fcl- - Weather Tomorrow rai warmer. rain or snow. LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY 6, 1906. NUMBER 6ft nm m in mm i i ir it hi 11 ij ui si nvvi i Wj WAHV 'XSKJWy AjAXy VOLUME V, CREDIT HOT GOOD (Scrlppi News Association) St. Petersburg, Jan. 6 Every factory in the dcy it closed this morning on ac- counm the tiiidays. ...The employers have generally decided not to open- the nrl n7m until after the celebration of the Red Sunday January 22. Many sta tions along the Siberian railwayliave been placed under martial law. . WILL 'VISIT ROOSI'ELT 'i Kussian min- Sakhamteiff. the n' ister to Japan, will proceed to Tokio at once. Hewill go by the way of the United States and will visit , president Roosevelt with whom he is acquainted. He is charged with the task of cementing the friendship between Russia and Japan. RUSSIA ALMOST A BANKRUPT All agree that the financial conditio-?! of Russia is extremely threatening. Paper money Jms been issued to an extent far in excess of the governments ability to re deem. The only solution of the difficulty is the floating ; of , a new loan which is prTMl!y impossible while the present ConaSons last To make matters more disheartening for the government, ' a dis patch was received this morning frorfl Paris, stating that the efforts of M. Kok ovioff, the former minister of finance, to secure a loan of. eightbundred thousand francs has resulted in utter failure. The French money lenders absolutely refused to advance the money while the present conditions continue to exist in Russia. TO BEGIN EARLY (Scrlppi News Association) - Washington, Jan. 6. Representative Kahn of California today introduced a bill appropriating a million dollars to provide for the celebration of the 400th annivers ary of the discovery of the Pacific ocean by Vasco Nunez Balboa, by holding an international exposition at San Francisco in 1913. He also proposes to hold an immense naval review of ships of all na tions ifi the bay on September 25, the day which Balboa first saw the Pacific. EXPLOSION OCCURS (Scrlpps News Association) Chiwgo, Jan. 6 Fifteen are reported killed in en explosion in the Doles e She sard stone quarry at Carryhills south of this city." Latest reports now are that six men :- wn Th officials of the company say that the report at the office is three killed and several injured. It Is believed that the men were heating dynamite pre paratory to blasting. EW EffORT ML BE MADE TO f I D MURDERER Officers Feel Ml Tiiey Have tHe Right .Nun in , Charge : - find that Steisnenhurfs Will he Run to ' ' v faith Scon. JAPANESE HISTORY (Scrlpps New Association) South Bend Ind, Jan. 6 A course in Japanese history was established today. in the Notre Dame university, with Fran c s Suirita. a graduate university of Tokio in the chair. .. GRAIN MARKETS Chicago, Jan 6..T Wheat opened at 88!'. closed 88; corn opened at closed eftf; oats opened S2 closed ;M.n Un A The chain of evidence ( matter be hunted down and brought to justice. It is tuny imuM was merely a tool. Few people question the theory that a conspiracy existed, that an .organized body of men conceived the plot, elected Orchard, and perhaps one or two assistants to arrange the details of how the dastardly crime should be ac complished and to carry it out Considering the time of the year the on the case are now! murder took place, the next to the last THE ICE MAN DEAD (Scrlpps News Association) Chicago, Jan. 6. The body of Jacob Rustman, president of the Jefferson Ics Co., was found dead in the corporation office this morning. A revolver was found beside him, and though he had bean' shot the p-lice are unable to say whether he was murdered or whether it is a case of suicide. Rustman was forty years of ags and was very wealthy. Dr. Charles Genn, who was Rustmans physician says that during Jthe past year Rustman has suffered losses aggregating several hundred thousand dollars. These losses, he declares were the results of the persecutions of the alledged ice trust The doctor says that the deceased told him that he could not stand the strain any longer. The doctor further declares that Rustman has been practi cally insane for the past two wseks. A ATTEMPTED TRAIN WRECK . '(SSlpps News Association) Sacramento. Cal. Jan. The South- em Pacific Oroville local passenger was wrecked eight miles east from Marysville at ten o'clock last evening. Tne engine and baggage car left the track. No one was hurt. The cause of the wreck was an attempt to wreck the train by mali cious persons who battered the switch ith a hammer torn from a switch stand. A BARREL Of RATS Washington. D. C. Jan. 6. Word has been recieved at national museum that a barrel of rats has been shipped to that institution from Manila. They are coming in pickle. Some months ago rats wore very numerous in Manila and the sur rounding parts of Luzon. Many of them became affected with cholera and other diseases, which they sometime communi cated to man. The health authorities offered a bounty of half a cent -for each rat brought in. The natives set to work killing, trapping and snaring rats py tne thousands. .Major Edgar A. Mearns, surgeon of the United States army, is an enthusiastic na'ura',Vst and collector. He soon per ceived that many of the rats were of considerable scientific value. Some be longed, to species unknown to naturalists and a barrelful is now on the way to the National museum. against Harry Orchard, alias Thomas Hogan, In the ex-Governor Frank Steun enberg murder case, is growing rapidly link by link. Thare is no doubt in the minds of the officers or - of citizens here that the man Is guilty of manufacturing and placing the bomb which caused the death of the ex-governor, but the evidence o far is all circumstantial, and the sleuths engaged warning vj .