La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 06, 1906, Image 1

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yVOLUMg ..Vj .j ; GRANDE. UNION COUNTiy;OREQOW, TUEbAY, MARCH 6. 1906. , .- ., , ,- : - NUMRKR ins '?
f virmDiniic
(SorlDDl News A
Washington, b. & March 6. Western on me land question, to far as
a new policy affect exicting public do
main Ift arrowmir ran l Win. J.i..t f
the aflvtto repeal the Timber and Stone
h at IL. L II . ... . . "
. wrougn in toi or tn House com
mittee on public lands, the West scored
n nrst tPftorj. and thereafter found the
struggle easier. There is not much pros
pect at the present time of , the .Senate
cwnroiiueon puonc lais t; porting 4
measure for repeal of the act and making
no provision for taking timber land, as it
Intended three weeks earlier, and even
should the committee report such a bill, it
appears probable that it could be defeat
ed in the senate! without regard to the
advers action of the House committee.
Senator Fulton is not relaxing the fight
be waged; and which was .the keyVjote
vB t'lVWH HfWTVIIlQlllM nS IS Sblll
gathering data from every county of his
state, showing conditions of the public
domain, and furnishing many arguments
why it is essential to Western, develop
ment that the states be permitted to real
ize in some substantial manner on their
native resources. Should the , Senate
committee report favorably, which is im
probable, the defense of the western con
tingent in the senate would be spirited
and : determined. These preparations
being made by most of the senators while
conceding that there has been abuse of
the timber and stone act The general
sentiment in this respect seems to have
been expressed by Senator Fulton when
he said that he would be glad to amend
uui ,., out oouia not risk complete
withdrawal of all public domain timbered
land, i ' - ! ;. :
Prisoners will MlM$$& Tdaww utso Iciictots wi!l te
(Serlpps News Association) : ,'
Washington, D. C. Mar. 6. The last
flower show of the season In this city
opens at Freund's Hall this evening and
there is every indication that it will be
one of the most interesting and attract
ive ever held here. Manv local and nut.
side exhibitors are represented in the
display and the exhibition of orchids
and other rare Rowers it particularly
line. ' '
(ScYlppa News Association
London, Mar, 6.The Duke Atholl to
day denied that he is to marry Mrs.
Potter-Palmer of Chicago. ....
We have a line of shoes made for us by Peters"
Shoe Co. that Wcall our "All for Wear" and
5. its made ."for wear" only-not for style.
. We've a wide variety of these goods: for dif
ferent purposes, from heavy work shosto me
ifdium idress weights, in men's women's and
i; children's, at a range of prices from $2 00 in
- men's and from $1.50 in women's, up.
'You can undoubtedly find the exact style you
want in our stock and you'll get a shoe that
X "will break all your records for wear and com-
i7v;;fort;-';;.;:--r:.,-- . ;,,:;.r . v v;'-
:. 400
The Royal Tailors
Particular Dressers . Wear Royal Tailor
Clothes-They are made strictly to your
measuse at a saving of from
20 to 40 0
The Royal Tailors Guarantee
, Strictly first Class Tailoring.
, t ... t
(Srrlpps News Association)
Caldwell. March 6. Tha grand jury at
Caldwell filed into court this morning and
the foreman handed in a j ackage ofhv
dictments to the judge and retired to re
sume their duties. But two Indictments
were handed to the deouties. one amimt
Joe Clark for murder. and i tha other
against Oal win Taylor charged with an
assault with a deadly weapon. Both
prisoners were arraigned. ; r,
It is stated that Mover. Pettibone. Kav
wood. Orchard and Adams and ' several
others have been- indicteJ. The. Court
(Scrlppe News Association!
San Francisco, Mar. 6- "City Chemist
Bo the reported today that ha found no
poison in the stomach of Harry Tenny,
the fighter who was killed in the bout
with Neil. This rests the theorr that
Tenny was doped. A long list of wit
nesses have been summoned to iDnear
at the inquest tomorrow morning. There
is a possibility of the parents of she dead
man bringing a damage suit against the
fight promoters as he was a minor '
Mrs. Tannebaum, the m ther of Tennv.
called at the office of District Attornev
Langdon and asks for warrants for the
arrest of Neil, Referee Roach 'and all
seconds, charging them with murder.
