ft Does your baking powdeii : contain alum ? . Loolc jupdit l thfelabeU Use only a povdsr 5 whos label shows it to 6e made. with cream of tartan - . .. ... v. -. . ... ' . f " NOTE Safety lies In' buying : only the. Royal baking Powder, : I j wbl&t-is ' theBcst cream s of, tertat : . i. fi- f 1' e j mnssioNAt CARDS PHYSICIANS, 0-. L. BIQQERS ' M. D, Physician and Suroboh ' Offic Ratttoh Bid. j.M.Brry' tor '!,v "Offic Fhoh Black' lSl ; ''' ' v JtwidaMt Phont Rd. 100 1' .'.S:. I BR; A. U RICHARDSON '' : - .; . .-,1 PHYSICIAN AMD SuROBOR , . ' '' Offic over Hill' Drug .Store. OHlee Phone J562 Residence Main SB N. . MOUTOR j. M. D. wtsioiah AMD ' ., SUMBOM '' . .Corf Adams Avenue and Depot St .... . J. OSMMain4tt RsidncMain 18 5 - - ,r , , . ;. ' ' - ' -V ' :v, '- .-..;, rriAM AMtt f oaoaoii , r'. i ' i . Li8ldine, opposite Somtoer House OflWhour. t tox lte 'f. it.:-'. - BACON i ' HALLi T VTtlCIAM AMO SUHOBQM V': $ 1 Offic In ! Foil Buildintr. Phtm Main 19 Bacon-re lideftce,' Main 18 . M, K,Han risldence, Main $2 "Vlf EftlNAftYv 8URQE0N " j. (DiA,tHARLTqN 1 ' ; 'yiTERiNAaTr suRakofli. " 'OffiM ) KIlTe Crag Store, U Grande Or ' ' :' .V'V'.RteKlaiwe. fhona Red. 701;" 'V OffiM-PhoiMt 1161 Farmer Line 58 ATTORifEYB : ir' CRAWFORD A .CRAWFORP i ' " 4 ORANOB , . . ORBOOOM ? -:i ' -J. WXHOWLES ' Aniiii..MD.:iC6VMBLE0- at Law , Office in Ralston Building x La arande,-;9rege. - h. t. wuxiAB ; ; X. c. wniiAMs . ' 1 WILLIAMS BROS ' , . ' ATTORMBTSAT-LAW ' V ' Office in Ralston Building La Oranda. Oregon l i U A PlCKLER C Civil, Mwimo, Irrioation Enoinebrino T ; ;hd Burvbyhw .' Estimates, Plans, and Specifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. i' i La'Oramob. .- ? ' Orboom Dentists t . : ' . REAVIS BROS . . . r Tt- J -' DBMniTf. : Office Sommer Building Office Black 61. " ' Residenca 1171 ' .' .'j i ; ' ; C B. CAUTHORN , , , . ' PBMTIST ' ' ... ' ; Office over Hill'e Drug Store Oramde, . Orboom V ! -MtM. . iifckcfeA. tt ttecaniM the tteab. ( ' est ouraUve agent for the relief of suffer-, inf htmfcnRy vW devWsd: ' Seen Hoi ,UsUr'.Rocky MounUm Tea or Tablet J tht new Laxatiyft, i' iHsl docs not shi er MUieate.- i'v ? HtowAltetevk0' ' t .- 1 ;.' .' Classified. Advertisements. Rates Ons csnt word, ona-half iioiv ' Classified adds bring quick r cite. Try on today. . FOR , RELIABLE .ABSTRACTS OF TITLES goto the La Grand Invest . ment Company, La Grande, Dre in Foley building. REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amounts on city and country real estate.' Loans closed promptly, a toon as title i ap proved. La Oramdi Imvbstmbmt Com Ipamy. ' ' FOR RENT Five room house on corner Depot and Fifth streets, furnished com plete for housekeeping. : For particulars phone Red 281. - ' HIDES. PELTS. FURS. JUNK-Higmtst . price paid for hide pelt, fur and Junk . 'Harris corral on block east of Qeddes ' grocvy ator it Mots Harris. Rf)R SILK Mm Sehilliir ' niiluv In nu ohly on yaat, at 4 saorifioK ' Call at meuioaisi parsonage. ' WANTED Tie-makers for work on P, A : J. N, Ry. Extension, north of Counoii. 'Idaho,,- Wage 12 cents per tie. . Ih- spection monthly Qpod timber.' Tram . portation. furnished . over P. & t. N. Ry. . .Apply to Lawn Hall, 'tie contractor, Weiser. Idaho. . . FOR RENT On aor garden And new five room hous. . Minnesota land man FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms In lultes of "f wo, three or four.. Phone Blafck 601. : '-v - " WANTED Two waiter girl immediately at th Model restaurant' FOR. SALE Two modem cottage in . th residence portion of Walla Walla, Inquire of Mr. Simmon. omr 8tb and N Street. FOR RENT Two story hous on Wash ington Av Rntv only $12.00. In quir at La Grand School of Musio. FOR RENT Fiv room cottage. Inquire Miss Berger at the Fair. ' FOR RENT Fiv room cottage, inquire of Mr. Emm Simmon.. Cor. 8th. and N. Strte. FOR RENT Four rooms, two suiUbl for light housekeeping. Mrs. W.