i: I ' TODAY'S NEWS TODAY WnrtHr 'Fair tonight tft.UU.ul . I . - And tprnajrow LA ORANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREQON. WEDNESDAY, . . . . . .. . .i r . f . f j ; -' '.. '; : '' " ' - " 1 v. '' I '-'i'V v "X '' ;;-v:l(S'T;', HV: ' , -LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1906. ' ' ' : -:'' :- V NUMBER 106 T On- '- '. ' ' 14 . .u,f 1 4 1 t . r ; " v ' ' ... T :" r -. K tlMK : M UUL .,,-...-. OLnl ILL - .; tion vY held hv Seattle. William Hick- ijjjwn Moor wa elected mayor over. John . Riplingw," Republican: Moor' 'election fait ', hrout'about by kcoalation ofthoee .-.'w:-.t-.a.-.'Jnt government pwnerthip and the Demoorat. : The object to be secured waa for the city to purchase the etree f ' electric railway which- it now operating under a franchise which will expire In " 19S4 and whose property is said to rep 9r TUfiA n investment of 12,000,000. w. Mpore won out only h 18 otes and there . is. strong talk of a demand for a recount. .-. AH of the thirteen councilmen elected are - - Republicans with one exception. Thus while (he opposition wen their mayor they ' will have no hop of securing what they contended, ' ' t' U'A. Stoop is up tram Elgin today on t MMIUMMMIMMMMH J2r KLUEOR WEARI SHOES We have a line of shoes made for us by Peters ' Shoe Go. that we. call our "All For Wear" and P Z '''its "made t'for- wear" we ve a wide variety of tnese goods tor cm , ferent purposes, from heavy work shoes to me- diarn1 dress weights, in men's women's and cHildren'sata, range of prices from $2 00 in ' men s and from $1.50 iff women's, up. Your can jundoubtedly find the exact style you . , want in our stock and you'll get a shoe that Hewitt' break all yeur records for wear and com- 400 SAMPLES J FROM "" vl'V: The Royal Tailors . 1 ON DISPLAY Particular lrcsscr$ Wear Royal Tailor Clothesr-They are .made , strictly to your t .'! - mcasu&eata saviniot from-... . .. TA LU J :i- Tiie Royal Tailors Guarantee 'Strictly First , WE GURANTEE V I A FIT OR DISPUTCf fRARKLW R0.KS ! ( Scrip pa News AssocUtion) Philadelphia. Pa., Marsh. Z.-r-In connec tion with the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin and in commemoration of the grdat services which Frank in has. rendered to Masonry in the United States, the grand lodge ; of Masons of this city has arranged an in taresting exhibition of Franklin relics at the Masonic temple, which will be opened this evening and will remain open to the pub'ic until April 23. A committee con sisting of John Wanamakar, Dr. Sa nutl W. Latta. Chat. L. Lockwood, Julius F. Sachee. William D. Mcllroy, J. Layton Register and Gen. Louis . Wagner, ' was arge and comprehensive collection of Franklin relics. During the exhibition the relics will be in custody of Mr. Gorge , E. Rupp, the librarian of the Masonic temple, who was instrumental in securing the collection of Washington relics during the celebration of the birthday of the Father of the Country. The Franklin exhibition contains many rare and extremely interesting relics in the form of books, records, documents and instruments, which at one time were in the personal possession of Benjamin Franklin. ... , . iMTiTsPAw"" (Scrlppa News Association) ' Madrid Mar. 7. Four hundred un employed besieged the municipal building this morning at Fraga.. The police fired killing four and woundei several. only-not for style. OF GL0TH AT OUR STORE ! If 1 U 0 Class Tailoring. NO SALE:; 9 WW ACCEDE All (Scrlpps News Association) . Nw Vw4t M.. TV. .... of the anthracite operators which is now in session considering thf demands of the operators are not likely t end their labors before the end of the w. k. It is under stood that the subcomnV tee is composed of railroad president Ba ; and .Wilcox. The committee has fu! power. Their action is problematical but it is certain that the operators will : latty reject the demand for full recognition of the union and the demand of the institution .of, the cheek off" system - in - the anthracite region. It is likely that the committee will grant an increase, in wages to meet the increase with the hig icr pric of coaL 1 , MBTAT OA AGO"'..". ;! (Scrlppa News Astobla Ion) ;; ' Chicago, March' r.T i Illinois coal operators are in session I ire to' consider the miners' demands, f It is stated' that ai agreement has been r de to make-no further concessions,..;. . .