x i r s '( a I S ' i : 4 t a . f V n PURE p T DRUGS Special car it used in our ' Pre scription department The purity of the drugs used and absolute accuracy in measuring and weigh ing ensure perfect results. Two graduated Pharmacist always in attendance. Prescriptions and goods promptly delivered free. Red Cross Drug Store Wholesale and Retail . A. C McLennan, Ph. G. Tw i Ts'ephmes, Local black 271. Ventre 10 - ThE ODOR OF A REALLY GOOD CIGAR is enjoyed by most Ladies in spite of their objections to smoking themselves No gentleman need fear to ask per mission to smoke a VISTA ORADA in the presence of his sweet heart or best girl, as they are remarkable for the fragTance and . purity of their smoke. C. E. HACKMAN, Factory Corner Adams Avenue and Z Oreen wood Street. Red 1641 t La GranJc National Bank ESTABLISHED 1887 OpiUl (tocK, Surplus and undivided profits $160,0)000 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS TEORQE PALMER, President. J. M. BERRY. Vice President. . F, L. MEYERS, Cashier. GEORGE L: CLEAVER, Assistant. Cashier. .', W. L. BREN HOLTS, Assistant Cashier. BERRY, F. M. BYRKIT. A. B. CON LEY, C. C. PEN1NGTON, F. J4 HOLMES. ' General banking business. Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. , FOR WINTRY WASHING Our new machinery and additional help will enable us to do fami lly washing CHEAPER, QUICKER and BETTER than you can do it yourself, W call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work. Give us a trial and y:u will not be bothered through the winter with family washing. A. B.C. STEAM LAUNDRY HHONE j Main 7 La Grnk. OiPjfCi. Ready For Business WITH A FULL LIME OF FEED. HAY AND GRAIN We are ready to buy all kinds of hay and grain, and pay the highest market prices. MV. OLIVER Slater 13uil dinar IEFFERSON AVE Main 57' La Grande Evening Observer TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1906 Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance ... .. $6.60 Six months in advance .. 3.50 Per month.. : . 65 Single copy .. 6c Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. CURREY BROS.. ED'S AND PROP Thi paper will not publish Jany article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. 'a LUMBER WHOLESALE PRICES Better Lumber and Cheaper than is sold in La Grande,, We deliver it to your building : I Grande Ronde Lumber Co j PERRY. OREGON i ADVERTMtNO KATHs mplay Ad mta rarntihetf npuo application .unit rending notleee lOo pur line Brat dim Hon, ju par line tor mch nubnequani .loer MoluUunt or condolence, 5c wr line rda of Uwnka, to per lie. rnrnws Improves the flavor and adds to the health fulness of the food. ASH WEDNESDAY Wednesday of this week will be Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, and this Lenten season will last until April 24th. this year, the season covering forty- six days counting the six Sundays in Lent but the Sundays are in Lent rather than of it, as they are feast days, while the real days of Lent, the forty days, are days of fasting and self denial. Lent is kept by the Church of England, the Episcopal Churches of the United States and Scotland, by the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern or Greek and some other branches of the Holy Catholic Church. The time for keeping Lent has varied a little in the various branche of the Church that keeps it, but it is a season of fasting and prayer, and it is a preparation for the Great Feast of Easter, the day kopt in memory of the Resurrection, which will occur on April 1 5th. this year. The word "Lent" is a Saxon term meaning Spring, and Lent is called the Spring Fast. According to the customs of the churches keeping Lent, it is improper to attend parties, theaters, places of amuse ment, and marriages are not solemonized during this holy season. Every member of the Church is expected to practice some measure of fasting, excepting on Sundays, and self denial is practiced and Lenton Savings are presented as an offer ing to God on Easter Day. Church services are more frequent than at other times, and they have a penitential tone. The liturgical color for this season, excepting on Good Friday, is violet. On Good Friday the proper color for the altar is black, as Good Friday is kept in memory of the Crucifixion. The last day of Lent is Saturday, April Uth., and is called Easter Even, a very proper day for baptisms. ' CONSUMPTION PER HEAD Experts after patiently figuring out the average, per capita consumption of each person in the United States of the things that are included in the general term of living; such as all kinds of food stuffs. liquors, condiments, tobacco, also clothing, metals, lumber, lath, brick, lime, coal and oil, have reached the following figures In 1860 the prices proportioned to consumption per capita was for bread stuffs $23,662, meats $10,084, dairy and garden stuffs $14,169, other food $8,978. clothing $22,094. metals $26.