- J, Snodgras. Fourth street FOR SALE A fsw choice young Berk shire boar and sow, also Italian Bees. - William Hall, LOST-1 gelding and mar, both black. .. i years old. branded with half oircl above T on left thigh, Strayed from Mitchell paeture near Nibley. Reward' fpy information or return to Mr. Mitchell ' at Nibley, or Oeo. Lyman, La! Orande, MONEY For loans on city property see Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate " and insurance. 1 " FQR RENT Pleasantly furnished rooms suitable for lighthousekeeping. 'Mr. E. C, Moor I, 1617 Fourth Street LOST One bay mare mule, branded E. D. on left shoulder, four year old lost . near th George Childer ..place last spring. Reward will b paid for return 1)f animator information leading to its return. . . Address Wm Benton R F. D. No. 1 La Grand Oregon. FOR SALE A two acre tract with am ple water right On acre in fruit, fwv ! room hous with pantry and cellar barn and other improvement. Cheap . if sold at one. No agent' emmliob paid. Inquire at thi offic. WANTED Apprentice In 'th millinery - department, N. K West's , taxatiyciniit Syrap. Chronic Constipation. ROAD f OR- SALEM I Washington. March 7. Judge John H. Scott, of lb Oregon Oood Roads Asso ciation and Judge of Marion county,' hat nv ted Senator FultoA to attend the great gathering which will mark the govern ment experimental work m good 'road building neav Salem tome tim in Ma. Judge Soott aay thai he tod his fellow workers ar arranging to run excursion train to Salem during the period of the demonstration, and intan&to make of it gala day, when at many of the people of th state At can, will b instructed in road building. , Senator Fulton has expressed hi pur pos of attending the meeting if congress aojourns in urn, out is unable to say definitely now in thi respect. Maiiy senator and the leaders of the Hnui-.hu- ty to adjournment will M had even afller than forecasted few wekt ago and hop that th ssion will close about May 1. There is a growing spirit to shorten the stssion, if th pendinar r ters can be disposed, of early, and the Hous ha rushed business so as to be ab) to terminate this session any tim it appeared that the Senate could finish. ; .Msm iRMpaDfflis ; , (Scripp New Association) - Topk, .Kn., Mar. 7 Th action of th railroad entering this state, in decid ing to disoontmu transporting crude and refined oil at th. rates aamed in th maximum freight sets law enacted by -the etat Lgilatur a rear age, . has caused consternation among th independent re finers in this state. Th railroad declare that th rates named m th law ar dh criminative and confiscatory, and that they would lot money thould they trans port oil at thos figure. , .The maximum . freight rat law was on of four enacted by the Kansas legis lature during the height of the anti- 5tandaraOir Company creatd a year ago and ha been the most serviceable of the four. It Cut th freight rate on il squarely in twoaadtriabUd the independ ent producer to find a market for their ldw grade or fuel oil. It alto enabled th Independent refiners to market heir pre- duct on a parity with the Staudard Oil Company in Kansas. . Both th state re finery law and th act making oil pip lines Gommej carriers have already been declared anaonatitiitionat Th independ ent producer and refiftert will now make detemunsd .ffort to obtain from th tuprtun tourt a, deeiin confirming the validity of th rat law, Feeling among Independent producer htr Is stronn. aad tfisr 1 a prevalent belief that the, $il Trust influeno I behind th action of 1h railroads. - FARMERS ' Now it th tim to do your fencing, you nd fenceposts, we hav them for Ml, TJur pott were out from green fur and tamarack tress and ar thoroughly dry. W.hav aboutfiOOO of thm whith w mutt dispose of this spring. W will sxchangs thtm for livt ttock, hay, iin. eggs, potatoet or other produce. ' :' Leave order at Th Oolden Rule or at No. 1606 Sixth Street Alto dry cord- wood for sal in any quantity. ; ' - J. Anthony ; LOST Ladies gold watch. Finder leave am at N. K. West's store and receive -reward. FOR SALE Fiv room new modem cottage will b told cheap if sold at one. Inquir at thi offic. FOR SALE Oood singer