.
That they were arrested in derogation of
the fourth, fifth and fourteenth amend
ments? That also the three sections of
the constitution of Idaho were violated
The case will be argued tomorrow.
Joint indictments have been brought in
against Moyar, Haywood and Pettibone.
Orchard was indicted separately for mur
der; It Is reported that no indictmente
will be found against Adams and St John
until further evidence is given before the
grand jury. . '
Moyer, Haywood. Pettibone and Or
chard are to be taken to Caldwell on the
train leaving at 1 p. m. . .
, L0WEU(0ME$0UT ; ;
(Observer Special)
Pendleton, March 8. Judge Stephen A,
Lowell today announces his candidacy for
United States senator. This announce
ment has been expected for several days,
and will be no news to his friends.
in tne rough at new York the average
value of diamonds is $3.60 a karat
The price to the public is more than
$1 00 a karat, because of loss of cutting
labor in cleaving, cutting and polishing
and dealers' profits. ,
According to a Paris statisician there
are six hundred women who live by Jou r
nalism in England, twelve hundred in
Germany and two thousand one hundred
and ninety-three in the United States,
The European bird known as the
Northern Bluethroat has been known to
travel in one unkroken nocturnal flight
from Central ' Africa to the German
Ocean, a distance) of sixteen hundred
miles which was covered in nine hours,
H. A. Watson, Mir.
All claims placed in our hands
. be paid direct to the creditor.
Our system gets the money.
Full particulars made known upon
application to interested parties.
Office up-stairs in Ralston building
- urmnat, ur. . .
7 A - - isssSssssssssssVstssssSS 4444444444444444441444 s
444ff ff ffffff f ffVfVVTf V V WW WW WWWWWW
Best line of Cigars, Tobacco, and
Smoking Sundries. Fruit and
Confectionery. All the leading
periodicals, Best appointed Club
room in the city. A Oentlemans'
. Next Door to Post Office
(Scrlpps News Association) , 4
St Paul. March 8. C. 0. Wemer. son
of the president of the Sweedish , bank,
was arrested today, charged with embez
zlement of $ 1 1 ,000 frorq the Minnesota
Giain Co. His father fi.H l
fused to aid his son, :-r "' ''" '' 1
.-, R '(-. -.V f V v 1J -B' .-, 4. tf 5,
The municipal street railway system of
Glasgow furnishes private early morning
cars for dance parties. A car wanted for
such a purpose comes' at any required
hour to the point nearest the place where
the dance is being held and takes the
dancers to any desired points on ths road.
Lou E. Wenham left this morning for
Pullman, Washington, ' where he goee to
take possession of the Pullman Tribune, a
paper which he recently purchased. Mr,
Wenham is a young man of sterling worth
and exceptional ability. . He has , had
number of years of splendid training in
the newspaper business and will enter
upon the management of the Tribune
properly equipped for the work. For
many years Mr. Wsnham has been a resid
ent of this city, and has been connected
with the Ubservkr for nearly em years
during which time he has held positions of
trust and responsibility. For the past
eight months he has had charge of the
business department and fulfilled his re
sponsibilities with credit and satisfaction,
He carries with him to his new field of
opportunities the very best wishes, re
spect and friendship of the Observer and
the prediction that the Tribune under his
guidance will prosper and become a pow
er for the best interests or the communi
ty in which it circulates. '
'The city council met last evsning and in
the absence of Mayor Slater, Councilman
Reavis was mads chairman.
1 he usual claims against the city were
audited and ordered paid.
The ways and means committee re
ported that they had contracted for -an
electric fire bell striker from A. G. Long
Company which . cost $320. This
means as soon as it arrives and is In
stalled, La Grande will have a, fire alarm
system, '
Official notice of the election of Joseph
Jones as chief of the fire department was
placed on file.. , -,-...--,
The matter of the adjustment of the
water rates at Geddes' grocery store was
referred to the water committee, with
power to act '' , . -
A petition of E. C. Davis and others for
a 6 foot side walk was granted provided
the property owners would construct a 7
foot walk as provided in the general or
dinances. . - 1 .
