- ' " Holiday Gro Never was a better time to get full value for your money than now. Everything in the line of Holiday Groceries. NEBRASKA GROCERY MRS. MAGGIE SHEARER, Prop. Union Woolen Mills Indian Robes "" '" Ws hav received a consignment of Union Fleece Wool Indian Robes which we hav nn sale. These robes 'are ' ' . snitable for couch covers, steamer robere and jDrna- ' mental for Indian corners. The price range is ,rom $5.50 up . '." H EN RY HOUSE FURNISHERS . Phone No. J. C. Henry, residence 664 a LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor, Complete Machine Shops and Foundry General Blacksmiths, We manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill., the best and cheapest mill on the market Our shops are equipped with machinery tq handle any sized work, nothing too large or nothing to small. Highest prices paid for old iron. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei Mil Talk No. 2. , J CLEANLIMESS I As milk is the natural food for the J young, containing within itself all J the requirements of the body, and as any adulteration is Injurious to j the system, (either from absorp- j tion or otherwise) therefore the health of the consumer, and espec- islly. the young, depend to a great Ittent upon those who handle the milk. And at there are so many ways in handling the cow as well as the milk after being drawn from the eow, " Every consumer should visit the place from whence he gets his milk (no matter if it is surrounded by a high board fence) and see how the cow and the milk . are handled before using it as a food for the baby. SPRIiW BROOK DAIRY is always open for inspection and Invites you to gome and Ml Practical Gunsmith Repairs Strictly Firstdass Guns re-stockrtl Kys fitted to dow Ltxks WM. AGNEW Ailaro. Avmrae LA GRANDE SCHO L OF MUSIC PROF. DAY. PRINCIPLE. MRS. DAY. ASSISTANT. This It one of the best musloal in stitutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng todiscover the advantage of thie school. The system U the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching music. The school Is divided Into two depart ments; No. 1 ie for beginners from 8 years or more ana are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This ie no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 2 to 6. Here they graduate. Pupils ' take one or two lessons a week ae they desire. No scholar will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store, Phone. 473. cenes &. CAr.'R ! AND UNDERTAKERS : I 62 h ; . e J. J. Carr, residence 586 I LODGE DIRECTORY EAGLES Tji OrnhHo Imrim ORQ V f E. meets every Friday night In Redmen Hall, Lewis Buildingat 8 p. m. Visiting oremren inviiea 10 aitena. . I. R. Snook W. S- Dr. 0. L. Bigger W. P. I, 0. 0. F.-U drawl Lodge No. 16. meets in their hall every Saturday night Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. H. E. Coolidos, N. G. D. E Cox, Sec STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. 51. I. 0. 0. F. Meet every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome, f. R. Snook. C. P. Edmqno Robinson, Scribe. EASTERN STAR. 0. E. S.-Hope Chapter No. IB meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p. m. in Masonlo Temple. Qenevive Bohnenkamp, W. M. Mary A. Warnick, Sec. : M. W. A.- I Grand. Camn Nn 77fX meets every first and third Wednesday or me monin at l. u. u. V . hall. Ail visiting neiohbors are cordially inviUH tn I. ". w. w. iiiiaiii. , v 'John Hall, Clerk. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Maid Mai inn Nn Q9 mutt urh Tkun. day nisht in Redman hall' BmtWa are invltwj tg attend. . . Fro Hon Chief Ranger. L, L. SnopoRAts Financial Sec Board of Trustee Dr. O. U Biooirs John Hall and C S. Williams FRIENDSHIP TFNT N 11 If rrT M.--Meet. ucand and fourth WoHn.aH. i. each month in I. 0. 0. f. hall. Visiting Kntgnte welcome, D r, . H, C. Ball, Com. Mok Bloch, Rejord Keeper. L.O. T. M, HIVE No. 2?. Meets every first and third Thursday in the after noon at the Redmen nail. All visiting waiee are welcome. Maud Lono Lady Commander. M. C Vessry, Record Keeper. B. P. O. E.. L QRANnE i nnni? N 433 Meet eaah Thursday evening at eight o'clock In Elks hall, on Adams Ave nue. Visiting Brother are cotdiaily In vited to attend. F, 8, Ivanhor. Exalted Ruler. Q, E. McCullt, Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODQE No. 169. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD-MeeU every Friday of each month in the K, of P. hall in the Corp building. AH V'.twng moroner welcome. N. L Aoklis, Consul Commander. J. H- Keenry. C'trk. NAY LIVE 100 YEARS . The ehanoe for living a full century ar excellent1 in the ease of Mr. Jennie Dun can, of Haynesville. M now 70 year old. She writes; "Electrio BitUr cured m of Chronio Dytpepsia of &6 year Unding, and made m feel a well and strong a a young girl." Electrio Bitter cur Stomach and Liver diseases. Blood disorder. Qeneral Debility and bodily weakness. Sold . on a guarantee at Niwlin Druo Co.' drug (tore. Price only 60. v Old maid would be scare and hard to find, . Could they be made to tee. How grace and beauty I combined By using Rocky Mountain Tea. Newun Druo Company. AMUSEMENTS PROORAM FOR ENTERTAINMENT The University of Oregon Glee Club is visiting the High School at 3:30 this afternoon. The clubwill give a few musical selections and will meet the stu dents at an informal reception. Tonight the young men will entertain the club, the Damen-Kranz, the 401 club and a few old students of the Uni versity, at the home of Dr. and Mrs F. E. Moore. The program at the opera house tonight is as follow: . Two Song of Oregon, (a) The Toast (b) Oh Oregon v ; Glee and Mandolin Clubs. Hop Scotch (Flo-Flo) ......... .. Whitney Mandolin Club An Elocution Lesson ..; Robert Rountrea The Humeroue Ghost ..De Koven Mr. Glen and Glee Club. La Cinquantaine, Solo by Lloyd Bellman ...a. - Marie Mandolin Club " ' Pipe Dreame ...-. From Pretender Earl Abbett, Glee and Mandolin Clubs. Cavalier Song (Swords out for Charlie) -- Buliard Mr. Glen Potpourri (Woodland) .....Pixley & Luders Mandolin Club Italian Salad . Mm. Normelba. Norpatti and Glee Club (Curtain). An Evening at the Frate The Glee and Mandolin Clubs in college ana popular ong, introducing "Be ie." "Gravy," -Hammock for Two." "Indian Maid," Hiko-Hiko." and unit- 5 j ing in the movement to suppress ."Dickie." Goodnight. Beloved Roy Bridgman (Program subject to change) BASKET BALL The basket ball game between the Baker City and the La Grande hio-h schools which occurs Saturday evening promises to be one of great interest The La Grande team has been rather unlucky lately and before the home guard, they will endeavor to retrieve tnemseives. The admission will be 26 cents. NEW YORK AND THE PLAGUE danger from the Eastern Disease En Seen Diminished by Science, It mattered not whether the suspi cious cases of diseases on the Indranl were due to bubonic plague or berl-berl. there was no question as to what should be done with the remaining crew when this port was reached, says the New York Herald. The alert health officer wa determined to take no chance of the development of either peat. Thus with the Brat new of the arrival of the ship and the account of the sickness aboard came the assurance that there was no danger of the spread of either malady. It was a proof not only of the effectiveness of modern sanitation but of the public confidence In the methods adopted that no general alarm was oc casioned. What would have produced positive panic in time gone by is now viewed S3 a mere matter of passing Interest which does not In any way threaten the we) far of the community. puLoiilc plarue, which was once dreaded as the most ilia. aslrmis of all disease n(otons, Is now, I hanks to the recent advance in science. robbed of all It real terror. There Is ao longer mystery regarding its spread por anxiety concerning It prevention. Even If plague cases should telrousht to our shore there would be ro n.ore danger of the disease spreading than of any other infectious malady. The con ditions of race, climate, diet and sani tary harlts are. In this country at least. entirely against the possibilities of en- demlc propagation. This ha been abundantly proved In the history of the plague Invasion of San Francisco. The cases, few and far be tween, were confined to the Chinese tn Chinatown. Although the latter dis trict Is situated In the heart of a great city, there has been no spread of the pest (0 the white population. It 1 a peculiarity