sewing machine -1 ..up n himh t m. c rarsonage. ANNOUNCEMENT i Having purchased the Boss Meat Market from J. Bull & Company;, we wish .to inform the citizens of La- Grande that we will endeavor to men-it the patronage which the Market has enjoyed, and will appreciate any and all tfade which we should receive. Our endeavor which at all times to please our patrons by rendering the best possible service. A trial order U earnestly selisited. KH0USE BfcOS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Co. Cures itomach and Liver 1 B.I J llfllAVf SERVICE E , licIrrLLM Op Scrlppe Newt Association) Washington, : Q. C... Mardl 7. The Na Department ha begun to hear from the commandant of th navy yards, who have just received the instruotion from Washington to reduce all expenses in the way of maintenance and. to discharge many of the employee to bring the cost of operation and protection of property with in the limited amount required by the re fusal of congress to provide the urgent deficiency appropriation for the remainder of the fiscal year. ' ' Rear Admiral Coghlan. commandant of the Brooklyn Navy Yard,- ay: Th effect of th reduction af fund seriously rippls th rvic; th Ulan it insuffi cient to carry on maintenance work in an UMilMlb IIMJtlMir.- ' Similar condition ar reported from other yard and stations everywhere. From Pensacola it it stated that th money at the disposal of the yard will net suffice for the operation f the electric plant alon for tlx months to say nothing of doing other work developing upon tttosc in charge of protecting public property. In addition it i reported, that the" station Is left without the means of protection against ap outbreak of yellow fever in the spring and summer, and this is a feature more than merely local ffect..Thrt. it do way out of th difficulty. Congress lias mad no provision for meeting the deficiency, and there t nothing to do' But outoowB in .xpene and make' the available- fund g a far a they may. Whatever cost may rstult from this form of economy will hav to be born later. All La "praoda.WomeoShould B In- , Mreeted in Thi Letter. 7 Mr. q;,W. Btump f Canton. . OhkU writes: 't wish T could indue every mother who ha a. weak.- sioUly child to try -that dflioiou cod Jivr-.prparation, Vinol. Our llttl daughter wa pal, thin and tiekly. She had no appetite and no ambibon.-, ' , , . rWe tried various jnedicines. but with out any benefit whatever, and shs could : oaughtbb or 0. v. vtvue. not ' take cod liver oil or emulsions,, as they nauseated her and upset her atom- ch 'Learning that Vinol contain all th meiicinal and tt re ngui-or eating proper tie of cod livtroil. but without th nauseating and system-clogging oil, we decided to try it and th results were marvelous. Sh lod to tak it and it gav her a hearty appetite, the color re turned to her cheek and sh is stronger and m better health than ehe hae been for year. . :' "I cannot aay wiough in favor of thi daliciou sod liver, oil pre pa ration for weak, puny children." , f Mr. Newiin, of the NewUn Drug Co. says: "W have aever sold a medicine In our ator equal to Vino) for puny children, weak old people,' sickly women and child ran. Why don't you try it on evr guar antee?" ' ' ' NstrUM DRUb Co. A Crerp'ng petth." Blood poison creeps up toward the heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Bell Plain, Minn, write that a friend dreadfully ; injured his hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Buck- len't Arnica Salve drew out th poison healed the wound, and saved hie life. Best in the world for bums and sores 25c at Newlin's Drug Star. . , Spring ie coming; look oyer your photo, supplies. What's nsdd, w can supply, W hav all th latest photo .requisites at right price. Nbwum Druo Company. . Tilt CUKX WAY. MOM US If you have a telephone, our stor It prUy near you. Ever reaiiza how near? When yu want drug or drug stor goods Just ring us up and you'd - be surprised hew quickly your goods will reach you, War always ready for your arders No xtra charge deiivery we . like -to feel that we are accomodating somebody and keep a messenger boy and a bicycle so we can. AfSif'' The number to remember ie Red 8-1. Nkwlin Druo Co. - V.