La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 13, 1906, Image 4

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    For Sale at a
Ten IcU or any part of them, between Fir end Greenwood etreeU.
facing Jeffereon Ave end adjoining the railroad track at a low
price on eatr terme. , '
: Apples, Potatoes,
We poy epot cah for all produce ae we want the good and you
want the money.
Oregon Produce Company
J timidly
Wall Paper
To make room
for 20,000 rolls
to arrive this
month, our entire
stock of 1905
patterns will be
on sale a short
time at less than
Half Price.
When you wish a nice juicy
roast or a tender steak, or a
piece of boLng meat or pot
roast, just phone Main 48
and you will soon have ex
actly what you desire.
J. BULL & Company
Phone Main 8. Remember
the phone is on the directory
as Boss Meat Market Main
48. '
JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor.
Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oiegon
Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best
Special Bargain J
Hayand Grain
Just received two car load :
i Wool We guarantee j
full measure, order now
Lewis Bros. Prop.
"Tiuly miraculout aeemed the recovery
of Mr. Mollie Holt of thi place." write
J. 0. R. Hooper, Woodford. Tenn.. "she
wai to waited by coughing up put from
her lung. Doctor declared her end o
near that her family had watched by her
bed-ide forty-eight hour; when, at my
urgent requeit Dr. King' New Discovery
wa given her, and with the astonishing
retult that improvement began, and con
tinued until the finally completely recov
ered, and ie a healthy woman today.'
60; and $1.00 at nkwlin oruo co. .Trial
ottle free.
: Wood! Wood! Wood!
Oood dry wood delivered
to any part of the city.
x Special price on quantity
order. No order too
large or too email
X James Beavers, Red 1441
County Court Proceeding. January Term
1906. ;
The various application for relief were
allowed and warrant ordered drawn as
follow: George May. $8.00; D. W.
Souder, 10.00; Ella Neaaom $12.00;
John Hilderbrand $ 1 6.00, Luvicy Edward
$8.00; Maggie Slagner $5.00.
The road petitioned ' for by Mary E.
Childert, et ai wa continued for the term
The road petitioned for by J. B. Th omeon
et al waa continued.
The road of public eaeement petitioned
for by J. L. Rot wa coutinued for the
term. . - '
The tax levy for the connty for the year
1905 lea follow:
County, 7 mill; call warrant, 8 mill;
eohool 6.9 mill; road, S mill; etate S.6
mill; library 0.1;' contingent, S mill;
total 28.6 mill.
Supervisor for the variou road dis-
tricte were appointed ae follow:
1 Cha. E. Moore; 2 W. M. Porter;
B S. C. Ooff ; 4 J. B. Brehear; 5 Ira
Stewart; 6 Mr. Tracey; 7 John Meyer;
8 J. T, Woodell; 10 E. B. Long; 12 R. A.
Leathern; 15 Andrew Blokland; 16
William Dixon; 16 W. S. McMillan; 18
John Schilling, Jr. 19 E.E. Grout; 20
E. Z. Carbine; 21 U fc. Uouen; .
Jamee Mot; 25 J. J.Conley; 25 Geo rge
Holme; 26 Jew Spencer; 27 C E. Sher
man; 28 Frank Hempe; 50 E. F. May;
51 G. L. Huffman; 52 John Redman;
55 W. E. Turner; 54 M. L. Hulse; 57
Jame WoodelL'
Clark E. Saunders, M. D wa appoint
ed ae county phytician for the ensuing
The designation of the official paper
for the county wa continued, a ehowing
i required by each applicant The Re
publican, Observer and Chronicle.
Alex Slater wa appointed ae SupL of
the County Poor Farm.
The appointment of a Stock Inspector
wa continued for the term
Th petition ef J. R. Ellingford to can
cel certain delinquent taxe wa granted.
The petition for W. J. Church to cancel
certain delinquent taxe wa granted.
The designating of polling place wa
continued for the term.
The petition of M. E. Ready to cancel
taxe wy granted and the eheriff order
ed to take eheriff credit for $20. 25.
The following bills were allowed on the
General Fund.
Alex Slater, boarding pauper .. $ 94 66
R. W. Gilham, work on tax rolls. 87 00
Ed Wright, same..:. 87 00
E. Alberson, digging grave for
Vorhees-pauper 6 00
T. H. Cooper & Co., Mdse. for
poor larm eo
F. W. Davis, mdse. ae par bill ... 9 60
M. H. Kirtley, hauling Chester
& Webster 6 00
T. H. Sooper & Co., mdse as per
bill 17 00
C. E. Saunders, services ae Co.
physician .... 29 10
C. E. Saunders, services as Sec.
Co. Board of Health 8 58
Levy Bros., mdse as per bill 1 7 26
Henry & Carr, burying Vorheee
-pauper ................ 29 00
J. L Dunington, services a jani
tor 58 60
S. M. Goff, salary as stock In
spector ...... ... . 26 00
Pac. States Tel. Co. phone service
sheriff's office ... . 12 26
Same, recorder's office 2 60
Same, poor farm Union '. 1 60
Same, clerk'e office 6 00
Newlin Drug Co., mdse. as per
bill ; 1 26
E. O. Republican, printing as per
bill 58 60
Lewie Printery, mdse. as psr bill 2 10
Bushong & Co., mdse. as psr bill . 17 00
Glass & Prudhomme, for election
supplies .158 60
J. C. Christiansen, caring for In
sane persons J. 11 76
C. C. Penington, ' expense on In-.
sane persons 1 66
G. L. Bigger, examining Cor-
maclc insane 8 00
Frank Craig, Sp. juror Oct
term 1905 2 20
John E. Hough, J. P. Fees, state
vs Brown. 9 88
J. H. McLachlin. constable fees..' 6 70
Roll Walker, witness J. P. court
state vs Brown ,. 1 70
T. M. Stubblefield, same 1 70
Fred Haisten, same 1 70
John E. Hough, J. P. fees state
ve Foster 8 78
J. H. McLachlin, constable feee
etate vs Foster 5 60
R. Blevins, witnees fees state ve
Foster .' . 'l 70
Fred Jacobs, same .... '.. 1 70
S. M. Goff, J. P. feee state vs
Blake :.. ." 6 48
J. C Christiansen, constable 8 80
R. H. Lloyd. Dep. Diet. Atty.
feee state vs Blake 6 00
John E. Hough, J. P. fees, state
vs Jacobean . II 60
J. H. McLachlin, constable feee
state ve Jacobeen , . 6 90
John Steinbeck, witness state vs .
Jacobsen..... 1 70
C D. Huffman, same 1 90
Albert Conrad, tame . 1 90
Geo. Robertson, same ..... 2 00
J. W. McAlister. eame 1 90
John E. Hough, J. P. feet, etate
vs Troy 9 00
F. P. Childert, witness fees state
ve Troy 1 70
Ben Cotner, witness state ve
Jacobsen 70 1
John E. Hough. J. P. feee state
vsBiever 20 06
J. H. McLachlin, constable feee ,
state ve Biever ......... 60
C T. Bacon, witness 1 70
J. P. Halley. same 2 60
Wood Berry, same 1 70
F. P. Hammond, eame i 70
C. D. Goodnough, same 1 70
John E. Hough. J. P. feee state
vs Brooks 16 16
J. H. McLachlen. constable fees
state vs Brooks 7 80
J. A. Russell, witness fees state
vs Brooks . 1 70
W. D. Grandy, same 1 70
Carl Graten. eame 1 70
Frank Rose, same 1 70
J. R McLachlen. same 1 70
Paul Rohr. eame 1 70
Jacob Vandermeulen, same . .1 70
Roscoe Hughes, same ' 1 70
Louie Harris, same 1 70
John E. Hough, J. P. fees state vs
Cullen 9 40
J. H. McLachlen, Constable feee
ve. Cullen 5 60
J, P. Halley, witness feee . . 2 10
John E. Hough J. P. fees etate ve
Smith ... 7 20
L. Rayburn, Sp. constable fees
vs Smith .'. ..... 1 70
commissioner .18 60
Robert Blumenstein. same 19 00
The Oregon Scout, printing as per
bill 21 00
William Dixon, work on county
road .
