KEPTILiiS HARMLESS. FOR WINTER DINNERS; UXS WHO CATCHES tame DOES VOX fSAB THXX. ; ; 1 ! 1 1 41 . 4 I i i . i it A SPLENDID INVESTMENT ' Is a m'r? which will build up your own town and country. The Aurdia Minirg Co, Now offers the first block of stock of 100000 shares at 5c per share. The company has "400,000 shares of stock available for the de velopement of the Stanford Mines, which will be done conservatively, and as fast as poslble. For further information call on J. A. THRONSON. T 1 1 noiidav Groceries Never was a better time to get full value for your money than now. Everytning in the Ire of Holiday Groceries. NEBRASKA GROCERY MRS. MAGGIE SHEARER, Prop. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor, C mplete Machine Shops and Foundry General Blacksmiths, We manufacture The Fitzgerald -Roller Feed Mill., the bast'find cheapest mill on the market. Cir shops are equipped with machinery to handle any sized work, nothi lg too large or nothing to small. Highest prices paid for old iron. iTEWflRfeS'- OPERA. HOSC n. H HTKVVARD, Hrnprleto' and Mur ONE MIGHT ONLY '.' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3 James W. Coffrolh presents the original, copy righted, motion pictures of the great BRin-NtLsoN Fight At Coloriia, Col, September 9th, 1905 i Every feature true to life. Every motion and blow distinctly shown Pricec: Orchestra and Orchestra center. 50c. Dress Dircle and Gallery, 25c. DeWITTS WITCH HAZEL SALVE TUB ORIGINAL. A Well Known Cure for Piles. Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, eo t ema. akin diseases. Makes burns and scald fiainlesa. We could not Improve the quality ( paid double the price. The best salve that esperiono can produce or that money can buy. Cures Piles Permanently DeWltt's la the original and only pur and genuine Witch Hatel Salve mad. Look lot the name DeWlTT on very boa. All others r counterfeit. nrm wt S. C DeWITT CO. CHICAGO A. T. HIU, Drogais s DON'T IS! A HOT ERICK Until January 6th.. w sell our S quart combination hot water bottle and ' foun tain syringe for $1.45. See our window. Nkwun Dbuo Company seats on sale Monday. 2 The rxad Th mi, Required For Corjtip.ition As a certain puraative and stomach purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets seom to . be the exact thing re quired, strong enough for the most robust yet mild enough and safe for the children ana without that terrible griping so com mon to most purgatives," say R. S. Web ster & Co., Udora, Ontario, Canada. Fo sal by Newlin Druo Co. Service This drug store tries to serve every customer so well mat they will not think of going elsewhere for drug store goods. A. T. Hill. PrescriptionDrugStis ONE BIGHTS COMFORT One night's comfort with warm tt i. worth th price of our hot water bag. special l.o. be our window. v Newlin Druo Co. Clear thinking, decisive action, vim vt vigor of body and mind, the sparkle of ife. comes to all who use Hollisters ixky Mountain Tea. 55 cents. Tea o Tab! .ts. Newlin Drug Company. Use Blmpl Apparatus for Captur ing Poisonous Bnake Boms Particulars of Kia Business. There la one man In Boston who has no fear of women Invading bl line oi trade, and up to the present time be is ue only man, as lar as is known, is lii.s state, who is a professional snake richer. This man, reports the ros.oi G'.obe, Is O. W. Mason, who docs no; iuii. his living is in any way strange, '.or he considers snakes iar less nara. less than dogs or any other pets. A Glob reporter accompanied Mr. Mason on a snike hunt to the Bl.;e hills the other day and was shown con Rlutiiely that there need be no fear af anybody getting klllel from the bite of a snake In this vicinity. Mr. Ma-a lonned leather gloves, leather gat rt end unfolded his snake-caicblng app -ratus, a long stick, from which hun ?. stout string tied to a sort of a dredg ing machine. This machine was at tached to th part of the stick nearest the ground, and Is worked with uie string attachment. When a snake is seen Mr. Mason, with the stick In the right hand, string iu the left, follows it, places It over the snake's body, an J the snake Is no longer at lioerty. 