The recorder was instructed to publish
notice of street grades on a portion of
Street and all of M Street.
A resolution was read and passed re
lative to the protection of the watersheds
from which La Grande must depend for
water supply.
Not a word was said relative to the
purchasing of the springs or anything
that would give the public any official
data as to the amount : of water the
springs flowed or the amount the city
now using.
Washington, March 8.An appeal will
have to betaken in the Wens ha forest
reserve range case to the President as
all intermediate authorities -have over
ruled the demand of the Oregon interests
that Oregon range be accorded Oregon
sheep. After the presentations to thi
forest inspector, Senator Fulton went
Chief Forester Pinchot and when the
forester wae sustained there, arranged to
appeal to the President Before going to
the highest authority, the senator thought
to fortify himself with indisputable facts
and requested affidavit from the Uma
tilla sheep men. When these are furnish
ed. all of the facts will be placed before
the President and he will be asked to
see that Oregon reserves be leased
Oregon sheep. ;
The difference between plain and fancy
sewine- is exhibited in the button holes
which a woman works in her husband'
shirts and in her own shirtwaists.
(Scrlpps News Association)
Washington Mar. .1n the presentat-n?
ion of facts to the quartermaster general
of th Army to share north Pacific Fed- ; t
eral patronage for the- Philippines, the v 1
immediate future of Oregon as a shipping '
port has been thoroughly , discussed. Id ,
response to a wire from the Chamber of j
Commerce. Senator Fulton . presented a ; ' ' ;
formal request for sharing this trade
with Oregon. Numerous statementswere
mads why such provision wae Impractical '
Senator Fulton concluded that this was f ;
an opportune time to bring the question ! "
forward for settlement on a permanent '. '
basis, and took up all of the answers In -
detail. He was then assured that if pro-;.;
per tonnage culd be provided on a com- ;
mercial line, at satisfactory figures. Ore- . 1
gon would be considered. The Chamber x j
of Commerce secured the tonnage, which , j
was a foreign bottom for the first ship-1 ;
mont and than It was up to the Senator , j
to have the foreign aspect overcome,.
which was done. This will cover immed- .
late requirements, but tue senior it to, ' j
go further, and secure for all timer such , j
presentation of facts as w! I be needed to ' i
enforce the request for a fair proportion -
of this trade for the Columbi a. Such a - j
statement of tonnage and navigation con-'
ditiona will be made - as strong as the - -
circumstances permit and- ye wilt be, - j
readily substantiated In every degree by
actual conditions when the War . Depart- "
ment sends boats to the Columbia for""
cargoes, or directs shipment of a given
tonnage on commercial tines, "f - -
I .' -K .
-:''-:JtW$AariHKia ri
1 Scrlpps Newe Association . -
Ekaterinoslav, March 8, The Jewe are'
fleeing from this region, fearing another
massacre. 'V ; r-.: I
(Hcrlppa News Assoclntlnn) . i
Trendhjam, Norway, Mar, 7. An ' a-
alanch of Ice on ' Lefolen. island, buriacl
the fishermant home. ' Twenty one bodies' ;
have been extricated, 89 were injured. ' f '
f u
BE j
If teeth were kept perfectly clean the only way to get rid of
them would be to knock them ouf or wear them out Wearing
them out would be a very slow process, for a clean tooth would
wear a hundred years. f 1
It is imperfect cleaning that makes work for the dentist Five
minutes daily attention, supplemented with a good tooth brush,
and the right kind of dentifrice will keep your teeth sound and
white as long as you will need them.
We have lust the kind of each that wilt Insure this
the entire tooth-saving outfit won't cost you much either.
result and
Tooth Brushes from 10c to 50c
All costing 25c or over ' are guaranteed
C : : ' I '' r ' -v r ' A I
- .1,
La Grande, Oregon. i