'ft-. I, I 'i 4 ,! a a m A.-' X - ... ' : INVEST YOU SHOULD STOP -THIS IS A HOME AureKa Mining Company stock is selling fast Mariagej;reports a. good slrike in the west' drift Work progressing nicely at the property. We have some stock for sale yet at 5c per share, but at the present rate 5c stock will soon be gone. Those that may want some stock better buy during January, as the price will be advanced to 7 cents on February 1st 1906 Ydu can buy stock, pay one-fifth down "and one-fifth per month until paid. If you are a little . short of money take some, stock anyway,- no matter how little, all will' help to develope the enterprise. .............. t t :i i nuiioavvjroG cries Never was a better time to get MLvjlue for your money, than now. Eyerytning in the line of - Holiday Groceries. " . NEBRASKA GROCERY MRS. MAGGIE SHEARER, Prop. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS . D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor, .""'.- C.mplete Machine Shops and Foundry . General Blacksmiths, We manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller Feed . Mill., the best and cheapest milf on the market Our shop are equipped withtnachinery to handle any sized work, nothing too larger- or nothing to small. Highest prices paid for old iron. v ." . '( La Grariic National Bnk . . : '-'I" ' ESTABLISHED .1 887 ' . ; Capital Slock; Surplus and undivided profits $160,0 0 00 OFFICERS AND GEORGE PALMER. President. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. GEORGE U CLEAVER, Assistant. Cashier. t W. L. BRENHOLTS. Assistant Cashier J. M. BERRY. - ; . F. M. BYJRKIT. C. C PEN1NGTON, General banking business, parts of the world : MAY LIVE WO YEARS. . The chances for living i full century are excellent in the case of Mrs. Jennie Dun can, of Haynesville, Me.. --now 70 years old. She writes; "Electric SiUrs cured me of Chrdhic Dyspepsia of 20 years standing, and made me feel as well and strong as young girl." Electric Bitters cure Stomach and Liver diseases. Blood disorders. General Debility and bodily weakness. Sold on aw guarantee at Newlin Druo Co.' drug store. Price only 60. - ,; T f G. E. FOWLLR t Trucl and ;;" Transfer . ." ' '. -i, -r . v . ; Wood and Coal : phone 1611 : All order given prompt attention - NOW AND CONSIDER ENTERPRISE J. A. THRONSON. DIRECTORS J, M. BERRY, Vich President. . : . A. B. CONLEY. F. J. HOLMES. Drafts drawn on all IN A HURRY? 1HFN 1AlL WH. KETHOLDS . the transfer man , He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it. Day phone Red 761 Night phone Black 1792 Wagon always at your service - - , -. . ;. HOTEL FOLf , BARBER SnOP : CT COa Prop . t JRrst class workmen ' always' ix' " ready to please you. 1 ': -y. I . A TRIAL SOLICITED. WOULD BE SECRETARY Of STATE F. W, Benson, of Roseburg, a candidate before the primary nominating election fajr Uie office of secretary of state, was La Grande visitor yesterday. Mr. Benson was here becoming acquainted with the people of this part of the state. Though he is probably one of the best known at- torneys is Western Oregon, his acquaint ance with Eastern Oregon is somewhat limited. However, by the time he has completed :his, his first trip through the Inland Empire, he will be in a position to know more of the vast region east of the Cascades.. Mr. Benson ha held several offices Of public trust in Douglas county, having served two terms as county school superintendent, and also two terms as county clerk of the same . county. ' The past nine years he has been' practicing his profession and incidently taking an active part in county and state politics. Mr. Benson's record both political and person al is clean and free from question. Should he secure the nomination, there is no reason why he