.t - farmers and Uradors 9atonai Sianc , NO. 44B3 Opital Surplus Liability of Shareholders ;' ' ' s . ; '. ToUl ;', $ 60.000.00 14.00000 60.000.00 $134,000.00 For the protection of it expositors! Depositor of this Bank art ac- corded such liberal treatment as shall be in keeping with the character and value of their accounts. ' We wcuM be pleased to have your ac count. . . j. f. J. W. SCRIBER, ' UASHIER. JOSEPH PALMER. Preside T. O. E. McCULLY, . Asst. Cashier. . 1. J, SCR0GG1N. , Asst. Cashier ) ; eee,eeee IS: F,ARM$ FOR SALE IN THE- GRANDE RONDE VALLEY 200 Acres wlth'gcocj improvements, ail tillable ' land, t mile from railroad station and 1 4 miles from : f La Grande, Oregon ' ' i" 400 acres with mud ImDrOvement. tiearlv all tillable .... land, about three miles from the railroad and '. 14 ' miles from La Grand, Price $40 per cr ' Price 3 8 per acre Frice 88 pei acre 160 Acres about B mlln from (he railroad and 14 i mile from La Grande," No buildings ' ? j ' , ..i 200 Acres, one mile from the town of Summerville, 15 miles north of L Cr'nd and 5 miles from the railroad. All tiilab' la 1 No building- Price 26 per acre 60 Acres, same class land as the above and adjoining Price 58 per acre 480 Acres, 2 miles from the railroad and 18 mile i l from La Grande. Good barn and mall house, : - - well watered. All good land . ., . 68 Acres, three and half mile from La Grande, all under cultivation. No buildings ; 160 Acres, 6 miles from La Grande. Oood grain land. No buildings "; J 160 Acres, 12 miles faom La Grande, 2 miles from the railroad, flrstclas improvements . t.- 1 000 Acres 9 miles from La Grande, nearly, all in cultj- . Frice 42 per acre Pric I 6 per acre Price 25 per acre Price 65 per acre Price S5.000.00 ivation, all good land Srandc Investment Co. FOLEY HOTEL BUILDING , ' LA GRANDE, OR Union Woolen Mills Indian Robes : W have received a consignment of Union Fleece Wool Indian Robes which we have nn sale. These robes are nitabl for couch cover, steamer robera. and orna mental for Indian comer. The price range is from $6.50 up . HENRY &l OAf ;R HOUSE FURNISHERS AND UNDERTAKERS J. C. Henry, residence 664 Phone No. 621. , J. J. Carr, residence 586 Just Received by VV. H. Bohnenkamp a beautiful : LINE OF CHRISTMAS ROCKERS j From 75c up , . - - - :' The finest display of China and Glass In the city. See the Ten Cent Tabie mm W. H. BOHNEN K A MP,- properly DIVIDED Dramatic Dissolution of Creek ROMADKA , PEADY ACCESS TRUNK RAISING the cover bring every corner within reach 'withoat r enoring tray. Save K the time- of an cdinary trunk to pack or n Mck. Easy to operate. Nothing to Jet ootTf order. Will tand all the knock and hard usage oi traveling. , Cost no more than a common trunk, ' 3&M .. ...... .$5.00 aJ . BARGAINS THIS WEEK Fifty dolar Camera and outfit 4x5 and 6x? for $16.00 Reed Rocker, Fin for Chrit- s ma. Other Ash $12. W 'want $9.00 , 1 60-gallon pressure! water tank, used a short time, cost $23 new, for $6.60 SO piece Flowered Dinner Set $3.66. 20 per cent discount on all Heaters. W mean this as we -, want to close them out. f D. Haisten, " PHONE RED 1161 - Highest prices paid for Second Hand Goods. - Bangor, Me. Gereiomo Pasqutnuccl .au biuscppl Piusauuuo. sou ut italj .d uajermen, receauy diso.vaj an j.vuiti la a dramatic in 4ur. no. i odi. ibey had fci.ea ia tha aajie Loa.. -.ae deuiijuhu served to carry the vln. aat ,ut,. iY,o tn,niu auQ tua lat uai o. uij Lrea i Uti eioo aad Um ppl ditrtded crifmb aud enwt aiikt. .ash lor - mean, eaih -oal an ,eua aare ia the two neui with vthUh the; aed and tor ever airaud .n the inc. jutal gear that Uiujpi ownej Gerv aiO uue4 a etraud. Equal owner. j e.eryiDlug ana share and saar. .like in toil, hardships and produ na t eeu the rule under uunh ut pa ti.e alp D3urisbed. n te aaa