3' J! est. "9V Aurelia Stock Reports from the. mines during January has warranted a raise," consequently stock has gone up to 7J cents, and this is not all, it will keep' going up as long as the property gets better, as it is you should buy before another raise in price, or you will miss a good investment" You should consider this as being a home enterprise and help the matter- along, thereby helping .yourself. ; AURELIA MINING COf J. A. THRONSOM. - :, E AT TO FATn j li U i ' mm a a a .... , , - Is the question that preplexes the housewife these days. . Cait at our store and select a menu from our choice line of canned goods. Or, better yet, we have on hand vege Jablts and other delacicies that will relieve the monoty of the usual spring menu. Remember, our delivery is at .'. your service whether the order is large or small. , NEBRASKA MRS. MAGGIE Mac Tuc No. 2. . CLEANLIMESS As milk is the, natural food for the young, containing within itself all Jhe reguirementa of the body, and as any adulteration' is Injurious to the system,' '(either from absorp tion pr otherwise) therefore the 'health of the consumer, and espec ially - the ' ; young,-' depend to a great extent upon those who handle 'the milk. : And ' as there are so many ways in handling the cow as well as the milk after being drawn .from the cow. Every consumer Viould visit the place from whence he gets his milk (no matter if it is surrounded by a high board fence) 'and see how the cow and the milk are handled before using it as a '.food for the baby. ' ;i';a SPRING BROOK- DAIRY it always opeij for inspection and invites you to come and see Practical Gunsmith ?onoirc 5tr!rlfr Fiiirtri-iec BJ - Muj until j i i oiwiui IK Guns -istockrd ' : Keys fitted to door to ks , WM. AGNEW , ' , Adapts Am a ' V'.. e 4 'ej LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, PROF. DAY. PRINCIPAL. ., I -A X-r MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. J; ' ;: . This is one of the best .musical in institutions in the' state., and that people in this city and valley are begininng todiscover the advantage-' of this school. ' The system is the latest and most practical) and in "c'ludes all the latest discoveries in ; the art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. I is for beginners from ' 6 years or - more and are taught 5 the first three grades. . Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 2 to S. Here they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be .permitted to remain in this school who do not study. "" , Opposite the Foley House .over 1 tthe candy store. . Phqne. 475. : ; : GROCERY SHEARER, Prop. LOME DIRECTORY EAGLES La Grande Aerie 259 P. 0. E. meets every Friday night in Redmen Hall, Lewis Buildingat 8 p. m. Visiting brethren invited to attend. 1. R. Snook W. S Dr. G. L. Biggers W. P. - L 0. 6. F. -La Grande Lodge No. 16. meets in their hall every Saturday night Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant H. E. CoouDOE, N. 0. D. E. Cox, See. . STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. 51, L 0. O. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in- Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome, i Q. E. Fowler, C. P. D. E. Cox, Scribe. - t . M. W. A.-La Grande Camp Nb. 7705 meets every first and 'third Wednesday of the month at I. 0. 0.- F. hail. - All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend. , C. S. Williams, V. C. John Hall, .Clerk. . y . , j F0RESTERSOF AMERICA -Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Thurs day night in Redman hall. Brothers are invited to attend. - ' Fheh Hon Chief Ranger L. L Snodgrass Financial Sec. . . Board of Trustees Dr. G. L, Biooers John Hall and C. S. Williahl t ' FRIENDSHIP TENT No. 5 1 . K..0. T M. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays each month in I. 0. 0. F. ha1!. Visiting knights welcome. , H. C. Ball. Com. Mox Block, Record Keeper ' " - L.O. T. M. HIVE No. 27.