d Occasional Tnreaten.r.j " 4 TODAY'S NEWS TODAY VJotr Cloudy and Occasional Threatening tfCaUlcr To-night and Tomorrow. JtU. Clourly and Occas J 1 VOLUME V - LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18,1905, NUMBER 40 JOHN R. WALSH'S THREE : RJUIKDK HOUSES ARE DAY -DEPOSITORS (IHCAdO CLOSED TO ARE PROTEQED WALLOWA (Observer Special) '-Elgin. Dec cceiv A BRIDtf DA eclal) mail DAMAGED Failure Acriiieil to Unfortunate Real Estate' Spidations Masle v ; In tie Past-Failures Create Gut Little C An of inn . (Scrlpps Newt Association) ',: Chieefo.Deo. 18. The three banks be ; longing to John R Walsh, th insolvency of which was announced this morning by Z the Associated Banks of Chicago wart beseiged at an early hour this morning by depositors. Tht thrtt banks art . tht , Chicago National. Home Savings and tht Equitablt Trust.. Tht depositors wert in . an angry mood and it required the aid of ! ' the police to maintain order. There it no need for illhumor on tht part of tht de ' positors, as the Chicago Bankers' Assoc ,, iation has guaranteed tht depositors against loss and will make claim of tht : depositort good. ' 7. Private speculation, operations in rail . ' road land, quarries and other side lines is thought to be tht causa of tht failure. , Comptroller of Currency Ridgely has been J in the city three dayt and Sunday after . ' noon called a meeting of the other bankers '', In the Office of President Forgan of the First National Bank of Chicago. This . -meeting lasted from three p. m. to three thirty this morning, . , . ' . WALSH RESIGNED Walsh resigned presidency of the Chicago National at a meeting of tht board of directors this morning. . f- The announcement wat made ', 'this morning' at four ''o'clock' that' tht Chicago National had sixteen millions on deposit, and Tht Homt Savings Bank had four millions of dollars , on deposit; Tht four million dollars of deposits be longs to tight depositors. Tht total libil tise of the three institutions foat up to wenty six millions of dollars. The di rectors, Walsh and other banks . turned over securities amounting to three million dollars and guaranteed the remainder of tht twtnty six millions. Tht banks were opened this morning at tht usual hour, and paid depositors as fast as they applied but received no money. The clearing house is in charge of tht three banks, Walsh arrived at his office about nine o'clock this morning but refused to talk His brother-in-law. Col. J. C. Cooper, president of the Chicago Horse Exchange, stated that depositors wouid be paid in full, but does not know how the stock holders will fare. ' ' ' . . k 1 The last statement of resources show ed their libilities to be as follows; Chicago j LA. GRANDE'S HEADQUBRTERS I FOR rUfllCTM AC 'AAHCi . Vsl.miJ.I ITIttJ VJVUL.X OF ALL SORTS ; Suitable gifts for you.ug and old in endless variety and,1 of the thoroughly good sort.;. Hundreds upon hundreds of articles to meet all wants and at prices that are sure:' to prove an agreeble surprise and make your Christmas' i buying a pleasure, not a burden. Visit our Xmas Store, where Xmas buyiifg is a pleasure, Everything com en'ently displayed so you can ramble around, see and exami; e for ;yourselfv:v.:.;.-.t t4 . TRENCH STAG AND EBONY TOILET SETSl COLLAR, CUFF AMD HANDKERCHIEF BOXES FACY INLAID JAPANESE BOXES FANCY IMPORTED CHINAWARE DOLLS IN ENDLESS VARIETY a , MECHANICAL TOY'S.. it MAGIC LANTERNS - - , ; MOVING PICTURE MACHINES V I J j j FANCY LINENS, Mexican $rins'wick FANCY SUSPENDERS. v ' and hundreds of other useful articles too numerous to mention. ' , . i National. $13,854,198.98, and the Home Savins Bank to be $5,948,477.15. At two o'clock th t afternoon National Bank Examiner Charles H. Bosworth is sued tht following statement: "It seems mMHnrfamtAnriinff exists revardina the bank In which Mr. Walsh it interest ed. The bank has not failed, it it em