rag rjmmm&sj. t i PURE yMM? ,,M,,,,,," M: n r i drugs K Blu Mountain laxative Cold Cur will cur the most stubborn cold m f th hnd. It is prepfd by " from pur vegetable substances, T ana specially wipua w vu wmr at PRICE. 25c A BOX - Two graduated Pharmacists alwavs in attendances . Prescription and good promptly delivered free. -.- Red Cms Drul Store WbelesaJ and Retail A.CMcLannan.Ph.0. Two T"nhorJ Liical black 971 Vanrera 10 1 If ft mift insist oft sacking Top" when food cigar it obtainable it man tost Ao puhlsKiMrit H too sre to bt meted out to him.' Ptocat ngty wire by smoking only Krr West PumcTt cigar. Their WW win fdoth th Mr of ' M th ? Vndst nqiBt woAMHL f ISA i C. C. nACKMAIl, -tw CiWw Aitama Anno and ; VI 8rnwood Street " Pad 1641 wwvaww ! V. .-.-11, 1 1 ' ;il . 1 ' 'V. f I ' wj a a, w . t- n I VI, "jt. l . ft Li drcila fvisinj Observer TUESDAY. MARCH 6. 1906 Published daily xcpt ' on Sunday On yar in "advance . ; J $6.50 Six month in ad vane : J-60 Per month : '. 65 Sing) copy ;.-..' 6 EnUrtd at the Post Offic at ta Grand Oregon, a Second Class Matter. . CU RREY BR0S, ED-S AND-R0P ; 1 This paper wiB notJoubHsh !anv article appearing or i nom-da-plum. Sisnad articla wiU b rctvd subjsct to tb dtscrition of thi tditor. Plea sign your airlicWs arid sair disappointntant. ' artvnrmiiid ratkh ' Jiwptaj a tktm laraUiM mpom ayaMoattod jam ia4la wMlee Mb Um Bnt tin. par Mi tm wx3 a.i.tn I atw tbaaka, t pat Uaa. Th Obsemvc ia cartainly bringing out torn information tvlativ to purchasing th springs. It is all a question as to how much th springs flow and 1 how much water th c-ty is now rang. With these facts th voters can readily com to an mtailigwit solution of th question. Th coming city election ft beginning to craata a little interest, and especially is the water question developing som good hard thinking. This is as ft should be. Tbes oomtiorts stnoM not b disposed -of without eare'u! and painstaking oxiixler ation. thccokirons of the Observeb are open to sgnil articles in regard to this questiort. "All art interested and all ha i ighto b hearl. . , . ' - - Th baW Or, March 6. Oollard Dolpuist. who cam here from OrovUl Wash, about three years ago, and was takii to th hospital, baa been taken to tb SlaU Asylum for lh Insane. Noth ing is inown of Dolquist except that he is a natir of Sweden, and S3 or 24 yrars old.- FOR SALE ;. i...wo. $528, $r.d . .1 ....;.........l.0Q ;- vtO.WV' Three fin Red Rockrs .,j Clock ..:.. ......,...-, 16x30. 12oz. t foot Wall Tent, Hew ,42.00 Upholstered Mahogony Partor Chair : -; 1! . Sewing Machin. on trial .....:-:: - J6.68 ALL ON EASY TERMS . EXCELSIOR RANCjES v- ; Best Stoves and Ranges made. ' I sell thm at $27.6Qr $31.00. $34.00, $38.00. New Cooking StovesJ $3.00: to $29.00, on the installment plan. . ' ; ' i Bring w your old stove and trad on. a new Ang or haUr. , :.p;;DiaAiiri";' PHONE RED ;'1161 ' . Highest prices paid for SecondtHand Goods t : 8smij. " -. t ': """,; . La : Giriid National : Bank ESTABLISHED t88f BWUJltf IUI WUI Cpil llck. Spltls and bndfvidt, pntitx JJ6O.00O 00 3EOR0E PALMER. PssiPjrr! ' ' t. M. 6ERRT. Vicii Pttthwr, ? P. L MEYERS, Cawna. CEORGK L. CLEAVER, AssttTkirr. Casimk. i V W. L. BREHkoLTS, Assistakr Caiiokk. ' P. M BYRKIT. A. a C0NLEY,' P. J. HOLMES. Th rumor was current on thi street ystrday that tb proposed refunding f th bonded debt which is no- drawing percent interest also iodudej th Boating debt which amounU lb about $23,000. By referring to ft official notice of th city election wherein th