-Meets every first and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting ladies are welcome. Maude Lono Lady Commander. M. C. Vkssey, Record Keeper. B. P. 0. E, U GRANDE LODGE No. 425 Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'olock In Elks hall, on Adams Ave nue. Visiting Brothers are cordially in vited to attend. .'. i Fi S. IvAMHOi. Exalted Ruler. G. E. McCully, Recording Secretary. ' LA " GRANDE LODGE No. 159. WOODMEN OP THE WORLD Mi.ls every Friday of each month in the ft of P. hall in the Corp building. . All visiting 'members welcome.' . . N. L. .Ackles, Consul Commander J. H. Kshney, Clerk. -RED.CROSS LODGE, No. 27-Mests very .Monday .evening in Caebtae, flail, Corps building. A Pythian wel? to all visiting Knights, . k, - . N. L., Ackles, C C. R. Pattisoh. K. R. It S. Centennial Hotel Under new management Board and Room ' $5 per we k, cash. Meals 28 cts. Special ratv futnishe Monthly patrons.. No. 1417 Adfiue Ave. Phone No. 1161.- - . r Mrs. W. E. Murchison, proprietress f OR MONIAW ATTORRET (gorippe News Association) - Washington, Feb. 28-The President this afternoon nominated Carl Rasch to be UnlUd Slates Attewiey for the Mont ana district f '! CQMRE&S DMRMS AID fOR Willis (Observer Special) Washington, D. C. March 1. Congress does not seem to have discouraged ex positions so effectually as to be relieved from further requests for assistance. . When Portland asked for aid. tha Con gressional foot was at first firmly plant er out relaxed sufficently for a limited amount of - financial assistance to elm through. But following that contribution. congress was more emphatic than ever. It frowns have not . discouraged an other enterprising community, which has a most memorable as the provication for its intended celebration. Thar wiH in all human probability be a ' Jamestown exposition, and the sentiment grows here that It will have congressional aid of a substantial manner. Qently the news is already being broken to the legislators and their time to ante wil be indicated shortly. It is a three-to-one proposition here in the pop ular mind that the Jamestown Exposition will be made an important national affair. Chairman J. E. RansdelL of tha aiaeti- tive committee of the Rivers and Harbors Association, who" It also a congressman from Louisiana; says- the first results from the national campaign for heavier work on navigable streams and bodies of water gratifying. He finds Dublic senti ment quicker in this movement than he and his colleagues expected. The one statement that but 2.70 per cent of the avirage annual approbations for the past ten year has been given to this vastly beneficent work, has proved the key-note "More money for peace, more for progress in the industrial arts, more consideration of navigation," is a thought that comes from many quarters of the country. ' Mr. Kansaaii says tne movement )s sure of general support He says that the people grasp readily the fact that wherever such may be utilized, water courses ar the strongest factors in reducing transporta tion rates that could be secured. The nation has rate-regulation first in mind (Scrlppa News Association) ; Washington, Mar. 1 The Interstate Commerce , Commission is hunting the proper counsel preparatory to the ex haustive investigation whioh is to be made into the railroads to ascertain, their interests if any itv-the products they ship! C. & Hugher, it it understood, is to be offered the position and Judge Calhoun, of Chicago, is also being considered. UNEMPLOYED CO TO CANADA ' (Scrlppa News Association) Winnipeg. Can, March 1. The local officers of ths Salvation Army are busy making preparations for the laroe bodv of immigrants who will arrive here from B gaud ur g the coming summer. About 0.60U British people will be broueht west directly under the care of the Army and tne nrst steamer with part of these im migrants started from England today. This is an undertaking of the Salvation Army, prompted by the double intention of relieving the situation in Great Britain and to supply the much heeded help to the faumert and business men in the west ofl Canada. Of the 5,500 to come to Winn pjgit is expected that about 1,000 will be located in Manitobia, while the