barrassed by investments. It has largt atsats and unavailablt securities. Not withstanding this statement tht run on tht Chicago Rational continues, though depositors art getting their money as fast as they call for it. Many of those in line turned aside and sought information re garding the condition oftaftairs, but all in formation was denied them. ( MR TAKES A BAD TALL (Serlppe News Association) New York. Dec. 18. The bankers here do not anticipate trouble as a "result of the Walsh failures, It is a fact though that stocks suffered as a result and that the market opened weak. . The average losses ranging from one to two per cent. Amalgamated Copper had a bad ' few minutes and declined to 97 cents when ten thousand shares were dumped, presumably by Lawson. - This caused a drop to 95 cents and the market com pletely demoralized, fIn a feW moments there camel a rally and the -'price 'ad vanced a showing again of five . percent TO MEET AT SANTA BARBARA (Scrlpps Newt Association)' '" .' San. Jose, Clif.,"Dec 18. The execu tive counsel of the State Banker's Asso ciation issued a call for the next meeting of the association' to meet - May '47, 18 and 19 at Santa' Barbara. ,r- i j Lll (WiSL ISSUE DEKIAL - ! BerUn; Dec. 1 8. TheChinese minister i I ' - - ' . T here informs the Associated " Rress that T I . . . . ; tne i recent report;; that ' ChanctJIor von X Buelow had assured him of Germany's help lrt the event.of friy pQwefattempt ing to eize Chinese- territory l"wholiy without foundation-. ' . .. MORE . -I (INK ( ScrltS'ps '.Jltw Aseocjatlon ) fX. Washington Dec. s 1 8, The t statement department was informed by cable this morning.' from the American . CopsultTat Skanghai, that tht recent fiots. have re sulted in the death of severe foreigners. Two Chinese had been killed and a num ber Of buildings had been burned. ' So far no American citizens had been -1 ported killed. . . ... , .v, . i . SHANCMI REBELLIOUS. . ., . Washington. D. C, Dee. 18. Shanghi is practically under martial law and all fore'gners are armed. The reporte are that 350 are killed and rrany are wound ed. The reports are not discredited. ' has been re ceived at this office since Friday, owing to the fact that about thirty feet of the new Wallowa bridge has been washed away. I Tht bridge it in a bad condi- tion", artnt thawing condition of this sec tion will caust tht Wallowa river to raise and it it feared the entire bridge may go. This would be a great Inconvenience at this season of the year when it would be some time before a new structure could be placed across the stream. ' Will ENTERTAIN MRS. (OREY. (Scrlppt Newt Association) '',-'.,. Los Angeles. Cel., Dec. 18. Mrs. W. E. Corey, wift of the president of tht steel trust left last night on the East Santa Fe Limited presumably for Pitts burg. It is understood that social honors have bten arranged for her. there by tht ladies of that city who do so as a protest of tht action taken by her husband. ' "editcrcoes to M . (Serlppe New Association) New Orleans, Dee. 18. The state su preme court today affirmed the sentence of e'ght months in prison, imposed by the lower court upon Dommick Omally, editor and proprittor of the Daily Ittm. Tht editor cri minally libeled Mayor Berham through the Daily Item. . JAPAH (ELEBRATt IIOIS Tokio, Dec. 18 The first official cele bration by the city fn honor of the soldiers that have returned from Manchuria, was held yesterday. 