Jl HATIiriv " I " ..' '' I . . ! t i- i" iii I I r M ' i mr,; r- - 'ft -." 'r v-w-'! ri . . - i' -V, It a - a . i a ' 4 J "'. i . f i V 1 iJsje Aurelia Sfock Reports from the mines during JanuaTy has warranted la raise, consequently stock- ha gone up to 7J cents, and this is not all,; it .will, keep, : going up as long as the property ge,tsi better, ,as it i)j you should buy before ' anothef fTiSsSifti price, or vou will miss a pood investment. -'ou- . V - T ' . - lif. shpuld consider this as a.ijj neip me mauer yourself. ' ' " 5 AURELIA ftAT TO -SMi : .im. , w ft . . - - Is the question that preplexes the housewife - these days.' CaU at our store and select a menu frMtne cboioa, (jne of canned goods. Or, better yet, we have on hand vege tables and other delacicies that will relieve 4be. mpn.oty of the usual spring menu. Remember our delivery' Is at" ' your service whether the order is large or small. NEBRASKA 'MRS. MAGGIE eeeee.ee .eee.ee. e. Milk Talk no. 2. 4 . CLEANLINESS As milk is the natural food for the young, containing within itself all the reguirements pf the body, and as any adulteration is injurious to the system, (either from absorp tion or otherwise) therefore the health of the consumer, and espec- ,lly ths - young, depend . to a -eo g?eat extent upon those who handle the milk. And as ' there art so enany ways in handling the cow as jfvell as ths milk after being drawn Jrom the cow. Every consumer .should vjsit the' place from whence ie gets his milk no matter if it is ' surrounded by a high board fence) X eand see how the cow and the milk are handled before using It as a food for ths baby. J gSPRIM BROOK DAIRY : e1 s J is always open lor inspecuon ana j invites you to come and see ? - : Practical Gunsmith Repairs Strictly Firstdass Guns restocked Keys fitted to door Lo.ks : WA; AGNEW ' J- Adsnis Am el LA GRANDE SCHCX)L OF "MUSIC PROF. DAY. PRINCIPAL. f - MRS. DAY. ASSISTANT, This is one of the best musical in institutions in the state, and th$ people in this city and vallsy are begininng todtscover the advantag of this school. The system is trie latest and most practical, and ieV cludee all the latest discoveries to the art of teaching music Tfs school is divided into two depig ments; No. 1 is for beginners fr jn S years or more and are taught iha first three trades. Pupils coie one hour each day. This is no ket-t4 iamrtn svstem but far superior, In Na 2 the grades are from 2 ' 6. Here they graduate, rupiis take one or two lessons a wsekjas tk. daura. No scholars wilfbe vilfbe id narmitted to remain in this who do not study Oooosito the Fi blev House the candy store. Phone. a Wi i being a home i 'enterprise aiong, tinereDy neiping ; ; MINING CO. J. flt. TfSONSOS ..... J: lit A ?!SL It i SHEARER, Prop. ati ft. t.:Z : LOME DimiKlT eXqLES U Grande Aerie 269 F'O. E. meets every Friday night in Redrfie Hall Lewis Buildingat 8 p. m. Visiting oreiaren'Wviteato- attend. , - Dr.l. L.lii 16, meefcs in their hall every Saturday night Visaing brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Moflel Restaurant i H. E. Coolidoe, N. Q. D.JE. Cox, Sec , ' STAR ENCAMPMEWrtJbj-'i 1 X0. OK. Meets every first and third Thurs daVs In the monB w -add;J!ellows halL Vwiung patriarchs always welcome, ' j -1 ob. Jowum c. p. LE. Cox. Scribe. '. tM. W; A. U Qrande Camp No. 7705 rrteetMry first and third Wednesday q the month at IO. F. -hall. All w siting neighbors are cordially invited to Atend.- C. S. Williamsi V.'C. t FORESTERSWvAftERiCAe-Csurt Maid Marion meets, each Thurs day -tirhfc in Redman hall. . Brothers fcre invited to attend. iS't ,.. 