La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 20, 1905, Image 8

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    ..... 4;
This Important question which presents itself once every year is answered below
' . . n. . ... . , . ab it hprr it isr.orrccL, -
yutsuiy nisnesi in everjiiims. u yuu
i! Our Great Window Display of Mechanical Toys
Will there and show how they, work
j Every afternoon from 2:30 to 530 j
mi ' r.rj .' .: TV . .1
Largest Stor'p-
Mr. and Mr. L A. Wright of Elgin ar
' in th city today on business.
A. Shaw Jr. of Alical cam up last
vening and it in the city today.
' t ' N. C. McCeod, the Elgin attorney, Is in
. th city on legal business.
Leroy Lomax, diitrict attorney of
; Baker county, it in the city today on
' legal buinea.
Ben Grout, who has been attending th
State University at Eugene, came home
. ', yesterday to spend the holidays.
r s Ed Kiddle returned this morning from
Portland where he his been on a busi-
-ness trip. s ' '
, ' Mike Larkln of Will Walla Is over
-from that place to take the roadmaster'
'office while Peter Grant 'take a short
' ' vacation. " ' 4 '"f " ''
1 Q. W. Powers, the Minnesota land man.
,ha moved from -the Slater building into
the Ralston building on Adams avenue.
- ,.. . ,.., .
Miss Nellie J. Lottritz will address the
Grande Ronde circle No. 47, Women of
' "Woodcraft on the evening of ; Pecsmber
'21, at the K. of P. hall. All membersare
requested to be present. ' , . . f " , , , ,
- This piper will not publish any article
appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed
articles will be received : subject to the
discretion of the editors.. Please sign
your articles and save disappointment.
Fred Fox of this city and Bliss and
'' Frank McKennoa of Alice! returned this
morning from the Agricultural College, at
' " Corvallis to' spend the . holidays. They
will return after the first of the year.
' W. M. Reynolds, the expressman, will
leave this evening for Das Moines, Iowa,
where his father is very low. A he is
seventy-nine years of age grave fears are
entertained of his ultimata recovery,1?
1 Joseph F. Richardson returned last
evening from a tour" of inspection of the
Sound and Willamette .valley cities, r Joe
says after a month absence that' he
thinks mora of La Grande than var.
Ralph Reynolds and Hugh McCa,ll
came uo this morning from Corvall's
where they have bean attending the Ag-
iculture College to spend the holidays
with their parents. Forrest Ivanhoe will
follow later. v . ' '
.Mosa Elledge, one of Union county's
most progressive farmer was . a La
Grand visitor this afternoon. Ha has
just sold on - hundred and fifty tons of
hay to Pendleton dealer for which h
received ten dollar par ton f. o. b. La
Mr. William Murphy, who ha been
visiting in th city for vral weeks, will
i return tomorrow vmng a far a Port
land wher h will b joind by Mr.
Murphy, from Chhilis and they will pro
ceed to Santa Barbara wher they will
pnd th winter.
in Motion
1308, 1310, 1?12 Ademi Avenue.
, W. I. Wright of Union 1 over today in
connection with the Nodin case.
W, J. Townley and C. E. Cochran ar
over from Union today on business.
-' day of Pesember, 1906, in this. city,
Mr. W. L. Pearson and Mis Emma
. Wilkinson, John E. Hough, Justic of
th Peace officiating. Mr. Pearson re
side at North Powder and Mis Wilkin
inson was a Union girl. . They left on the
evening east bound train for their new
horn Jn or nar North Powder.
Both th. contracting parti ar well
and favorably known in Union county and
th Observer join with their many
friend in wishing them a pleasant voy
age on th ea of matrimony and all ( the
h appines possible. , v
Madical Talk, which 1 decidedly not an
Osteopathic publication, devotes com
space to th cas - of ,Miss Munson, of
Winfield, Kansas, who was cured of son
sumption ... by .Osteopathy, Th editor
states that, he wishes people "to know
that , Osteopathic ' physicians are not
necessarily bone-docors, but that they
successfully treat many diseases which
the drug doctors admit that they are un-
able to cur." Such evidences of liberal
ity and appreciation ar very pleasing..'
