I HEADQUARTERS . . for . . : D A. L LA H 2 LI BAY- GO B S Your last opportunity to obtain a neat, and attractive present for little money Everybody' knows " where that is ST y.. The Golden Rule Store ONE ENTIRE FLOOR DEVOTED TO TOYS Every Department filled to overflowing with beautiful goods If you have not visited this great Emporium do so now If you have, come again;, as you could, note;a(ljf 'yon stayed a week. yjiA THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY ISlis,1 13fl0, 1312 Adsmi Arena. Largest ' 8tor- Smallest Prices 2 Counters 10c, 15c, 25c; 50c, 75c Combine best values in the city for the money, : Come in and . see LOCAL ITEMS . T , day of public school This is the last Hilt year. ' ; ,- D. Fitzgerald spent yesterday in ' Union on a, business trip. . Master Mechanic J. T. Langley is in tha city from Portland. I ' v ., Turner Oliver left this morning to spend tha day in Baker City on business. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Palmer . Went': to Baker City this morning to spend a1 few daw visiting. Uex Knight, H. P. Steward and W, B ButioVfteld ara from Union today on bus hV ;'' 'oTKlrkpatrick of Island City ia very ill at hi horn having suffered .severe hemorrhag last night' f; '; . f. r v " Councilman John Kenhedy anc' daugh . tar Elsie returned from Union last even ing vfhera they had been visiting relatives. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. McAlister are pre paring to leave about the first ,of tha month for Pasadena to spend the winter. J. T. Woodell and daughters Nellie. Et tie. May and Minnie leave this evening for Southern California, where they will spend the winter. They will return about April . Aleandar, tha Imbler blacksmith, La Grande visitor today. Mr. doiportsJinWajLilaurishingJ and tha indications point to a goodlfuilding year. Grange Hall, four miles east of this city, is preparing to give, on Saturday evening, one of their usual high class Christmas entertainments and a ' neighborhood tree where all will bo remembered. The Eastern Oregon Baptist. Associa tion held a most dolightfui associational rails in Pendleton on the 19-20." Pastor W. H. Gibson aid MissGrace Kirtley rep' resented the Baptist church of this city. The many friends of Mr.1 Bert Brown will be sorry to.leafp that she is fnoy re covering from her recent illness as rapidly as it was hoped n (some entertain the idea that she' is gradually growing weak er. ' '" The Rev. Harry Secor. of tha Firt Baptist church of Baker City, was a vis itor in the home of Pastor W. H. Gibson en Thursday and spoke in the prayer meeting of tha First church of this city Thursday night. H.L I was a A1bjuuh Graham and T. T. Bunnell of Elgin cap Up1 on last night' train and ara in tha city today. ,'.'.." ': Sam Wads, a well known resident of Lostio.e, is in.he city today. ' "A L.. Wright and C. E. Graham am up today from Elgin, .-. .- V J '' Miss" Emma. Pickler, who has bean attending tha Lewiston Kprmal, returned this morning to spend tha holidays with her parent. :' , V .. ' Xuther ' Ward cam down this morning from Hilgard to spend a few day with his family. ' . . ';! "CHRIStlAN WORK" SAYS FAIR PUT; ."Fair play for Osteopathy" is the cap. ttoh of an article - in which ''Christian Work" recommends the passage of tha bill regulating the praotlce of Osteopathy now before tha New York legislature, and thf editor ha thl to say: "That it ha accomplished many ' cures that have seemed to defy elder methods majtUr of 'proof, ? Sine if first' jrtad age of the afflicted, it has broadened it foundation,, and those who meet its priseht requirements ara certainly en-, titled to be admitted to tha ranks of tha learned professions,. ' . "But it should be vigilant and jealous of its reputation, If it permit the mere manipulation to carry tte colors, it is go ing to suffer. Recognition come with public confidence, and under proper reg ulation. r -Oteopathy , doubtless . . adds another defense of no mean value against the ravages of disease." . 1 ' : Yet the Osteopathic bill was beaten In the Oregon senate this year througjjhe opposition of the medical doiptors. iVhj? ... STOCKHOLDERS MEETINO r : Kotics is hereby given that there will be a meeting of .tha stockholders of the La ' Grande National bank at .the La Grande National bank building in the city of La Grande, Union county. Oregon, on Tuesday. January 9, .1906, -ati twd o'clock p.'m.. for tha purpose of electing a board of nine director, and any? ether business the transaction of which shall ieguy coirm oeror n meeting. v A' ' a f. u Mkybr Cashier. .' 