Her charges are based on the arrounds
that the fight itself was a felony. The
district attorney decided to wait until the
inquest before issuing the warrants. '
fSnrlppa News Association)
Pekin. March 6. The Chinese govern
ment Is greatly perturbed by the reports
of the anti-foreign moVem ant printed in
Europe and America, and particularly so
by the dispatches announcing the Ameri
can military preparations. An edict was
issued today declaring that report are
being circulated by traitors and saying
that Ghina needs the friendship of all
powers. The edict reproves students
for entering politics, and orders officials
to protect all foreigners or suffer direst
penalties. Troops have been sent south
to stop riots. .
(Serlpps New Association) '
Seattle, Mar. 6 The municipal election
her today is thoeght to be very close.
The race is between Riplinger. Republi
can and moore, the advocate of munici
pal ownership mayor, i There is no
democratic ticket in the field. Thirteen
councilman are to be elected. '
The phenomena of Mount Raniar. ac
cording to Prof. Landes, of University
of Washington, is due to the atmospheric
condition which is not usual at this time
of the vear. ; ' -Tf
(Serlpps New Association)
Chicago, Mar. 8 Wheat opened at
89 closed 88; corn opened at
IX. closed Al; oat opened 80V
closed 10.
has refused to even permit the number cf
indictments to be given out' until the
parties have been arraigned, but informa
tion has leaked out that nine true bills
hav been found m the Steunenbyrg
murder case. ; -The
defendants' attorneys ara nrouant
and will demand an immediate arraign
ment and are ready to attack n wk
place that may appear in the indictments.
in prisoners will probably be taken to
Caldwell tomorrow for arraignment when
the true nature of the charges will be
definitely known.
ft- ., .--.-.,.-.
(Serlppa News Association) -
Dallas Texas, Mar. 6 The annual
meeting of the Texas Division pf the
Farmers' Union opened her this morning.
The meeting was called by EV A. Calvin,
th president of the Farmers' Union and
the attendance is unusually large." Every
union and local organization is represent
ed by delegates. The meeting promises
to be of great importance, as some highly
interesting and important questions will
com up for consideration. The meetings
of the convention are held in the rooms
of the Dallas Commercial Club.
Among th various objects for which
the convention was called, are the follow
ing: to organize) reorganize, .perfect,
strengthen and complete th slat or
ganization of th Farmers Educational
and Co-Ope rativ Union of America; to
adopt measures for th promotion of
industrial co-operation in Texas and to
transact all business incident thereto; to
consider ways and means forth market
ing of cotton, cotton seed, and other farm
products, and plans for a system of
properly warehousing farm products; to
consider measures for the promotion of
cotton manufacturing in Texas; and to
consider th question of railroad rates for
the agricultural products of Texas.
Washburn, Wis. Mar. 6 The annual
"meeting of th North Wisconsin Farmers'
Association opened ho re today with a
large attendance, representing every part
of th diet '.it Th association has
more than 2000 members and Is highly
flourishing. Many prominent ' farmers
and expert on agricultural matters are
here and will deliver lectures on various
agricultural subjects before the conven
tion. Among those who are on the pro
gram with address are A. D. Barnes,
of Waupaca and several other fruit grow
er who will also show a fin display of
apples and other fruits grown in Northern
Humboldt. Tenn Mar. 6 The annual
meeting of Farmers' Educational and Co
operative Union of America of this Stat
opened her today. Nearly six hundred
delegate are in attendance- and a fin
and highly interesting program has been
arranged. ;
(Bcrtpps New Association) -
St. Petersburg Mar. 6. It is stated
that th Czar ha ordsred to be discon
tinue th concession that war planned
to b given that John D. Rockefeller
The city recorder is occupied this after
noon with the case of F. C. Forbee, whoUyndicu for $200,000,000.
it hin wiui selling liquor WIUKHll a
license. C. H. Finn is defending Mr.
Forbes and City Attorney Ivanho aasiss-
td by Chaa. Cochran, represent th
city. R. W. Deal is th complaining wit
uees. No testimony has been taken as
yet Th defense is damuring to th in-
ciCment, and argument are being heard
on th demur as we go to press.
. .... TO NAME A DATE "
(Serlpps New Association) .-'
New York. Mar. 6. Th anthracite
operator met here today -. headed by
Qeorg Baer to consider th miners'
proposals and to nam a date for a joint
conference. .