(Hcrlpps New Association)
Shanghai, Pec.. 20. The city is quiet
today and business has been resumed.
The children can write their letter to
Santa Claus and mail them at Newlin
Drug Co. s store.
Always Accommodating '
You will always find us accommodating.
Try us and see if we are not ever ready
to oblige, and our prices are right .
'." . AT, Hill, prescription druggisj
,t A Crerp'ng Death.
Blood poison creeps up . toward the
heart causing death. J. E. Stearns,.
Belle Plaine.'Minn., -writes that' a friend
dreadfully Injured his hand, wbk)h
swelled up like blood poisoning. "' Buck
len's Arnica SUlve drew out the poison
healed the wound, .and saved his life.
Best in the world for . burns and sort
25c at Newlin' Drug Store. j
Saved By Dynamite
Sometimes.' flaming city is saved by
dynamiting a space that the fir can't
cross. Sometimes. cough hangs on so
long, you feel a if nothing but dynamite
would cure it Z, T. Gray, of Calhoun
G write: "My wif had a vary ag
gravated cough, h;h kept her awakt
night. Two physicians could not help
her; so sh took Dr. King' New Dis
covery for Consumption, Cough and
Colds, which asd hr cough, gav her
sleep, and finally cured,' her." Strictly
scientific cur ; fof bronchitis and L
Gripp.' for sals by Newlin Drug Co
Price 60c and $1.00; guaranteed. Tria
bottl free.
P j. : J
Smallest Prices I
. Program ,
Roll Call, Fact from th lif of Beetho
ven. "-.'.' I: i
Piano duet "Dane of th Demon" yolst
Edna and Florence McCall
Vocal (olo, "Moonlight Sohato" Beethoven
Mr. W. W. Berry
Reading, "Saint Peter at the gate"
' Mi Robbenia Paul
Vocal olo, "Th Farwell" Beethoven
Mr. W. B. Sargent ' "
Reminiscence ..:...Mr. Jap Steven
Quartette "Bed tim" . Nvin
' Miss Mabel Williams. Mrs. Neil, .
Mrs. Jap Stevens, Mr. Forrest
, Th number war all excellently ren
derered and highly appreciated by a good
sized audience.. " , " ,
,. - f i - , ,
; Th Fiv Hundred Club spent a. vary
pleasant afternoon on P. . Street Mr
W. Morrison. Mr. F. Moor and
Miss Felic Lyna wsre substitutes in th
absanc of three"' -members. The club
presented an elegant rose jar,, to Mrs.
Mosby. . . Mrs. Bohnenkamp was highest
cor winner. . Tempting . refreshment
daintily served, added to th delight of
the afternoon. ' - ' '.
Tlie Amtliamxtrd 'arConpany
private cup,irtloo,
, Plslnilff.
N P. Nrwell aud Ida M. Newell,
hl wire, ,
. Ik f Ailai in
To N.: F. Ntwell erd IdH M. New n hl
wlta, the above naitud WMe-'dnolei
. In th nam of . tin i ai f On gn ; Yuu
are hertrl.y n qnir d .to l'inr and nn. rtLc
eomplHlot (I'ed umt. a ' In th Vlove fO
tltbd nil on nrbrloie ihc l day or un
A. D. ii'UH, or f, r wain iltpnof the Plaintiff
will auply t.. the Court foi be taller li nun, lii
In tlir Ciniulalnt a ! fr r ..,
and ilacre aguiiut y. Tor Ibeeuln ir f l; iU.mi
with Intimi Ibrrw'n at dKlit cnt par
annum rrom nay lath-., wu lor lit mm o
J'JUjOO atlum-5' lw a id 'in ( md til
buiwujtoie end for I he occre f. tie Court
o,rlnaiD(tbemoftiage,aat mt la tbecoin
plalnl and dlr cilng aulr or tbr n onj Ml
praniUeefor I be payment i.f naM Judgment
nd deem and for one al i.llaf. V-B wilt
funbir lake notltf hi lhla nmmoni la
i Ubllh, d In tlie La g baver,
a nrwi.pair or nrrai ri-rul tion ptiblhnl
at La Urande. Union Cunlv, Orenn.. for ix
enniee live , the rtrai rni'livalloD ihf re
orbeinr of date lierembar , lUUu. by order of
Ho. Robert Kakln, Judge or the ab v en
titled ( oua, made and dated on the 6th. day
f beoember, A. l. MM
Attorneys for Plain In.