'Dated this 1 1' day bf pecimbar. 190$ JaMusements - " . ' OOdD NTSRTAINMENT ; " t"' . A. concert by a college glee club, if wall arranged, i something which almost everyone ahjoya, to say the least The heavy , chomse . which flit th 'entire Lbuilding, with harmony ara tnly lupiring. trtsr navmg oeea- traipaa qn popular Apara, lullaby, and' 'thundering' marches for three solid, months, tha ainger can 'forget the mechanical aids at first necess ary, and sing with, that abandon which .Jnakes the human voice the most ' beauti ful , musical instrument, The Whitman College Glee Club ara to appear ' in La Grande at the opera house, Dec. 22. ., . ' MISS OSOROIA HARPBR IN CAMIUI. Camilie is one of those Dlavs -that .will live forever. After the curtain falls on he last cf onfeels,as if they could-' ske" it ad'qVer again and enjoy, - tha . second, performance better "than the first! The story is familiar to most theatregoer, tt tells How a woman of, the world struggles to reform, 'but , society meet her , with neer. Finallyshe fall' in' iove for the first time In hy life. Then begin her acriflce. (The family- of the "man he loves requests her to givis him : up, in order to save the family .honor. In the pathetic scenes that follow she proves the nobility of. ber , character ' by giving her life for the man the loves. . "Let a woman once fall, what is there left for her? What man would call her wife?, What child wpuld'Call her mother" HI WITH APPENDICITIS ' Oliver Kelsay, a brakeman on the O. R. It N. between Pendleton and Huntington, wa brought to the city Tuesday night in serious condition, having been attacked with appendicitis on the tra n. Ha was taken to hi horn on Thompson street where he is being cared for. Hi con dition yesterday wat reported a (lightly Improved. Pendleton Tribune. ACrfp ng Death. ; Blood poison creeps up toward the heart causing death.' J. E. Stearns, Bella Plaine, Minn., write that a friend dreadfully injured his hand, swhich swelled up like blood poisoning. Buck Ian' Arnica Salve draw out the poison healed the wound, and saved hi life. Best in we worm for burns and sores 25c at Newlin'a Drug Store. Cleared For Action Whan tha body is cleared and ready for action, by Dr. King' New Life Pilla you can tell it by tha bloom of health on tha cheeks; tha brightness of tha ayaa; tha firmnsss of tha flesh and muscles;' tha buoyancy of tha mind. Try them, at Newlin Drug Store, 86 cents. .-.v 0 Children's 3 ) t-part merit ff f, , .. CHILDS Knife and Fork set best Rogers 1847 goods..' Price. $1.76. Wjtb Peatfjivvlle $2.60. ' CHILDS China Mugs 6 cent, to 25 cents-. -Silver Mags, gold lined, vary fine, $1.25 ta llQaAlso a full Jin of ' Skates, Sled; Toy Bank, Toy Cook Stove, Sad Iron, etc. . ' . - . . I. By making a smaltdeposit any article Will be laid away until called for. ''..:":'your selection now while our stock is complete. Make- MRS; TrN MURPHY HARDWARE CROCKERY;, AMD .SPORTING GOODS 1,. T. m a m mmm mmm mm a m m a a m a m a a a a . m a . . w MMMMHMMMMMMMMiMMMMMMMMMMM - : . . .t , J '-r 1' '' i t i ri'i Ai: I . K1BLEY NOTES; ... .. ; Mrtand Mra William Briggs of Lewis- ton, Iflaho, are visiting relatives here. . 'Mr., and Mrs, . Jamas Southwick'-(of Annon, Idaho, are visiting Bishoo and Mrs. Raw son. ' Mrs Annie Warren of Parowan. Utah, is visiting her daughter Mrs. Joel . Orton. Lee Smith Was a La Grande visitor "Friday, : ' John Mitchell has gone to the lumber camps up the river to work. ' j ) KOTlCt ttt'rRWTGR'OWERS -:' .The thirteenth annual convention of the Northwestern , Fruitgrowers Association will be held at La Grande. Oregon.. Jan, 3-46. 1906. All member of the assoc iation and all others interested in the .fruit industry are urgently requested to b present A special program has been arranged, arid art interesting and Instruc tive meeting la assured. A special rat of on far and a third ha been secured from all, points over all railroads for tha round trip. Thi far I issued on the certificate plan, therefore take a receipt for your money when you purchase your ticket , C. D. Huffman. Sec. Northwestern Fruitgrower Association. ... , La Graude, Ore. Dee. 21. 1905. GIFT SUGGESTIONS Only four days remaing In uhich to make your selec tions for gift giving. OUR STORE WILL BE OPCN EVERY EVEMNG THIS WEFK .4, A few suggestions of appropriate presents Suit Cases Bath Robes . NecHwear Ladies' Suits : House Coats '.Glows Suspenders Furs Men's Fancy Hose Indian Blankets Silk Dress Patterns Suits Overcoats : A Umbrellas Dolls ; Table Lini ) mens STORE QPEM EVEMGS Ghica go Store MHMMMtttWIMIMMMMMIIM M mf