proposition b to b submiUad to th voters whethar or hoi . th 'bonded debt" is to b refundedT no mention is mad of th ffoatinf debt and therefor the peep! kr only (Voting on refunding th present bonded 4bt which draw six per cent fattarvst, which is the outstanding JSO.OOd water bonds. BERRt. C- C. PiSlNOTOIV y If criticism of 4m Prestdan was th order of th day in Washingto-t on month vi enerii balnUhi business. Drafts drawn on all parts pftii Jrorid.' ' r ' i VlWl4SiV FQR-WINTS WASHING if OuV new inafhinery and addttknal h wiB anabS us to do fan ty 'Wuhi CHEAPER. QUICKER and BETTER than yo can da it ari3f. W tafi for and oaliver your taundry qoidtty and make special ty of ru& rier orc. Qiv us a trial and ysu wiB not b bothered , ferbagti th wirtM with famiry waahing. A. B. G . . i:Tf'a5;AM;'::L;A:l)N-lRy. r I hereby announce my candidacy. Y for tb nommabon for th office of County Judo on th Republican, 2 Tickek subject to the will of the t Republican Elector, at th primer-' tea to be beid April 20th. 1 906. Wm, B. SanetWT.' ago. criticism of th Senata !s . th l'i44 Fine Gonfectionery and- Cigars At VanBuren's :,;.,Veeen..eU.Vet.Wbe....; LA GRANDE IRON WORKS I aprrccERAUx COBFirtc iMftchisu Shopt and Founiry !" . " ' , . " - ' 5 ' ; - ' - - v ' ' ' Oawaral tS'- V'aWar Th Fteraal Rvar Feed sea ta east and stanyst vuS em th snartec Oar eSop ar atk nnrftirfirr ft -r-v''T--: hug I Ml HMH anew km nr ma mwl w -1 : at order of th day now, not m Washington but In the country at large. This mayb looiad upon, in part, as th mpona of Jh country to th aitact upon (M President. which hav been fcitarpretad j Demo cratic and Republican journals alike is th result of a coalition between affronted Mwsr correspond,, ccgresor, disappafotad m matter of patronag And opvunut of th measures -which tb th Prsidnt is especially desirous to see enacted. In the Lower House of congfes this antagomm has 'produced small 're- ulta. Tb PtAppin tariff bill. Um sttta- hood bnt and th rat-regulation bill Mat all been passed by iarg majorities (the last named havinf but mn votes ia 'op position), and all m about th shan the President was surpcised to dsir. Evry- thing of special importanc, 'therefor, is now p to th Senate, and upon that smaQ hody of nmetv men th whole -t- tantaoo of the country is at tSrk tain con- cntrd. When the first day of April dawns, th agreement which President Roosevrt" Coal Strik Commissioa secured between th strikers and th operators over year ago wfll bavwemn loan wad. After that, what? Th qaestianhaj bewananv- ing over industry all winter, and a Vfco to press it ia suU uoaeswered, Th cos) mmers both in the anthracita and btuaun- ccs SeUs ar demaMfing an wigM-lMar day. a ten par cant mcrsas tt and a trad agreemen bet wee tfc opara tors and th anion which wiB b a futt and covnplet iuiiUj l th w- '.' Tb vperstdrt demand ceauno- acc of th present scaie wf wags and lwarsatabishs4by the three yar ago. and which ga ta Av ers at that tan a tan par :cat advanca. Effort to -get loethar- kav fewaa w9av but so far la aaa. aaditis not xaixq 'too strong hwicuac ta say that lh country taads achast at theprosnacta tfaaag- waawlsssnt reached, TW br&. at came. w3 b avn ateV and prob aKy mar proioncwl ia It was baftra. Th nana. rtaaud and awvgs n'lal. warn wtffi b dwJtJj mwjNwd. sri3 aaanbai aaJfaasaSosi TV smons report treasarWa a svrpaj of S3.CTt.II4.43. aadaepaoaitax f $1 par week per liter ha been levied which is courted en a smwaa th swrpl js by April vt 4t aaabasi doftara. Th werator. on 'A othr