La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 09, 1905, Image 7

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t T (
When you com, to H;ir,Ph?Jaacy for any drug , tor. article it i
d.stinct.y understood taat in case your pureiase doss not fu'fil our
luTVrT'' r9tUn) 'aad WS &u 1T BACK AT
FULL. PRICE- arguments, no unpleasantness, no dclay-your
money i yours immediately upon request
W. thoroughly examine our RUBBER GOODS and sell none which
... ..owu iiu, kailk tsui ILLS, FOUNTAIN SYRINGES
BULB SYRINGES, ATOMIZERS, complete new stock. Sy rubber!
long wearing, stand hard usage.
Prescription Druggist
Call up Main 29 for
Cluster Raisins Muscatel Raisins
Citron and Lemon Peel
' Heinz Mincemeat
Adams Ave.
I Mow is the accepted time
: TV do Your Christmas Shopping
We Have the Goods' I
Presents for old and young
' TV HIT WT 11 A f
M aw II 1 III I I - y f
u. ivi w etimdii oc v.uinpany
,frn ryhiAr
'V y j'ky ysnaiiaj
We have a mimher of hops ou hand, and e ir ? pre
pared t foruifli a tew breo Poland h na Gilts
at i"rt8 na' le price''. Bed tu onr, three hud hrats
' V'r ulso have both bail an-1 clean ben'illess barley
y : : ;, :.r;- :", ;
B L O K LAND 8 ti 0 S
Island City, Oregon
; : swine.:. .. ' ; ;
C.ll na op "a Lornj D'st-mc plion 2KH, also on the
Fanrc" Li e
Wod! Wood! Wood!
Good dry wood delivered
. to any part of the city.
Special price on quantity .
orders. No order too
lame or too email
James Beavers, Red 1441
Contractor and Builder
IValer in Buildine Material
La Grande, Oregon
Drop a line naming work, and I will
name the right price.
This drug store tries to serve every
customer to well that they will not think
of going elsewhere for drug store good.
A. T. Hill, Prescription Druggit
Practical Gunsmith
Repairs Strictly Fi-stclass
Guns re-stockei
Keys fitted to door Locks
dime AfffcBi
Healthy, happy babies. Mother say
that, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is
the greatest baby medicine in the world
Make them strong, well and active. 55
cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Co.
The price of a pretty face is $1.00
three packages of Hsllister' Rocky
Mountain Tea brings red lips, bright eye
and lovely color. 55 cents, Tea or Tablet.
Newlin Druo Co,
Notice of Dissolution .
Notice i hereby given that I. E. D.
Zundel and Fred Lawson, member of
the firm of Zundel & Lawson, have this
day dissolved the partnership heretofore
existing. 1. E. D. Zundel retires from the
firm and hereby disclaims all interest in
the said firm, having disposed of hi in
terest in the said firm to Fred and Victor
Lawson, who will collect all account due
the late firm and pay all debt owed by
the said firm. Dated this 1 7th day of
November, 1 906. I. E. D. Ziwoo,
pRfiD lwsow'
In taat Land c. Plenty t&e cow
is nude-one of die , family
Many centuries ago a crusty old ascetic
named Saint Columbia, came over to
Scotland to convert the wild tribes to his
raligious way of thinking. He located on
the Islind of lona, and the first decree
he issued was that the "people should'
have no cows. The reason assigned is
characteristic of all gloomy'celibates who
spend tneir lives in secluded monasteries.
"Where there is a cow there will be a
woman." said Saint Columbia, "and
where there is a woman there will be
mischief." As the result of , this stupid
and fanitca! t;i e bnans wTre
deprieved of the supreme luxury wnich
comes from keeping cows. It is-true, as
this ancient acolyte remarked, that
wherever there Is a cow there will be a
woman, but what finer combination was
ever brought together, a union of the
two chief ,. b eisings bestowed on
many W nerever mere is a -
ought to be a woman, and wherever there
is a woman we naturally look around for
the cow. They compliment each other;
they belong in the same category of use
fulness and gentleness. : A woman can
get more milk from a cow than a man.