7 cn u . d dL L. Shodorass Financial Sec. ' uoard ot I rusteee Dr. U. L. Bioobrs John Hau and C S: Whxml FRIENDSHIP TENT No. 81. K.O.T M. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays each month in l. O. O. E. . .hall. ; Visiting knights weloomf.- r J ;' .' V .-'-jHlCILCom. moA dloch, nocora nwper'i - ' ' L O. T. M. HIVE Na 27.-Meets every first and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen halL All visiting ladies are, welcome. . Mauoi Lorio Lady Commander. rVssrv'Recor.a' Keeper, k:A "I ? BvPft. Ea U QRANDE L 453 MeetsTsach-Thursday evening, at eight o'clock in Elke hall, on Adams Ave- nue. Visiting Brothers are -cordially in- Vited to atund. . . ,F. S. Ivahhos, Exalted Ruler O. E. McCoLLt, Recording Secretary. . Efl,j!OWANDE 1 LQDQE GE No.. 169. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD MjU every Friday oT.-.taai ,montn in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. All visitins members welcome. ot :. ' ' J N. U" Acklm, Censul Commander I H. KxtHiv, Clerk.; ..VI. . a i kku LKUhh Luuut.irn.'ii meeis TiV?iirl"M8rlv-eveina in. battle Hall. Carna buildinv. A Pvthian welcome to all visiting Knights. V j: . t , . ( si. iva(us,c:ca. R. Patti&on. K. R. fc S. Centennial notcf rfHJ. msnsnsniMtl Board and ffodm ti pit .wsvk, . cash. Maals 26 ctt. ' Special rates fmnishe MonUiiypatrdna. H6l HI? AfW Ave. ! Phone No. 1 1 el..-. ' : Mrs. Wl E:'Murcn1son. proprietress rr 4t - w,'fS " ... . A r ..! inEEffi:;! handle all coal and plenty of it the rest I of ihe season. . Q- . u. u. i-swis cuoe. . ;,' wi. rl 1 i MI1U1IILU f I: ? WATER ARUQf Some timt ago tht Obskrvkr published 4.uticl rlUT to thi City's purchai irig.th Palk and Schilling' springs, with a rsqusst . for facts concerning this most important qiisstion. . Upon ths ad Tics of many rtpreMnta tls businsss men, the writer of this arti cle madLa thorough, examination of the springs and finds the following uncolored factsts to their capacity: r . 4 ,'CTowtngaJ - '-' ;-V permft. Upperfolk spring 23.08 Lower Folk spring "'J 0.00 ' Upper 'jSchilUng'' .-- spring v 2.52 Lower Schilling " flow in gal. per 24 hrs. 13255.2 , 14400.0 S34Q.8 17.64 25401.6 Mr 24 hr. 7RJ177 gallons.; '- .-'i " '...'. -IT " .'. I understand that other measurements ha.ve. heenv "taade on .these sDrines at favorable times and a flow of 144000 gallons per 24 hours found. This may be true; but it represents the maximum and 'not the miaimqrn fljojv.'-- arid it is pbvious where you are figuring on a water system with direct feed and consumption (not a storage proposition) you must . consider, not the maximum, but - the minimum supply.- Now, the question Is, will the limited supply of these springs be sufficient for a growing city like La Qrande? (low- much) water will the city of La Qrandeuse? -'-. !- '.. . V , , I don't mean by "niggardly allowance," but, how much would be ample for con servative use? . j With ifHoient meane- for preventing waste, 'ti gallons per capita would pro bably suffice for the average aommeroial city; but Inasmuch at cleanliness, health, and!, natural beauty it promoted by the free use of water, at few restrictions at possible should be introduced. Statistics give 6Q gallons per capita at the amount necessary, and that agrees with the amflunt La Qrande actually uses accord ing to the best data obtainable. 'Frdtn Actual measurement and compu tation, the city reservoir has a capacity of 700,600 gallons when full to the spill way.' It appears that when the boilers at the pumping station were being reset the reservoir was filled and pumping shut down for 24 hrs., in that time (according to the water superintendent's statement W Mr: Fowler, of the Ways and Means oommuiee me water ' in the reservoir was to low it was necessary to resume pumping, according to data obtained from the city recorder) it was lowered about 6 ft. or by computation '668650 gallons were drawn off in 42 hours. An average use of 1530 1 gallons an hour, or 8 1 9230 gallons a day. 