La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 13, 1906, Image 1

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    lifittliM Tonight and tomorrow
weather snow and wider
Scrlpps News Association)
Annapolis, Jan. IS. The most; import
ant case yet before the court martial
sitting at the Academy began this morn
ing. Midshipman J. H, Miller of Ken
tucky, a member of the class to be
graduated on February 12th, was ar-4-
in t!".S C'J " hinot. and is
also charged with countenancing hazing
in the fourth class men. It is charged
that it is not only Miller's duty to refrain
from hazing, but to suppress it when he
saw other engaging in it.
V -.-.-a.- ......
(Scrlpps News Association)
New York, Jan. 13 In the Standard
Oil examinations before Commissioner
Sanborn this afternoon. H. H. Rogers
answered the questions he had been asked.
When he was asked before if he had
business transactions with H. Clay Pierce
" in which he required stock of the Waters
Pierce company, he refused to answer.
- Today he wished to answer because he
thought his refusal to do so might hurt
Pierce. He said that he had no business
'Cknsactions w'tn h'm-
suiaDfD before mi
(Scrlpps News Association)
Denver, Jan. 1 4. Because" his wife
objected to his bringing more whiskey in
to the house. James B. Allen, a mining
engineer last night committed suicide by
shooting himself at the bedside of his five
year old daughter, although she was dy
ing of scarlet fever. The deed was com
mitted in the presence of his wife. Allen
had just completed arrangements to go to
Death Valley, Nevada, to examine mines
for a local syndicate. The parents of
the dead man are Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Alien who live at 612 West Tenth Street,
Los Angeles, Cal. . "
. (Scrlpps News Association)
Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 13. Frank J.
Constantine, for whom it is said the po-
- . lice have been looking since the murder
of Mr. Mary Gentry, was found by news-
paper men in this city. Constantine
broke his leg six weeks ago and has been
in bed here since. It is evident that the
Chicago authorities are on the wrong
track, as Constantine admits that he is
'' UkMhe man described as the murderer. He
Sfcjrjjjorks as foreman of an electrical con
struction gang at Burlington, where Mrs.
Gentry formerly lived.
(Scrlpps News Association)
Cleveland, 0. Jan. 1 3 Leland Pryor's
forgeries of the municipal bonde were is
sued in a desperate effort to save himself
from financial ruin. They were floated
as collateral for loans from various banks
and amounted to at least seven hundred
thousand dollars. The bankers' commit
tee say that the result of the failure will
be that the profits of the stockholders in
the banks will be reduced.
(Scrlpps News Association)
San Francisco, Jan. 13 Owing to the
inclemency of the weather, the plans for
entertaining the Chinese commissioners
was disarranged this morning. Admirals
Goodrick and McCall and their staffs
were received by the commissioners this
afternoon. The party, in automobiles
and cerriages visited the merchants' ex
(Scrlpps News Association)
Washington, D. C. Jan. 1 3 An effort
will be ma'de by the friends of the Philip-
pine tariff bill to satisfy the best sugar
men by providing that not more than
four hundred thousand tons of sugar
shall be imported from the Philippines in
any year.
Rom Jan. 23 Th Vatican for th
moment has abandoned the idea of pre
senting to the Moroccan conference at
Algeciras a proposition for religious lib'
rty at Morocco. It fears a repetition of
what happened in the Madrid conference
of 1880, when a similar proposition was
not approved because it was considered
(Scrlpps New Association)
'- Panama, Jan.' 13 The fire which rag
ed yesterday in this city destroyed twenty
three tenement houses, seven stores, th
church of San Juan de Nepaume, the
Ceno Catholic Brotherhood institute, tt
orphan asylum and three public schools.
Th loss will aggregate about two hun-
ww uu..: i n none nav
arrested the foreman of the gang of
American fumigator who is alleged to be
rsponsibl for th fir. Th men wer
supplied with water at th critical moment
from th reservoir of th Santa Anna
church, and it was soon extinguished.
(Scrlpps News Association)
Chicago, III. Jan. 1 3 A chop suey trust
has formed with a capital of on hundred
thousand dollars, planned to control the
Chines restaurant business, at Los
Angeles, Detroit and New York. A
number of Chinamen have already formed
to fight th trust.
to be
outside the business of the Con-
(Scrlpps News Association)
Cleveland. 0., Jan. 1 4 The brokerage
firm .of Parsons, Synder and Company
assigned this morning, with " liabilities of
one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
This assignment is the result of the fail
ure of Dennison Prior and Co.