- - lutely conclusive. It is believed sucn evidence exists. , TO CLOSE ALL LOOP HOLES 'The evidence we are now able to sub mit." said Captain Swain today, "is suf ficient, I believe, to convict this man of the assassination of Frank Steunenberg before any -fair-minded jury, but we are going to take no chances, leave no pos sible loop holes that could possibly admit of his escipe. There is additional evi dence to be had and we will get it." Late developments in the case appear ing in The Statesman this morning for the first time have been the subject of much discussion all day. Citizens greatly rejoice over the quick and decisive meth ods of the detectives in digging up facts nf vital importance in connection with Orchard's past criminal record. I . NO DANOER OF MOB LAW Had these facts become public a few days ago it is stated a riof might have occured. No danger of such a proceeding now exists here, for the public now rea lizes the importance of Orchard's pre servation. The citizens demand that not rVr.wd ' alone be punished to the full extent of the law for his offense, when .t shall have been degnitely proved against him, bilt that every man involved in the DECATUER ACQUITTED (Scrtpps News) Association) ' Annapolis. Jan. 6. It is announced that midshipman Decatuer who was tried by court martiai. charged with hazing McCrary of Texas and Church or Indiana was acquitted this afternoon. day of the year, many believe that the perperator of the deed had a time limit in which to culminate his plans and bring about the death of the marked man. Fred Miller, of the Spokane law firm of Robertson, Rosenhaup & Miller, did not arrive here today, as expected, to defend Harry Orchard. It is said he left the train at Walla Walla, and it Is suppossd he will turn up tomorrow morning. County Attorney Van Duyn states It will be impracticable to hold the prelim inary examination before Wednesday, The evidence is being put in shape for the examination, but the chemical analysis of the powders found in Hogan's grip havs not been completed. Professor C. Jones of the state university at Moscow, is on his way here to complete these anal ysis and verify the results reached by the local chemist His reportmust be secured before the state will be ready to proceed with the preliminary, ST. LOUIS EXPOll i JURMRED (Sorlpps News Association) . Washington, Jan. 0. The methode and management of the Louisiana Purchase) Exposition Company may yet come up for investigation at the hands of the national zovernme'nt Senator Carter, of Montana president of the National commission, i prepared to turn loose a broadside in coo-' grass should that body make an inqutty - into the manner in which the original five) million dollar appropriation and the sub sequent loans which the government ad vanced were expended. It ie reported that Senator Carter and ths other mem bers of the commission are. Indignant at the treatment the fair officials have as corded them. Chargee of incompetency, violation of federal law, and questionable) methods in the disposition of the salvage after the close of the fair, will be) made.JiThe Louisiana Purchase Exposi tion will certainly be heard of again. J ,,.., 1 1 1 Mllll I I ' tW?WWM'l tGrcat Annual Clearance . r and White Carnival Sale 1 Every Article in the house at reduced Price .SPr.GIALr BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Extraordinary offerings in Dainty Under Muslins j $10,000 Month, dollars sale. i.00 worth of new Goods will reach us this a large portion of them are here now, Every worth will go at Clearance prices During this Mni " """ The local analysis of these powders in dicate they are high explosives, but it is understood these have been very super ficial tests, ths person making them not being equipped to do the work thoroughly. It is ths understanding of the county attorney that Orchard will demand a pre- minary that he will not waive and it s the intention to get the case ready just as promptly as possible. There was a sensational rumor here today to the effect that Jack Simpkins, who was notorious as one of the dyna miters during the Couer d' Alene troubles of 1899, cams to Caldwell with Orchard when the latter paid his visit in November The officers state that story is false. A man registered at the Pacific hotel Im mediately after Hogan, as Orchard called himself, but a close investigation has dev eloped the fact tnat this man wore a black mustache and was very-stoop- shoutdered.a description which, is said, does not fit Simpkins. Another