ago the ' iuarreiex. tor 24 bou neither oal ,eaK to. the other.' uere.ojio seat b. .eutral hand an otter to buy out tilu ' pyU Oluseppi rephod, wiU an offe t buy; ou: Geieloma Another it. ..ours of silence. A meeting, was ar estranged partners met. v - ' Alter 11 hours of riolent discussion t plan of settlement was agreed upon. They would spread the asset of tb? irm Oh fishermen's wharf and wit ' aire, ax and saw make a literal .dlv; oa oi tbe property owned in to. ion. Every dlsejgased Greek an talian fisherman ot the local coloti. thered on tne harl to witaess th ptemony of dissolving partnership. . r.amlttee was apio.nted: to see fall r-lay.-- - Kirst came th net. "There ar two .eta. Better' take one apiece," ug- 'Bted one of lh cotnmJtee. , This dl-1 .ot suit the distwl .-ins: Lartnera. One iet might be a lutle fetter than th . tner. and tbe one drawing the bet .jr net would have more than " his hare. ' ;; "i.,.., Tbe committee steppeu back ard al ow ed Qluseuui and Gerelomo to carrr out the ceremony in their own wa: . ne nets- were s.iread on the whar. .ad with a sharp knife Gereiomo divid ii one lens.ua ay .4. makine a la division, but rendering each half use ess. uiuseppi penormed a similar op erattoa on tbe other net. The ropes ying in neat colU, were then divided ly eieri3g tbe coil In hilf. Th ru were split down the center one rtlWer KOinK on JillHml' 1unb nlla and the other on Oerelo-no'a hea?. 1 The dlvuiob of tbe boat book nreaent- ed a pron ejx that was solve 1 ' by throwing that article of equipment into .ne oay. The boat,, drawn up on the . ays, was then attacked with a cross cut taw. r' 'Am Ibey watched this destruction o.' precious DroDertv the assenhliMl ftshar men had worked themsetve Into a renty. which reached white heat wber "ley realised that a boat, etout, muc: tnd of good .reputation, was a bo it i' 1 e sacrificed. At the second stroke o the saw the partner were seized .'rairged to a near by resort and per uaded that the community fully rea red the contemnt In mhlrh arh hal the other, but that the destruction o. the boat would not be permitted. Tbe boat was ottered for th purchaser paid the price to the com mittee and Glusetml and Oeralnmn re ceived each one half. They accepted whole rolra. The crowd dispersed n ' the dissolving partner walked lowl lown the street Face to fare the tood for a -no-neat Each made a half urn. Gluseppl walked away on a northerly course. Qerelomo when lui seen was beaded due south. - Religious Berival in Xontpeller, Ind., Brings Much Piety Out of TJnbolineaa. Hartford City, Ind. Montpelier, a mall town nice miles ncrth of this city, is in the throes ot rel.glous excitement Revival meetings sr I leg held In three ji the big churchen ana ihi re are besides i number of home prayer meetings each nlgbt. For months these services have ueen In progress and many conversion have ben made. Prayer band have been organised among the young men of that city and each night they hold services in the r downtown district selecting tbe saloons oftentimea as the place of meeting. The climax was reached when a special -ar on the Hunrle. Hartford City Js Fort Wayne interurlan road was chartered ind a number ot :hit who had teen con verted were takes o Keystone and bap tized In the ice cold wafer of a small gravel pit : As a Christmas : : Suggestion j A supply of Sherwih-Will- ; iams pain will prove a ; I valuable medium for giv- 2 ing your , rooms' a1 new ; dress in autum fashion of J ! the coming holiday season I when you want your home to look its best. Our paint J js the best made. Ready.; I I to use, any shade., perm- . anent and lasting. a " f ; : STA1SIELS & JARMAN, : Red 1611' i STOCK HClDtR'S MKTING Notice is hereby given that th stock noiaers of La U rands Real Estate As sociation will