(Scrlpps News Association)
San Francisco, Jan. 13 A temporary
truce was arranged this morning between
the Western and the Southern Pacific in
the fight for the Oakland water front. As
a result of this the federal judge postpon
ed the case until a week from Monday
for a hearing of an argument in the in
junction jit. i
(Scrlpps News Association)
Washington, Jan. 1 5. Th nous com
mittee on judiciary today reported favor
ably on the publicity bill. This bill re-
j quir js ail corporations engaged in inter
state commerce to make an annual re
port to the commissioner of corporations,
(Scrlpps News Association)
Chicago, 111. Jan. 13 John D. Rocke
feller, Jr., arrived here today to attend
the funeral of President Harper of the
University of Chicago. It is thought
that he brought tidings that his fathe
w s u table to attendon account of illness,
l i
Great Annual ' Clearance
and White Carnival
Sale I
(Scrlpps News Association)
Chicago. Jan. 13 With th finding of
the body of Mrs. Bessi Hollister. who is
a choir singer, prominent in society and
the wife of Mr. Frank Hollister of the
printing; hous of Hollister Bros., this,
morning; in a vacant lot in the rear of a
carpenter shop on Belden Avenue, the
police ar confronted with another murder
mystery. A wt, c? 2:; '- "'
for telephone purposes, encircled Mrs.
Hollister' s nsck. Sh had been strangled
to death, apparently, or th wir had
been used in dragging; th body, Mrs.
HolUstar left her home at nine-thirty yss
tarday morning to sing at th funeral of
a friend, and signified her intention of
doing some shopping first, a sh had
plenty of money. Th last trace of her
was at a florist where she bought flower
for her friend's casket. It is probably
not a casa of suicide, and th police ad
vance th theory of murder for robbery,
The police say that Richard Wins, who
reported the finding of th body of Mr.
Hollister, in a lot back of Father's shop,
confessed that he seized the woman as
she passed the shop last night, dragged
her in and ravished her. He states that
her outcries became so loud that h
strangled her.
(Scrlpps News Association) .
Sin Antonio! Tex., Jan. 13. A field
battery of artillery, commanded by Capt.
G. W. Gatchell, entered Fort Sam. Hous
ton today and broke the world's record
for a long distance practice march of ar
tillery, having covered one thousand one
hundred miles in fifty five day from Fort
Riley, Kan. They encountered storms,
swollen stream and much exposure and
hardships, but all reached here except
on private, Arthur Hall, who died of ma
laria at Austin, Texas. . Th malaria is
supposed to have been brought on by ex
posure. This is the longest forced march
in time of peace, and i only equalled in
time of war for distanc by Napoleon's
retreat from Moscow.
m. mm-
" ML QU 10 nmuiiki :
(Scrlpps News Association) .
New York, Jan. 13. Attorney 1 D.
Johnson appeared in court today and told
Prosecuting Attorney Had'ey that he
would produce H. Clay Pierce in Missouri
at any tim h desired h m be 'ore a Rot
ary Public, but he doe not want .him to
testify in New York. The pro;s server
who hav been surrounding Pisrcs for
several dry, hav been called off.
(Scrlpp New Association)
Chicago, Jan. 13. Wheat opened
8S1, closed 88; corn opened a1;
f closed 45; oats opened 12
closed at 82. . .
(Scrlpps News Association)
New York, Jan. 1 3 Prof. George
Frederick Wright, of Oberlin college, ar
rived her today from an extended trip to
Europe. While gone he spent eight week
in Russia, and say that ultimately the .
bourgeosis will obtain ' the balance of
power and will practically rule the coun
try, but it would take time. Now, he
states, they take much liberty in many
H., m m :r.: miv.r Bureau. ..,
racy at the top and an excess of liberty "'
at th bottom. Th students are parad
ing the strsets and shouting for liberty or
death, when in reality all they want is to
fore th discharge of their teacher and
install revolutionists and firebrands in the)
university. .
While hauling log down from th
mountain this Charles Crandall
of th Old Town received a' ssrious in
jury. Whan near th old flouring mill
near his horn, the tog he wat hauling
rolled onto him crushing his foot. ' On
bon in it was broken and together with
the bruises, .will incapacitate him for
soma tim.
(Scrlpps News Association) ,
New York, Jan. 13. The doctor this
morning issued a bulletin which read:
Field passed a fairly comfortable nigh
and hi condition continue unfavorable."
At on o'clock th physicians attending
Marshall Field made a report stating that
his condition ''remains favorable."
Cashmere, Jan. 1 3. Spokane recently
announced that a' woman of that city
plucked from a tiny lemon plant in her
hothouse a big, juicy lemon. Cashmere
can claim a like honor. Mrs.. E. Mc
Pherson, residing here, has a small lemon
plant from which she has just plucked a
well matured lemon of extraordinary tize.