interesting feature of the day has been an eTort on the part cf some of tiie persons working on the case to show that Charles Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners, was hers with Orchard in November. Others pooh' pooh that, and it is certain if the Denver man were here that he did not register under his own name. . It has been learned that Moyer was In Silvsr City on October 26 and visited the union there. That has probably given rise to the report that he was here. The man was arrested at Nampa Wed nesday ma'nta'ns his determination not to talk. He was sweated again today but resolutely refused to give information of any character. He is thought to be an important character in the scheme of crime but so far there is nothing known unless information has been secured by the officers which they are withholding ! WAS STEUNENBERO WARNED It is now fully believed by the members of the family that Frank Steunenberg had some sort of intimation of a plot against his life. And it is thought that he had been warned that he would not live to sse a new year. This theory is not authenti cated by any word of deceased before his death or by any anonymous letter or note found in his effects, although a thorough search of hie late letters has been made for such evidence. The theory is based upon his peculiar and extraordinary ac tions during Friday and Saturday, . He seemed to be worrying about some mat- tar. He walked the floor, of the bank nervously with a meditative and troubled expression upon his face Friday afternoon. Important business at the bank Saturday forenoon which required concentration of thought had to be postponed because be could not get his mind on busines matters- (Scrlpps News Association) New York. Jan. 6. Mrs. Qentry was found in her room lying in a pool of blood dead. The murdered womans husband is president of the Universal Trading and NAIL CLERKS INJURED (Scrlpps News Association) Rsno, Nev.. Jan. 6. The fast mail train No. 9 want into a ditch at Harney at 11 o'clock last night while speeding across the Nevada desert to make up lost time, and several persons wsre Injured and traffic wae blocked until a late hour this morning. Four'mail clerks were the . most seriously hurt. Chris Denzlng, T. E. Powell of Omaha and J. J, Burke ana Oeo. Scott of Sacramento. There were) fourteen mail clerks on the train and all were more or less hurt. Sunnlv ComDsnv. The mystsry as to ths cause le unsolved. Her throat was cut from ear to ear. She tried to tell the physician how shs received the wound but died before she uttered a word. Friends say the man whom the janitor siw a boarder -whoit was believed tried to rob Mrs. Gentry or was repulsed in unwelcome advances when she was killed. The blood stamsd razor was found in the hall of the apartment. The murdered woman only married Qentry last September. , She was highly educat ed and was a painter of earns note. Qentry became hystercial when notified at his office. , Owing to the fact that In the same por tion of the city at midnight Mrs. Carl O, Almbeg and and John E. Moller were murdered or committed suicide upset the north portion of the city and the entire tective force is at work. Ths polics say that they are looking for Frank J. Constantins whose father is said to bs well known in New York, Constan tins is a roomer in the building. The police took charge df a number of letters i i his room and he received a stated income from his father and had a predilection for observing clossly the charms of hand some women. v OPENED THIS MORNING (Scrlpps News Association) Kansas City, Jan. 6. Despite the firs) which greatly damaged the building of the Bank of Commerce last night, the) bank opened this moming at the usual, hour ready to transact business. PANIC IN A HOTEL BLAZE ' Portland, Ors. Jan. 6. Fire, which ap parently originated In the storeroom of av sewing' machine establishment, gave severe fright to the occupants of ths) Antlers hotel, a pretentious rooming houss on the corner of Tenth and Wash ington streets, at 1 o'clock this morning. The guests were quickly aroused by the) dense smoke which pervaded me struct ure and all escaped, The fire department gained control of the fire In a short time. Most of the guests returned. to their apartments by way of ths fire escapes when they found there was no immediate danger, end rescued their possessions. i Mr N. R.lsoiTwho has been visitW ' relatives and friends in our city returned to his home In Spokane this morning. e Prescription SECU RITY If you knew the facts about our prescription 'department your prescriptions would come here, even If our prices are high, which they never are. If you knew the measures we take to insure the purity and fresh ness of our drugs; if you were familiar with the safeguards we throw about the compounding, end various other methods peculiar to this store, you could not help having entire confidence in the accuracy of any prescription we put up. To have such service to fssl safe Is worth something and costs nothing extra : NEWLIN DRUG COMPANY - La Grande, Oregon. l)0teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees- Uhh ?