PRFESSIONAL DS DR. A. L RICHARDSON Physician amd Suhceok Office over Hill's Drug Store ' Office Phone 1 362 Residence Main 68 . N. MOUTOR M. D. "J01" A SURCEOH Jor. Adams Avenue and Depot St Office Main 68 Residence Main 68 WILXARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Lewis Building, opposite Sommer House utnce Hours, 1 to 4, 7. to 8. p. m. Phone Main 71 . BACON & HALL PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Office in Foley Building, Phone Main 19 C. T. Bacon residence, Main 1 8 M, K. Hall residence, Main 62 CHARLES E. HAWKE, M. D. Physician Suroeon Office Phone Red 1251 Residence Phone Black 831 Office in Sommer Building REAVIS BROS DENTISTS Office Sommer Building Office Black 61 Residence 1171 C. B. CAUTHORN DENTIST Office over Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon PHYSICIANS jRS. BIGGEKS & BIGGERS Puysicians and Surgeons G W Blggen, M. D. Goo, U Blg-geis, H. D Offloe Black liil Realdenec Main 80 Office' RHlKtuD Building over J. Id. Berry't More. Holders on MaJlaon AVe. secoml floor west of 'ori..r realderjca, Dr. G. W Bigger LaGKANDK OREGON ProftsaJioiwI oalla promptly attended to day or night. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. P. A. CHARLTON : VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Hill's Drugstore, La Crande Or Residence Phone Red, 70 1 Office Phone 1361 Farmer Line 58 DR. W. T. DOWNES VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Leave orders at Red Residence Cor Cross Brug Store 6th and 1st St ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law IRANDB OREOOON Office in Foley Building J. W. KNOWLES Attorney and Counsellor at Law Office in Ralston Building La Grande, Oregon. H. T. Williams A. C Williams WILLIAMS BROS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Ralston Building . Grande. Oregon L, A. P1CKLER Civil, Minino, Irrigation Engineering and Surveyino Estimates. Plans, and Specifi cations. Office' in Foley Bldg. La Grande, Oregon STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the l Grande National bank at the La jy&nde National bank building in the city of La Grande, Union county. Oregon, on Tuesday, January 9, 1906.. at two o'clock p. m for the purpose of electing a board of nine directors, and any other .l- .. ,.,klrh shall business me irans".uu" u. ......... legally come before ths meeting. F. L. Meyers. Cashier. Dated this 11 day of December, 1905 Have Smith Hollow grind Your Skates C L. SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING Classified Advertisements. Rates One cent a word, one-half a cent a word each subsequent inser tion. Classified adds bring quick re sclts. Try one today. FOR , RELIABLE ABSrRACTS OF TITLES go to the La Grande In vest ment Company, La Grande, Ore., in Foley building. ' FOR SALE The A. V. Oliver four lots on Jefferson Avenue, including plat form scales, one hundred and ten foot porch running back to railroad track G. H. Powers, the Minnesota land mart. FORTY ACRE TRACT of ground near La Grande, for rent with good build ings, and fine soil. Price from Deoi 1st 1905 to March 1st 1907. $225. La Grandi Investment Co. REAL ESTATE LOANS-Any amounts on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. La Grands Investment Com pany TO LET A nice suit of furnished rooms can be arranged for light housekeep jng. Apply to Mrs. C. R. Thornton. , LOST Dragon stick pin with a diamond and pearl setting. Finder please re ward. FOR RENT C. J. McLean house on Washington Avenue. Call up 'Phone Red 1712. WANTED At once girl for housework Good wages. Inquire at this office or J. W. Scriber. FOR RENT