The plant grew out of door all summer,
where it received but little attention, and
at the approach of winter was taken into
the family living room.1 The plant had a
half dozen lemons on it, but all but one
fell off while they were still small. The
plant is young and has not borne before.
Salt Lake, Jan. 13. E. R. Cooper.'
prominent hotel man .of Denver and Los
Angeles, declared today that arrange
ments are nearly completed for a combine
of hotels in San Francisco, Omaha, Den
ver, Pueblo, Salt Lake, Los Angeles,
Portland. Seattle and Spokane, mora than
$10,000,000 to be expended in the
Butte, Mont. Jan. 13. Bg Butte, th
historic old mountain just west of th city,
which pierces th skies at an altitude of
about 9.000ffeet, a land mark and after
which Butte was named, has been ' sold
for 53 1-3 cent at a delinquent tax sals
her. Th property was bid in and only
after the map had been consulted was
known that th mountain had gon for
third of a dollar. v
Council Bluffs. Jan. 13. Pat Crow
was indicted here yesterday by th Potta-
wottomi county grand jury for alleged
complicity in a street-car hold up July 2,
1 iOe. when about 560 dollar was se
cured from two conductor and a motor-
Savannah, Ga Jan, 18. Judge Speer
of the federal district court today decid
ed that Greene and Gaynor must stand
trial under the indictments charging con
spiracy to defraud the government. Th
defendants alleged that inasmuch as they
had been extradited from Canada , under
charges of forgery, conspiracy not being
an extraditable offense, they could not
now be put on trial for conspiracy.
Every Article in the house at reduced Price
Extraordinaary offerings in Dainty Under Muslins
c -
$10,000.00 worth of new Goods will reach us this
Month, a large portion of them are here, now, Every
dollars worth will go at Clearance prices During this
sale. " .
As articles of incorporatian for - the
Grand Rond Fruitgrower' Union have
been filed with the secretary of state by
L. Oldenburg, C. D. Huffman and J. A
Thronson as incorporators, a meeting is in
progress at the Commercial Club hall
this afternoon to perfect the organization
Fifty-two out of the 1 00 shares of stock
of $5 a share were subscrioed by thoss
present and the by-laws of the Hood Riv
er Union are being adopted w th a few
changes. Before the meeting closes the
officers and board of directors to serve
until the last Saturday in March, 1807
will be elected.
Rev. Gillilian, presiding elder of the cir
cuit of th M. E. church, is expected to
arrive in Prairie City the first of next
week, and engage in a series of revival
meetings. It is understood that he will
be assisted by the Rev, J. M. Johnson, of
that place. At the. close of the series in
Prairie City the Rev. Mr. Gillilan will go
to Canyon and hold rsvivals there.
Washington, Jan, 1 3. Secretary Root
and M. Jusserand, the French Ambassa
dor, today discussed the Venezulan sit
uation for half an hour with special ref
erence to the case of M. Taigny, th
French Charge of . Caracas, whom th
Venezuelan government persists in refus
ing to recognize.
All that can be gathered is that dip
lomatic relations have been completely
broken off between Franc and Venezuela
All persons residing within th county
seat are required to register at the office
of the County Clerk, and when going to
register should leave a definite descrip
tion of the location of their residence
either by giving the number of their lot.
and block, or by giving their street num
ber. And all electors whoar naturalized
citizenor those who ar ntitld to vote
under their declaration of intention, should
bring their paper with them.
The casa of C. C Rockwell, charged
with gambling at "twenty-one" in th
Stat saloon, was dismissed upon motion
of th City Attorney lvanhoe this after
noon. The attorney stated that hereafter
he would not issue complaints unless he
knew it to be an absolute fact that com
plainants could prove their allegation
that accused were actually violating th
law beyond a reasonable doubt
in our restaurant gets many a blessing
that he doesn't hear. So many people
with fickle or jaded appetites have been
tempted Into the joy of good eating by his
skill. He ha soma dishes that would
give him a place among kings if he only
knew it. Meanwhile you can
of his cleverness by eating her. On
meal wilj convince you that good cooking
is not a lost art, her anyway. Shall w
reserv a table for you?
The Model Restaurant
J A. ArbwXIr, Proprietor
waiwcklrtji rt
rP4f V
mealttckets lor
eeeeeeeeeeeeee "
The long evenings are at hand and they bring an opportunity
to those who like to read. Better improve it. Good literature
was never so cheap as now, nor have you ever had so good
an assortment of good reading a our stock now affords
Most of th world' best writers ar now offered in inexpen
sditions; you can find what you want at almost any littl
price you car to day.
Come In and took over the books ,
as often as you like.
I'newlin "drug company I
La Grande, Oregon.