'Assuming the population of La Qrande to 6000 persons, we have a consumption of 63.8 gallons per capita. I A little more than shown by statistics, inese Tigures substantially represent the situation . We are using,' in the winter, practically 320,000 gallons a day. The spring on March 4. 190S had a flow of only 76377 gallpne a day, which ie evidently not suIBcient.'vV- V: ( have endeavored to Impartially confine myself to facta, and have only used out side data in one. Instance. .1 have made the Investigation at my own expense and hereby certify that the above is a true and -correct report, to the best of my knowledge and belief. '! '-,,,' ' - ' ' Cltdi R. Sarrx. r Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6tfi. day of March. 1 906. " r Wm. B. Saroint, public or.Oreaon. .; , v;, , . : " ; ' The basket ball game tonight will be called promptly at nine o'clock. - -;; AS LUTLt (KIDMII, In England, there ie a secret eect call ed "Little Children Baptists." the creed of which is founded on the Scriptural words, ''Except ye become as little child ren ye shaH not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. a Qn Sundays the devotional txercises of this sect consist of playing marbles, trund ting boope, leap frog and playing "button. buttons who'e got the bttton?" ; TABU BOARDEKS Mrs. Grace Barrie would like six table boarders at No. 1 808. 4th. St For par- bculara.call up red 881. J L MARS. Contractor and But W-r LValer in BuiUine Material La Grande. Oreoa - Drop a line naming work, and I will : : - . name we rignt price, I I ' T If I At 1,11 1 ill The Good Old Standby. Nothing like a nice cut of juicy corned beef with cabbage or saeur-kraut once in a while! We can offer most of the time whole or half rounds, if you can use so much, or whatever quantity you require, of well fed and carefully corn ed beef-tender, "tasty" and wholesome. If you're in the notion today, 'phone us the order and we'll have the meat around in no time, Grandy& Russell LIGHTNING COLLECTION AUtNUY ' H. A. Watson, Mgr. All claims placed In our hande be paid direct to the creditor. Our system gets the money. . Full particulars made known upon application to interested parties, e Office up-stairs in Ralston building La Qrande, Or. j LOOKS LIKE HOCiCART (Serlpps Newt Association Washington. D. C March 6. Indica tions today point to Hoggart as the next governor of Alaska LUMBER RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Better Lumber and Cheaper than Is sold In La Grande, We deliver it to your building Crande Ronde Lumber Co : l PERRY, '.- Ready For Business WITH A FULL LINE OF FEED, HAY AND GRAIN We are ready to buy all kinds of hay and grain, and pay the highest ."'' market prices. '. ' - ' -' ,1 f ' ' ' , R.y.OLIVER . Slater T3uildine: " IEFFERSON AVE h Main 57; CONTAGIOUS IQNG OF ALL DISEASES To Contagious Blood Poison rietitfully beloni-s tho name Klnjf of all Diseases. It is the most powerful of all human ailments-r-corruptinf? e very part of the body and wrecking" and ruining the lives of .those unfortunate enough to contract it. When ths nificant sore or nicer, few oersons the blood; but so potent is the poison that one drop will vitiate and pollute the purest snd healthiest blood, and In a short time the degrading and Ikw rible symptoms begin to appear. The mouth and throat ulcerate, the