(Serlpps New Association) r
uetroit, Mich, Mar. 6.-The " Board of
Managers of the Lumber Carrier. A.
sociation meet here today at th Norman
die Hotel to transact some business
in connection with the opening of the lum
ber moving season. The board will es
tablish th opening rates, so that , loads
may be chartered for the first trips.
There is a largs amount of lumber at
upper lake points, ready for ehipment,
and there will be a rush arly in the
season to get stock to consignees at th
"fonavandas, Buffalo. Cleveland and other
I Jlkft V?rm mW. ' If ! . t- -. .
rate to be established will be consider
ably higher than those in fore at the
opening of last season.
(Serlpps News Association) ;
Atlanta. Qa. March 6. The "teachers
and pupils in the public Schools , of this
city are celebrating today the seventy
fifth birthday" bf Mayov- W. F. SlatOn.
superintendent of th Atlanta nublic
schools. Mrs. J. 0L Scrutchin, principal
of th State street echool, is at the ar
rangements for the celebration.
Major S la ton is loved by everv child
and every teacher who is employed in the
public schools or Atlanta. . Perhaps few
educators in tha country hav won so
much love and esteem among their fellow
workers aMajor aOaton. He became
first Connected with the schools of this
city in 1874 and in 1879 was made
superintendent, which position he had
held without intermission ever sinoe.
(Oertpp K Association) -St
Petersburg, March 6. M. Motono.
the new Japanese minister to Russia.
arrived her today and formally r-opn-
d the Japanese Legation and the dlpkn
matic relations between Japan and Russia
Which Warn SUftnanld at th vmanm - n9
1 1 war between Russia and Janan. .
Mr. S. L. Brooks of Imbler, was in the
city today and called at the Observe.
office to announce the fact that he is a
candidate for th office of county com
missioner upon the Democratic ticket at
the primary nominating election.'' Mr.
Brooks has been urged for th pastas ve
al years by his friends to permit his
nanus to go on the ticket but has hereto
rifused. but this time' while absent oa
business in another Stat, hi friend too
an advantage of him and issued a petition
for him. After they had gone so far, Mr.
Brooks, always loyal to his friends, hat
consented to let the matter proceed.
. .. .-ill
(Serlpps NewA(ioc!atlon)
Riverside, Cat. March .6, Mr. Cert
rude Russell who conducts a private kin;
dargarten, mysteriously disappeared last
night When last seen she was on Mount
Rubidouz where she was mountain climb
ing with the children. ' Another teacher
brought back th children and a search
was kept up all night A larg posse,'
found her at nine o'clock this morninir
west of Riverside jn a demented condition
hiding behind a palm tree. She walked
alight in the adjoining fields. '
(Serlpps News Association) .
New York, March 6. It is stated unnrt
good authority that Andrew Hamilton ar
rived on th steamer Quetschland today;
Ha was accompanied by two New York
Life officials. H is said to hav x
pTained to his friends that when he heard
that criminal proceeding were threatened
that he decided to return to New York at
(Serlppa NewrAasoenttlon)
Berlin Mar. 6. Treooff. th eraat
diplomat is making a tour of Eurona
Studying government systems. He visit-
ath Re chstalr th morning d:laring
that h is 'becoming converted to th be
lief in a constantitutional governmanCand
upon his return to his country will rg
its installation in Russia.'.' . 7.
(Serlpps New Association) ',
Washington, D, C. March 6. Senator
Haltf of Maine, declared today in a
speech before th senate that there would
b no war between United States and
China, and that th sendinu of traona In
I'th Philippines to prepare for th xign-
cies of China would prov to be a dec'ari
ation of war against' ra dl i pawer.
. . '.; - ' V
i. R, Oliver today filed "his petition to"
become a candidate befoi th brlmart
for the office of County Ju Jg.
teeth might
be ;
If teeth were kept perfectly clean the only way to get rid of
them would be to knock them out or wear them out Wearing
them out would be a very slow process, for a clean tooth would
wear a hundred years. -
It is imperfect cleaning that makes work for th dentist. Fiv
minutes daily attention, supplemented wfth a good tooth brush,
and the right kind of dentifrice will keep your teeth sound and
. whit a long as you will need them. .
We hav just th kind of each that will Insure' this rssult and
the entire tooth-saving outfit won't cost yju much either, ,
Tooth Brushes from 10c to 50c
''V" ",f.,;, ;!
All costing 25c or over . are guaranteed
4) r
,, i . ..... k
La Grande, Oregon.
r r: