a . NEW: CROSS CUT SAWS . LOCAL ITEMS : - ...i, ...4 1-1 - i ' ! it-! t- Ml v- r , I i It !i : : A - At 1 THE GOLDEN RULE STORE 1 500 PIECES DRESS GOODS All the novelties and staples in suitings, wash goods, white goods, percales, prints,' trimmings, laces,, embroideries, etc. . r , 200 MEN'S AND. BOY'S SUITS The new and nobby things in spi ing wear.- Prices 41.50 to $15.00 per Suit New shapes, new shades, natty ones as well as the staples. Make your selections now while the assortment Is complete. DISHES AND CHINAWARE Don't forget we are among the largest handlers of DISHES in Eastern Oregon, both foreign and domestic ware. Havilnnd and German China. BEAR IN MIND TOO New spring goods is not the only insentive for you to visit our store. You will ftj?d, after inventory, ' bargains in" every section. The painstaking shopper can always find something useful'on our bargain tables. . - - THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY 1 1308, 1310, 1812 Adamt Avenue. Lareest Btor- ; i , i i; Smallest Prices I T I I have recently added to" my Up To Date Stock A swell line of READY MADE TROUSERS ranging in price from $3.25 tO $5.00 AMUSEME1VTS; m V. ANDREWS,! PLUMSTKAD TONIGHT For n all-round evening of pleasure you should ' hear Elsworth Plumstead. He gives Impersonations, character sketches, fun, pathos. In fact plays upon all the strjngs of the human heart. He' also sings. Hear him at the Central church at 8:30 thia evening. Tickets at Selder's store. Number . 3 course. . ' ' ' " of popular TAILOR and HABERDASHER e ; 1 THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLLACK. Propr. Keeps the Best Groceries, Vegeta bles Etc. Call up Telephone Main 75 and give us a chance to g-.t aquaintcd. OUR REPAIR DEPRTMtNT j is equipped with everything to en able us to do high-class work. It is In charge of a skilled and there no Job too delicate or too difficult to be successfully treated. ' Jewelry watches. Etc given to us for repair will receive our - prompt and careful attention. J. II. PEARE. Jeweler and Optician i t OLER CLUB The U. of O. Glee Club Concert last evening was thronged and as usual the affair was a treat, The plan of decor ation could not be called elaborate but it was suggestive of school spirit. There were score of college and class pennants and a few cozy corners vrranged attrac tively. The entire program was beauti fully rendered. Special mention must be given Mr.' Rountree, whose impersonations were highly appreciated and none hesi tates to say he has certainly been prop erly titled the "funny man." The select ions by the Mandolin Club were except ionally fine and all member share honors with Mr. Bellman, the' proficient leader. Unbounded praise wae given Mr. Glen who rendered Bullards "Cavalier Song" most effectively. The Glee Club boys have made host of friends wherever they have gone and hrough the kindness of Dr. and Mrs. F E. Moore, local enthusiasts had the pleasure of meeting them at a reception in Dr. Moore's elegant home. The large crowd, nearly 90 guests, was admirably handled and the success of this part of the evening is due to the arduous work of Mrs. Moore, whe is ever ready to ar range pleasant occasions for her friends. PAvwaintwAr (Scrlpps New Association) Washington, Feb. 15 Longworth got the marriage license this afternoon. ' Mrs. J.' Hopper of Old Town is ; visiting Mrs. Wesley Andrews in Baker City. J. H. Mimnaugh is down from Perry to day on a business trip. Dr. Charlton, the veterinary surgeon, was called to Alicel this morning. J. K. Romig is down from Baker .City on business. Mr. and Mrs.'J. K. Romig came down from Baker City last night, and expect to return, home this evening. .' Owing to the serious illness of Miss Bessie Henry, there will be no meeting of the Kaffee Klatch. . Attention is called to the Rainbow store ad which appears in this week's edition of the weekly and in Friday's daily. , There will be a flower party tonieht at the house of ; the . Latter Day Sainte. Thomas' orchestra will furnish the music. ' Misses Birdie and Grace McDaniel, of Baker City, left last night for Los Ange les where they will make an extendei visit with friends. Architect C. R. Thornton left last nigl for the scene of his old home ; near Des Moines, Iowa, after an absence of S3 years, etitions are out, we understand, for Geo. Miller of the Cove for the nominr tion of representative on the Republican little nine months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson is very low rysipelas and grave fears are entertained of its, recovery. " It is understood that Qs W. Ruckman of Alicel will be a candidate before the Republican primaries for the nomination for representative. v Don't forget the Epworth League meeting Sunday evening. Great prepara tions are being made. Old hymns will be sung. If you don't attend some other young peoples' society, be sure to come. 6:30 promptly. ' ' La Grande is to have a baseball team this season. In the next few days the members of last year's team will hold a meeting and elect a manager and captain for the ensuing year, and also order new uniforms. ... . There were 68 votes cast at the city election last March and if anything like a full vote is cast, this number will be con siderably increased this year.. The vote will be governed largely by the interest taken' on the day of election.. J. H. O'Neil, better known as "Jack" O'Neil, traveling passenger agent for the O. R. A N., is the city today on business connected with, his department Mr. ttNeil says this spring travel is much he i rier than usual on the O. R. & N. and promises to be still greater as the season progresses. WANTED Girls to sew on special parts also apprentices, apply to Mrs. Mc Donald in Corps building. . ' I have the celebrated Atkins Gross Gut saws, which give perfect satisfaction. There is no better made, try one and be convinced. You will also find my stock complete in axes,' sledges, wedges,, peaveys, logging tongs, chains, etc. Do not forget about the low price 1 am making on a few heating stoves I have left See our fine assortment of fancy chinaware in plain and decorated. - MRS-T-N-MURPHY I 2 Hardware and crockery. . S 10RE f Mints ARRIVt Last night seven great freight engine of the type of the 350 class, arrived ab are in the yards today. Altogether ther are lb if EmU WlUIUotive In the yard! and shops. Five of the engines that came last night are numbered and labeled for the Southern Pacific but there ie a possi bility that they will be used on this divis ion instead. Four of the big freighters ar In the shops and are being set up as rapidly as possible to relieve the scarcity of motive power. RfOPnON TO Off QUB ' Mrs. C. A. Johns has prepared to give a reception to the Oregon Stat Univers ity Glee club on Thursday evening after their program at the opera house has been concluded. Many friends of the univers ity, and members of the club have been invited to the reception. Baker City Herald. , MAY WITHDRAW Mr. Lachner of Baker City is said to be considering and will probably be in duced to withdraw from the race for congress; he is to be offered the post mastership in Baker City in lieu, of Mr, Voruz and will be endorsed by Senator Fulton. INDIAN SCHOOL OVflKRGWDf.D Chemewah, Ore Feb. 16 The accom odations at the Indian sc'i nt are taxed to the utmost, there being more than 560 pupils now present at the sen ol. while the enrollment for the year is G60. 'New pupils have arrived at the school from California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. SuperintenJent Chalcraft has now to, deny admissi m to applicants on account of accommodations. ' ' WOHAN-VOTf BIUDltS ' Columbus, Feb. 13. The House today defeated a bill to give women the right to vote at local option elections. '1 JNNENBURG JACK On February 14, 1906, Mr. Fred Sonnenburg of Walla Walla. Wash., and Cora S. Jack of La Grande, were ' married J at the 'Hotel, K6v. b. tt. Hays or Uie Presbyterian church officiating. THE MEETING This evening the special service in the Central Church begins at 7 o'clock, and ' closes at 8, on account of the Plumstead entertainment The sermon tonight will be on "God's dynamite." Tomorrow sve ning the evangelist wilt speak on "An Honest Doubter." Any one who has' dif ficulties (o the Bible or Christ, especially invited, v . ,' J V ; WAffTED-rTwo waiter girls immediately "at the Model restaurant : YOU CAN'T BEAT OUR MENU even if you do pay higher prices than w ask. Each item on our bill of far is a specialty. You can't get it better cook ed or served, no m liter what you pay. EATING here is a pleasure. It is also an economy Come in and enjoy both. We'll expect you often after y Air first visit The Model Restaurant J. A. Aibucklr, Proprietor ' WrMlweoklyCjl Crt 4tlUik lor f 4 UPPN II V .MD Ml t ir tmtts4tsttitttttM4Mttttt...t.A.ttt(mttttm))tM)(t()Mttttt) February S) FOR NEW TOWNSITES That a townsite may be located upon the East Umatilla irrigation project is one of the possibilities of the future. A movement ie on foot in Washington to provide for townsite withdrawals on all government irrigation projects, for accommodation of settlers in the newly opened district. - Senator Ankeny's bill, which provides for the withdrawal of lands for townsite purposes, has already received a favor a Mr report by the senate committee on irrigation and will probably become a law in the near future. The purpose of the bill is to provide for the establishment of townsite in connection with irrigation projects under the reclamation act, and also to author ize the secretary of the interior to furnish water for such towns and to disDosa of th lands at public sal, the money so obtained to be ultimately covered into' the reclame tion fund. Sales You have realized the economical advantages during our sales the past few weeks. The next few weeks will be a combination of" Clearing sales and showing of new spring goods I REMNANTS IN DRESS GOODS Accumulated during January Sales " CLOAKS, SUITS, SHIRT WAISTS AND FURS at 501 DISCOUNT I Early showing of new, elegant line of dress trimmings I Z IIamIo fln4l!if n.,.v-.o.a-- i - z I men a wuuiiiis. uveiuudis, unuerwear, smrts and Shoes f T IT nnilcc iiiuiau iirm m t - mi rnibLO yviiiui mcAn A OKEA I SAVING TO YOU Agents for the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns "