PRFESSIONAL GA R D S DR. A. L. RICHARDSON y Physiciah' and Slroeok . Office over Hill's Drug Store. OSes Phone 1562 Residence Main 68 jt MOLITOR M. D. vSICiaV NO . " SURGED Cor. Adams Avenue and Depot St Of c Main 68 Residence Main 68 WILLARD 6MITH PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON f Voiding, opposite Sommar House QfTe hours, 1 to 4, 7. to 8.. p. m. phone Main 71 BACON & HALL ' PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONS Offlcj in Foley Building, Phone Main 19 T. Bacon residence, Main 18 . M, K. Hall residence, Main 62 " CHARLES E. HAWKE, M. D. V Physician Suroeon ' Off.cPhme Red 1261 . . Residence Phone Black 83 ' Office in Sommer Building ' i REAV1S BROS DENTISTS OflRra finmmer Building Offcf Black 61 Residence 1171 Classified Advertisements. Rates One cent a word. one-halTa cent a word each subsequent inser tion. Classified adds bring quick re sells. Try one today. FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLES go to tha La Grande Invest ment Company, L Grance, Ore., in Foley building. FOR SALE The A. V. Oliver four lots on Jefferson Avenue, including plat form scales, one hundred and ten foot porch running back to railroad track Powers, the Minnesota land man,. WANTED A young man can secure employment in store in La Grande on conditions. Call at Observer office. FORTY ACRE TRACT of ground near ,La Grande, for rent with good build ings, and fine soil. Price from Dec. 1st 1906 to March 1st 1907. $225. La Grande Investment Co. REAL ESTATE LOANS-Any amounts on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. , La Graxde Investment Com- ' PANY TO LET A nice suit of furnished rooms can be arranged for light housekeep ing. Apply to Mrs. C. R. Thornton. LOST Dragon stick pin with a diamond and pearl setting. . Finder please re turn to Dr.F. E Moore and receive re ward. t FOR PRNT-4-, Mr! Washington " Avenue, "Call RedJ712. . C. B 'CAUTHORN : dentist . .'. Office over Hill's Drug Store J U Grande,- - -- Oreoon PHYSICIANS r- FOR RENT SmaU housefumishei com plete for house keeping." inquire $1 An rew's Store. - . ' " . . WANTED-At once girl for housework Good wages. Inquire at this office or J. W.Scriber. - DfiS. BIGCERS & BIGGERS Puyslcian and 8ara SWBKters. M.t. Geo. L. Blgr, U. I - Telephone Ofl)x Blaefc UU Bldiu Maid 80 goto tMoe BatMloi over J- M. Try'' wm. loer an Msdlwa AT. coa. lo wwtof bn.-r mldtne. Or. a w Blr UORANDK - OkkXiON Frotaaoaal elt promptly MUadce . ' - dayorawtu. ' 5etRINARV suroeon DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Hill's Drugstore, La Grande Or Residence Phone Red, 701 . . Office,hon 1361 Farmer Line 68 y " DR. W. T. DOWNES veterinary suroeon and dentist Leave orders at Red Residence Cor : 6th and 1st St Cross Brug Store ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law . LA GSAMQI oreooon Office in Foley Building . J. W. KNOWLES Attomev and Counsellor at La Office in Ralston Building ' . La Grande, Oregon. hnttaa rm up Phone OREGON TIMBfRflAIl'S VIEVOf LAHD FRAUDS Talile cf Purcfiascrs cf Counterfeit Certificates Sold J : '." : Putcr-Mc Kinley Qi : The disclosures which have recently been made in regard to the forging of state land certificates is the boldest and most nefarious "plan of robbery that it is possible to conceive. How far this fraud has been practised will probably not be known for some time, but sufficient evi dence has come to light to show that these bold counterfeiters would stop at nothing short of highway robbery in day light, were the opportunity given. The State of Oregon, while not directly In terested in the losses which the purchas ers have sustained, is nevertheless con cerned In the convict'on and punishment of thess oli ccun (liters, wha as sum ed to transfer