Li Grande Evening Oimer zi Pure UNVENTORY SALc Li SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1905 a new drug stcre m an old stand, uur specialty it filling doctors' prescrip tion. Purity of drugs and accuracy in compounding them is always essen tialwe claim to do both. Two graduated Pharmacists always in attendance Prescriptions and goods promptly delivered free. Two Telephones. Local Black 271. Vergere 10 RED CROSS DRUG STORfc. Wholesale and Retail A. C. MacLcnnan. Ph. C. Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance "...!....!.$6.5C Six months in advance ..; :.' . 5.61 ft It's near stock taking time again, and we are going to t make a strenuous effort to convert everything into cash.' Per month 66 Single copy ; 5c before inventory. All our lines of clothing, hats and haberdashery will be CHEAT,! Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Drugs MP ffft'UrC mm i i. i y ' - : Complete Line of I Men's lrnishings ; anc! Haherdasherv CURREY BROS., EDS AND PROP This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment... A. V. ANDREWS, Tailoring THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY v E. POLLACK, Propr , Keeps the Best Groceries, Vcgeta- J blcs Etc. Call up Telephone Main if 75 and Jive us a chance to & t aquainted. ; . .Ready For Business 4 WITH A FULL LIME Of FEED, HAY AMD GRAIN We are ready tojbuy all kinds of hay and grain, and pay the highest , market prices. R.V.OLIVER Slater "Buildinor JEFFERSON AVE Main 57' ADVERH-INO KATE ocm! nnrttne mxlm tie pr Wat flrat g 1 n, jc per line lor much ub)utDi liw ttoa. ' olmloD of conrtoknoe. je erilne. nrdftof thankN, ft orr line. Grande Ronde Valley residents are en joying a respite from winter weather. Many are predicting that this will be an end to the winter, but experience has taught us that there will yet be several heavy falls of snow to fill the strea-ns in summer and aid the lumbermen. So far as noticed, it is believed that the concrete cross walks build last fall will prove to be the best ever built in this city. They shed mud and water much better than the old style wooden ones and should their wearing qualities equal the others they will came to stay and there will be more built every year... .' Senator Gearin today secured from Secretary Hitchcock an important prom ise of relief from the inconvenience, ex pense and trouble under which the entry- men upon Oregon lands have been labor ing for the past year. March fifth last, in view of the land fraud disclosures in Oregon, Secretary Hitchcock found it necessary to issue a blanket order withholding from patent all Oregon land entries. This served the pjrpose of checking the fraudulent entries, it also caused the innocent and bona fide entrymen much trouble and cast a stigma upon the whole state of Oregon. mum QUESTIONS FOR WIN' TF. WASHING vOur new machinery and additional help will enable us to do fami lly washing CHEAPER. QUICKER and BETTER than you can do it yourself. We call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work. Give ue a trial and y.u wiil not be bothered through the winter with family washing. ' A. B. C. STEAM; LAUNDRY ' ? V:HQ.NE Main 7': ... V i'" La'te 0 re'W eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee j Union Woolen Mills Indian Robes j If you were called upon to take a seat in the Oregon legislature, what definite knowledge would you have of state affairs? When you cast your vote at the primary election to select candidates tq bs voted for in June you are supposed to name men to go to the Oregon legislature to represent your interest and wishes as to how the state government should be run. Have you formed a definite idea of ho v you think your representative should vote when in the legislature on matters of state policies? They will have to vote on financial questions, educational cnos and mirals. What ideas have you formed about all ihesa? Under the Initiative and Referendum law each voter has been made a law maker, wno sends men to the legislature to put the laws he wishes on the statute books. Now what laws do you want your representatives to make? HIS PLATfORM We have received a consignment of Union Fleece Wool Indian Robes which we have nn sale. These robes- are snitable for couch covers, steamer robert and orna mental for Indian corners. The price range is from $5.60 up . ' : ' . , . : HENRY &, OAI.'R 2 HOUSE FURNISHERS AND UNDERTAKERS ' i Phone No. 621. i J. C Henry, residence 664 J. J. Carr, residence 5 SB Mr Harry Graham, in his announce ment as a candidate for congress as a I Democrat, gwes the platform cf prinei i pies that will guide his official action in ' congress, if elected, and. among others. ;gies out for thj consideration cf the voters of this district the following: . "Balievi.ig our infant industries large : enough to wean. 1 favor a tariff system fcr government expenses only and not for me suacai protection of any industry. j- If the above has any practical meaning it is that all our industries old and young should be thrown in competition with all similar ens in Europe. Asia.- and Africa where labor is cheaper than m the Ignited Sta'tes.' and that a fiat tariff be levied on all foreign goods without any care -fori American producers, or manufacturers. The present tariff admits 44 6 per cent of foreign imports free and charged for the 10 morths ending with October 1905 $251,274,565 cn the other 65.2 per eer.t of imported stuffs. ' '; ' Mr Gr ham would charge the same tar.ff rate o-i co.Tee. tea and other th ngs I that can r.ot bs pr.ducad in the United .' States as on fruits, wool, cctttn. sug r' Improves the flavor and adds to the health fulness of the food and the manufactured articles therefrom The present tariff charges are levied with the( purpose 'of using the powers of the government tl not only raise revenue but also to encourage Amer'can producers ind manufacturers and give employment io American laborers. . : v "ItSOLlillO!, ; Be it resolved that the City Recorder be. and is hereby directed to notify the property owners abutting Washington Avenue, along the north line thereof, be tween Elm and Fir street, to construct along and upon said Avenue, abutting the said property, side-walks of the dimen sions and. character provided by ordi nance. , c And if said side-walks are not so con itructed within 1 0 days from the d3te ot ..lis notice, the street suprintender.t be and is hereby instructed to construct tht same at the expanse of the owners of thi lots abutting said side-walks. Passad by the Council of the Citv of L. Grande. Oregon, on the 1 Otrt. day of Ja uary. 1906. ' Attest I. R. Snock. Recorder of th city of La Grande1, Oregon. ' Dated tnis 12th. diy of of January, A .,1906. CUT TO THE QUICK Don't let your face grow old. sa'.lov. hollow and wrinkled. If you care at all tor beauty, lane Hoihster's rtockv Moun tain Tea, 55 cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Drug Company. , Jo Case of fnoinania on i.eo orcl There is no case on re cord of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other seri ous lung trouble, after u vim Li, a BM3E7 isiy iMlii had been taken. It stops the cough and heals the lungs and pre vents serious results from a cold. Do not take chances on a cold wearing away or experiment with some un known preparation that costs you the same as Foley's Honey and Tar. Remember the name and gct-the genuine. Buyers will reap a harvest during this great sale. It's only once a year that we offer an opportunity like this," and you'll do well to take' advantage of it. We'll not bora you with blatant boasting or deceive you with false inducements. ,.: Come, see how much a Little Money will Buy ASH BROS. CLOTHIERS AMD HABERDASHERS. 4i I HAVE TO OFFER AT A VERY REAS0NABE PRICE ' 2 good saddles ....$9.50 and $12.60 Remington type writer 35 00 Walnut Ult n r- , .... Walnut Hall tree 2.50 Child's Rocking Horse worth four dollars 2.60 2 Oil CookStoves ... 2.60 and S.60 1 roll cocoa matting the yard .25 New toilet sets 2.00 and 2 Vfi 5 new Go-carts, , 6.00, 6.50, 7.50 1 folding ironing board 2.00 Lace ourtain stretchers 2.50 Halters, new 90c, 1.00 1.10 My entire line of new furniture at greatly reduce prices E0R CASH F D. HAISTEN, PHONE RED 1161 Highest prices paid for New and Second Hand Goods Vhe Jarmers and Uraders Rational 52ank NO. 44S9 I Stwi Cold for Throi Monthi. The following letter from A. J. Nus baura, of Batesvllle, Ind.,1 tells Its own story: "I suffered for three mouths with severe C;ld. fi. druggist prepared me some medicine, and a physician pre scribed for nie, yet I did not Improve, 1 then tried Foley's Hooey and Tar, and eight doses cured ma." v Three sites 2Sc, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent site contains two and ooe-Jialf times as much as the small sixej and the J 1.00 bottle almost sis timet as much . , ; ,- . ' SOLD AS3 EECOOEXDEO BT A. T. HILL Dugtlt Capital Surplus . Lability of Sharehulders Toil . $ 60,000.00 14.000 00 60,000.00 $134,000.00 For the protection of it, depositors! Depositors of this Bank are ac corded such liberal treatment a, shall be' in k h StBankare aC and value of thoir P'ne W,th the ter ana value of their accounts. We would be pleased l count. Phased to have your ac- JOSF.PH PALMER. fRESiCENT. E. McCULLY. Asst. Cashier. J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier. J. SCROGGIN, Asst. Cashier eeeeee eeee c .t ,eub,eofHalSialllh.syear,s styks ; The Price $100 - komwlo, of school T,blev,0c;. value; 1 he Price 5 cents ' 1 r j E; M. Wellmari & Company' 1 X ADAMS AVENUE i n 1 " v- .,,-.4 . a. V;;