a MTAi I GLAU Has no better gifts than from J. H. Reare's Jewelry Store. Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Rugs, Pins, Chains, Spectacles, Etc. Eveithing should be found in a first class Jcvyclry Store. Call and See. 1 BKtoiRSra WOViKn. 411)1 Iff fr -it t a ) i ji ( A r' I1 -., . to :i a f , y t '-' . - y t - a 2 Jeweler YOUR; XMAS DINNER Will be complete if you obtain your supplies from us,- Everything ia the. Grocery, . Ffuiy q Nut and confectionery jipe will, be found herei Fresh, high-grade goods , only, ,are .handled none but the best. ,We solicit your orders. THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLLACK, Propr STODDARD LUMBER' ; CO, : Sash and Doors . Lumber, ; Latb, Shingles, Mouldings, Etc. A'l Good Material comes from our Yard When you want pleasant phyic try Chamberlain't Stomach and Live. Tablet. Th. r. asv to take and produce no griping or other unpleasant effect by Nbwlih Druo Co. Sold flacky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy KtdlolM fcr Buy Ptoylj 3ri. Ooli H-Jth erf V- Bouuna Duo. OoW. -ll.w. apir. KUOGETS fOB IAO0W fEOPU Notice Notice i hereby given that the partner ship existing between J. A. Carity & Ben Brown known under the firm name J. A. Oarity & Company has been dis solved. All parties knowing themselves indebted to th above named firm will please call at their office and settle before January 1st, 1906, as all accounts must be settled by that tame. J. A. Oarity, Bin Snow f; :; HE SAVE Did he save $2.60 on his suit? A person living in this county walked into one of our leading stores this week and while purchasing a few goods remark ed that La Grande merchants could no sell such a suit as he was wearing for $10 The merchant examined the suit care fully and remarked no. that was true. neither could any La Grande merchant sell the wearer such a misfit suit at any 1 price and a pleasant dialogue continued -for several moments with the result that that man will never send away for any more goods. I ' 1 v ' . .. The facts are the suit that the wearer had on, sold in this city for $12.50 and cost the man $1 1, instead of $10, for the expressage was $1.00 and few ever add freight or expressage when quoting a price even after they have paid it. Again the coat was 42 when it should have been 59. The party was afraid it would be too small so he ordared it plenty large, as a result it looked like it was given to him by some larger brother. He did not get a EOc pair of suspenders or have about 60a worth of other alternations made by the tai!or to make the su t fit properly. .And after he sent his $10.east, it was gone. he nor any of his neighbors will ever see it again, neither will that merchant who received it ever be called upon to help pay a dollars worth of taxes to keep the coun ty roads and bridaes In repair, never will he ever be called upon to help some un fortunate family or to give a bonus to some manufacturiug plant to make pay rolls so that this man may have a better market for his produce. No, the eastern merchants will do none of these things, and if there is anything wrong with the goods he is to far away to ever know it for the man would never say a word, while if purchased of one of our mer chants he would either tell all of his neigh bors what a cheat that store was or he would go to the merchant and secure a refund which would be cheerfully given. , ANNUAL MEETING Of the shareholders of the Farmers and Traders' National Bank of La Grande, will be held at their banking house in La Grande on Tuesday, the 23d. day of January, 1906, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. rn. and 2 o'clock p. m. ' of said day, to select a board of directors for the ensuing year and for such other business as may come before said meeting. J. W.(Scriber, Cashier of the Farmers j and Traders National Bank of La Grande. Dated thie 18th. day of December 1906 PIANO TUNING , - J, C. Ardrey, a former resident of this city, but now near Portland, Is in the city. Mr, Ardrey is now In the piano tuning business, and those having instruments 'requiring attention can secure his ser vices by leaving orders at Huelat'e music store. Mr. Ardrey will be in La Grande only about ten days longer.' " ' MASQUERADE AT HILGARD : A masquerade ball will be given at Hilgard on Saturday evening, December 25d,1906. All are invited. iv : STEWARD5' '.''OPERA V flOa J n T-rU (STBWARD.'PrnprieWr fln'Mgfr,;,,;1! ; MISS CE0RCIE HARPER In a magnificent production of Dumas' masterpiece Bound books, our window, ISC INSTEAD Of C 400 titles. 16c each see Newun Druo Co, Mr. H. S. Massee,of Walla Walla, is in the city visiting his eon. S. F. Massee. the express agent Brick furnished in any quantty or any style. No contract . too small or to large. See samples our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGER, La tirnude, Oregon. ' ...... ' . - Will Anon a Thr Mdhfc' Fnrf omnnf -v .' : - : ' ' x . .... i . : THURSDAYrDEGEMBER28 :; : Excellent Cast r; ,;.New Scenery ,f Elegant wardrobe X tT.", '. - -.JL :,'..:'. st 5 j "; & : 1 Management' of 'Ha'f per ivA Detritk THREE NIGHTS ONLY 2 Prices 25c, 35c, and 60c. Seats on sale at VanBuren's J ... . . . COMING! MEN'S CLEE CLUB OF WHITMAN COLLEGE Assisted by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Fischer, ON THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS j TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26 Not a recital, not a vaudeville show, but ; jolly MUSICAL ENTERTAIIVMEMT : Heavy Choruses, College fun. Something every one can enjoy. Make your plans accordingly. i if- Z . Prices 50c and 35c, Scats on sale at Van Buren's I Service This drug store tries to serve every customer so well that they wilt not think of going elsewhere for drug store goods. A. T,. Hill, Prescription Druggist Alwayi Accommodating ; You will always find us accommodating. Try us and see If we are not ever ready to oblige, and our prices are right . A.T. Hill,, prescript in drugg!