) il I 4 THAT TO PLUSI RELIABLE JEWELRY IS ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE ? ,i .X.. I The Best Selected Stock in Eastern Oregon. Every thing from scarf pin to an eight , day clock, or from a baby ring ; to , Silver Service For fifteen years I have sold jewelry in La Grande, and still in business : CALL AND SEE M J. H; PEARE, Jeweler arid cician MMm.MM. Mill ........... . YOUR XMAS DINNER .Will be complete if you .obtain your supplies'. from us. ' Everything in . the ? Grocery, Fruit, Nut and confectionery line will be found here. Fresh, high-grade goods only are, handled none but the best We solicit your orders. THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLLACK, Propr STODDARD LUMBER CO. Sash and Doors Lumber, Lath, v Shingles, , Mouldings, Etc. A'l Good Material comes from our Yard When you want pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Livei Tablets. They are easy to take and produce no griping or other unpleasant effect Sold by Nbwlw Droo Co. ', KOU.ISTW flacky Mountain Tea Nuggets A BaiT Ihdltlni Buy Vnft. 3.nis Ooldn Hltk ei Imm llf. uA iidy Trouble Ec.ijJiJ.Impurt Blood. Ba BrMtn. envcu" "ZT-fZiimtiy. Notice Notice is hereby given that the partner ship existing between J. A. Garity & Ben Brown known under the firm name J. A. Garity & Company has been dis solved. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the above named firm will please call at their office and settle before January 1st, 1906. as all accounts must be settled by that time. . J. A.Qaritt. Bui Baon LA GRANDE PUBLIC SCHOOL Some very excellent Christmas enter tainments were held in the various rooms this afternoon, all of which bore evidence of the interest of pupils, and care and, painstaking work on the part of . the teachers." ' - . "'" t. The teachers meeting this afternoon was one of unusual interest. Miss Good nough presented the current ' news, Miss Rohan an educational paper, and Miss Kuhn closed with the first section of an able paper which she is presenting to th teachers on the subject of art If anyone will take the trouble to question any of her pupils he will find that they have been taught in a masterful manner in the mat ter of art ' x The literary society of the High .School met this afternoon with Miss Bunnell and Florence McCall at the desk. The sess ion was an interesting one. and especially the debate on the question, "Resolved, That closer restriction should be placed on . immigrat.on. Friends , are always welcome at these sessions. Boys' basket ball December 27. Com mercial Club vs High School. Miss King, a holder of a valid county certificate, and member of our High School, substituted for Miss Aldrici Fri day. ; F. Kilpatrick visited the schools this afternoon. A number of teachers will spend their vacation out of town. The large and interesting exhibit fur nished by the La Grande city schools for the educational department at the Port land exposition has been received at the High School building and will remain on exhibition there in the artistic case fur nished by the board. Friends of the school should not miss seeing this exhibit when in the building. We are especially grateful to Grover Melville, a talented cartoonist ot this city, and a student of last year, for the gift of the four large pen drawings entitled "The Making of a Capitalist" We also extend thanks to Elmer Stoddard of the Junior class for a plat of the city also drawn by him for the Portland Exposition. ANNUAL MEfTlfW ' Of the shareholders of the Farmers and Traders National Bank of La Grande, will be held at their banking house in La Grand on Tuesday.' the 23d. day of January, 1906, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, to select a board of directors for the ensuing year and for such other business as may come before said meeting. , J. W. Scribsr. Cashier of the Farmers and Traders National Bank of La Grande. Dated this 18th. day pf December 1905 PIANO TUNING J. C. Ardrey, a former resident of this city, but now near Portland, is in the city. Mr. Ardrey is now in the piano tuning business, and those having instruments requiring attention can secure his ser vices by leaving orders at Huelat's music store. Mr. Ardrey will be in La. Grande Only about ten days longer. MASQUERADE AT HILdARD A masquerade ball will be given at Hilgard on Saturday evening, December 23d, 1908. All are invited. , ISC INSTEAD Of Bound books, 400 titles, 16c each see our window, Newlin Druo Co, - . : STEWMfifi' . OPEiW . 1102 n. H. STEWARD, Proprietor and Mgf 4 r MISS CE0RCIE HARPER In ft magnificent production of Dumat masterplect i"GAMI LLE"i , Will open a Three Nights Engagement f : THURSDAY; DECEMBER 28- ; z : 1 1 1 . ... . ...... . Excellent Cast New Scenery Elegant wardrobe : Management of Harper and Detritk THREE NIGHTS ONLY Prices 25c, 56c, and 50c. Seats on sale at VanBuren's I .e COMING! .MEN'S GLEE (LllB OF WHITMAN COLLEGE ..' Assisted by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Fischer, ON THE CAY AFTER CHRISTMAS Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is simply liquid electricity. It goes to every part of your body, bringing new blood, strength are new vigor. It make you well and keeps you well. 55 cents. Newlin Drug Company. BRICK BRICK Brick furnished in any quanUy or anyj style, No contract too small or tc large. See samples ri our pressed brick. . GEO. KREIGERi La (iraodr, Utkoq. I TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26 1 S Not a recital, not a vaudeville show, but ; I A JOLLY MUSICAL ENTERTAIMMENT Heavy Choruses, College fun. Something every- : one can enjoy. Make your plans accordingly. I Prices 50c and 35c, Seats on sale at Van Buren's J Service ( Always Accommodating This drug store trie to serve every 1 You will always find us accommodatini. customer so well that they will not think Try us and see if we are not ever realy of going elsewhere for drug store goods, to oblige, and our prices are right A T. Hill, Prescription Druggist A.T. Hill, presciipt.cn drugg: I k .1 Irt form, as cm 0UEN NUGGETS FOR IAU.0W PEOPU ;l r;r ,-