M ? I ff V v . . . ... , . -L- I MM ' Repom.,from the, mines during January , has r. warranted a raise, consequently stock has gone up to 7 cents, and this is, not all, it will keep going up as long as the property gets better, as Jt is you should buy before ' another raise in ' price, or you will miss a good investment. You ' should consider this as being a home enterprise and s help ; the matter ajong, thereby helping yourself; . " ; - ; AUREL1A MINING CO. ' J. A. THROMSON. ttHtnMMMMIMMMMMUtttMMniiltMMIIUU AMUSEMENTS VRAT TO EAT 6 Is. th question that preplexet th housewife these day. Cal at our tora and select a menu from our choice line of canned goods. Or, batter yet, we have on hand vege table and other delacicies thaf will relieve the monoty of the usual spring menu. Remember, our delivery is at your service whether the order is large or small. NEBRASKA GROCERY . ;v'MlfS. MAGGIE' SHEARER. Prep. , 10DCC . DIRECTORY CLEAIVLINESS As milk is the natural food for 'the young, containing within itself all the reguirtments'of the- body, and as any adulteration is injurious to the system, (either from absorp tion or otherwise) . therefore the health of the consumer,, and e'specv ially? the young, depend to a great extent upon thou who handle; the milk. Arid as there are so many ways in handling the cow as well as the milk after being drawn from the cow. Every consumer should visjt the place from whence he gets his milk (no matter if It la surrounded by a high board fence) and see how the cow and the milk ar bandied before using it as a food for the baby. j SPRING BROOK DAIRY j Iwayopen for inspection and X invites you to coma and sea .. . e ' Practical Gunsmith Repairs Strictly 'Firsticiass Guns ifrstockrtl ., Keys fitted to door Lo ks ' WM.i AGNEW ' . Adains A vena -'. . EAGLES La Grande Aerie 259 F. 0. E. meets every Friday night in Redmen Hall, Lewis Buildingat 8 p. m. Visiting .brethren invited to attend. X . L R. Snook W.S- Dr. G. L. Biggere W. P. - s ll O. O. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meats in their hall every Saturday night Visiting brothers, cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. H. E. Cooudoe. N. G. . D. E, Cox, .Sec , 'STAR FNr.JMCMfwT M m i ft O. F. Meete every first and third fhurs- uajrs in uia rnonui in uaa reilows nail. Visiting patriarchs always welcome, . i. , O. E. Fowler, C. P. D. E. Cox, Scribe. M. W. A. La Grande Camp No," 770 meets everv first and third WJiil of the month at L 0. O. F. had All visiting neiehbon are corfliallv InvitnH tn attend. C. S. Williams, V. C John Hau Clerk. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Maid Marion No. 22 imti amr.h Tknr. day night in Redman - ball. Brother are invited to attend. Four. Hnn rkUf D L. L. Snodorass Financial Sec. Rnrri nl TnitfjiM fir fl I tlinA.na John Hall and C. S. William. TPIPNrKHID TCNT iu'i u n i- . iiu. w 1, f, v. a M.. Meat eaernvi nA fourth Wnur4 ... each month in 1. 0. O. F. hall. Visiting knights welcome. ; . .. . ; n. k,. nail, Um. Moi Bloch, Record Keeper L.O. T. M HIVE N or M..i. ...... first and third Thursdays In" the after noon at the Redmen hall All visitino- ladies are welcome. ... -, . v WUIIIWIUBI, M, C. Vessey, Record Keeper. R P' n V I f.Blwno I nnnr m 433 Meets each Thursday evening at Ave- LA GRANDE SQjOOL ? prof; pXy.'Principal; , ' " I .iissT day. Assist Afft ,1. -.i-f ; This is one of the best 'musical in-" ' institutions in the state, and that people irl this city and valley ' are begininng to discover the advantage of this schooL- The. system is the latest and.fnost practical and in--eludes aU the latest discoveriee in the an of teaching music. The - school is divided into two depart ments; flp. 1 is for beginners from' 6 year or imore and are taught ' the first three trades, 'Pupili come- 1 one hour each dy'. -: This ie no kin dergarten ayetem but 'lar superior. In No. 2 the grade r frqrn 2 to ; 6. Here they graduato. Pupils take on or two ieesona a week as they desire. No scholar will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over ; the candy sfauaV' Phone. 