should not receive the un divided support of every Republican in the state. Mr. Benson left this morning for Baker City, but expects to return and spend Sunday here visiting his sister, Mrs. Geo. Carpy. TO THINK ABOUT He who squanders health is tbe spend thrift of happiness. , ' 1-. " All medicine in the world cannot .be substituted for exercise. - Skilled Osteopaths not only cur and prevent disease, but they teach the art of keeping wM. " . . Osteopathic treatment never forces but removes barriers from natures pathway. Jf you would escape the annual attacks of hay fever and asthma, anticipate -the season by beginning osteopathic treatment which will remove the cua of over sen sative nerves. , Save your kidneys and heart, through Osteopathic treatment and thus avoid dropsy, constipation, rheumatism and other ills. For 1 2 years Osteopathy skillfully ap plied, has been transforming broken down nerves and mental wrecks into sound, healthy and vigorous types of manhood and womanhood. An old time saying. "It takes a rogue to catch a rogue," applies to internal drug ging: The rogue is seldom, if ever caught and the suffarer i burdened with two rogues instead of one to hamper nature in recovery. t. . . - FOR SALESaddle horse, 6 years old. weight 950 lbs.,' $25. Inquire of J. J. Peck, hear Stoddard' planing mill. x ' (y J : V . ..." AMUSEMENTS v ''THE OAMBLgm WIFB", . . ; - . . "The Jiambler' Wife" as- "presented last night by-the Griaa Johnson Cpmp paiy was probably t'wir b.st since their opening night. The actor ware able .to throw a great deal of work nto the par-, formance as it. was an .especially : good house for a we-fc't etand how. PiUi Pilkington as Jack O Diamond, the gam bler, handled his difficult part with esse and A If Ln as Denver Dan- was one of the best old man characters seen, in this ity this seatofl. - Miss Johnson Is Annie Diamond was also exceptionally , good. Marjorie Mandeville a a contortionist in a specialty made a great hit with her neat and graceful work and Alf Lane nnonGTfiE rv. riRSTCHURTH r CHKrsTIAI WIENCB Pn'stnl Buiidiif uppoalt Kolerl'oirl Sunday ftclionl. .... ..! ni Munday 8ervl r............ll a ui aVratara erinraday., - T.&I p m Reartlnt ronm opm dally aia-ptlng Sunday from 10 a m to 13 a and from 1 p b hi 4 p m LATTtK IAV8INT8 cutidjr 8"IvkI... .. ...fc....'. 10 am K'CUUii aprvirv..........'.... pa MtiiiwilmproTrmi'Bt Auoclslloa amu eon olntly ml T Jo p nt CATHOLIC CHURCH W.J. Mbyte, rack Law M i , ., , , , ,,,, , L an Hliili Maw .. 10 m Roary at d HeiicdKiiun folluwlrg 10 a m. tnum St. 1.1 EK 'HE I-HOPAL IIIUKCH tptoii H. tJlliba, rctor i-en i Hi Hunday AnMr tl Kplihany Holy oiiiuiiiBliu............ ..... a n 8 day rr(iaCl.. . . IOa in Mo Diii( HTf lo....r.....,,. m Kwnliijf rtcrtc- u...M...ft p in Every out luMlodio aliend tbrae KrvMws ' M. K CHI'Mtil Uev H H. M. Wi r, piiaior Sunday 8,-hool... MI0 am Kpworlb L'(iuo... ....... Hu p in lunior Uanot. ......... .......... p in I hur. U iwrvlrws ... .... Ham and ; n p m A ruidl I Invl aliun to all tlieae wrvlCDH nendL) t,i all. . I'RKdBYl' KIAN CIIUKCH Rv, E H May, p-UN - Mnnriay aV-huol in a m lunior Kmtenvnr s p in 'calot Knilei.yor... ..:H0 p m Pnycr Misciiiu Thiinnlay ..........7iU p in Pivarliln Hundy.......lt a nt auU 7;' p in Mori.iiia -E'ra DeMclcniy" Kvrninx "EniUiin-nt lor ervlca" Tne chorua eholr u drrtlie dirwtliono' Mra Ly e. A cordis' Invitation la given tn all who have m vhurch uome lo atteim Mima mtrvkta CbhTKAl.l'HUKcH of OuRIHT OI'fKUTt WJMMKK HOt.bB . H. Klin, paalor, IHUH f . dt. Hlble School ...... I0am Mornlnn Worhlp........... ......ll a m V 8 r K iiiUnK............7: v p m Kvauifllsilo aervire.....u.,......7 n m Prayer moetiu Wdnesday..' ... 