rest will go to Saskatchewan. ' The Salvation Army does not intend to bring the paupers and the scum of the British population to this country and deals only with hard working and willing people, who may be temporarily out of employment or wish io batter their condition. ' ' Ml BATTLE (Scrlppa Newe Association) London, Mar. 1 Thtj Da Dart as that Japan proposes to construct a ship more powerful Jrp the Dreadnaught which Englaad is now building. Germany in tends to provide an enormous sum to Im prove the CakxChau aj military naval basis and wiH send tuiLabl boats to the navigation of the Chinese river. " AMERICANS SAft IScrlpM Newe AakvlBtini Washington, Mar. lThe sUU4epart menthae been notified by Consul-General James R. Rogers, of Shanghai, that the American property at Nachang was safe and that the refugees had arrived at Kiakang. , . IITIIIGTOli ATTORNEY SHI just now, and accept this eminently practical doctrine for a relief in a large number of places, with plain eagerness. He believes that by next congress the people will be ready to demand $50,000. 000 annually for rivers and harbors, in stead of accepting " $50,000,000 tri annually. : In tit struggle for pure food bill. Eastern interests were much more ag gressive than the people of the West While the Senate measure that passed wae fathered by Senator Heyburn, of Idaho, and had the support In Its essent ial features of the Western men. the real fight was made by interests of the Mississippi valley and Eastern sections. Even this effort was not to prevent Federal regulation of food and adulter ation, but consisted in the main of con tentions regarding method of procedure and the ultimata authority on questions of deleteriousness or wholesomeness of food. In the expert testimony given, the radical difference of opinion suggested some of the troubles the law may beget if it ie enforced. RonnwM flatly "contradicted each other on the point Enforcement of a law where the manufacturer leans strongly toward ec onomy in using ingredients for coloring or preserving, and the consumer Inclines toward absolute purity, will have many contests. F riends of the pure food movement are already urging every community to begin educational work. Cannerymen and packers will . continue in business, for their industry representing a public need, and the first announcements under the measure which seems assured of becom ing law, may Interfere seriously with perfectly clean, wholesome products. Friends fear reaction from such condi tions, and hope for the educational move ment to sustain public confidence while the taw is dealing with such aggravated cases as some patent medicines and drink adulterations. MINER'S CONVENTION CALLED (Scrlppa News Association) . Indianapolis, March 1. An official call for a convention of the Union miners o this district was issued for March 15. , MORE RESIGNATIONS . (Scrlppa Newa Association) New York. Mar. 1 The, resignation of E. D. Morris and Stuyvesant Fish as trustees of the Mutual Life Insurance company was accepted today. S. EDMONDS, TAILOR MEW SPRING LINE OF-WOOLENS ARRIVED ALL THE LEADING EXCLUSIVE STYLES McKennoii Building, next door to J. H. fftt A.f Fine Confectionery . ttt- , .., . 1 ; 'I Lry - and r;---:'v;' .:;';:'-:l T7 rr-7-m ' ; ' .'t': " ?. --, Cigars ! VanBuren's j LA GRANDE IRON WORKS S ' d. fitzqerAld, Proprietor, m i ' Cmplete Machine a General Blacksmiths. We manufacture The FiUgerald Roller Feed I a" Mill., the best and cheapest mill on the market Our shops are J 1 equipped with machinery to handle any sized work, nothing too large ' or nothing to small. Highest prices paid for old iron. J ST. DAVID'S DAT (Scrlppa Newe Association) Pittsburg. Pa.. March l.