6 25
81 10
49 00
5 00
65 75
12 60
2 70
2 00
17 00
7 68
6 00
4 60
John A. Abbott, lumber ae per
R. A. Leathern, work on R. D. No.
E. P. Willey. same
E. F.May, work on roads and
bridges : ...
C. E. Sherman, work on county
W. F. Breshears, work on R. D.
No. 4 ......:
Jay Breshears, same...
J. B. Breshears, same.......
Goodnough M. & S. Co. lumber
aeper bill ...
P. A. McDonald, work on R. D.
No. 57 )''.....
P. A. McDonald, same .
W. M. Porter, work on R. D. No.
21 75
19 00
54 60
6 00
116 76
7 00
7 60
9 76
1 75
27 00
46 00
16 00
50 00
22 00
10 60
28 60
22 40
12 40
12 40
11 60
51 00
56 60
2 00
51 25
96 00
6 00
6 60
57 76
16 25
7 90
5 78
44 25
55 60
7 00
8 76
4 55
6 00
9 75
John Kerr, work on R. D. No. 56
J. M. Bumaugh, same
John; Meyer, work
on R, D.
No. 7 .
John Meyer, same j.
John Meyer, same
Fine and Barnhill Broe. livery
hire as per bill.
C. E. Qolden, work on R. D. No.
Haines Merc. Co. Lime ae per
E. E. Grout, work on R. D. No.
same .-.
eame ..
same ......
same ... 1
M. L. Hulse, workon R. D. No.
57....:.... :
B. Logsdon, Viewing Thomson
Road ..;
Thomas Brasher, same... ... .:.
Fred Gale, chairman....,
John VanHouten, same
Ed. Sherman, marker....'
Arthur Curtis, surveying
W. E. Turner, work on R. D. No.
55: :
Summerville Lumber Co. lumber
ae per bill ; .
J. T. Woodell, work on roade .......
J. J. Conley, work on R. D. No.
Charles Pearson, hauling cement
C. C Garwood, work on ' roade ...
I. W. Faulk, work on bridges.
Mark Clark, same
McKinnie Bros, lumber as per
A. R. Hill, work on R. D. No. U
Henry Rinehart, eame
A. Blockland, work on R. D. No.
15. : .
John Taylor, eame
Clarence Taylor, same
Henry Clark, same ''.
J. A. Pilcher, boarding bridge
M. A. Harrison, expense as per '
R. Morris, work on R. D.
George Krieger Jr. work on
Proebstel bridge
J. E. Woods, work on R. D.
Ed. Devine. work onR. D. No. 29
Jesse Kerr, work on roads
how the other half lives. Those who
Aucklen't Arnica Salve never wonder if
will cure Cute. Wounds, Burns, Sores
and all skin eruptions; they know it will
Mrs. Grant Shy, 1150 E. Reynolds SU
Springfield. Ill, says: "I regard it one
the absolute necessities of housekeeping.
Guaranteed by Niwum Druq Co. 25 f
Contractor and Builder
Draler in BuiMinsr Materia)
La Grande, Oregon
. Drop a line naming work, and I will
name the right price.
! VanBuren's l
Better Lumber and Cheaper than is sold in
La Grande, We deliver it to your building
II Crande Ronde Lumber Co
"Death was fast aoproachinff." writes
Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tampa, Fla, de
scribing his fearful race with death,
a result of liver trouble and heart dis
ease, which had robbed me of sleep and
of all interest in life. 1 had tried many dif
ferent doctors and several medicines, but
got no benefit, until I began to use Elec
tric Bitters. So wonderful was their ef
fect, that in three days I felt like a new
man, and today I am cured of all mv
Voubles." Guaranteed at Newiin's Drug
"Wlat a differenco
In the, suffering at
time .of childbirth
wbt-n Dr. R V. riHMk-p tn
rtte Mrs. L,1iik,u J scuta, o. Iit in , vi? ii.
