A VISIT FROA SANTA CLAUS : : : t EVERYBODY KNOWS Wi.tRE TO BUY ' Holiday Goods and Toys Even IV Vv mM TUCVAIICI! hm C A -s i ii i iti ii i II i ill ii r in illL MULILll iiULL w. Has stab!i hed a reputation for being rtfat!I'JarterJ pn-'ihcse lines and they are noi sirg 10 disappoint trie puonc tms year. KE HAVE THOUSAND OF DOLLARS V(WH OF THESE GOODS NO H ON DISPLAY. specially imported for us. A I the newest and nicest things Toys Books. Picture, Fancy Articles, Toilet Sets, Smoker's Sets, China, Glassware, Silverware and yCarvins Sets in fact every thing that young or Id cru'd wh for presents. Santa. Glaus ' V, , 7 ! ... :,v::.is has hea.dofusand our wonderful stok of tl, lioay GoW and has promised to make ma persoral v.sjt this year j He wil bj with' us Saturday, December Qlh, so children don't for get the date. Write out a list of the things you want, hand it to Santa Claus when you come to the store that d.v, and he will take your name end remembrr you at Christmas time. , To each l.ttle girl who cornel wth her. mamma and brin her doll he will give a nice doll hat. lo each, little boy accompanied by a p trent a n.ce iittle souvenir. . 1 REMEMEER 1 HE DATE DEGEM Tlx: REMEMBER THE PLACE 9th (iolili Rule ... . t v , . , Store 1308, 1310, 1:12 Adame Avenue. Smallest Prices Mrs. Ann OVaharn it HOLIDAY GOODS r WtlERE TO ("tI'IT THEM This Important question which presents itself once every year is answered below 1.11 . i . iLi.y it dtrt tt here it LOCAL ITEMS C. S. Dunphy left this morning for Al bina. James Dalton it down today from North Powder. C. E. Hutchinson is over today' from Union on a butineet trip. Company L, 0. N. Q. will postpons their regular bi-weekly dancei until after the holidaye. E. Roisland went to Wallowa this morning on a business trip to be absent several days. .. . Arthur Curtis came home this morning from North Powder where he has been doing county surveying. Ernest Lewis, went to North Powder this morning to supervise the loading of a large shipment of baled hay and oats. George Miller of Cove expects to leave for Newark, New Jersey, on a visit to his old home about Monday next week. Fred Head, of Union, was inLaQrande yesterday, , In t)i afternoon he left for Island City where he will visit the fam ilies of the Kiddle Brothers. Mrs. Harry Gilham and two children are here visiting Mrs. Jennie Qilharn and family." From here they will go to Seattle w.iere Mr, Oilham has engaged in the wliolsale grocery business. ' Miss Mabel Williams, accompanied by Master Donald Coburn. went to Hot Lake this morning where thoy will re main over Sunday visiting Mrs. Coburn. who is a nurse at that place. Captain Irwin, a large feeder of cattle for the Portland markets, is in the city today with a bunch of fat cattle resting them at the stock yards. Captain Ir win's feading grounds are near Boise. Ernest DoLong is able to be out again after a three month's siegs of typhoid fever. Mr. DeLong was confined to . his bed with the fever for ten weeks, being stricken shortly after his wife had recov ered from the disease. ud from Port land visiting Mr. and Mrs. a D. Huffman ' Mrs.-J. W, M: Aliafs r( of , ,Wallowa, is visiting the family of C. D.' Huffman of near this place. She has been to Portland and while there was operated upon. She will return to her ham in a few days Mr. Louden, a horse- buyer, is here buying horses for the Los Angeles mark et. He wants animals that weighs from iuu ro iouu pounds for which he pays from loo to $150. The regular quarterly ' conference of the L. D. S. is in session this afternoon and wilt continue until tomorrow. Much imporsant business will come before the meeting. Wednesday afternoon Conductor Jake Gulling, while carrvina in wood. suffered ketch in his back, which has confined mm to his bed ever since.. H. C. Grady has had charge of the Elgin train. Adcook Ai'Harrie have rented a room in the Sommer hotel building and are ar ranging a show and store room. The present room, which faces Adams Avenue is too erowdr d to facilitate a display of their goods, hence the enlargement. L. Oldenburg ie preparino "a solendid exhibit of fruit to be placed on exhibition during the meeting of the Northwestern Fruitgrowers' Association which moats in this city on January 3, 4 and 6. Mr. Oldenburg has sold his apple crop but he saved thirty boxes of his best especially for this occasion.. Other fruitgrowers in various parts of the valley are doing like wise and a splendid fruit exhibit will be made by Union county as well as other fruit centers of Washington. Idaho and Oregon. Pete Tillson has returned to Umatilla after spending a few days in the city. The infant child of Mr. and Mr. H. S Littlefield, which died yesterday, was bur- iaa wis afternoon. The service was heli at the home and the interment follow in the 1. 0. 