-i. 1. v, ,. T. M. Robertson, apci U examiner of , the bureau of corporation t testified in the packer's case this mornin.;, and J. Ogdsn Armour refused to discla e the affairs of Armour & Co., because hi said "he didn't believe that it was any .)f the gOTem- ment's business as it w is . incorporated for convenience, and n.irely a private family business.",.. SCOTT f AVORS RtT WCT10H Scrlppe News Association) Washington, March' 7: Senator Scott of West Virginia in the senate this after noon spoke declaring that h was opposed to giving the Interstate Commerce Com' mission power to fix the contested rate without provision in th act for broad general court review. Hi took a position favoring the rat regulat on form of gov' emment ownership. He said he recog nized the demartd for rate regulation but would have it restricted. .1 PRESIDENT SKAS klSOUITlOU (Scrlppa News Association) , .Washington, March 7.-r-Th President today sent a message to congress saying he. had signed th Tillman Gillispi res olution demanding an inquiry regarding railroad discrimination and monopolies of coal oil interests. He sai J hs had hesitat ed because previous actions had don ittl or nothing. - H ask that additional legislation providing money with which to carry, on investigation provide '. tor the compulsion of witnesses to attend and answer questions and state definitely what the commission shogld do, and how fartogo. He urges also the possible incompatibility of such an investigation and criminal proceeding. - . 5 1 (Scrlpps News Association) . New York, March 7. Attonia RozfH a son of an Italian banker was reported being kidnapped and held for a ransom, after being out twenty-four hour return ed this morning.. , . ' Th authorities art investigating the circumstance.. The, boy said that he had been given, nothing to eat during his "im prisonment ' and : said that h escaped when his captors left th room. -' . PRtnCESS EDNA . ' (Scrlpps Nw Association) Madrid. Mar. t. Princsis Edna was baptised under th mm of Victoria, in th Catholic faith;' Alfonso's mother act ed as godmother. .Premier , Moret re presented th government. . (Scrlpps New Association) Washington, 'March T. Th Hous to day passed a bill authorizing Taft to sell from military stores at Fort Davis, Alas ka, such an amount oi coal a 1 necess ary to Vslieve the suffering. . v,'Hw llTRACT " ; (Scrlpps New Association) . Pittsburg, March 7. The Ameriean Bridge company has received th eon- tract from th Japanese government for 1 4,000 tons of structural steel for th construction of bridges in Manchuria and TODAY IS PET AT CALDWELL (Scrlpps Association) B.I.H U.U.t. 9 H4. t T- . 1 the prosecution, and Miller for the de fense, were the only passenger for Cald well this morning. There were no developments in the Steunenburg case today. It ie balieved that all th indictment have been re turned. No reason has been given for (lot taking th prisoners to court to plead. , It is thought that perhaps the reason is that it is a part of th general plan of the prosecution to not serve any warrants of arrest until after hearing the habeas cor pus proceeding in th supreme court next Friday. Th grand Jury is now investi gating th condition, ot th book of . the Canyon county officers. y ; 0BJKT$ TO TARIFF - (Scrlppa News Association) Washington, March 7. Senator Dubois of Idaho, received a letter from Fred W. Perry of Lewiston, protesting against the leg is'ator's views on the Philippine tariff. Perry is a member of th stock sxchang and an investment broker. Dubois an swered him saying "I notice yon belong