with plasrue that the malady ha a special predilection for the yellow race, and U Is only In th most severe epidemic In the east that the white men are attacked. Climatic and other Insanitary Influence have, very much to do In explaining surft con ditions, which are exactly opposite to those existing her. It is now well proven that Dlarue Is due to an Infectious microbe which at tack rat, flea and file, and by mean or the latter agencies find It way into the human system. Hence the whole sale destruction; or the vermin In ques tion la conai.lered one of the most ef fective means of ers llra'l.is; the dta e. Wheo proi-er rrernitlon ar. taken In aurh directions iher Is .tiisraji murh certainty of pre' er.l ; the spread of the malariv as of stamt n ni t email pox or arresting a typhoid nver epi demic, i Whatever, then may be the future oe reUtpmenla In the rase of the quaran tined crew of the Indranl ofArf ony other cswl ro-ctntr here uuder slTllar clr -umatanree. the public need ha : ou t ial fear ol plague Invasion in tn .1 4olern method of preen:i .. u nake It aiaiply a que illon of i ro ;er dU Infection of ship, cargo and lnlt.idiial. wholesale destruction of rjtj and abso lute Isolation of the diseased vli Mm. By urh mean we stamp nut the disease as REMARKABLE RECORD In commenting on the recent organiza tion of the Osteopaths of New England, into a permanent society, - the Boston Globe says: "Although Osteopathy is but of 1 0 year s growth, it wa shown yester day that it has made' remarkable pro gress in the healing art. Over 4000 graduate Osteopaths are today practicing this means of healing, and the , principal school, the American School of Osteo pathy at Kirksville. Mo., has more stud ents than Harvard Medical college. - It has more colleges and more students than homoepathy, and is second in number to allopathy. Osteopathy deals with nerves - largely. and makes a more thorough study of their use, abuse and injury than any other sys tem. No stimulant is administered to whip jaded nerves into action, no sedative is given to make it seem as if the pain had departed. The actual cause of the de rangement is hunted down and an effort made to correct it. So that cures by this system, while not always rapid, are per manent." ' Dr. Moore of this city, are graduates of Kirksville. . ' .. THE FIRST SHIPMENT . (Scrtpps News Association) - St Petersburg Feb 13. Eight hund red revolutionists were sent to Siberia. This is the first out of the five thousand, of the most dangerous insurgents which the government expects to deport ; When Ee Went Into a Deal There Had 1 to BeJSomsthlng in It for Him. "While most of the money lost in Wall treet Is contributed by the Uncle.Keu oens." said a drummer from the metrop olis. "I occasionally run across a farmer who isn't looking for the 100 per cent, profit I found such a man In a Penn sylvania village. A canvasser for a magaalne had bold of him and finding him suspicious procedeed to pile It on to see what the result would be. After 0e had offered a dollar magaslne for half price and agreed .to throw in a $5 dic tionary free of cost be added: " 'Look here, uncle, I m bound to have vour subscription, a you are a prom innent man around here The subscrlp 'ion shall be 50 cent a year, the diction try Is worth ths fS asked; I will add a amlly Bible worth flO, send you a box f 100 cakes of soap, express you a set f silverware, add a new top buggy and harness, send along four cook Look, wo United State maps and a set of hlca.aBd If you don't think that enough II add 5T yards of Brussels carpet vorth $2 a yard. Come, now, what do ou say?" 