r i ; I If? j : It- t . 1 i t I 1 1 n it ' '! '1 i ? -i it ;! A Merry ; Christmas The Golden Rule Company Hopes that EVERYBODY enjoyed this great day to the fullest extent and judging from the immense amount of goods we sold for the occasion, uc believe they did. We appreciate this liberal patronage on the part of the public and to show our appreciation are going to give the trade : M ANOTHER GREAT TREAT 33 Watch for full particulars la'er in this Space THE GOLDEN RULE COM PAN Yl Largest Store- 1308, 1310, 1?12 Adtims Avenue. Smallest Prices LOCAL ITEMS 1 TOTAL BLISS IS DESCRIBED BY PRESIDENT CLEYELAUD Al HAVI1W A PAIR Of SUSPENDERS ON EVERY PAIR Of PANTi WE HAVE "THE BLISS" AT fRQM 50C TO JiO A PAIR. , ... A Conqueror Hat $5.00 Get the tiza out of hit old on A Good Sweater, $3 to $6 A Smoking Jacket of Cordigan, $5 to $16 A Silk or White Wash Vest. $ 1 .50 to $6 A pair of Fancy Hose. 26e to 75c A Tie, all description, from 25o to $2.60 A Muffler. $1.60. Full Dress Muffler. $2.60 . A pair of Wilson Bros. Shirt, $1.60 to $2.60 A Handkerchief, from 60c to $1.60 ' ' ' A pair of Hanan or Walkover Shoes, from $5.60 to $6. . the figures In the old pair to get the size you want . Cloves, all kinds and prices. We carry but one class of goods the BEST. Call and make your selection and we will keep them for you until you want them. Bring $40 SUIT GIVEN AWAY . DEC 31 Every $1 cish purchase, or paid on account en titles you (o a chance. .. .. .. ;. COMMENCING ON NOVEMBER . 1 Dt SUIT CLUB WINNERS 1 0. L. Bitten. 35 Suit New Club A U ANDREWS V, Haberdasher and Tailor Just Received by W. H. Bohncnkamp a beautiful LINE OF ROCKERS From 75c up j The finest display of China and Class In the city. , See the Ten Cent Table i w. h; bo H NE N K A M P, j V ; v k t v v ., y i, -,. ..'.,, . , . , ? SOCIETY DINNER PARTY ' Mrs. T. N. Murphy was hostess yoster day at a most enjoyable dinner party covers being laid for sixteen. The room were appropriately docirated with holly large wreaths and Christmas bells beinf suspended from the ceiling. The dining table was a sight of beauty, fairly dazz ling with cut glass, silver and cut flowers. Mirrors, surrounded with wreaths of hol ly, with vases of chrysanthemums and carnations in center, formed the table decorations. Tucked under the napkin al each cover were da'nty and useful little souvenirs for the guests. Mrs. Murphy is a royal entertainer and a charming host ess. Pleasant memories will always hang around the Christmas of , 1905 for those present 1 AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . A large and appreciative audience lis tened to the following rrogram at the Presbyterian church, Saturday evening Dec. 23. Song School Responsive reading Reading scriptures and Prayer Rev. O. A. McKinlav Address of welcome Eugene Emerson Exercise and song Primary class Recation Walter Young Song School Song Mr. Rinehart's class Exercise and song Mrs. Bartlett's class Recitation Oscar Johnson "Star Bearers" Mr. Wright's class Recitation Frank Holm Exercise and song Miss Richardson's class Address I Re. E. R Hays Sn School Distribution of presents. Engineer and Mrs. Geo. Hansen, of Teiocaset are in the city for the holidays. Dr. George O'Conner spent Christmas in Pendleton. ". W. Hathaway was in the city yesterday from Carson. . . Tom Braiser. the Union capitalist, is in city today. D. C. Crawford returned to Pendleton this morning after having spent Christmas with his family here. Miss Alma Harris, who is teaching in the Pendleton public schools, is spending the holidays et home. Mr. Joe Sheets, of Union, spent Christ mas in the city visiting his sister. Mrs. J. W. Earls. B. Reavis, who has been vis iting his son, L. D. Reavis for several weeks, spent Christmas with his son, Wm. rteavis, in Pendleton. '1 hi orflers of the Eastern Star, the Blue Lodge and the Royal Arch Masons, hold their joint installation of officers to morrow evening. Mrs. C. L. Pierce and daughter. Minnie, went to Pendleton to spend Christmas, from where they will go to Hollywood, waul., w kiouu ui. nutUi. . Remember the school meeting to be held in the High School building, Thursday Afternoon, for the purpose of a tax as itated in the regular notice in this issue. David Eccles, who has been in Cali fornia, while on his way home to Salt Lake spent Sunday in the city. He ex pects to return after the first of the year. Leslie Matlock of Heppner returned thi morning after (pending Christmas with Mr. and Mr. A. A. Roberts. Mr. j. w. Jaarls, who is representing the La Grande Marble Works, went to Union this morning on a business trip for the company. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodhouse and family left this morning for southern Utah where they will spend two weeks visiting elatives. Robert Blumenstein of Elgin is making proof on a timber claim at the JJnited States Land Office todayand H. L Davis ofSuTrrptur un MUWBSuad. Jess Murchison, the fourteen year old son of Mrs. Annie Merchison, who has been quite sick with pneumonia is report ed much better today. Ben Scott, the well known meat cutter formerly with Bock & Thomas, but now of Nampa, Idaho, spent Christmas with friends in this city, returning this morn ng. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kinney of Joseph were in the city Sunday visiting relatives and will spend a few days in the country visiting Mrs. Kinney's sister, Mrs. Frank Council. E. B. Bishop of Utopia, Iowa, after spending some time looking over this section of the county is so well pleased that he has sent for his family. - friends arjdje . --MfiTRobert makinir Droof HO TRAtf Of ATTORNEY No trace has been discovered of John F. Fuller, the attorney who early in the week forged the name of W. S. Bower, his former employer, to a $25 check hich ha passed on Frank Scott at the Arctic saloon. r Fuller disappeared from Baker City Tuesday, telling his wif and little child that ha was going to Portland for a few days. The police have notified the au thorities throughout th country of Fuller' crime and sent descriptions of the man to nearly every city in th northwest, but nothing has been heard as to his wherea bouts. Constable Yantis. into whose hands th case has been placed, says he is confident he will land hi man before long and xpcts to hear of "Tiis capture most any time unless he has succeeded in getting across the tin into Canada. Baker City Herald. OIK (LUB IN TOWN Th Whitman College Glee Club, which appear at Steward opera house this evsning. arrived last night and are today preparing for their splendid entertainment to be given tonight 1 4 OFF Until January 2. I will give ONE FOURTH OFF ON FANCY CHINA ION 10 percent Off HEATING STOVES-: This is to reduce my stock for-stock taking MRS. T.N. MURPHY :mrs.o. 1 -in- lviuivrri i : GIFTS FOR SMOKERS ... .,.... Christmastide offers no better oppor tunity than can be found in the v Key West Perfecto Our -line of these favorites embrases ii i4t, ami uieia uul but would be treasured and prized by any "lover of the weed." - C. E. HACKMAN, 1 Factory Corner Adam Avenue and Greenwood Street Red 1641 J. F. Sappington and H. P. Sprague of Elgin spent Christmas in th's city. Miss Rose Foutes. one of Walla Walta's most charming high school teacher's is in the city spending the holidays with her sister Mrs. J. A. Thronson. Continued prosperity in the United States is having a marked effect on im migration. For the year ending June 30, 1905. the total wa 1.027,421 the first year in which a full million was exceeded. . After the entertainment this evening the Whitman Glee Club will be given a reception at the home of Register E W Davis, by Mrs. Malory. -' Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Fulton, of Elgin are in the city guests of Mr. and Mr. W. F, Hendricks. This is their first meeting in twenty five years and are enjoying living over former years. Mr. Fulton is uncle of Mr Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ayer and L. ,L Matlock of the Gold Coin mine in Baker, county. Dr. and Mrs. E. A'. Vaughn of Pendleton, Miss Barber, of Portland and the Misses Lavela and Edna Florence were guests of Receiver and Mrs. A. A. Roberts of Main Street Christmas. . Sfrvice This drug store tries to serve every customer so well that they will not think of going elsewhere for drug store goods. A. T. Hill. Prajcrip tion Druggist , THE BEST DINNER you ever ate is the kind we are serving. . Just think of what you like best to eat and come here and get it prefectly c ook ed and perfectly served. Each dish ap petising in look as well a smell and taste. ' THE PROOF Of THE PUDDING is in the catirg. So drcp in ty yrurrel and put our brands to the test After that you will come often and bring your friends wTth you. For in addition to a first class meal we add to your happiness by carving the price as well as we do the meals. - The Model Restaurant J. A. Aibwklf, Proprietor OI'fN DAY ND NKIHT Wrwll wwklT tllA ml tlrkrt lor P4 v . . ... - i 4 v ' WE v will ha ve some thing to say in a few clays . LISTENI Chicago Store ""7 J I i .7