'Well," said Mr. aiaaun, alter tne Srrt snake was caught, "did he run alter me or did I have t run after Mm?" , "You see," he said, without waling for a reply, "If t had gone about my owa business, as It were, that snake d-o-ild now be enjoying the pleasure of : asking In the hot sua. No," continued he, "a vicious dog would have turned on me ithout provocation, but no matter how vicious a snake Is, he will avoid a conflict , "I have gone Into a den of nearly 100 snakes, . and not on of them turned on me until cornered, and then the fun began. Time and again I have been bitten, but have not yet met any thing snake shaped that fear. If I ..ere to nou tne white .nuntr thlnrs might be different, but I know what to do hen there is danger around. "Near K.mdolph, about two miles away from the nearest electric road, I latch at leist 20 rattlers to one cop perhead. There are to be found the Indian mails, unknown to any but pto .'efwors from the (liferent colleges th t accompany me when there is m l -eHtigation of the different snaite pri sons under way. The coyiierhcad-i ar? ..loat plentiful at or near tlie erra xi -diiion, very far away fro.n places vis ited on Sunday by plcnl.iui.g parties. "They run as ht h as two tojnt's n wolgm nnd five fen iong. Bull sntKis. nf v.hlrh there are none In the vtalnit.-, weigh aaj much as eight pounds, and arc at leitii ten feet long. 1 hive fought heiiir and am ready to do so aaaln. "One I fought 14 rattlers. It Iook me two hours to get the lait, and though they were as nnd as hora;ts 1 got the last one wituout harm, al. alive. "Strange aa It may seem," said Mr. Mason, ub he stroi.ed the bead of oi.e of the snakes which bad ventured to the top of the -bag In whl :h It ha I been put, "won.en are not as ma-h afraid of snakes as are the s.trtKr sex. A woninn will natura ly shrii-.k trom a snike, but this is uue to fear. he however, she Is told that lo harm wi.l result iroia patting its head this -.vay 3he will iiir.'set her tear And will do is I am dutti now ten tlniea quicker ih.u 1 coal I get -a n an to do It. it Is th sime Willi wo nun and ilo.-s. Men li..e logs, liui v.ouKI not them the sauie attention as women do." 'I houth the test time of the year frr cauhir.g purposes is the two wetiv la .Mny. an Idea may be glvea of rtie nuniicr caught when It Is told th u on Apru 17 Mr. jlaso 1 raugjt 2 s ink s all told, borne 01 them were four fed .ons. When brought to Boston the snakes are put Into a Urge packing case cov :red l!h wire netting. Ilwe they a e fed, great care being taken to giv uie i,.f.itj oi water. Oil darli (l t Frjf. Mason kills those best suited to his tasie that Is, th. ores will bring him me moit prollt. The poison taken from them Is bot tled up and lntir sold to colleges nt i K o 1 ; ro,lt. Then the to '.ies are ,u.:t tled ui. anl lihiltl. to b.- used laer tor t.'ie eii.ll'.'al:o;i of stu en.s. heu lli pro pi r kin I nr caught the. ' art? fattened . and kilied o 1. .1? auir is usd lor un. y thl ips mostly Ii r bi:iiui-.r.g iuii,osiS. a.'ler It is uiAJe xuu a cream .or .uu sn.u. Lar,ie bill thoie we.g elsnt Lounds. tll tiive four 01111 es oil. If c'!j; tit in the fail a i& r-xutd snuke will have eco'.iga iht tu hoop 1. for bine muntt.s atid this tai an be turned into mo. ey through the oil process. The bull siiane oil is the best kind. Its skin is worth one dollar, the oil Is worth one dollar and the states where they are caught give a bounty of one dollar for eai-h one killed. The eastern market secures them for the price that the oil and skin would bring. Th Sond of Empire, Forty years ago, befote the nations of Europe developed their navies, it was the opinion of so.i.e statesmen that a friendly separation would relieve the