to th gambling joint In- New York. I im agine you know nothing and car nothing about th producer of tms . country, as long as you can join in robbing them." " SCBWAOYERtlOW , (Scrlppa News Association) - . ' f Nsw York, March 7. Passenger Traf fic Manager John Sebastian, of the Rock Island, today wired . the official of th road that the last report he had relative to Schwab's condition was to the effect that he wae very low and' was' not i pected to live through th day. ' HOUSES BURRED TO DEATH (Scrlppa News Association) Fresno, CaL; March 7. Thirty-five young draught horses were burned to death in a fir which destroyed a stabls at four o'clock this morning. Two em ployes barely escaped with their lives by jumping from window. Three hundred tons of hay were destroyed. The loss is $100,000. . .. TO STOP RACE TRACK GAMBUNG (Scrlpps New Association) Albany, N. Y, Mar. 7 The Code 'Com mittee of the senate and the State As sembly will hold a joint meeting this after noon, to considsr arguments for and gainst th Cassidy Lansing bill, which prohibit gambling on racetracks. Th hearing was called at the request of th Rsv. A. AGregg, field secretary of the International Reform Bureau, who also represents th Christian Endeavorers, th Society for. the prevention of vice and various ministerial associations. It now appear that the attack on race gambling originated in Washington, the prime mover being th Rev. Dr. Wilbur F. Craft, superintendent of the Interna tional Reform Bureau, which has its gen eral headquarters in that city. For sev eral month th Bureau has been sending literature and ' letters broadcast in this state, urging its member and supporters to ask Governor Higgin to do something to stop rac gambling. Th Governor admits that he ha received many letters of that kind. Dr. Crafts visited 'Albany a few week ago and interviewed th governor; He wa informed that th governor was in sympathy with the legislation against ambling on th rac tracks. ' Dr. Crafts drafted th bill which wa afterward put into shape for introduction by Anthony Comstock. Th Rev. A. S. Gregg, who ha been lecturing for the Bureau in Mas- saohuMtt, wa shifted to Albany and, with th aid of influential friends, 'ar ranged for the introduction of the bill in both branches of th Legislature. Mr. Greca' will now giv hi entire time to th interests of th Cassidy-Lerising bi and othsr bureau. work in this state. It is known that Governor Higgin favor th bill There are also a number of senator and assemblymen, not suspected now,' who will support th bill decisively whso th tims cornel. Th principal opposition to th bill will com from th fair and agricultural associations who fiv per tent of racing receipts would b imperilled, should th bill be .,' SKKUW TO SAY! SALMON v Washington D. C. Mar. 7. A frequent comment heard here ie, deprecatory of the Pacific Northwest' attitude toward th salmon fishing' Industry, Officer bf the bureau of fisheries do .not .' veil their disgust at what they regard Unpardonable indifference toward salmon. ' This same spirit is finding broader reflection, and will soms day develop into a positive op position to Qovernment aid for work in which the state do not show mors in terest. .- . v '.;..: . : This criticism is not based so much upon failure to appropriate ; funds' f jr DroDacration. as unon laws . which the I Federal effieiale believe vtrv tmor tection to fish. Th decreasing number ot salmon caught at th hatcheries where rtificiftl propagation is conducted is ac cepted as - proof- that he industry wiU wan to an unimportant business, which s not worthy maintenance of hatcheries. Those officials of a more optimistic turn, hops that the peopl of Oregon .and Washington wilt ' improv on their old customs befpre it is too late., If each state would put in fore measure paten tly affording great assurance of th per manency'of th salmon industry, th,.t feet woul d b Immediate here, and no doubt is felt that the Government would be ready for all time to co-operate every way possible in continuing . th salmon industry as on of th most priceless gifts of nature. Men of th ' East who read of what their- river afforded' In pioneer daye, and deplore : soms of th ravages of civilization, offer many ardent prayers that the Pacific Northwest will b aroused before th noble , : salmon ceases to be a general commercial com modity. KHEVjfWHEN HI HAD ENOUGH A Nsw York. March 7.