473. THE WILLIAM H. WEST BIO JUBILEE MINSTRELS I Major Smith and his famous devil stick have demonstrated quite conclusively that a minstrel audience has a keen apprecia tion of originality and nonety, and it is therefor not in the least surprising to note with what pleasure this amusing act has been acclaimed all along the line of the William a. West Big Jubilee Minstrel's travels. Major Smith holds an important place on the fine and diversified bill to be presented at Steward s opera house next Saturday, March 10, and his clever efforts are strongly fortified from front and rear by other acts of refreshing not and by uch a splendid volume of vocal and in strumental features as have long been an exclusive claim to the high art minstrel music associated with the West aggrega tion under the direction of Manager Rica-- by- . .. ' . - i .i "HUMANEARTS" ' The forthcoming annual visit of "Hum an Hearts" will no doubt be warmly wel comed by the lover of all that is good In melodrama. "Human jw u. question, one of the strongest aid most interesting pray that ha ever visited our city.. The author belong to that alt too mall group of dramatists, who under stand how to reach the heart and, hold the attention of the audieifc. Inhum an Hearts", he ha constructed" a ' play mat win never grow old The principle theme of the play is Hope, .and has 'not om author written "Hope pring trn- ai mine human breast" Hope, the one bright ray of sunshine, that breaks through and illumines the clouds of despair that almost overwhelms poor Tom Logan. The hop of a good, pur woman' lover the hope of brighter day; the hope of an honest man unjustly accused of crime. mat tne criminal will be detected and his good name restored. The author has nandied this subject with the consumat kill and ease that shows true dramatic instinct The love interest is all a ab sorbing. Th comedy jslement is intro duced in such a way. that it becom r. levant to the story, and the climaxes are worked out naturally and logically. "Hu man Hearts" will be seen at Steward's opera house, Tueday, March e. PROMISED TO RETURN (Scrlppa New Association) New York, March 5. It developed tn. day that before Hyde tailed for Europe he agreed with Jerome that he would re turn when wanted. The same aereement is said to have been made with McCurdy but this statement is flatly denied here today. ... tStuyvetant Fish.it is stated upon good authority, plans to become president of the Mutual. The official say that Fish believes that an insurance man should nead the company, and every effort will be made to find the right man. fOR THE PHILIPPINES (Scrlppa Newe Association) San Francisco. March . 5. The trans port Logan sailed at noon today for the Philippines. Sh carried the Eighth In fantry and two troops of the Third cavalry nmong tne omcers were Brigadier . Gen eral, J. M. Lee and Captain Taggart OOMPERS (All MEETING . (Scrlppa New Association) . Wahington, D. C. March S.-Gompere waajr called meeting-of the executive council of the American Federation of labor to be held in this city, March 19. It is beleived that the meetinn is ulUd consider tne coal situation. BAKER . TlUluir MVld ASSEMBLY eiffht o'clock in Elks hill nn ilm. nue.- visiung Brouier are cordially in vited to attend. F. S. IVANHOK. EnlLed Rnl.r G. E. McCullt, Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 169. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD-.Mj.le every Friday of each month in I the K. or P. hall in the Corp building, AH visiting members welcome. . N. L. Ackles. Consul- Commander J. H. 