Four room house, block of ground, small orchard. Apply on prem ises near brick yard. Mrs. Mollik Weaver. WANTED Bright boy desires a place where he can work for his board and go to school. Inquire of Mrs. Mollie Weaver, near brick yard. FOUND A boy's light colored hat was found and brought to this office. . Own er may obtain by proving property. FOR SALE Good Dry' cord wood and feneeposts for sale. Any quantity. Orders left at E. Polack Grocery Store, will recsive prompt atte ntion. John Anthony LOST HORSE A liberal reward will be paid for the return or information lead ing to the return of one steel gray horse branded V on left thigh, and has a white face. Was last seen near Mt. Emley last October, f . N. Baker. La Grande, Ore WANTED Young girl desires position to do light house work. Phone Black 7 1 1 . FOR RENT Four rooms, two suitable for housekeeping . and two bedrooms. Inquire of Mrs. W. J. Snodgrass, No. 80 Fourth street. LOST Gold bracelet on Adams Ave. Sunday between 2 St. and Tele phone office. Finder please return to Telephone office. LODGE DIRECTORY Pin? JTQ r . n,A a..:, oca c n E. meets every Friday night in Redmen Ll-.ll I o..:u: .. a " ... nan, Lowto auiiumgai o p. m. Visiting brethren invited to attend. J. E. Pollock. W. S. J. A. Matott, W. P. I. O. O. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16. meets in their hall every Saturday night. Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. James Moss, N. G. I. R. Snook, Sec. STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. 81. I. O. 0. F Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in .Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome, I. R. Snook, C. P. Edmond Robinson, Scribe. EASTERN STAR. O. E. S.-HoDe Chapter No, 13 meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Temple. , Mertie Aldrich, W. M. Mary A. Warnick, Sec. M W A I X Hranria f.amn Nn 77D meets every first and third Wednesday oi me mamn at i. u. u. r. nail. All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. E Reiki mn. V C. John Hall, Clerk. FORESTERS "OF. AMERICA Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Thurs day night in 1. O. R. M. hall. Brothers are invited to attend. Chas. Bartmess, Chief Ranger. C. S. Williams. Fin. Sec. Board of Trustees Dr. G. L Biggers, John Hall and Herbert Pattison. FRIENDSHIP TENT No! 31. K. 0. T. M. Meets second and third Wednesdays each month in 1. 0. 0. F. hall. Visiting knights welcome. G.T. Weisenberoer, Com. Mox Bloch, Record Keeper. L.O. T. M. HIVENo.2?.-Meetsevery first and third Thursdays in the after noon at the I. O. 0. F. hall. Ail visiting ladies are welcome. i Lady Porter, Commander. Hazel Barnes, Recording Secretary. B. P. 0. E., La GRANDE LODGE No. 433 Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks hall, on Adams Ave nue. Visiting Brothers are cordially in vited to attend. F. S. Ivanhoe. Exalted Ruler. G. E. McCullt. Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 169. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet 2d and 4th Thursday of each month in the 1. 0. 0. F. hail over pottoffice All visiting members welcome. W. W. Bgmtr. Consul Commander. J. K. Wrioht. Clerk. The End of the Season Translated from the French by Lawrence B. Fletcher. A IX, Autumn Trie cof raopolltarj crowd of vialtur L rapidly thinning. An gant villa aurroundtd by flower bd tint have toi ttatlr g ory. acd Lui douwl Mh taJlrn lea. t'traonage: , . L.)nr.e d Avlla. dassllng Creole beauty m 23, with coal-black hair, piercing syee r.6 llpc rvd with health and rpirlu. Mm a. d'Avila. her mother. Fifty-five: a -pxal parvrniw: rousts snd enameled; nm-r., nicknamed "Mme. Cardinal of ,ne Tropica." Marc da Sallly. a good-looking young fal low ot W, wltn in engaging manner. T.ynne (glancing at the sparse ..lrutnenadera on (he svenue) Well, ".hit la the snd, and we have another Reason to our credit. Mme. d'Avila To ovjr debit rather. Another failure! The third this year. jo'inMng Spa tnd Hmtlgnt'e. Lynne It isn't my ault, I am sure. I have rlnne the Impossible, almost, to win the prl"e Vmbnnrt! Mme.d'Avila And no have I. Lynne Ym. You have done too m'jeh. Several times. wVen I thought ' had more than nibble, you arrived n Ihe acene end pulleLn ve line so 1 ally that the trout ailb, II!A.U till hook and mi iwh. Mme. d'Avila Oh. yes! Insult your mother after all the sacrifices Lynne Were they not partly for -"itraelf chiefly, I hoild say. seeing that even If we had eaurrht one of your "Id reprobates. It wan not you. but 1 that would ha hsrl to marry him? Mme. d'Avila My deer, f had perfect "r.nfldence in your ability to tame lh worst of them after marriage. ,Eui v never got that fsrl . Lynne And nr-ver shall, with syetcra. Tour 1deat are toe trrnnd. Y-tt aim too high, y . Mme. a'lln-)h. 1 admit that. 1 made a and rrtlatake . but thre nr i'.e In qmrling b"iU It now. It , 'Ime'for et-Mon. . Someihlng rm hi iime at once. You aw our back state rjipnt thia morning? 1 I.vnnc Of course Twenty Ibon nnd frnnr's. Bay e-lpht month' re fte. Then tb eltttr or Ah! There ' M de Snlllv with M ht in the air You don't know much shout him. dc yon? Mine. d'Avlln No. I hnve Inquired t evcral pmnle. but their inwrn were, enntrndit'tory and unconvincing Lynne lie Is nt hed looking, at all events. I couli! learn to love him to much better thun..yonr old cripples. Hut. perhnpn. n you know nothing Melinite about him. he Is crippled too financially. Mme. d'Avila Well. It Is'the last chance and it may be worth trying. Have you had any conversation with him? . .' . 1 Lynne Orj'v trivlnlities. We have met two or tree time . Vr asked me f r a waltz the o1er evening. . He Is coming this way. You mutt con trive to leave us alone for a few min utes. (Hat. In hand. M depnilly armronche and pay hie rey-cct to the Im'teiO Mme. d'A'-l'n ( .fier ti e convent ionnl ctvilitte he h'-en eychsnped) Are they Mill pl.t ng in the card room? De Snd v I think so. It is almost the on! u,.n; Ir ft. Mn e n'Aiiln 1 feel a mad longing o re 'Hrd a few lotiis. Allow me to nihil" my daughter to your care, M. Jec..illy. . ' l, --Oh. mnmma! Mine d'Aviln (going) A few min ii:h. only, ,1'ii-t long enough to lose oy 10f' f mcjt I.ynr e I - iii Neatly donel (Aloud) Wlint imk you smile, monsieur? De Sh (.. V ur mother's worde. , Lyni.e (iiiiHiy)' The S)0 f rones? De Pnilly No, her confiding you to mv rare -fryime Yon will be - a faithful r"iir!i:in I trust? ( IV, -S illy -I Hi. the honesty of, the e vnlne of the treasure I.yntir (oiitc Htioonly ehnr.ging the subject litive vol leer here long' l)r- ri :l!y- !.ct me ee Ter dnve I hed the h"nor of being prenept "I ir y i. ny friend Mnrrpllir I nd "ive,! tl'e day before llnre ii aniTit t' e ivhole eeason here? I.yti't AI'Ttt. My mother and I re very fond -t Aix. end are among the hiKt to lenvo, aa you ee. He Sajlly Are you going back to Pari? l, uue No. We are going first to Tutiiuuie, lor tiie huuuiig. Mamma uci.g... u cm,.c..u tlierc lat year. lf sitiii., i....ivavivciy; louruine? I kiiuv. Hie ou!i...ry Uiuiuuglily. Wuui I'uii ot louiuii.r , Lynne . ...... .aased) A few mile from 'loui-.'VaieULuy. (Quick i)' uutl gu..i..,,v ) On, uuw 1 iuve tiie if-aoil, nee. cn-air country lite vtin its u...