-Thoms M.Hiil- ard. fpr fourteertyear manager of If Waldorf Astoria" hotel .;in ihis cijfr.Xha permanently1 retired from basinet -and Severed his' connection'wltti the Valdotf- Astoria today. H resigned his position last month but remained to. assist i set tling up all business matter which have Men in his hands and required hi special attention. It ie understood that. Mr. Mill iard, by careful management of hie finan ces and lucky speculations m the ' stock rrarket has accumulated a fortune of $1 000.000 and thereupon decided that he had enough and would retir from bus) nees. On May 1st., he expeots to go abroad for a long rest and upon his re turn he will probably resume his residence n this olty. ; It ie understood that Mr. 'H. Welton Marshall; now assistant manager, will succeed Mr. Hilliard at manager. TEETH BE EVERLASTING t--atpr-- -; If teeth were keot perfectly tlean th only way them would be to knock them them out would b a very elow process, tor a clsan woth would wsar a hundred years. I' It is imperfect cleaning that makes work for th dentist Fiv minutee daily attention, supplemented with good topth brush, and the right kind of dentifrice will keep your teeth $ound and whit a long as you will need them. We have just the kind of each that will insur this result and the entire tooth-saving outfit Tooth Brushy JC(WJIftg.Js;50c : ' " All costlnj ' 25c or 'Over are inirantecd , '? .A.'ft! -( tli NEWLIN DRUG QplVlPANY J ..S.7;V. r ' ' NUMBER 106 ?i LABOR A mm If A- ' .11, (Scrlpps News AssonUUon). x i WahingtbnrC MarCh T.-On '.of ttV' state to i us-' convict jabor In road orfr- nriKuon mr a iong nms; is . riorui vraT linaandlvtirsaiivsalth is credited with having ebouVfh best system ftf highways to b found in any 'state of th Union similarly situated with rsgard p population and. Ii us tries. North Caro lina ha set -an- Ixampls that to being closely studied by many other sastarn anjl southern states. It has been so success ful In getting good work and at a vary lew eosatydmontrtion to regarded th best yet mad In th country of th . handling of convict. Th open air work il said to b beneficial to th health of t'rj prisoners; od((s taken up mor agrjy than the drudgery of some callings which involve' all insid mploymnt It i also etated sn. good authority that North Carg line 1 comparatively human In treatment of prisoner, a none of th abuiee appre hended in work distant from th peni tentiary hav tfen recorded. , . . . . . ;0 FABULOUS PRKE (Scrlpps New Association) ' - ' : Washlngtow;; March 7. Th War department ie in no humor to pay a fabu- loui iumlo? ilielttW to build .wharf adjacent to FeH-Pctttfeat San Francisco for th accommodatic of th army trans- 'portsj .lOCfir.fcls highHn authority hav decjded to sejpur thright to rct these; tharv,itsafhout cot. and indication ar that th matter wnl be taken InUj tie court. , U DlfilSSED. - l i- (8crlpps !MwvAeolattQ) ' : . ''j Nw York Mar, 7.-Th. suit of Saraji Madden for $B0,'000 preach of promis Peter -Darysa,xaji dUmitsed on th ap plication of th defendant. WU KEli SOME (Scrlpps New Association) Berlin ( Mar. 7 The foreign ' offlc lUtestoneiliity ini'trn ' - w serit to ep'resntatMi i , 'v 'Thiy ar expected to facili$ite v ' t, l-"11 ' ) IIJB5BS. - h "vi e 1,0 i. to set rid of out or wear them out Wearing won't cost you much either. : V, 4 1 lr '- . e). i T MIGnl U Grande,. aroh " r ' I X ; i ' '" I' 'H a ' ri:: I f 1'i y $ i h 'K ' r I. I Korea. ; com law. ' - iAlAAMvll L '( -I . i ' - " 'V- :WM'MMVMMltMvmMMMMMMMMMM