'Keeney, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE. No. 27 Meet every Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corp building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights, . .'T , N. L Ackles, C. C. R. PattiSon, K.R.4S. Centennial Hotel MOST DISEASES ARE Of SPWAl ORIGIN ANATOMY UPHOLDS OSTEOPATHY It is impossiple to studv the anatnmv nf tne spinal column without marvelina tht ii so seldom gets out of order. The won der is that it should be able to do it work at an. Th soma! column i FTa Has itrt n twenty-four eparat bony segments, the veneorae, which join the head above and the pelvi below. Each vertebra is sep arated from and at the same time joined w its reiiow above and below by dens buffer of yielding cartilage; over bone and cartilage compact trong (trap of ligament pass and interlace with mathe matical precision, binding all firmly to gether. This marvelou pillar, when braced on every side by guy of muscle and tendon, becomes the incomoarabiv atrono ainnd.r .graceful, agile spinal column atrano enough to support not alone th body, but all the burdens men carry; scarcely thick er than broomstick, yet a supple a a carriag whip; capable not only of bend ing in every direction, but ln b,r.i. ' and marvel of marvel! lf-restorative ; , . Under new management. Board and Room $S per week. cash. M'aaht OR rfa SnvJil ' r. r... ..:.L. Monthly patron. . No. 1417 Adam Av. ! w Meor ' ftr every conceivable Phone no. 1 1 d I . - - I in reiauveiy correct position and adjust- l Mr. W. El Murchison. proprietress COAL HERE ROW gyration, so long only a it mechanism is ment , Fancy a machine of steel and rubber. - . . . , . - ui complex motion, such Th. Grand. Roods Coal Co. ha Jut wondrous rtrgth. ,rt having wch an received thre. car. of cod and all order, elastic power to retain iU normal form booked will receive prompt atUnUm. We and dktr. -n.. . ... muumiui spinal coi- hav. made arrangement whereby we will umn stands a th most matchless niece handle all coal and plenty of it th. rest of workmanship in all mechanics! of the season. G. R.C. C. Lewi Bro. At a Special meatinnr nf th R,L.. I-:.., w. wwnvi viibj Trades and Labor assembly last evening snowing resolutions were adopted; Resolved. That Wtt mrm trnnav rv - voajij wp- posed to the sUnderous and personal at tack on the character of One nf nnr hnru. ed citizen. John L Rand, published in the roniand Labor Press, believing them to be slanderous and uncalled for and tid ing to mislead the people of this district for the benefit of mliLical exndid.t.. i- other parts of the state; Resolved. That w trie slanderers and mniwl nd .... called for attack on th. good citizens of any district Labor unions are honorable bodies, represented by honorable people. witn uie nrm intention f peopl. honorably and demanding the same in return. Resolved, That personal attacks have oeen and are a detriment to the good name of organized labor. We are aware that there are no saints among us and men must all stand the test of th. ballot box on th. political record they have made and not slander any class of people, to uie oeiriment of organized labor. Resolved, That v the Portland Labor Press b. requested o cease the slander aus publications against all candidates in this state and oppose them or support them on their past political records nd maintain th. good nam. of .organized laborandth. principles we have been fighting for so many yar. honor, justice and good government-Baker City Dem ocrat,. March !. ' ' ; THE GAMBLE CONCERT ' Great interest is manifest in this great ,v8ni, and it looks as though Central Church would be packed this evening. Miss Lyne heard them last year in Kansas Citv whom ..- .u i pn ... , ' uiu I.OU and people were delighted. Evangelist Handsaker. has heard Mr. Gamble, and says he considers himself fortunate in being here tonight Press notices from Portland and Lewis ton tail us of the party in the west, while CLARK WINS VICTORY " (Scrlpp Newe Association) 1 Washington, D. C. March 8. Senator Clark of Montana won a complete vic tory in th. supreme court in th. case brought by the government demanding the cancellation of eighty patents for timber land on the around that th. n.