t.AAAAAAAiAiiAiiAA4iA44444 AAAAAAAAAi WWWW WWW WW WW WWW WW WW imam FOR WINTER DINNERS A SPLENDID INVESTMENT Is a infos which will build up your own town and country. The Aurelia JVTinir g Co, Now offers the first block of stock of 100000 shares at 5c per share. The company has 400,000 shares of stock available for the de velopemcnt of the Standard Mines, which will be done conservatively, and as fast as posible. for further information call on J. A. TtlROMSON. Holiday Groceries Never was a better j time to get full value for your , money than now. Everytning in the line of Holiday Groceries. NEBRASKA GROCERY MRS. MAGGIE SHEARER, Prop. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor, Complete Machine Shops and Foundry General Blacksmiths, W manufacture Tht Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill., the beet and cheapett mill on the market. Cur shops are quipped with machinery to handle any sized work, nothing too large or nothing to small. Highest prices paid for old iron. ITEWMIW' . .' opera mouse i f C M. BTBWARD, Proprietor and Mgr MISS GE0RGIE HARPER In a magnificent production of Dumas' masterpiece fCAMJLLE"! Will open a Three Nights' Engagement THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28 cellent ast New Scenery Elegant wardrobe 5 Management of Harper and Detritk THREE NIGHTS ONLY Ices 25c, 35c, and 50c. Seats on sale at VanBuren's I ........... WHITE ROSE FLOUR lioneer Flouring ; Mill Go. I THE (Ifii HI While we are compelled to have our supply of mistletoe shipped in from other places, nevertheless we get it and it plays no small part in Christmas festivities. In fact it has played a leading part in Yule festivities from time immemorial. Mistle toe was borrowed from pagans and Christianized by the lapse of. centuries. Formerly it was not used for the purpose that romantic youths have turned it to. Even before the birth of Christ the Per sians used it in their sacred rites and the Indian priests in some parts of India still incorporate it in their ceremonies. Scan dinavian mythology would ont be complete without mistletoe. The Druids of England are the ones from whom we get it. The Druid priests descended from magi and wise men and believed that the mistletoe was "all heal ing. The gathering of the vine was at tended by solemn ceremonies, and the ox en used to haul it to the temples were afterwards ' sacrificed." The Druids be lieve in the plant's healing powers and all kinds of healing potions were made from it As civilization advanced and superstition decreased the mistletoe lost its religious significance, but not its popularity. Mil iii , tftHvltiftut f "lf 1 1" flOW'.K HEATS Tl RUT (.M The use of ice for heating purposes is one of the oddities of our modern civili zation. Often it happans that a train carrying freight from tha south to the northern market encounters a cold spell while enroute. If the tamperature goes below a certain point, the perishable merchandise will be ruined. But it has been asserted that such a misfortune may be prevented by covering the fruit cai withacoat of ice a thing easily ac complished by turning a iiose upon it and allowing the water to freeze until the whole vehicle is enveloped in a glassy and glittering blanket. It may, indaad. bt appropriately called a blanket, inasmuc'i as it prevents the radiation of he it from the interior of the'ear. The ice being a good non-conductor, the warmth is re tained and the fruit, or possibly it may be vegetables, goes on Its way unspoiled even by zero weathjr. Philadelphia North Americ.n. ?ervice This drug store tries to serve every customer so well that they will not think of going elsewhere for drug store goods. t A. T. Hill, PrescriptionDrug3tis TO WHOM IT MAY (ONdRN Notice is hereby given, to whom it mav concern, that I will not pay any bill or debts hereafter contracted by my wife. Ida S. Alden, as she has abandoned me without cause and sued for divorce. Dated, Dec 28th.. 19 35. J. F. Alden. NIGHT SCHOOL, Those desiring to join Prof. Hocken- berry's nioht class in arithmetic, are re quested to leave word at this office or wnn me professor. 1 he c an will start next week. Further particulars regard ing place and time of meeting will be - an nounced later. Picture Yourself In a nice room handsomely decor ated with an elegantly designed, har moniously colored, wall paper once gracing our superb stock, you could not imagine anything adapted to in terior decorations- a whit more eye pleasing. But there's another thing to be pleased your pocket book. Our prices will attend to that Pa per hanging looked out for if so de sired. SI AM ELS &. JARMEN Painters,. Paperhangers, and ; Decorators picture framing $pccialty Mibj MA; : 1 When you wish a nice juicy roast or a tender steak, or a piece of boiling meat or pot roast, just phone Main 48 and you will soon have ex actly what you desire. J. BULL & Company Phone Main 8. Remember phone is on the directory as Boss Meat Market Main 48. A Crerpng Death. Blood poison creeps up toward the heart causincr death .1 F Ci,. Belle Plaine, Minn., writes that a friend dreadfully injured his hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Buck- len's Arnica Salve drew out the mison healed the wound, and saved his life. Best in me world for sums and sores 2oc at Newlin's Drug Store. The Exact Thing Required For Constipation "As a certain Dureative and purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver I ablets seem to be the exact thing re quired, strong enough for the most robust yet mild enough and safe for the children and without that terrible griping so com mon to most purgatives," say R. S. Web ster & Co.. Udora, Ontario, Canada. For sale by Niwlin Drug Co. Clear thinking, decisive action, vim and vigor of body and mind, the sparkle of life, comes to all who use Hollister Rocky Mountain Tea.: 5S cents. Tea iTabuts, Newiin Drug Comoanv. WOOD SAW Your wood sawed with steam saw at 40 conts a cord, if you haae ten cord or over, under ten cord only 60 cents per cord. 1 come when I promise and satisfaction guaranteed DROP ME A POSTAL J. S. VANDORFY, Practical Gunsmith Vepairc Stnct'v Fi-stclass :uns n-t(H knl K ys futcd to do'r Lo ks WM. AGNEW Adams nr IN A HURRY? Ill' N CA 1,1. WH. REYNOLDS THE TRANSFER MAN . He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it. Day phone Red 761 Night phone Black 17 92 Wagon always at your service J L MAPS, Contractor and Builder Ifaler in Building Material La Grande, Oregon Drop a line naming work, end 1 will name he rght prici. , A suitable menu is difficult to plan. Heinz Pickles aid in mal ing a dinner. Cf the 57 var itie3 put up by Heinz we carry the most of them. Bottled Dill Pickles are extra fine. Heinz Pure Malt Vinegar per quart 30c Let us send you up a Heinz assortment for that next dinner. THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLLACK, Propr. ! STODDARD LUMBER CO. I Sash and Doors Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Etc. A'l Good Material comes from our Yard FOR WINTER WASHING Our new machinery and additional help will enable us to do fami ly washing CHEAPER, QUICKER and BETTER than you can do it yourself. We call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work. Give us a trial and y:u will not be bothered through the winter with family crashing. A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY HHONE j Main 7 La Grvnfc, Oregon. FOR WINTER FEED PHONE MAIN 6 VERGERE PHONE The Grande Ronde Cash Company is in a position to offer the best there is. Fresh Lteam Rolled Barley. Timothy and Wild Hay. and all kinds of Grain and Chopped Feed. WOOD AND COAL DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY Grande Ronde Cash Company, JfffTor Avenue. The Good Old Standby. Nothing like a nice cut of juicy corned beef with cab'nge or sieur-kraut once in a while! We can offjr most of the time whole or half rounds, if you can use so much, or whatever quantity you require, of well fed and carefully corn ed beef-tender, "tasty" and wholesome. If you're in the notion today, 'phone us the order and we'll have the meat around in no time. Grandy& Russell Centennial Hotel Under new management Board and Room $5 per week, cash. Meals 25 cts. Special rates furnishe Monthly patrons. No. 14 1 X Adams Ave. Phone No. 1161 CHOICE MEATS That will fulfill all your expectations, "v The kind you will be proud to offer "your guests at the NEW YEAR DINNER At this season of the year and at all . other times you will find the best Meat and Poultry at this Market Rohr& Company Cleared For Action ' When the body is cleared and ready for action, by Dr. King'e New Life Pille you can tell it by the bloom of health on the cheeks; the brightness of the eyes; the firmness of the flesh and muscles: t he buoyancy of the mind. Try U em. a M rs. W. E. Murchiicr. pcrrctim Newiin Drug Store. 25 cent.