-;i ..' ' at mr-- ERA HOUSE MARCH m::;: DR. From the Medical Institute of Liverpool Entrland Crawfontavilla InA p- and Oregon, will give ' ' " : " ILUSTRATCD LECTURE v begins at 8 p. m, . especially invited, . Lecture Ladies Rheumatic " ''and " Paralytic'11 Cured on the Stage. Crlpplesi FREE The deaf made to hear in a few seconds Come on crutches, in invalid chair and you snail warn as a cnild. tiring your rear trumpets and lay them down and you shall hear. Come and hear these high fclass medical lecture and see th mar velous cures made in a few minutes and you will be coevinced that the dream of the philosopher is being realized. The ' treatment is ' Osteopathic Medicine Combined. v ROBBED s y i ,v? Trorri -The -'' CLUTCHES ' ..... .Of TORTURE and Seeing is Believing ARE THESE CURES PERMANENT ' Read and Be Convinced t mis ie to certify that 1, hav been a helpless cripple for two and a half years from that giant disease rheumatism, and. was in bed part of the timt, and for two years wa compelled to . walk with trutchss. Dr. Ward treated me at the Opera Hous. August 2, 1908, and broke my crutehed at th Opera House without them and L continue to - Walk ' and am feeling fine, have no mora uee for trutchss. I take pleasure In recom-mending-Dr. Ward to th public (Signed) M. T. Carlton. . ' Boiee. Ida.r Aug. 6, 1 90S. tf . ' v t To Whom It may ' concern: "I was treated by Dr. Ward at the Opera House. Aug. 6, 1906, for deafness.. Hav been improving eince. 1 now hear aa well vas I ever did, and ehall ever be grateful to Dr. Ward for curing me." (Signed) . - H. M. Coujns. Bois, Ida., Aug. 6, 1 906. ' 1 Voice of th skeptical ar hushed ' for they must now believe that thi man is 'a wonder, for they now see what he can really do, and "what .the eye tee th baart must believe." OfElCE AT HOTEL THE DOCTOR WILL STAY IN LA GRANDE NINE DAYS WARD tIU l( -:'-l, I,, , -''.'-'' THERE'S TRUE . -I ' ENJOYMENT and refreshment in 'the' teacup when it contains tea brewed front on or th othei of these carefully elected brands: Siptori Ceylon, English Breakfast Gunpowder . Spider leg, and Young Hyson. If , you like good, pure, delicately flav ord teas you'll like ours. Our tea r representative of all our groceries. , , ( , PHONE MAIN 46 ? J. R. OLIVER. 1 UNION CO U NT Y ABSTRACTS l- Farm Loans a Specialty - Best equipped abstracter in Union: county, Many years experience--with the Union county records ' gives me a great- advantage. It; is folly to purchase real estate without first securing a proper abstract' An, abstract fronY" my office will ehovy the, title just as . it appears on ."the official record.''' J. RJ - OLIVER, : LA GRANDE, ORKO N ' Room 81 Sommer Building J il LYMAN & SON,: I TRUCK AND TRANSFER, X ' Best equipment for careful and and prompt transfer. Piano moving a epecialty. Trial order solicited. Prompt and careful service guaranteed,. , Day phon Main 64 . , Night phone Black 801. . MAY LIVE KX), YEARS . ; , Th chance for living a full century are 1 excellent in th cas of Mr. Jenni Dun can. of Haynesville, M., now 70 year Old, Sh writes; "Electric Bitters cured m of Chronio Dyspepsia of 20 year ' standing, and mad me feel as well and tfrong at a young girl." Electric Bitter cur Stomach and Liver diseases, Blood disorders, General Debility and bodily weakness. Sold on""a guarantee at f Nbwlim Druo Co.' drug store. Price only ', 60d,. . - ' i .4 WON'T HUR1 I : . YOtRlEETH- t ; ' i f ', ' 1 . 1 ... i ..i a not thsse confections because ' they're purity personified. The ; old idea that all swsete are harm--' ful to the leeth, hurtful to the ; stomach, was exploded long ago, ' for soldiers often live on sugar and ; gain in strength and endurance. ; But our candies are not only pure and wholesome they are delicious as to flavor. You can get a trial ' pound of chocolates for 60cte. - SELDER, ThMCandy - Man 1 t t.i 1:- ,e5it-;S'