- ntees did not purchase the land in good laiui ana ror their own exclusive use, but. for speculation, and undsr an agreement which insure! a benefit to Clark. The Supreme Court affirmed th. decision of the lower court which held that Clark had no actual knowledge of the fraud. . TROOPS WITHDRAWN . (Scrlppa Newe Association) Springfield. Ohio. Mar. S Alt r.t th. troops have been withdrawn. Th. it- is quiet ,.As a result of th. riot thr L I x i iav oeen mree nundred arrests. CRAIN MARKETS (Scrlpp News Association) Chicago, Mar. 6-Wheat orn.d .t 78Hl cloed 78; corn opened at 42, closed 43k': oaU oMn.H 90 1 closed 80. .. BBwEaw. th. eastern papers abound in praise. Our music lover have a treat at hand and those who miss this number of the course win have reason for regret ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the Boss MEAT MARKET, from J. Bui uompany, we wish to inform the citizens of La Grande that we will endeavor to merrit the patronage which the Market has enjoyed, and wjll appreciate any and all trade which we should receive. Our endeavor which at al times to please our patrons by rendering the best possible service. tria -order a earnestly selisited. , KROUSE BROS Prop buccessof to J. Bull and Go. J. L MAR S, Contractor and Builder , Draler in Building Material La' Grande, Oregon ; Drop a line naming work, and I will ' name the right price. Ready For Business WITH A fULL LINE OF FEED, HAY AND GRAIN . ., . W. are ready to buy all kinds of hay and grain, and pay th. highest market price. KV. OLIVER Slater Buildinjz ; 1EFFERSON AVE : Main 57 I LUMBER 1 i (RrV RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Better Lumber and Cheaper than is sold In , li Orande, We deliver it to your building Grande Ronde Lumber Co ; PEKRT, OREGON (Scrlppa News AMnnlallnn Chicago. March 6. The' Daily Ne correspondent at St. Petersburg que an official as follows: Rockafolier v give two hundred million dollars to , Witte in preventing the financial era Hedoesth sin return for railroad cc cessions from Taskend to Tomsk a from Tehita to Polamoehna and a gre of lind on both sides of the 10 d. T prospective loans' in mopay is aUo .to paid back in installmenU to be us'jd the construction of the roid. The Cz nesitates to sanction the offered plan u ui uia uoma assembles. MUNICIPAL ITKIIOil (Scrippe News Association) Vallejo, Cal, March 6. There is gre. interest in the municipal elecUon Uxia The biggest vot. ever polled is anticipato( Ther. are no disturbances bv lot. 1 I . . ana xeen opposition. Mayor Reney, wh nas navy yard emolover. claim, "it. election of the entire ReDuhlir.AA tii-bAf k at least two hundred. The nnw employes, numbering eighteen 'hundrea ar. coming off In souads for Reney. Madigan, DemocraL cij.im'. election by a hundred. . '" 1 ::jntBUllS;A!1D BfAHS (Scrlpps Newe Association) ' new rork Mar. 0. Th. . continued pressure of the stock market forced a1 considerable liquidation of the Anaccnda Amalgamated. Some inside interest is apparently willing to see prices go lower. LA GRANDE MESSENGER SERVICE -RATES- Fiv. blocks from fountain 10c Seven " ' 16c Any place in the city 25c PHONE RED 261 , C. L. SMITH ' CREAMERY BUILDING IN A HURRY? t THEN CALL - WM. KCTNOLbS THE TRANSFER MAN H. wiU tak. that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than it takes toUHit." ,-i '1, Day phon Red ?61 . Night phone Black 1792 Wagon always at your service ; Beautiful Hair and Face Man k.J i... I : Shampooing and Massage, The HOTEL FOLEi Tonsorial Parlors are prepared to do these specialties and Friday of each week will be J for LadX customers. Pribate par- lor for ladies. Lady attendant in A hat rat 5 C.T. COLT Prop MlSSSttSllttiti ' - eee G. E. FOWLLR Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal J PHONE 1611 , All order given prompt attention ; THE : OXFORD PAR : JAMES FARQUHAR10N, Prop. I Coaiptru Mmrtawoi ol Z WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS ; 2 Cold lunches and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. You are invited e .A ..it . i . ' . i - a to call and get acquainted." THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. FINE WIHE3. LIQU0R5 CcntlenMii aJwayi Welcome ' FlrJtrtrt