meet in the office of Wm Miller & Bro. on Monday, January 15th 1906. at 8 oe'ock P. M. for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come befor the meeting. Wm Miller. President Wall paper, - paints oils' and glass. Picture fram- J ing a spdclailty: : I When you wish a nice juicy roast or a tende? steak, or a piece of boibng meat or pot roast," just' phone , Main 48 and ;you) will soon have ex actly what you desire. -' j. BULL & Company Phone Main 8.1 Remember ' -phone is on, the "directory as Boss Meat Market -Main 48. " . , ' ... WOOD SAW Your wood sawed with steam saw at 40 cent a cord, if you haa ten cord or over, under tan cord only 60 cent par cord. 1 com when I promise and satisfaction ' guaranteed CROP ME A POSTAL. ' : j ' :' , J. S. VAN00RFY, I Practical Gunsmith Repairs Strict'y Ftatdass 'uns re-stork A K- ys fitted to door Lo k? WM. AGNEvV Adams Aveuoe ' IN I HURRY? THEN CALL WH. RCTH0LD5 THE TRANSFER MAN .. He will take that trunk t th De pot or youf horn in less time than it take to tsll it. Day phonaRed 761 Night phone Black 1792 Wagon always at your service J L MARS, Contractor kn& Builder Draler in Building Material . La Grande, Oregon Drop a line naming work, and I will name th right price. cv mmm GIFTS FOR SMOKERS vi'l Christinastde offers no better oppor- Key West Perfecto Our line of these favorites embrases all sizes, and there ia not one but . would be treasured and prized by any "lover of the weed." ' C. E. HACKMAN, Factory Corner Adams A venae and Greenwood Street Red 1641 FOR wivn-.R WASHING Cur new machiiery and additional help will enable us to do fami ly washing CHEAPER, QUICKER and BETTER than you can doit yourself.; .We call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work, Qiv us a trial and y:u will not be bothered through the winter with family washing. -', : t Ve Be C ... ; . tf j ST E AM 5 L AU NI) RY; " : . HHONE Main 7 , .t ' We bar a unmber of bog on band, and e trt " pr ; r.ared to furuish a tew wm,1 hreil 'iiQrt f b ua Gilu at rHScnare price-j. Bred ttonr thrtf hud, bean . Wr alao bave botb ball an i cieau lea;leia barley BLOKLAND Br03 Island City, Oresron Bre.der of Bf KKsHIRR ' and POI A N PC H IN A : ' '-: : :; ' " ' CulJ ua op oo Louse D st no ri'ine No ion the :'vh---.. Faroietx Line ' ' ;':: LA GRANDE IRON WORKS j , Complete Machine, Shops and Foundry.; J General Blacksmith; Horse Shoeing and Wagon Work. Manufact- , er of The Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill. D FIT O Ert HAL. D. TT'fiiTTsfiifsw i Tii i ir Hi i 'l Tiriufi hi irsiiiMTTisMMiiMsiisii iiiii i ' FOR WINTER FEED PHONE MAIN 6 VERGERE PHONE I . Th Grande Rond Cash Company is In a position to o(Tr th ; best there is. Fresh Lteam Rolled Barley. Timothy and Wild . . Hay,' and all kinds of Grairuand Chbpped'Feed. . " WOOD AND COAL DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY Grande Ronde Cash Company, Jefferson Avenue A Prime Christmas Turkey is what all hope to get for their feast but not yryon realizes their expecta tions. Ifjou make your choice here you ar sure of getting a young, plump. Un der bird. All weights, but uniform quality- Grandy & Russell COMMUNICATION RESTORED London. Dec 18. The Northern Tele graph company announces that direct communication with St Petersburg has been restored. TURKEYS That will fulfill all your expectations. The kind you will be proud to offer your guests at th ' CHRIST MAS DINNER At this season of the year and at all other times you will find th best Meat and ' Poultry at this Market Rohr & Company Clear thinking, decisive action, vim and vigor of body and 'mind,, the sparkle of life, comes to all wno use Hollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea.. E5 cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Drug Company. fl IP