Hollister' Rocky Mountain Tea is '
imply Hquid electricity. It soes to avarv
prt of your body, bringing nw. blood.
trngth ar new vigor. It make you
wl and keep you well. ,55 cent.
Nwlin Drug Companjr.
Silver Cake Baskets A ornament ,or uble 4nd
- - i , . i i ii- ... .
Chafing Dishes
Silvcr Trays
Silver Crumb trays 0nt&
: Silver Mus
- Jewel Cases. Button Boxes These are made of heavy ailver with raised exterior decoration and si
t anrtHarPir An elegant bureau ornament Price.
waiw aiuei VVVIVI1 f '
AlllPr IPh Vfttc '
I ; 0Mvei 1 Vd eiS
I Pearlllandle
Knives and Forks
J Carving Sets
Cut Glass
Dinner Sets
: Lnocoiaie sets
: Cracker Jars
Salad Sets
: Jardiniers ,
: Vases
Children's 3 department )
CHILDS Knif and Fork set best Roger 1847 goods. Pric $1.75, With Pearl handle $2.60. ' 2
.- CHILDS China Mug 6 cent to 25 cent. Silver Mugs, gold lined, very fine, $1.25 to $2.00. Also a full line of r
' Skate. Sleds. Toy Banks, Toy Cook Stove. Sad-Iron, etc. " S
'By making a small deposit any article will be laid away until called for. Make
your selection now while our stock is complete.
i ; ... '
Only four days remaing in which to
' ;
; cw 5ussiions or appropriate presents i
Suit Cases Bath
Ladies' Suits
House Coats 1
: , rx
This elegant household utensil is coming
iur une I complete i piiwi"t
, U ..;..m rrd
these should be in ev.ry horn.
Tw. .h,; mllff. nld lined and
. .
An appropriate girt to any laay. uur uno win h" n nn i
3g oicce sets $6 to $15, 4 piece sets $20.00 :
Th vry finst Roger 1847 goods
fork in silk lined leather case
Silver Knives and Fork, per set
W hav them in all style. An appropriate and usful gift Pries rang ;
from . ' , 3
- $2.50 to $12.00 .
No dining table is proprly drssd without at Iatfw article of cut glass. , s
,. Our line is complete nd w invite your inspection
: If you lov her prove it by getting her a t of ths. Evry woman lov
, Haviland China. .Prices per set 101 pieces , '
$35.00 :
.4 .:, ..J 1..
You cannot serve cracker properly
pleas you. Price
Eleg and Haviland and Japanese war.
these. Price
No parlor look "right without on or
Th largest variety and most beautiful
i Price . N
These goods ar all th rag thi year.
now or you may be too late.
tions for gift giving.
Robes Neckwear
f Furs Men's
Gloves , Fancy Hose
Inrllon DL.l.l.
niuiaii uidimicii
go Store
very tSoi $s
aaAva rranars! USA AVerV 1
into mor general us .very year,
wv .v r
trivi. adding tona to ny dining
e aa CO Ml
W. can uit you in thes. good.
$2.50 to $5 50
beauUfully decorated. Price ; 2
a.v w vr
i. oo to $6.00 :
made. Price per set six knes i and mt
$5 and $15.00 I
'wars KlnHaat onalitv. Price
$8.00 to $10.00
without a Cracker Jar. Our line will
$1.00 to $3.50
Every woman should hav a set of
$1.50 to $9.00
mor Jardiniers. We hav them at
$100 to $6.00
line of vases vr shown in thi city,
10c to $15.00
'A 9
Com in and make your selection , J
- i .
M. M.M.M
make your selec I f
Sill; Dress Patferns J
Suits Overcoats
Umbrellas DoISr: I -
I.LI li . 1
I auic Linens i
m k
i ttlllill.
- niatt !rwfwvTs rr. rvv"