title to land belonging to others. If these thieves can go unpunish ed, the unsavory ' reputation which the State Land Office has previously enjoyed FOR RENT Four room house, block of ground, small orchard. Apply on prem ises near brick yard. - Mrs. Moixie Weaver. - " WANTED Bright boy desires a place where he can work for his board and go to school. Inquire of Mrs. Mollis Weaver, near brick yard. STOCK HOLDER'S MEETING Notice is hereby given that the stock holders of La Grande Real Estate As sociation will meet in the office of Wm Miller & Bro. on Monday, January 1 6th 1906, at 8 o clock P. M. for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the meeting. Wm Miller, President fCR MEN OflLY Sunday school teacher, reprovingly George, do you know where little boye go when they don't go to Sunday school? 'Georgie, (greatly embarrased) Yes'um down to the river behind that big syca morebut don't you go, it's for men only. H. T. Williams . A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS attohneys-at-law Office in Ralston Building L Grande. Oregon LODGE DIRECTORY EAGLES La Grande Aerie 269 F. 0. E. meets every Friday night in Red men Hall, Lewis Buildingat 8 p. m. Visiting brethren invited to attend. . v J. E. Pollock, W. S. J. A. Matott, W. P. . I. 0. 0. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16 meets in their hall every Saturday night Visitinor brothers cordially invited to at tend. Uemetery piat may L, A. PICKLER Civil, Mutwo, Irrigation Enoineerino and Surveyino Estimates, Plans, and Specifi cations. Office in Foley Bldg. U Grande, ' Oreoon Model Restaurant 1. R. Shook, Sec. be seen at James Moss, N. G. Terrific Race With Death. "Death wm ft unnroachinz," writes Ralph Jirnandez, of Tampa, Fla- de scribing his fearful race with death, "as result of liver trouble and heart dis ease: whir.h hH mhhed me of sleep and of all interest in life. 1 hadtried many dif ferent doctors and several medicines, but got no benefit until I began to use Elec tric Bitters. So wonderful was their ef fect that in three days 1 felt like a new jnan, wd today I am cured of all my roubles?' Guaranteed at Newlin's Drug 'store;price 60c. Have Smith Hollow grine Your Skates C. L. SMITH CREAMER?, BUILDING t RTAR ENCAMPMENT. No. 81. I. 0, 0. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days n the month m Odd reiiows nan. Vicitino natriarchs always welcome. I. R. Snook, C. P. Edmond Robinson, Scribe. . EASTERN STAR, O. E. S. Hope r.hntar No. 13 meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:50 p. m. in Masonic Temple. Mertib Alorich,. W. M Mary A. Warnick, Sec. , M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7705 meets every first and third Wednesday r.t tha month at I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. c keisi-ahu, John Hall, Clerk. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Maid Marion No. 22 mets each Tnurs- av niaht in I. 0. R. M. hall. Brotners inmrjtd to attend. ' " ... , n tiHAS. BARTME.SS, Uniei rtangu n C Wh ? tiuc F:n. Sea. Board of Trustees Dr. G. L. Biggers, John Hall and Herbert Pattison. friendship TENT No. 51, K. 0. T. m MoAt second and tnira weanesoay each month in I. 0. 0. F. hall. Visiting knights welcome. VJ. I. " ftlfcnoiLKUK, WWII, Mox Bloch, Record Keeper. L.O. T. M. HIVENo.27.-Meetsevery first and third Thursdays in the after noon at the I. 0. O. F. hall. All visiting ladies are welcome. Lady Porter. Commander. Hazel Barnes. Recording Secretary. r p. O. F. La GRANDE LODGE No. 433 Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks hall, on Adams Ave nue. Visiting Brothers, are cordially in vited to attend. F. S. Ivanhoe. Exalted Ruler, d. E. McCutXY, Recording Secretary. i a r.OANOF. -LODGE ' No. 169. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meets 2d and 4th Thursday of each month m th I. O. 0. F. h.ll over postoffice AJ1 i.:infl mnmhAre welcome. .. . .. vy W.' Berwy. Consul" Commander. of the State Land Agent West by Hib- bard, in the nature of a number of letter which passsd between McKinley and Hib bard, as welt as the correspondence o two Seattle attorneys, Rognon and Haw kins, who were retained by McKinley. A remarkable feature of the corre spondence is a list, of references whicl McKinley gave to Hibbard in August o this year, as evidence of his own integrit; and trustworthiness. McKinley wrott that he had sold about 100.000 acres of land in Oregon and referred Hibbard U the buyers, whom he named. The list was follows: v . .. . ' ' Acres ..15.00C .14.527 - 7.00C .; 7.00' :. 6,40; H. H. Withee, La Crosse, Wis H. A. Salzer, La Crosse, Wis . George Sa'car, Minneapolis Frederick A. Kribs, Portland .. will certainly aot be enhanced in public eye. . Gover or Cha-nbe:'la'n and Stat Land Agent West; have made ' tha startling discovery that , operators in the East made a duplicate of tha seal of the Stat of Oregon and then forged certificates of land sales in exact Imitations of genuine! R. H Paul, Watertown, Flan . originals issued from the State Land j Hiram Goddard, La Cross .. .7. th ' S. Y. Hyd. La Cross ....... Fin ley Morrison (Canheld estata) , o.uui Hyde & Thompson, Cascade Locks 4.00C t-evi Withee, La Cross 4.00C Abner Glle estat. La Cross . 4.DOC J. 0. Story, Monahan-Wash S.OOC John Paul. Watartown,' Fla 2.00C S.OOt 2.00C In Th? United Sla'u District Cou fv Tnc D kt of Of; n. In iht matvr of ) ivurl J. b.. ml in V boki upt To :he rr Uiu e' KH , K'.vk and. ' Cov,luili oomtr of Ujtua aud D.nho a nrtaid. a ankruM: N-tlrU hrrrbr lrn ht na Ih T'hd f nrDer. A. l im (he Mid Krt t. aoklai d "S duly a'J'idH) Iri bankn-i,); aod thti 'b-flrwt mating rf hWerdfUirt wilt heU n Ibeofflreof tha niittriKTd at L !r n, Oivgon, oo th mbdajr ol jHDUitr .'U JMe at lOuVln- k lnthe formonn. at hlcu lim Uie wltt errrtltnm m y a lrort, thrl ''1aIiii appoint a trow, rxunilne th bank rupt. nl trauwet aurh otber bttklnp a- m) Piuprl)r earn before !) atrttlcf. Sic fll'i j mtut ocuiniD tuctt claim. F '. IVASHOB, Rafaree In Maakr ptry. Dee nibrJl. t(WS. In the U- ittd Stjt Diiiict Ou t Fo the DUttict ol Ort sjoa a th matler -r( William Hancock Bankrupt o t'-e an an tn11vlrfnl an ma a partuer nf tha ftrr of tiac'klani1 dt H.i enrk a d ol he It m . Uaiicix'k A Wl.ll. of ( ove, llmoi. ertt't"s of WilliKa in.-xl Id h n-un y of Union and Dlilm-i aroreKaiL Binkrupt Notice U h ty iflveo tat on lb 7h day o Dee. A. D. IH) , th 'aid William Hancock w. luljr arijudlratrd bankrupt: and that th fir ntrlingnriiUindlior will be beld ta th. ITIe . I the nndenltaed at La Uraadr, Tenon .n IheSih ita of January A. D. 1106 at It ' lock In the AreMMu, at which tin U" aid CRtllhwa mn at end, pior II elr rbla. appoint a truat e, examine the bankrupt, aw rauni-t mien oih' r bnlnes as ut'j prnperl in b lor aald meetlua. USe flllng fe ntu iomp njr ewrh cla m. r. 8. IVANHOE tecember 11, 1KB. Referee in Bam ro te; Office. Save for th fact that th p per on which the certificates were printed iffer slightly from the Stock used by th state, th work of counterfeting is very clever. -These spur o s certificates war used as collateral to borrow money from banks and individuals. ' Evidence indicates that the fraud wae conducted on a large seal, but how ex tensive wilt not be known until th holder of the certificates send them to th state for indentiflcatiort. Th loss must fall upon th holders of fraudulent certificates for th papers are of no more value than forged bank not. Wad H. Richardson,: of Milwaukee. Wis., says he paid Puter $58,000 for a lot of worthless certificates. Th forged certificates now located aggregate 16,- 000 acres. , Goddard has commenced suit against A. D. Puter, Horace McKinley, H. H. Biggs and two other pals, in th Wiscon sin courts, to attempt to recover the money he parted with in exchange for forged certificates purporting to convey Oregon timber lands. George W. Hibbard of this city, was arrested on the. same charge, but was released, th authorities having become convinced that he was at most only the innocent tool of th smooth swindlers who were th moving spirits In th frauds. Evidence has been placed In the hands James Vincent, La Crosse Frank Tiffany, Milwaukee . In addition to all these purchased lands from him, 40C . 820 person whr McKinley re ferred to th Stat Bank of La Crosse. Wis., th First National Bank of Eugene th Capital National of Salem. Numer ous individual references were given. P. S. 'Davidson, of Hood River, being the only resident of Oregon. Th references were given by McKinley about four months ago. He had been under conviction about a year and two other indictment by a Federal grand jury war hanging over his head. H. H. Biggs, for whom a warrant has also been sworn out by Goddard, appears to have played a minor part in th swin die. He figures as the assignee of some of the forged certificates oft state school lands. It is now a question whether there is any such individual as Biggs. Stat Land Agent West is doing his utmost to locate th members of th gang, but when they are found the vie. tims must then prosecute them. West says he knows of no Oregon statute under which they can be prosecuted, a th forgeries were all made in th Ecst It was there that the swindlers had their plant for manufacturing th bogus deeds and certificates. If Goddard and other victims refuse to prosecute, the work of the land agent will be largely In vain. THE OXFORD PAR JAMES FARQL'HARSON, Prop Couplet laaurtinanl ol WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Cold lunches and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. You are invited to call and get acquainted. . S!uc Front Saloon L THORSON. Proprklof . flKBST VVINK.. LIOUORS I m I or tod acd dorjoenUc CIGABS V. o, j 1 1 1 1 : i 'at all hours. JafTeraoa Ana Opplt Dtot In Tht United States DWrxt Court ' Fo ThcOctictUfOrtjm r. n the of 1 i " i & V.D. immnr . A ' Uaokiupt i -.-' , ' . To lb erMjitora of W. D. Demoi,' ot U Jnuido, to to af Untoa biatrial , foresaid, n bankrupt; Nolle I hereby give) that on the Tlh daj ot D cib r. A. U. 10 ' tb aatd W. I . rxliiio ra duly adjudicated a bankntir ind that th flmt meeting ui hla ere- Hon will be ha d In t! rfllc ol t' aederalgn d t Li (trend, Of n, i the Idn inj of Januai, A. O. IWI6 at 10 o'ciock In th forenoon, ai b! -h lin't tl Mid creditor may aiten . pror Ibetr claim. appoint a Iruatee, eamli, k bankrupt, ai d trantiici sorh ctber buat- UMiiimi prop tlx com Infor the '! seating, tie Sling fee miut axomoan J eeoti Wo. . : P.". IVANHUK. Refer lo Bat.kroptry. Heoemher 21. Wb. n Th United States Distr'd Court Fw The Diitrct 0. Urtf;on In lh matter of 4. I.. Chrlataln V Bankrnpt ) To th creditor of J. U Ch' I'tU", ofOum mcvilie. In the coun'v of Vblon and Dl.rtei aforwaid, a ankr"pt- Nottre Is herrhe given that ou th SOth. dar of Uec. A. O. .itn. Ih-a-ld J. U Christian Wat duly adjndlnited bankrup; and that th Aral meeting of M cidltors wl I h held In Uieotrtc o -he und-raigned at La Orarde Oregon, en- th 11th. day of o- uarr, A. I 1006, at 10 o'cUk In the nvenoon, at which time th ald creditor mmj atunl. piore their r alma appoint a trustee exaraln tb' bankrxpi.a dfantat toeh other hnlne a may sioperty come before ald meet 1 1 g. SV nil! g ft milt acc-on'pnne exch