glands in the neck and groins swell, the hair and eye-brows fall out, copper-colored spots appear on the body, and in the latter stages of the disease the poison even works down and destroys the 'bones. No other disease is so highly contagious, and many have contracted it and suffered its awful consequences through a friendly- hand-shake, handling the clothing of one afflicted with it, or drinking front the same vessel. S. S. 8.. The King of Blood Purifiers. is the only cure for Contagious Blood Poise n. It goes down into the cir culation and forces out every particle of the virus. It is nature's antidote mm fmlitrm 9 m Dletel v PURELY VEGETABLE, -"ever we offer tide of mineral of any kind. Book and any medical advice you desire will be furnished by our physicians without charge. TU SWIFT SPECIFIC f ATIAHTA, CA. (OM COAL I COAL COAL We are now in a position to fill all coal orders very promptly. Order . today end get yaur coal today I TIMOTHY HAY THE BESTEVER Steam rolled barley still leads in the horse feed ' line. ' ' '". ,': -. WOOD AND COAL ' Phone Main 6 j GRANDE RONDEaSH (0.1 Lewis Bros. Prop. In every clime its colors are unfurled Its fame has spread from sea to sea; Be not surprised if in the other world, You hear of Rocky Mountain Tea. Nrwlin Druo Co. 0 OREGON .f . "' BLOOD POISOU first sign appears in the form of an Insig realize that the deadly virus has entered for this peculiar poison, ana cures the disease in all its stages, snd cures it permanently. S. S. S. does not hide or cover up any of the in KrMlr nut In futun vm hill ia mm eradicates it from the blood that no aims seen again. S. 8. Sis purely vegetable, ii.ooo for proof that it contains a par with instructions for home treatment LA GRA,DE MESSENGER SERVICE -RATES- Five blocks from fountain Sevsn M " " Any place in the city lOr. : isc .25c PHCvNE RED 261 C. L. SMITH CREAftCRY BUILDING III A HURRY? Til EN CALL WM. REYriOLbS THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the Dc pot or your home in less time th? ' it takes to tell It , ' . ; Day phone Red 761 ' ' Night phone Black 1 792 Wagon always at your service ' Beautiful Hair and Face May-be had by having scientifu Shampooing and Massage. Thi HOTEL FOLE Tonsorial Parlors J are prepared to do these speciiltie and Friday of each week will b for LadX customers. Pribate par lor for ladiee. Lady- attendant ii chare. ' . - - . CT. COLT Prop. 1 G. L FOWLLfL Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal ; PHONE 1611 All orders given ' prompt attentio eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee : OXFORD Vffii JAMES FARQUH ARSON,' Prop OaapMe Meonineatol ' , j WINES,. LIQUORS AND CIGARS 1 Cold lunches and mixed drinks specialty. ; Fair and Imparti treatment to all. You are invit.i to call and get acquainted.. I THE L0UVRI . CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. wiHLsi liquor; !2 CIQ1R5 Gentlemen always Welcome i ' Fir Street ' : '. f wlJmONPACIPI DKPABT Tm.i Hrltertnl tA (.KAKDH. nil n't' No, S V m ' ho. t V tti p m Holt Imk: lMnti. Ku worm, lliimnn, han mCltv.Ht. Imiw. L'l.i' kweoauil IuhI. PoHlMld. lU ks. ! MMnn, .Wslla Walla. Ifeylon, I'utmrnty, Col fax. Muanow, HiUKan aMeaa. air1k lanp..kar. FortlMa'Callra. Vmn- dl.loo, ITmatllla, Wai- e s ot a.m. late, Lawklus, Co'iai. Moaroa. Wallac. V. ar. oar, MpukatM au4 utht, liulnla aaat asd Bunk via H)oaa ' No, Dally a lalaod Cllr. ilea!. Im- ea- Iblav ane . f a. l ot It tlnaa si tltn w ll. Huniuir SiMaas U-f K pOIBU . owa. . v 4 Oraae Htaamtra tiwfaa I'orllana f ' SaB) Pfaonaaoeverv f vadiya " . . . K-C MOOIlB, Ait i A LCral Ua fua. afaut ; : ! AJ t '- -! ' .... t i b ::;.r