'Uncle Reuben thought It over for nlnute and then shook his head and ra llied 'Nope. If you'll add a 1200 hoes for hat buggy I might think It over, but hen I go into a deal I want to get my oney's worthl" " ", Aurelia Stock Reports from the mines during January has warranted a raise, consequently stock has gone ' up to 71 cents, and this is not all,- it will keep " going up as long as the property ets better, as it is you should buy before another raise in. price, or you will miss a good, investment. You should consider this as being a home enterprise and . help the matter along, thereby helping 1 yourself. . : AURELIA MINING CO. J. A. TMR0NS0N. MlPBrirmVMAKES WRECKS 1 ' "H'nds wuo have had their makes wrecks instead of cure in While it may mask the disease in the cihi. Mercury. nd Potash, which is also a common jtreatiuent for Conta- g ous Blood Poison, eat out the lininz of the stomach and bowels, produce r. harmfut th brno,"' chronic dyspepsia, cause the teeth to iVnW.rffiLJ tft St .JS : ?him?kft Pny tender rums. ?IU",",; . d in iThSrt wwl ffcctthebones.ndmascles.Mlleave f its victims complete physical wrecks. S"ref;,cann4d ",w Another effect o! this treatment is B?wUaOrea.Ky. D. . saxdbks. mercurial Rheumatism, the worst and most hopeless fnrm .t.- The Ubutonemuin, reliable antidote fortKX,creSte is S. S. S. It is the only medicine. that U able to go iK 1. nVM PURELY VEGETABLE. or proo that S. S. S. contains a particle ol mirteJof anv li0'?1- histmctions lor self-trntment ami any S adv SLa ook1witl witham.H.arjit.' THrsW,rr JV 'shcd lu"Jed IK MM- r r- titan uuiit CUHES; Coughs and Goldo PnEVEHTG Pnoumonia and Consumption Foisy'a Konoy and Tar not only top the cough, but heals and strength en the lung and prevents serious re sults irom a com. There is no danger of Pneumonia, Consumption or other serious lunir trouble it Folev'ct Hnnev stiul Tm la taken, a It will cure the most ktub born coughs the daneerous kind that settles on the lungs and may develop into pneumonia over night. U yon have a cough or cold do not risk Pneumonia when FolaVa Honav anil Tar will cure you quickly and trengtnen your lung. . ' Remember the name Foley' nonay ana Tar and refuse any substitute offered. Do not take chances With some unknown preparation that cost you the same when yon can get Foley's Honey and Tar, that costs you no more and is safe and certain in results. Contains no opiates. Cured After Physicians Said Ke nan consumption E. H. Jones, Pastor M. E. Chilrch, Grove, Md., write: "About "seven or eight years ago I had a very sever cold which physicians said was very near pneumonia, and which they afterward pronounced consumption. - Through a friend I wa induced to try a sample of Foley' Honey and Tar, which gave me so much relief that I bought some of the regular (ize. Two or three bottles cured me of what the physicians called consumption, and I have never had any trouble with my throat or lung ino that time." Thiee sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and' the $1.00 bottle almost six times a much. SOLD IKD RECOKKEHSED BY A THILL Druggist Lil NOT CURES health ruined by Mcrcurv testifv tw J. tr...t, A ry ?tlf ? tn,t " system f awh e Zl tlX , I suffered rreatlv from Cn-. ?nVi c?n?x SSi2i ?itX".V!iI: HotWaiJ Mwpoison that no sitrns of it . -fZ Wh. fiK ' entirely of i GET READY FOR SPRIING Havs your bicycle cleaned and repaired. t4 C L SMITH CREAMFRY BUILDI.,0 IN A IWRRT? THEN CALL ; . THE TRANSFER MAN ?P He will take that trunk to the De- potOr your home in less time ' " it takes to tell it. ' - ' - Day phone Red-761 ."( Night phone Black 1792 Wagon always at your service Beautiful Hair and Fate f J .May be had by having scientil oiiampuuing ana massage, jne HOTEL FOLH .- Tonsorial Parlors are prepared to do these specialties and Friday of each week will- be for LadX customors. Pribate par- 5 lor for ladies.- Lady attendant in chare. ... C T. COLT Prep. : G. E. F0WLLR :'. Truck and; -Transfer Wood and Coal PHONE 1611 All order given prompt attention THE I OXFORD PAR j ; JAMES FARQUHARSON. Prop. Ooaiplet Moortnienl oi 1 Z WINES, LIQUORS i AND CIGARS J Cold lunches and mixed drinks .a . X specialty. Fair and impartiauSjv treatment to all. You afe invited s to call and get acquainted. J . THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT. Prop. riNC WINE5, LIQU0K5 2 CIQ1R5 : H Gentlemen always Welcome ' Fir Street SaoiprLiNi DKPAKT 1 w. LA tiUAMl. .'.I. No. s.M m Ma t .ip m hi?" "jjt ' IWorth, Omaha, ken- faStaaa a ... . Mo. I fcfaa as. WMo, Van. Wall -auamw. H,naii. h' lfnu f rl and ""-ou, Uallra, fen. lllon, iWliila. ! Inla, LewUioa, Co'ia. MuMiw..Wai.t- v,t. orr,Hpnkanai,d ,thlt l Hpokaiw ol 8H p. an. No. Dall, . blcr awl .n . ... Munnay fcUas nr tinea at VI. . -.i. Haul Ms-rlor polou atari- iAss I i K"1 J6 t aa Hot T ' Ni :0 ni tectaaJly a w put oat a fire.