8;0u p n BtyaUlnbfri ay 6,i. 8:a) M mlng "MImiiiiih In Aw B'rnins "Tne IHtmlng UOU tbe atieH" A eoidial Invitaituo to ll tUe ervlox. T HAPIIH1 CHI HlH . R.-V W. I. UIihmmi paator Hiin'-ay lool......... .. .. B Y. '.',.,.- - ,... ... Ida m .. ..8:J1I III -....Tlnir-dHv N in Pnoer Me-lluirt. reaching huudny.., .11 a in ami 7:l p m BoaCub Halurrtay. ........ . THI pin Hpirlal Invlt.tinn toatraiiitara in the clly to wor.bl. villi as. , BAKER QTY RAID Sheriff Harvey K. Brown accompanied ' by Mr. Canyon about 10 o'clock last night raided the saloons and gambling places and made several arrests where slot machines were found in use and gambeling going on. . So far as could be learned the only places caught were the Artie and the state. , It is supposed that this action grew out of the suit recently brought by a man named McGuinnis against the proprietor of the Artie for money lost in gambling. ' After the raid none of, the officer could be found nor the judge issuing the warrants, but those apprehended were told to appear in court today. Baker City Democrat. AUSTRALIANS ARE CELEBRATING Melbourne, Jan. 26. One hundred and eighteen years ago today the first white settlement was established in Australia, in the present province ' of New South Wales. As usual the anniversary is cel ebrit3d in all puts of Ajitrilis ail by Ausuralians in all parts of the world. In all government seats official anniversaries are held todiy, with ad iri83 and toasts Alliawspipers contain special anniver sary review in honor of the occasion. SALE Of BANKRUPT STOCK Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order made by the Referee in Bank rupcy. I will receive sealed bids accom pained by certified checks of 10 of bid at my office in La Grande, Oregon, up until z i) ciock in tne afternoon or the Z9th day of January.. 1908, for the grocery stock and fixtures of A. Beck, bankrupt. Said stock and fixtures located at Elgin, Oregon, and invoiced at $1.767 64. Win. Orakt, Trustee. ' brought down the house with his comic song. ( .. 1 ne Observer force in full tnjoyed the perlormanci tnanks to Manager Steward j or tie opara house who so kindly gave exc.i ana every one or uie rorce ana car rier boy ticket. - ; . ' , , ' NIST AMD mucN " Miss Burke entertaimd a number of lady friends at whist and flinch, at Mr. Wm. Allison' home. , Mitses Porter, Crawforxl and Holme won the honor of the evening. Mies Burke has not been in La Orande circles vory. long, but during this tort period ha made many warm friend and last, livening' she proved a eharming hostess to those enjoying her hospitality, . Fine Confectionery and Cigars AT VanBuren m r. H,' 9TRWAHU, I Special Return . " . ... I GRACE JOHNSON COMPANY I SIX MCHTS j MONDAY, "Saved from tht Sea" ! Seats on srlc at VanBuren's Saturdas morning . : Prices - - 10c, 20c, and 30c. see eeeeeeeeeeeeeeees FOR WIN' IT. , , , Our new machinery and additional help will enable us to do fami- ' lly washing CHEAPER, QUICKER and BETTER than... you can doit . yourself "We call for and deliver jojij-'laundryquickland make special ly of-rush order work. Give us a trial and ycu will not be bothered through the winter with family washing.'-" -'"T ' " , t ' ' " A.B. C steam; 9 l-HONE La Gvnie, MFCIAL SALE GOODS I have a few heating stoves left, both coal and woodpwhich I will close out at,greatly: reduced : : prices. . ;.; , .. W. H. B O H N E N K A M P, ( X fropn.iu. Engagement ; ,. . . COMMENCING JAN- 221 T0NICHT v. WASHING laundry ... fc ... - Main 9 ; . . ... ! ' ON LL HOLIDAY ..." ..... Suction EyeGlass I It doe hot wrinkle "our note and make you look older than you are. Holiday good are beginning to arrive. Bast liue ordered ever brought to the city. j. ii. peare; Jewelry and Optician '; i.'. . - " -, .J- -r "s f. t r I If h