'Field Marshal Oyama and General Kuroki, together with their respective , staffs, were guests of the guards division, v Soldiers of all armies in field uniforms, 10,000 strong with 24 guns marched from Hibiya to Uyeno park a distance of three miles. ' All street car traffic was suspended during the march. Despite the unfavorable , weather which prevailed, there was much enthusiasm, the shattered battle flags eloquently testify ing to the ordeals through, which each regiment had passed. A formal ceremony was held at Uyeno park in ; which the mayor of the city made an acdress con gratulating the Manchurian army: oo its victories. The expenses of the celebra tion were defrayed by voluntary contribu tions. - Tht event was unprecedented in that it was the firit time that Tokio taw such a large army marched through ber streets at one time, , , .. , ... AfTER A JURY. (Scrlpps News Association) - " r Chicagoi,JDteG..,'18tThS" state is still wrestling withlhe.problem of securing a Jury in the packers' cast. Many hava been 'examined. fut up to noon all had been 'excused or challenged. TRUST ID (Scrlpps Nw Association) Chicago, Dec. i 8 The ."Brick -Trust" cases were called today in Judge Smi th's court. The defendants were accused of violating the interstate an 1 trust laws. They did not deny their guilt and were fined two' thousand do'lars each. The following are the defendants! The Illinois, "American and Chicago brick companies. andGeorge C. Presgsing, Edwin J. Tom- lins, John Gyany, Charles Nank and Patrick- McMann, agent of the Brick Workers Union, 1 SET TOR TRIAL AGAIN (9Hppe Newe Association) Washington, D. C. Dec. 18 Caleb Powers' cat is set for trial again. HIHETY MILLION DOLLARS RUSSIAN MONEY HISS! Russian Treasure Willi One Hundred and ' "Twenty V. : , Routes , Over. ; im and .; IL'M to Have i Been Lost. '';,V5:'-;V:; (Scrlpps News Association) St Pttersburg, Dec. 1 8. Government z zt w a garding the non-appearance of a treasure train. . The train wat due here at eleven last night and as It was known to contain one hundred and twenty million roubles, nearly ninety million of dollars, it is fear ed that it has been- captured by the re volters and the funds appropriated. The train was under a strong guard, but of lata Russian guards have not been found dependable. MORI RUSSIAN CASUALTIES ' Reports have reached here of tht recent disturbances at Riga, Mitua. Dorpat and Wolmar, and give the casaulties at the . 4tUw.- Pin avA . hundred killed and fifteen hundred wound-" td; Mitau, two hundred killed, seven hundred and fifteen wounded; Dorpat one hundred and fifteen killed, and four hun dred wounded. : Other places report nine ty killed and hundreds wounded. ' ATTMFT TO DYKAMITK ' St Petersburg, Pec., 18 A plot wat discovered today to blow up the winter place of the Czar. An Infernal machine was also found In the postofflce at". Moscow.- '' -- v ONE YEAR IN JA1 (Sorlpps News Association) " New , York, Dec. 1 8. Benjamin ' F. Chadsey, lawyer, alias Paul . Hamilton, was sentenced to a year in the county jail for misappropriating nine hundred dollars from a woman client ' " GRAIN MARKETS ' ' (Scrlpps News Association) - ' Chicago, Dec. 19. Wheat opened at 84,; closed, 85,V; ', corn opened 45't'. closed. 45; . oats opened 10 closed, 50 V. ' i T0EXQ.UDETKEMA11 1 (Serlppe New Association) , Washington. Dec. 1 8. Representative Hayes introduced in the house , today' a bill extending the Chinese ' exclusion laws to Japanese and Koreans and their de scendants. , ' A HEALTHY BILL (Scrlpps News Association) Washington D. C: Dec. 18. A bill ap propriation $31,000,009 fordeep a water way for Chicago to St . Louis wat In troduced in the house today. i ! CHRISTMAS WISDOM I Lies in buying early and in buying, right. Buy soon and secure ad vantage of uncommon assortment. Ccarly buyers' Vget choicest picking; Buy, before, some: one else tfets iust ..''' the article you jvyouldjhave-.mqst preferred. " Our "Holiday Good? are here and there's gdods among them that will please ybu. . You will get, them at right prices, too. It's right prices that's going to make them go quickly. v I . TOIL EI CASES, I FANCYi H AIR, CLOTH and TOOTH BRUSHES, BOCKV STATIONARY ITEMS POCKET BOOKS, PURSES, BILL B?0 S, S AViNG SETS, CIGARS, CCNFECT ONERY, BIBLES, AL BUMS, CHRISTMAS CARDS, etc Newliri Drug Co La Grande, Oregon: : v-