Cows hate men and will kick them. No
cow ever kick a woman or steps in her
milk bucket Successful dairy people
know this quite welt, and are now em
ploying women to do their milking. The
cow yield readily to the gentle voice of
woman, and like to have her udder
stroked by a woman' soft ham1. Man's
trusque ways and rough hand startle
her, and his hoarse voice is not agreeable
when it wakens Brindle from her dreams
of clover and bran mush.
Holland is a country where 'the cow
and the woman reign supreme. The cows
ndeed, are a part of the family, and on
' f the latter always sleeps in the stable
to watch. The cow stable is generally a
large building, paved with brick, upon
which the cows lie ' in the absence of
straw, which is scarce. There is a 1 brick
paved passage down the center, at the
end of which is a fireplace and the win
dows are covered with white curtains, as
dainty as those used in the house
proper. Sometimes the entire family
will gather in the stable in the evenings.
enjoying me warmtn ol the lire and ex
changing the talk of the day, .while the
cattle, always placed with their heads
fae ing the central passage, chew their
cuds and almost seam to enjoy the human
compa nionship. Surely the imagination
of poet nor artist ever conjured up a
more domestic scene than this. The
woman and the cow in close juxtaposition
the woman busy with her knitting needle,
that emblem of peace and effection, and
the co w gazing on with tur lustrous eyts
waiting patiently to be milked. Burns
must have had this scene in view when
he wrote his infinitely tended "Cotter's
Saturday Night." Yes, cows love women,
and for the same reason that . all other
living things loe then, and the dairy
proves, as few -other places do, what
great factors love and kindness are in
all the affairs of life.
The Dutch are a happy people, . and
nothing contributes more to their enjoy
ment than their home-like herds of cows
They are also an important factor in the
national prosperity, few countries excell
ing Holland in the output of superior
milk and butter. Because of the fertility
of the pasurage and the care taken in
their keep, the cows are capable of giving
large yeilds of rich milk. In no place in
the world are cows made as much of, and
from the annual yeild of butter it , would
seem that the tare is, not taken vain.
Firnvrs AUen'lon
When you want the Newlin Drug Com
pany over the Vergere telephone just
ask Central for No. 4.
The Observer has taken a number of
orders for engraved visiting cards a a
result of the advertising we have been
doing for the pa', two week. Those
wishing extra fin work should give us a
call and see our line of samples before
rdering. ,
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship existing betweeo J. A. Qarity & Ben
Brown known under the firm name as
J. A. Garity & Company has been dis
solved. ' All parties knowing themselves
indebted to the above named firm will
please call at their office and settle before
January 1st., 1906. a all account must
be settled by that time." ;
' J. A.Qarity.
Ben Brown.
.. ' I I
1 1 i
Christmas Day
is the hardest day in the year on your
wife. After looking after the dinner and
other meals she is too tired to get any
enjoyment out of the holiday. Why not
give her a chance.
Fat Your Dinner Hre
It certainly will be as well cooked and
served as any you could get at home. It
will save your wife a lot of trouble and
worry. 1 It - will save you considerable
money, too. Try it thi year, anyway.
The Model Restaurant
J A. Aibixklr, Proprietor
meal ilcktulm 44 u
A box of our candies is what you
want for the holidays. Our pure
chocolates and- bon bone are the
best in town better than imported
day. .
Special lor Holidays
Best1 hand rolled chocolates 604
a lb.
Other grade 400 il,
Full cream carmel none better 40
California"" nougetis 25 f a lb. -Taffy,
all flavors "250 il.
Lump and Drop candy 16f a B.
Watch for display of a full line of
toye. ..
SELDER, The , Candy
' - ; Man
Farm Loans a Specialty
Best equipped abstracter in Union
. county. Many years experience
with the Union county records
gives me a great , advantage'. It
is folly . to purchase real estate .
without first securing a proper
abstract. ' An abstract from my
office will show the title just as
it appeare on the official record.