- 082, miscellaneous articles $16,672 making the total cost of th ings consumed in living amount to $121,631 for that year. Calculation based on the prices of the same things makes the cost of living in 1 906 as follows for bread stuffs $ 1 6.554. meats $8,426. dairy and garden $14,399. other food $9,822, clothing $19,313, metals $17.141,, miscellaneous articles $18,809, total $104,464. The above figures show that it costs less to live in the United States now than it did in 1860; and that a person today can purchase the same quantity of articles to support him for a year for $17,167 less than the same quantity of th same articles would have cost 46 year ago in the United States. NEWEOUNDIAND TARIFF The British province of Newfoundland has recently fixed a new tariff rata on goods Imported into that island that may be of interest to the people of the United States. The charge on imported cows, oxen, bulls, horses, mares, colts and other draft animals not specifically named in the tariff bill, is 20 per cent ad valorem, On apples 50 cents per bushel and on dried apples 2 cents per pound on barley 10 per cent ad. val., on dry goods 35 per cent ad. val., machines and machinery 35 per cent ad. val., on lumber the tariff changes are from $1 to $5 per M There is a tariff on nearly everything that goes to that island. In 1904 the exports from the United -States to New foundland was $1,147,289 worth of stuli. . Our cbr.vjry service is for the benefit of all. Don t hasilate to use it. Newlin Druo Co A MODERN MIRACLE "Tiuly miraculous seemed the recovery of Mrs. Mollie Holt of this place," writes J. O. R. Hooper, Woodford, Tenn., "she was so wasted by coughing up pus from her lungs. Doctors declared her end so near that her family had watched by her bed-side forty-eight hours; when, at my urgent request Dr. King's New Discovery was given her, and with the astonishing result that improvement began, and con tinued until she finally completely recov ered, and is a healthy woman today 50t and $1.00 at newlin druo co. Trial of.la fre. FARMERS Now is the time to do your fenc;ng, you need fenceposts, we have them for sale. Our post were cut from green fur and tamarack trees and are thoroughly dry. We have about 5000 of them which we must dispose of this spring. We will exchange them for live stock, hay, grain. eggs, potatoes or other produce. Leave orders at Tne Golden Rule or at No. A 606 Sixth Street. Also dry cord wood for sale in any quantity. J. Anthony THE LA GRANDE' NURSERY Geo. W. Powell, I have made a special reduction ' on roses for the next 1 5 days, roses from 55c to 50c Your choice for 25c Until the 28th of February , Come and be first to select. I also have a fine lot of .Apple, pear, prune, plum, cherry, appri cot, peach, mulberry, shade trees and ornamental trees, grapes, currents, gooseberry, blackberry, dewberry, rasp berry, vines, creepers, and hedge plants. Phone 1511. Thorns' grocery ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS t OF UNION COUNTY I hereby announce myself as Candidate for the Republican nom nation for County Judge, subject to the primary nominat.ng election to be held April 20th. J. C. Henry. FOR SALE Three fine Reed Rockers ,. $.50. $5.25, $7.60 1 Clock .... :.$3.00 ; Bed Lounge f 16x30, 12oz. 7 foot Wall Tent, New Upholstered Mahogony Parlor Chair Sewing Machine, on trial ...... ALL ON EASY TERMS- $8.00 .$26.00 ...$i.oo: .$16.60 EXCELSIOR RANGES Best Stoves and Ranges made. I sell them at $2? 50, -$3 1 .00. $34.00, $38.00. New Gooking Stoves, $8.00 to $29.00, on the installment plan. ; ; V Bring in your old stoves and trade on a new range or heater.' ' ' F. D. HAISTEN, . PHONE RED J 161 ; : j rj Highest prices paid for Second Hand Goods ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF UNION COUNTY I. hereby announce myself as Candidate for the Republican nom ination for Sheriff of Union County, subject to the primary nominating lection to be held April 20th. J. M. Murphy a BIG REDUCTION SALE I ON ALL CHRISTMAS GOODS 1 IS NOW ON AT HILL'S DRUG STORE Very complete line to choose from, in books, 'Perfumes, Toilet Sets, Manicures, Hand Bags, Vases, Smokers' Sets, Ink Wells, Mirrors, Albuns and many other nice things. . Call and see what we have. .'. .". .', A. T. Prescription Druggist HILL LA GRANDE, OR Ti l yc:ir,g mm I vc? the pirl; Ihts hi3 business. Tl. ) ynung girl loves the man; 'i'nat s her business. Soon they will marry; That's their business. To fit them out for housekeeping That's Our Business. . W. H. BOHNENKAMP, : a : HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. j HIS APPRECIATION THE BUSINESS MAN thoroughly appreciates the advantages of checking account with a bank. Those who do not keep such , alburn miss many or its advantages. a an eth?.alW,ay9 8'ad ex?,!a,n th "orWne of a checking account to those who are not familiar with banking. , Interests paid on time deposits and in savings department. CAPITAL ANDSURPIUS $74,000.00. Vhe farmers and "Uradirs 7atona( flank f Sr.d Of gen EW LEATHER SOUVENIR POSTALS DRESSING COMBS PICTURE RACKS CRUMB TRAYS STA1I0NERY E. M. Wellman & Company ADAMS AVENUE 12 5