-The Wslsh men in all parts of the world are celebrat ing St David's Day today. The Cam brian Society of Pittsburg will give a dinner and entertainment at the First Congregational church this evening fn honor or the patron Saint Many promi nent Welshman from this' city and the surrounding districts will attend. There will be some good speeches and musical numbers on the program. President D. Lloyd Jones will preside. fWED f OR GAMBLING (Scrlpps News Association) San Francisco Mar. 1 The 241 gam blers who were arrested in the Harvey A Daroux establishment Monday night were arraigned today and were fined $5 each. Daroux and two dealers were fined $100 each. Raids , on . slot machines continue. ? HORSEMEN SUSPENDED - (Scrlppa Newe Association). , r -oe Angeles, Mar. 1-Judge Hamilton today suspended J. J. Caffarty and C. E. Durnell, horse owners for one year on all tracks. Cafferty doped the Hugenoy on February 19. and Durnell was suspended for general questionable practices on the turf..-'' - , THE FINAL ACT ,K ; (Scrlppa Newa Association) ,' Portland. Mar; 1 The Lewis & Clark Fair formerly ceased to exist today when the stockholders, through the board of directore passed resolutions of of dissolution after declaring a 26 per cent dividend on the stock after donating the remaining $15000 for the commem orative statutes of Lewis and Clark. ' ANOTHER BANK FAILURE (Scrlppa Newa Association) Fort Smith. Ark., Mar. 1 The South ern Banknd Trust Company which had a capital of six hundred thousand dollars, failed to open thie morning. The officers of the bank announce that the concern will be able to pay io full. . , : GRAIN MARKETS (Scrlppa Newa Association) Chicago, Mar. 1 Wheat opened at 8 1J; closed 80g; . corn opened at 45, closed 45; oas opened 10 closed 50. OfF FOR TAMPA"" ' (Scrlppa Newa Association) Havana. March, 1. Congressman and Mrs. Nichloas Longworth sailed from thi city today for Tampa. Florida. Our delivery service is for the benefit of all. Don't hesitate to use it ' Nbwuh Druq Co Pear's Jewelry Store. t ttlMIS ttttit Shop and Foundry .... Romig e Staples of this citv. and Mrs. Sullivan of Starkey bid the', greater part of the property sold at a sheriffs sale at Carson on Monday last. The property belonged to the Carson Consolidated Hy draulic Mining Company and w. a at tached early last winter for supplies fur nished by several business firms of this city. .! t THE LA GRANOR I NURSERY !' 1 Geo. W. Powell," " . V. I have made a special reduction on rosea for the next IS days, roses from 56c to 60c Your choice for 25c Until the 28th of February . s '.' .',..- f t ... Come and be first to select . I also have , fine lot of .Apple, pear, prune, plum, cherry, appri cot peach, mulberrv. shads trees and ornamental trees? grapes, currents, gooseberry, blackberry, dewberry, rasp berry, vines, j crepers. ' and hedge plants. : Phone ,1811. Thorns' grocery, .... la grande messenger ' service ; ; -RATES- Five blocks from fountain '. 10c Seven " . ." -, .,.:..i6c Any place in the city 26o PHONE RED 261 . ? 'C. L. SMITH : CREAMERY BUILDING IH A HURRY? THEN CALL Wfl. KETNOLDS THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time , it takes to tell It ; , v; Day phone Red 76 1 Night phone Black 1 792 Wagon always at your service J Beautiful Hair and Face " May be had bv havinor acientifla Shampooing and - Massage. The HOTEL FOLEV j Tonsorial Parlors, H, a are prepared to do these specialties ; .v and Friday of each week will be d at i mr iu cuswmers, - rrioaie par- Z . lor for ladies. Lady attendant iti X. r . chare. . . - n i ' f .... vv; ; w C.T. COLT Prop. : : ;.v i G. E. FOWLLR I 11 Truck and Transfer a t . ' :-. t : 1 ; - 'e : Wnnrl anrl Tnl : 1 " www ww WMI .; 0, - '.!..'.)" a a ' !' PHONE ieti ! - . J a All orders given prompt attention ' ' e ' 4 a .! .....e.a.a. J a T THE j OXFORD; PAR j ; - JAmcj rAKturiAKjUNi Prop,: J i ! ' ; ': i e ' s WINES, LIQUORS -AND CIGARS a nJ 1 I , i ; . 0 wuiu lunuiie anu inisea arinss a Z s j specially. rair ana impartial -s J a treatment to all. You are invited J-, 2 to call and get acquainted. ' J J 5c ? TUB Alllinn CHRIS WRIGHT. Prop. v nut 2 CIQ1R5 V.T J - wtnttemen tlwiyi Wclcotm i i ... i nrMrtd - i : I 02 Is nc lerfey loci 0 tw Tevep igai ised a . Th super flghti with 1i Uk femai 4 cas Thi te th. nd.thi t sep ' from Street ,anc Th . burial 1 New conds their f tha as not 'quajt Ik.. - " for t t; Pat- order ". exa- March m :i -' i i 1 H- " 'if