Room 5 1 Sommer Building
Saved By Dynamite
Sometimes, a flaming city I saved by
dynamiting a space that the fire can't
cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so
long, you feel as if nothing but dynamite
would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun,
Ga., writes: "My wife had a, very ag
gravated cough, hich kept her awake
nights. Two physicians could not help
her; so she took Dr. King's New Dis
covery 'for Consumption, Cough and
Cold, which eased her cough, gave her
deep, and finally cured her." Strictly
scientific cure for bronchitis and La
Grippe, for sale by Newlin Drug Co,
Price 60c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial
bottle free.
All women should strive to be beautiful
Beauty rules mankind. Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea brings red lips, bright eyes
and cream-liks complexion. 56 cents.
Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Co.
Always Accommodating
You will always find us accommodating.
Try us and see if we are not ever ready
to oblige, and our prices are right
A. T. Hill, prascrltion druggisj
GRI?f "
The Largest Stock of
Ever in Eastern Oregoa
$15,000 STOCK
Of beautifuj, useful and desirable things to ,
select Xmas Presents from for your friends.
This showing of our enormous stock of new holiday goods is by far the most
handsome ever in La Grande. We would like to have everyone know they
are welcome to visit our store at all times and look around. We will be
glad to be at your service if only to show and explain our up-to-date stock
to you. . Our goods are dependable and our prices are the lowest. Special
inducements to earlyhopper and you wiu see our m,
menU art broken. - .
Cut Glass
makes a beautiful and useful gift for your relatives or friends. Examine
our glass and notice the cut, color and thickness. You will all have our
glass. ; ' '
Hand Painted China
That is Wid painted. W have no china to use as a bait, every piece
warranted.' . j.
That will keep time. What -will
please your boy or girl more than
their first watch and what is mora
serviceable to an older person?
Our prices are the lowest. Here
Elgin or Waltham '
V Watch for $5.50
Twenty-year gold
watches for $9.50
J You all want and we will sell you a perfect stone for less money than any
catalogue house. You should call and examine our stock of diamonds and
let us explain just how you can make money by buying ous. .' y
j Jjewclry of Every Description
Rings, Stick Pins, Broaches, Chains, Cuff Links-
Emblem Pins and other things you want
The Jewelry business we know and when w warrant goods we know they
a will give satisfaction. . You must trust the Jeweler in buying Jewelry and he
must know gold from inferior good. You take no chance when you buy of
us. We have no side line and must have your confidence and good will. '
Watch our advertisement we have bargain for you and wa
a will also keep you posted on up-to-date goods.
Reliable Jewelers
; Next Door to Postoffice . LA GRANDE, OR. :
a ' ; : a
i jT .
Kindergarten Wo k
Is there any young lady Who would like
to take a training from 1 0 to 11 each
morning? If so please'call upon Mrs. J.
M. Agnew at Kindergarten room.
will take that trunk to the De
pot or your . home in less time than
it' take to tell it.
Wagon aiway at your service
Charges moderate. Day phone. B
1792, night phone. P 12.
Administrator's Notice
Untlce I hereby given that tl e undrivlgnmi
has bent dalr-., po ir,l Admlotetnitur of
the !( of Jn-1 Renwa deeMt. Aar
and all swr una bavins itm against tald
tau,arrcqneitdu p'nttbe Mm piup
erlr vrrlded. to the nvdenlgned aa ancta Ad, at bit offl to the Hole;
Block la La Onrnd', Uirgoo.
DaU4 Itov ICih. tWji
AdmlaUtrstoroftb eaiateof Jraute liens a,
de raied. . V
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Is hereby iven that Alice Ladd. ex
rcutrlioflhe but will ol Louie DrPetrle, dt
oraeed, bn lllvd her film I croon t la eeid V
(ete, and tbat'onnlj Court of Unloo tonotr,
Onun, has set Ttiraday. tbe aeoond dny of
January, A. D., I WW, at two o'clock, p. tr., for
brartng of sucb report and all uljectiona
Dated at La Grande, Oreg n, tbla let day
ol Dtot-mber, A. D , 1W6.
ALICE IAD l Executrix.