Jol.tiMj Co.. li.d. M had nut lu"a,u t f ' 'i'
riun-a'n incilii-iutv ttatvM ji-ai aj wlH.n i
II .-fore bal- wa burn I cmJ ,
my Iwrt wtinuut two p.-n)! Ik.MIiut tni
.- uauj- wit
buy. wu i Kb in i
mt ,' ... , i. ,
Ll " 3t Kill. Mr,
wm. Um fall,
fuilow ,ir ,1... ..I.
. Jh a uf a m i;l.
I but. my husband
I Niui-lit in.. ir.
Pun Kavor
! "'.filU'on.
ytiliMi I luuk
d"i nar tin. win
'r. and in
rrh. I K,
p'nh to a
buy. wolfhlne
1 1 . I ,
"'ly InlaNiriwj
hium and wa
w my I,- ii ,.
i . -
m" ntU
bom. Ho la now thnio month. u'TaSS 'J
Il Iba. I Um.w it waa It l 'u
that aared .., n,m uir, rl, Vaa?TJ'c'",1
wmnni to lake Mr. IMi'nv'. K,V,J, ?"
Ik. ete be. flea..... IVU oe, S
KollowllIU the a.lVlc of npiffhhni'.
What . wrt,hl of etwHrMt' yfS1,
lliorw la III tlHMn ix wunl Ti.I ,,,. ' TP
rrc.imm.led lu Mrs. j$ShS
tried It and iu wond.-rful Z,.
and now he rtvominIMl It. TuVlL
such uwtlnmnr u tli! lu make's wUrVla
are uiilmiNirtant. Mrs. Jan.b? ,v rl
nee I a art. U-r nUlnV pXp,"i, ,,L
Is a fact The writu-n i-xwiv-.j !?
tWOothwrwonu-n an ftu-u. Tli i.
theory about It. Th.'re n h,. n "
scrlptlon.' It bu eiud m. iw caW
female eomplalnt than all ot, mtdt
for womon cimliliiJ. U la Ui onii lT
Mne of lu Inveit by eui
SMelallst In sawllclne-e n-Bi.farU.i.
Cd physlrlan of more iCTu
actual eauartwicav y ,L4rl
1 - m
In the hope that you II pick up .a good
cigar here or there. Get hold of.
eigir you know to be good-one that
everyone who it a judge knowe to be
a tiptoper. Short of that advice it;
and other brandt will concern you no
longer.- Thaft the cigar to etick to
and the price won't "tuck" you.
Factory Corner Adamt Avenue and
Greenwood Street Rad 1641
All Fruitgrowers who wish to become
members of the Northwestern Fruit
growers Association should send their
name and one dollar to Hon. C. D. Huff
man, secretary of the Association. Do
this at once and thereby become a mem
ber of the Association.
Remember a letter addressed ti r. n
Huffman, Secretarv of Norht
ww imt-
Gowers Association containing one dollar
win receive prompt attention, and you
will be entitled to the full orintH r,m.
ceeding of the meeting. The one article
oi r-rot. Ban s on fruit tree spraying is
wu worm me aoiiar alone.
A Creeping Death.
- rs, M vunctiu bllfl
heart, causing death. J. E. SUarns,
Belle Plaine. Minn. writ, tk.t .
- menu
dreadfully injured his , hand, which
SWaIIaH tin Vihm kl
uluua poisoning, buck
lens Arnica Salve drew out the poison
healed the wound, and saved his life
Best in the world for bums and sores
25e at Newiin's Drug Store.
This i, , OTe of the best musical in
institutions in the state, and that
people M this city and valle, f
discover the advwU
one hour each day. ThieTw rto! kil
dergarten system but far suMrkr"
o. Here they graduate. Punil.
take one or two lesson, a wwk a.
they No achoi.i f
permitted to remain in
who do not at.irf. cnol
n . .T J.-
,, rl ; " roiey Mouse
th candy store. PhWt
wpposite the Foley
, ' t , ;t i : -
"T.i"V WiT-W' . a . l"