-e , dogs, sporia of all ..i.ida. - Arc ,uii luiereaied In the vouutry, monsieur? De ajilly Very much so. The care of my estates occupies much ot my time. Lynne (with a good deal of curiosi ty; Then your estates must be ex u naive. l)e Sallly Yea. very; and, as I am an only son, I have the entire care ot '.nem. In addition, J have one paa Kn, yachting. Lynne I have the same. 1 adore the sea. When I lived In Brazil I often went out on my uncle's vessels. De Sallly You are a Brazalian, then? Lynne Yea. Do I ant show It but too plainly? My father, whom 1 lost a few years ago. made hia fortune In -he diamond mines. But you must nnw all thl already. De Sallly Xo. Bow should If Lynne Uht watering place foeelp or your friend Marcellio. De Sailly He met you tirat at Spa, you reuieuuier, and i only paaaed tfiroegh Aix. 1 saw scarcely any thing f bint. ' Ljune Why have you waited so long before coming to to have this trienilly little chat with me? j Le builly How about the irrand duke? Lynne Which grand duke? De Sailly l onml t u spoke of gos sip. It seemed to be entirely occu pied with your approaching marriage to hi royal highness. Lynne (flatteied) Oh! with a rouKin of the emperor! , How abaurd' Besides, to apeak frsnkly, his royti! Mghneas is rather mature, No. I am one of those rare and peculiar women who do not believe In mar riage without love.'- De Sailly Then you ought not to have Interrupted my paradox, as you railed It. Lynne Were you going to apeak of over is is easy to talk about, but diHcult to demonstrate. De Sallly Meaning that you would not have been convinced by my dem onstration? Lynne Even If I had been con: rinced I could not with propriety, ionalderlng the shortness of our ac quaintance, have confessed that the demonstration was agreeable. De Sailly (eadly) What a pity It lal Lynne What la? De Sailly Trat one's wild dreams V-.. r-w , . - - ...-. . mi mu lbtlU voice) I do not know, mademoiselle, whether we shall ever meet agnln especially after what I am going to tell you but since you wish proofs. I will make two avowals. The sec ond of them will be the proof of the first. , -,;. Lynne (coquettlshly) Begin with the second, then. De Sailly It. la not so eaay or so pleaaant as the other, and the fact that make It shows how strongly you have interested ma Your words of stcr urameni have made me re flect thM I nn the point ot acting lery riihon lmMiy and I .cannot sc set tosrd yax (Speaking with ef fort ) Except rht 1 srn man of hecer w'tt in vbe meaning of the code, 1 em In n- respect what 1 ap pear ct profess to be. Lynce (.ma2ed) -How? L'e Sailly My aame Is not De Snll-J ly, but Maruier I tiave no estates, no yuclit. no fortune I aro a poor man, my only ncrltnge being few thousand francr wlilcb 1 aiD.t.piuo lering sconiimicnlly is possible In pluccs whore tieiresfee congregate. In the hope of finding one credulour enough or sutliciently in love with me to marry mi. There is my honest confession. hope you will pardor my former words, which were simpl) professional fnUehouds. Lynne Why do you tell me this? De Sailly Because and this Is the first avowal, which yov would have last because love you. Lynne Since this -nornlng? De Snlliy I loved you at first sight I have loved you t little more eveiy time 1 have met you. nd have trier' to meet you every day But. in love I am a skeptic, almost an atheist, and that I have tin red to tell you my love shows how completely It has mas tered me. This Ik, perhaps, the first time in my life that I hnve acted up rightly. Do not be too angry with me. . Lynne (much affected, dreamily) You are right. It