rlalm. ' r. K. IVANHOE. fUOreein Baukiupt-y, Deceoiw II, IMS. f Ml DISPOSES INSliRANCf SPECULATOR (Scrlpp New Association) New York, Deo. 25 John McCall, son of, th New York Life Insurance Com pany's president arrived from Europe this morning and refused to talk or give a written statement to the effect that he brought back a detailed explicit statement from Hamilton, covering his ten years connection with the company. He said he would say nothing until th report was presented to the committee. Pendleton. Dec. 23. W. J. Furnish has sold the Prospect Ranch to C. E. Camer on of Harrington, Wash., the deal having been completed yesterday. The ranch consists of about 4500 acres and is near ly all under cultivation, wheat and alfalfa being raised. It is understood that the land was purchased for $19 an acre, making the total amount involved about $35,000. The land is located north of Nolin and though the soil is considered "light" in comparison with the reservation land, it nevertheless productive and easy to farm By th terms of the deal. Mr. Furnish acquires a large tract of land near Her rington, though he will receive a money consideration in addition. TO THE CHILDREn . The children can writ their letter to Santa Claus and mail them at Newlin Drug Co.' store. In The Uniud States D' ltd Out! The District of Oregon Palaco Salor r CHAS. ANDERSON Prp WINES, tlQUORS AND CIGAR J !: Always on hand. ' - Jeffcraaa Aeeoo Otsr r.i THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT, frop. LIQU0R5 ) 2 CIQ4R5 Gentlemen always Welcome " Fir Street Eag-le ,Sa n ULRJCH LOTT1S Ptnp. WINES. LIQ1 OKS and CIGARS Imported and Domestic, trfferano Aeeone, OppoteOewM In th matter ol , A. Bck, Hdiiknipt. Totheer Ho of A. B k. of Elgin. In ibf eoiinty of t'nlou end IM-trlct af ieeald. Haukinp'. Notice a hereby tlrca thatn- thtb. d of TJeo-i-1 ei A.I), mm th ld A, Hck. wa du y ei'J-dlca'ed h nkrnpt; and that 'he Drat meetln of bta creditors will b t,d In office of in ndcrslgred at La Jrande, Ore gon, on the S'h. day o' lanuary. A. D. IM, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, it which timet' i al't creditor may attend, pro tl-en elnlmr, appol. t a trainee, clan li e Ibf balkrui t an' transact eueh olher himlneaaaa may prrptrh eon-eheinre aatd meetlur. 2Sc. Hilng fe mnal ccom juny tadi cla m. f. . IVANHOE. P'feme In Hnnk'ui U'.i. Dccenih-r I. OUR SPECIALTY Fall vegetables of all kinds at - the lowest current price. Our ; apples are especially full from 60c to $1.00 a box. E dollar box gets you th best apples to found in town. Watch for our new wagon which goes by your door daly. SEATTLE GROCERY COMPANT ZUNDEL ai LAWSON. JURY INVESTIGATION Chicago, Dec 23. Government detec tives spent the night investigating the re cords of veniremen accepted by the de fendants in the packers' ease. Todav Morrison peremptorily challenged three of them. WHEN aOTHES DON'T (OUNT W.n there is sickness and trouble and mother is sent for. that is one occasion when no one notices she wears old-fash-toned clothes. WANTED-Qirl 16 years old. desires a plice where she can work for her board and go to school. Full particu lars at this ofSc. . UFIS IE AYHLHEfllT FOR THE LUNGS TO ALL DISEASES OF BOTH I rrrtiTTi nnnfraBni FOR THSS WAT urn FOR CONSUMPTION Cured of Consumption In Its Final Stages: J. O. R. Hooper, a merchant, of Woodford, Term., writes i " Fifty wttneeses here, will swear that Dr. King's New Discovery cured Mrs. Mollle Holt of Consump tion after her family had watched at her bedside for the end, which doctors said was near." '. a SUREST CURE IN THE WORLD FOR COUCH8 AND COLDSI Price COo and $1.00 GUARANTEED Trial Bottles Free esio Mm RCCOMMENOED BY ZZZZZZZZZL JN cwlirr IJi Company J. K. Wrioht, Clerk. I X f 3