0. F. cemetery. The University of Oreuon Glee Clnh will be here December 21st. The club consists of twenty members. They ap peared before a $1000 house at the Marquam Grand on Thanksgiving night at Portland. " SOCIETY , DAUEN-KRANZ Miss Gertrude Biever and Miss Ger trude Mitchell were the hostesses at a very cleverly planned and well carried out social function Friday evening, which took the form of a snow-ball party. The guests were members of the Damen Kranz and invited gentlemen. The pretty rooms or the Mitchell home were charm ingly decorated in long festoons of the stately evergreen, with balls of cotton, very much resembling snow, hanging from the branches. Booklets, in the form of the holly leaf, containing a liter ary puzzle, were given each guest; then diligence reigned for thirty minutes. Miss Evelyn Rohan was fortunate in receiving the pretty little book of quotations: Mr. Parker the boiby. In the snow-ball con test Miss Alice Kenson's effort ware r- wardd by an immense DOD-corn ball. Robert Jones held champiorship in , the left hand snow ball throw and was duly rewarded. , At eleven o'clock, all were invited into the dining - room where a bounteous luncheon was served, then soon departed with praise to their hostesses for an attractive evening. KAFFI-KLATCH Mrs. Byrkit and Mrs. Palmer entertain- entertained the Kaffe-Klatch and their husbands yesterday evening at their home on rourtn street. (OVE LECTION Following were elected ' at the town election in Cove Tuesday. Recorder, J. E. Stearns; marshal, Wm. Hancock: couneilmen. Wm. Alexander. J. C Pixton. Reynolds, Silver Cake Baskets Ab"uti7ulornamentfrthe tab"ndv,ry Tstwt $8.oo r 1 r f s e TKf tlltTrThcusthc d uttrsl s cci. . g into more general use every year, Chafing Dishes Lu' " at ,rcm $7 50 10 $l4 09 0.( : Z ' ThTre are" lanTeT beautM ; decorated trays, adding tone to any dining, Sliver Trays F- $5.coto $900 ex.. n . -r One of f ciTshouid be in every home. We can suit you in these goods. Sliver Crumb Trays $2.50 to $550 Silver Mus Thes areshavinz;imgs'goldlined and bautifully decor3tego Pto$5oo Jewel Cases, Button Boxes These ar9 made of neavy $ilver with raised exterior Orations and siik Mi) Hii o..i... lined. An elegant bureau ornament. Prices and Hair Receivers I CQ to $6.00 Si IsPi TP A kOtc An appropriate gift to any lady. Our line will please you. Prices . oiivci l ed oeib 3 piCCc sets $3 to $15, 4 piece sets $20.00 V Pearl Maildle Th Very finest Rosler9 1847 eoodsmada. Priceper set six kves and six 1 , m w- ' . forks in silk lined leather case $30.00 Knives and Forks siiKnimForp.r.rt $5 and $15.00 frirv!rirf C4-? We have them in all styles. An appropriate and useful gift Prices range S OeiS from $2 50 to $12.00 fllt fllnQ , No dining table is properly dressed without at leasts few articles of cut glass. Our line is complete and we invite ycur inspection . . - V . . nRVllnnrl , " yu lv her prove it by getting her a set of these. Every woman loves !'r U ' . . Haviland China. Prices wir t 101 nieces uinnerets $35.00 Ptliifnf at A Cnf r ; These are Haviland China and Japanese ware, highest quality. Prices uiiubuidii; oeib - $8.00 to $10.00 QfgQlgl JQP You cannot syverackers properly witiout a Cracker Jar. Our line will . ' V "eyox ""V $1,00 to $3.50 Salad SetS ' ' ElegandHaland and Japanese ware. Every woman should have a set of ' $1.50 to $9.00 eJardinlerS ' '' '' i .V.-NParlorlooks,'ri8ltwitno"tonormore'Jardiniers We have them at " $1 00 to $6.00 ii " '''',',.'.'' . The largest variety and most beautiful line of vasesever shown in this city. Vases ' v Pricas 10c to $15.00 DlltCh Uare ' - These goods are all the rage this year. Come in and make your selection Cljilclreri's )t-part ment miluS) Knife and Fork set. best Rogers 1847 goods. Price $1.76. With Pearl handles $2.60. CHILDS China Mugs 5 cents to 25 cants. Silver Mugs, gold lined, very fine. $1.25 to $2.00. Also a full line of Skates, Sleds. Toy Banks, Toy Cook Stoves, Sad Iron, etc. ' , .i w . By making a small deposit any article will ' be laid away until called for. Make your selection now while our stock is complete. 1 MRS T.N. MURPHY HARDWARE CROCKERY AND SPORTING GOODS S One Half Price ON ALL. WOMEN'S Handsome Street Suits and Coats I Very newest and most popular models In the three quarter length coat effects i and smartest mannish mixed material, In mixtures of grey, blue, brown, etc. J bkirtsin piaided effects. $15 TAILORED STREET SLITS $7.50 $35 TAILORED STREET SUITS $17.50 fu 10.00 45 2250 I REMARKABLE VALUES AWAIT THE BUYER IN THE UUAI DtPARTMENT OUR REGULAR $50 KERSEY. THREE-CUARTER LENGTH COAT, SCU1RREL LINED . 40 V ' FIR LINED 25 ENGLISH MIXTURES IN THREE-QUARTER LENGTH 20 BROWN KERSEY, - .. rats MINER'S HEN James R. Elmendorf yesterday filed a miner's lien against the Carson Consoli dated Mining Company for $1000 ; $25.00 20.00 - 12.50 10.00 COME DOWN TOMORROW WITH ANOTHER ASSURANCE OF THE BEST VALUES OF ALL THE YEAR BEING SHOWN YOU Chicago Store . WMvmfsfMm 4'tlimiMMMut