Is a pity. De Sailly That we are now so far apart? Lynne No. but that wc are too near together I am in the same po sition as yourself. I have ueither .huteau nor horses, neither yachts nor diumond mines. I am hunting for a rich husbund In the snme coverts , nt you are beating down for s .lowered wife, and I am not very pn tiei tly awaiting the portion of hnppi nef or misery that fnte tuny briti(t me. I am tired of plnylng the role )f candle to decrepit mothf will golden wings I am prelt. you see too pretty, ond o I have no right lo anything but what I may fetch ir the mnrkef, I am onlv n chnttel Mki n railway bond or a Sevre- vnse Y.i ui frnnkneur deserves a return snc' I shal' rnv it I, too. have an t! e vnimuT tr mnke It will be n 'nr'Mleiir n vnrs slncf out two im ei ""ilr-iT fnte "lip ne-ct hf r 'e h.r time that ' hsi-f lin"wr Tt ' hn-'i ecei-ipd frorr varioii! triftmp sign ' !" V'M- were not enormously rich, but wt IP I believed 'you had oh, how shall I exnress It? De Sailly A modest competence, as people say? Lynne That is It. And on this foundation 1 built a romance th first henetfclt romance of my life. I gave up pining for the star, nnd was hippy, 'n dreaming of a modest, aim pie existence with you. De Sailly (sadly) We were de signed for each other, but destined never to realize the design. Lynne Like so many others In this queer world! De Sallly And, loving each other we shall each centred the most stu pidly conventional of marriages with some one else. , Lynne And regret It all our lives ' (A long silence. Then their bands clasp as if by Instinct.) Lynne (In choking voles) Is it adieu? ' De Sallly An revolr, rather, for who knows? Are you doing Nice this winter? Lynne Yea, end yout De Sailly Of course. Perhaps we can help each other. Lynne (more cheerfully) Agmeedt Au revolr. then. (De Sailly pressee her hand and is irons.) Mme. rTArlla (returning) Well! Row about De Sallly? . Is be com ing on? Lynne Oh, mamma, mammal Be ts a colleague T Y. Post. HALf IK WORLD WONDERS . how the other half lives. Those who use Auclclen s Arnica Salve never wonder if it will cure Cuts, Wounds. Burns. Sorss and all skin eruptions; they know it will. Mrs. Grant Shy, 1 1 50 E. Reynolds SL. Springfield. 111., says: -J regard .t one of wie aosoiute necessities of housekeeping." Guaranteed by Nbwlin Druo C;. 26r. KfW RLAl tSIAIt orfia I have moved my real estate and in surance office to room S over J. M. Berry's store, where I am bstter equipped than ever to handle farm lands and city pro perty. I also write fire insurants on farm property. G. H. Powers, the Minnesota Land Man. ANflUAl MEETING Of the shareholders of the Farmers and Traders National Bank of La Grande, will be held at their banking house in La Grande on Tuesday, the 23d. day of January. 1906. between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 2 o'clock d. m. of said day, to select a board of directors for ths snsutng year and for such other businsss as may come before said meeting. J. W. Scriber, Cashier of the Farmer and Traders National Bank of La Grande. Dated this 18th. day of December 1906 ' PIANO TUNING J. C. Ardrey, a former resident of this city, but now near Portland, it in the city. Mr, Ardrey Is how In the piano tuning business, arid those having instrument requiring attention can secure hi Mr vice by leaving order at Huelat's music store. Mr. Ardrey will be in La Grand only about ten days longer. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Notic is hereby given, to whom It majy concern, that t will not pay any bills or debts hereafter contracted by my wife, Ida S. Alden, as she has abandoned me without cause and sued for divorce.' Dated, Dec. 28th., 1906. . ' J. F. Alden TAKE A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Thiough the Williamette, Umpqua and Rogue Rivei Valleys, pf Western Oretron pass , Mt. Shasta, thrcugi the Sacramento Valley to thr many lamuu res line ot the SOUTHEKN PACIFif C Cr beautiful!?; .illustrate booklets, descriptive of tali toinia reoi is, adir ss, W.R. COM AN, Gtn.Passr. Ag - Portland, r ., VETCH PROFITABLE - 60 YEARS' V EXPERIENCE Designs COPVRIOHTS AC. Anroti Mfitltnf a nhsjtrh anil dMnrlpttnii n ttnlokir swecrtatn our or.nt(n ft wtrnther Invcntmn U probmblf nt)iiib1. Conimunt Invention It probablr miiiUIi1 j. C nlna. tioniriotlT(y.iiO(liiill. HANDBOOK on H.teuw urtm Fktanu taken tlinrnvb Munn Co. raofl nt fr , Ulnctt mumirr tor oruruiK vmimtn-m. wtttW notice, without ohr, iath Scientific JImcrican. A bvidaninalr lllnntratMl wtmklr. I.araaat elr. eulf.Uon of an? aclenllUa jniirlial. 1'erini. S8 S jmr; foar nimtba,l. sold by all ra'adaalara. MllNNiCo'vNewJork Ura-wb 'jmoa. r BU Waabluaiuu. D. U MOLLIS TCH'at ffos'cy Mountain Tsa Nuggets A Boar Mellolna tot But Paopls. Brto(i Osluos Mi ilih snd Eanstrsd Vljoi, A an vslfle fur G m jt jnalinti. lndlreatlon. Live lnt Krlnv Trfiii'aa. F'ninlHi. Krremn. Inmun Bluixl. Bail Breaih, Miietlnh Rowrla, IIHt4avli snd Biickarhe. It's Mr Hnuntaln Ta In tr wl fm m. m rwnta a bos. Orniitna mads bf HukUUTin Pai'fi CnMPAir, Madlaon, Wla. QOLOuN NUPOSl FOR SALLOW PEO'HJ I.A GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSJC PROF. DAY. PRINCIPLE. MRS. DAY. ASSISTANT. This is one of ths best musical in tnstitutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininnff todiscover the advantage of this school. The system is the latest and most practical, snd in cludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. t is for beginners from S year or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 2 to 6. Here they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a wsek as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House ovsr the candy store. Phone. 471. BARGAIN'S IN XMAS JEWELRY I hav purchased a full line of drummer samples. Guaranteed goods at bargain prices. Rings - - $2.50 to $8.00 ' Chains . J.60 to (j.OO Hatpins' - - .80 to 1 .80 Charmes ' .75 to .10 . Cuff Links - .75 to .60 Other pieces too numerous to mention. . , Edward Propeck OUR SPECIALTY Fall vegetables of all kind at 1 the lowest current prices. Our -apples are especially full from 60c to $1.00 a box. E dollar box get you ths best apple to found in town. Watch for our new wagon which goes by your door daly. SEATTLE GROCERY COMPANY ZUNDEL &' LAWSON. ', I Brick furnished in any quantty or any' tyle. No contract too small or to large. See sample of our pressed brick. " . .. GEO. KREIGER. La t'lMtide, Oregon . 5 '. ... THE ; '; : OXFORD PAR j JAMES FARQUHARSON, Prop Coavplasa aamrtOHUttol Z WINES, LIQUORS e AND CIGARS J 2 Cold lunches and mixed drinks a pecialty. Fair and Impartial e treatment to all. You are invited J to call and get acquainted. Slue Front Saloon : E. TH0RS0N, Proprietor. J FINEST Y , WINKH. LI0U0RS I I in l oril snd domestic Z ('I0ARS : ?i: or s!i luieh at all hour. Jeflcrsoa Avaiiao OpposIM DamM Pal a co Salorj CHAi, ANDERSON Prop " FINE WINES, MQL'ORS AND CIGARS Always on hand. lflersoa Avna Otpor iv tjcet THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT. Prop, Tin WINES LIQUORS Ctntlcmtn tlwiyt Welcome Fir rcct Eagle Sa'o)n ULRICH L0H1S. Prop. WINES, LIQI'ORS and CIGARS Imported and Domestic. JaBSrsoa Avaasa Opm eenui