hand, report a targ cappty of aachracit coal on haaj. tf tSe trunars ria the Sght, th reauk. w3 aSaost ca taaey b a harther acaaa ia tbepyic of caaL tf tTwcasas.th faaa t th pubfc wa be tremaaam. tor wj -voire al aorta rf a&iirie. TW a be ea "soft caaT thi 'tan to as as a AXMii.mwi TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS' OK UNION COUNTY " I hereby announce myself as' Candidate for th Republican nom ination: for Justic of th Peace, aubject to th primary nominating eleclion to be held April 20th. W. Ghkt. l nut f j ttWvt. TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF UNION COUNTY - 1 hereby armoone myself a Cap didata for th Republican norrnna far Revieeentatrve for Union county subject ta th primary nominating election to be heid April 23th. '. S. R. Havorth. TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF UNION COUNTY ; I hereby annoonc myself as Candidal for th Republican nom nation for County Judge, subject to th primary nommaung dectioa to b heid April 20th. : . J. C Hejoit. ' TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF UNION COUNTY ' - I : hereby announce myself as Candidate for th Repubbcaa nom ination for Sheriff of Union County, object to th primary uouuoatirtg taction to b heid April 20th. J. M. MmtniT ; irtiiiittiln ii,M, aasik b Wyesfioa. rTyoaUta to BRKh, or rf-yoq ar aubjact to are bttia attacks ef ladirvstiea. yoa bav ao eoubi fa aorsaef areata, raped heart baata, aaartfeur arpiuuan cf the heart. Indarebtiaa causa th stomach ta aaaad wa. aad pu9 a agvmat th heart,. Tkse crawda th heart aed inter' fare with its actio, and la the coarse at xaa waart aacaria diaaaaad. Kodol BIG REDUCTI01;5ALE- ON ALL CHRISTMAS G0UU5 IS NOW OH AT ! HILt'S 0RU6 -a Very complete line to choos from, m books, Parfum, .J1 Toilet Sets. Manicures, HandBag. Vaset.Brnokers'Brts. - Ink Wells, Mirrors, Albuns and tnanf other We thing. Call and see what w nav. " .'. . ?, V. ;;:A:;:- T;. Prcsalptiort Oru jbt HI - it . ',' .... a " a . a ' m a a , ..-. a rsf a. i - a Wa a IA GRANDE, 03 '.f i ' ,. . "' . - - a , eaeeehehaharba ttMMlMM.tl..UMlkV.' a : W. H. BOHNENKjAMP ' FOR' .,' Hardware ' Stoves tk Ranges . Barb Wir Tinware Bicycles Wire Fencing Pumps & Windmills . Plumbing Cuttlery Guns Fishing TacHe Hard wood Wagon Repairs Machine Oils - Furniture . Carpets, -Linaolium . Window Shades Lac Ciirtains Crockery Oranitt Warh. ; . , ; Oraphoiostic Roof Paint Roofing" Building Paper Shingles . Window - . Doors Scrvtn a . ?' v ' a, a a aaaaaaaawa . a HIS APPREQAOION Il'i. t a - THE BUSINESS MAN thoroughly appreciates th advantssaa rf a. Ljyj!S.wi?. Thospwht do rSFEL r ? ninj 01 in aavantages. ta',i!!l,l,S3r$ etld to1" workings of ThacHhir cct t to those who are not familiar with banking" . , ; t mwntpuon um deDosits and in ;. j . . - e I in savings department 1 CAPITAL AND SURPIUS da '. a . a ill (KMl Afl a- a a . a I v.) 7 ' uAe farmers finrfofati&r Tfatfonat 4ank 1 .Aciys. -.1 t ! 'T- -V '; a a - a f a a ... ev . a -a - a . . a a Dyspepsia Cur? Cstt wii you t. take th strain e8 at to beast sad atriaota aoarteluoent, atreegta and heahh to every orgaa of th body. Cam las. Drspepsia. Sour nwaaaca, Inftamntatioa ef th anocoua samhreae aaawta Srn ch and De fcj Tract rkareaa DyPPia4CiiTk t th Staaaack. --..rrvvmntsestritrttsi....,,. aaaaw. WvlieilaiiiriMiiMkVZ txwQ X3r0U. Pm Tea. a. T. eeaewainieeM seat est . .aVfftt7;.aVevwt,a t?ies Whtt You. Eat Mew Spring Street Hats and !: Tailored 'Turbans New Uacc Cofitirs nd Scarfs II AOAltS A VENUg a Aw, ..ar.