mother country and leave the colonies in freedo.u and saleiy. It is Imioss'ble to hold that opinion now. Scattered independent commun ities, unable to derend themselves would be at the mercy of any ambitious power which possessed a fleet. West minster Gazette. ri. Picture Yourself In a nice room handsomely decor ated with an elegantly designed, har moniously colored, wall paper one gracing our superb stock, you could not imagine anything adapted to in terior decorations a whit more eye pleasing. But there's another thing to 'b pleased your pocket book. Our prices will attend to that Pa per hanging looked out for if so de sired. : S1ANIFI R R IAPMFW Painters, ' Paperhangers, and ' Decorators picture praming a pecialty When you wish a nice juicy roast or a tender steak, or a piece of boihng meat or pot roast, just phone Main 48 and you will soon have ex actly what you desire. J. BULL &. Company Phone Main 8. Remember phone is on the directory as Boss Meat Market Main 48. WOOD SAW Your wood sawed with steam saw at 40 cents a cord, if you haae ten cord or over, under ten cord only 50 cents per cord. I come when I promise and satisfaction gusranteed DROP ME A POSTAL J. S. VAN00RPY, .on Practical Gunsmith ?ejair Strict'y Fi-y class uns rt -sum kt-iJ K-ys fittf.J todo-T I.o k? WM. AGNEW 'III AV i III IN f IWRRY? 1HKN VAA. THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less lin e than it takes to tell it. Day phone Re.-i 71 Ninht Black 1 7 2 Wagon aiwavs at your sirv ce I L 1,1 Af S Ccnti.-ctor an i f .i,uc Italei in BuilJii i M.uTial . La Granc'. , Orecn Drop a line naming work and I will nam the right price. A suitable menu is difficult to plan. Heinz Pickles aid in making a dinner. Of the 57 var ities put up by Heinz we carry the most of them. Bottled and bulk pickles. Heinz Dill Pickles are extra fine. Heinz Pure Malt Vinegar per quart 30c. Let us send you up a Heinz assortment for that next dinner. . ' THE CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY E POLLACK, Propr. STODDARD LUMBER CO. i Sash and Doors Liimber, LatS Shingles, Mouldings, Etc. A'l Good Material comes from our Yard ...... FOR VYIV TK WASHING Our new machinery and additional help will enable us to do fami ly washing CHEAPER, GU1CKER and BETTER than you can do it yourself. We call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work. Give us a trial and y:u will not be bothered through the winter with family washing. A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY HONE Main 7 La Givn'lz, Oip;i. FOR WINTER FEED J PHONE MAIN 6 T e Grande Ronde Cash Company is in a position to offer the testtherais. Fresh Lteam Rolled Ea'rley. Timothy and Wild Hay, and all kinds of Grain and Chopped Feed. WOOL AND COAL DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY Grande Ronde Cash Company, Jhs Good Old Standby. hNthing like a n::cut of juicy corned beef w -,h phhi or M,ur.Kriu- 01ca m a wh:!e! We can o.Tjr most of the time wool or half rouidi. if you can use so much, or whatever quant ty you ?aT, J TV' f8d and ully corn ed beef-tender, ' tasty" and wholesome If you re m the notion t day Dhone Tus alnnolr'1' Gr?ndy& Russell nnial Ho'el w ider new m..- agement D J 1 m -jaru na noom ss per week, cash Meals 25 cts. Special rates furnish mommy patrons. No. 1417 Adams Ave Phone No. 1 161. Mrs. W. E. Murchison. f ropriatress W4 9$. J 0 VERGERE PHONE CHOICE MEATS That will fulfill all your expectations. The kind you will be proud to offer your guests at the ' IVEW YEAR DINNER At this season of the year and at allt, other times you will find the bestV Meat and Poultry at this , Market Rohr& Company Cleared For Action When th body is cleared and ready, for action, by Dr. King's New Life PilliX you can tell it by the 'bloom of health O .... v,,..K., u origntness.of , the yes; the firmness of the flesh and muscles; the buoyancy of the mind. Try them, a Newlin Drug StDr. 25 cents. :. .i.w.... :