'..,. . ? ROT OF THE WL OF (Mill rami 'armors and Uraders Suction EyeGlass f Tfational S3ank It does not wrinkle your nose and make you look older than you are, f Xm Srn1 Off no. 4-oa Holiday goods re beginning t""lt arrive. Best liue ordered ever Ji Capital Surplus Liability of Shareholders Total $ 60.000.00 14000 00 60.000.00 $134,000.00 brought to the city. Some Interesting figures SHowinJ wnat Uncle Sam is Doing - to Make more Grass Crow ' J. H. PEARL Jewelry and OptlclanJ! "J r ! I i 5 1 For the protection of its depositors! Depositors of this Bank ars ac corded such liberal treatment as shall bs in keeping with the character and value of their accounts. We would be pleased to have your ac count. .JOSEPH PALMER. '. President. H. E. McCULLY. Asst. Cashier. J. W, SCR1BER, . . Cashier. SCROGGIN. Asst. Cashier ................. f ARMS FOR SALE " jaj thf r.PAnnF RONDE VALLEY. 200 Acres with gcod improvements, all tillable land, , I r -. 5 miles from railroad station and U miles from La Grande. Oregon " : Pric $40 per acre 400 acres with good improvements, nearly all tillable land, about three miles from the railroad and 14 miles from La Grande. Price $58 per acre hout 3 miles from tfte railroad and 14 ' . miles from La Grande, No buildings , Price $55 per acre 200 Acres, one mile from the town of Suirlmerville, 18 miles north of La Grande and 5 miles from the railroad. All tillable land. No buildings ' ' Price $56 per acre BO Acres, same class land a the above and adjoining Price $36 per acre 480 Acres, 2 miles from the railroad and 18 miles from La Grande. Good barn-and small house, well watered. All good land Price $42 per acre 66 Acres, three and half milee from La Grande, all ' " ' under cultivation. Notuildinge Price $76 per acre 160 Acres. 6 miles from La Grande. Oood grain land. : No buildincs ' ' . Price $28 per acre l fin Aero: 1 2 miles faom La Grande. 2 miles from the railroad, ftrstclass improvements ,' Price $68 per acre innri Aeraa 9 miles from La Grande, nearly all in cult ivation, all good land : - Price $.35,000.00 jCa Srande investment Co. " FOLEY' ".HOTEL BUILDING. ' LA GRANDE, OR A resume of the work performed by the Reclamation Service to date shows that 11 miles of main canal, 64 ' miles of distributing system, and 188 miles of ditches have been constructed, including dams, headworks, etc. Tunnels having a total length of 3)j miles have been driven including more than a mile of the great Gunnison tunnel. More than 250 miles of telephone lines have been installed and are in operation; 126 miles of wagon road, many miles of which were cut out of solid rock inalmost inaccessible can yons, 14? bridges, and 60 offices and other buildings have been constructed. Tne works above mentioned have called for the excavation oft 9.350,000 cubic yards of rock and earth, the laying of n nnn ,m, af concrete. 12.000 cubic yards-of rip rap. "190 000 square feet of paving;' 150.000 linear feet of sheet piling and 1 0.000 feet of bearing piles have been driven There have been purchased 130,000 pounds of railroad iron, 250,000 pounds of structural steel. 600.000 pounds of cast iron. 1,750.000 feet B. M. of lumber, and 78.000 barrels Union Woolen Mills Indian Robes 1 We have received a consignment of Union Fleece Wool ' Indian Robes which we have nn sale. These robes are ) 5 , ) ) suitable foe; couch ' covers,, steamer robers and orna v mental for Indian corners. The price range it from . . L r $5.80 up; . '' ; T - ' " 1 H EN RY I '&i OAfi! R J . C. HOUSE FURNISHERS AND UNDERTAKERS ,. V, r" 'S. Phone No. 621. Henry, residence 664 ' J. J. Carr, residence 386 ' of cement The government has erected a cement mill at a cost of more than S100.000. which has already turned out 15.000 barrels of cement, and is now furnishing about 300 barrels a day. The saw mills operated by Uncle Sam have cut 2.880.000 feet. B. : M., of lumber from the government reserves. The United States Reclamation Ser vice was organized in 1 902, immediately after tie passige of the Reclamation act. As soon as possible after a discussion of preliminary plans in Washington, invest! gations were begun in the thirteen states and three territories which are benefici aries under this act By utilizing the data gathered in previous' years by the Hydrographic Branch of the Geological Survey, the service was enabled to con centrate its efforts upon several projects and plans for their construction were soon prepared for the consideration of the secretary of the interior. Up to the present time eleven of these projects have been approved and are under actual con struction. Their estimated cost i. nearly $30,000,000. . 4 THE HEW BATTLcSnlP IDAHO IS LAUNCHED is a Sister to tne Battleship Mississippi Covcnor Cnnflof s Danger Acts as Sponsor v. Philadelphia. Pa., Dec. 9. This is the j day set for the launching of the new United States battleship Idaho, which has been built by the Cramps at their big ship building yards in this city. The ships in the river displayed flags and the scene near the yards presented a festive ap pearance. - Notwithstanding the ' cold weather an enormous crowd was assem bled in the vicinity of the yards, to watch the large battleship as it glided from its cradle into its element Besides Govern or Gooding, of Idaho, whose 16 year old daughter acted as eponser , at the bap tism of the ship, a large . delegation of members of Congress and prominent citizen of that state, many officials 'of the Navy Department the ! Just Received y W. H. Bohnenkamp a beautiful LIME OF CHRISTMAS ROCKERS From 75c up The Finest display of China and Glass in the city. See the Ten Cent Table . - m .Ttr ; - ..y W. H. BOHNENKAMP, ' V Navl Construct::n Bureau and everal hundred navy and army , officers attend ed thj lau.xiing of the magnificant ship. Tns Idaho is a sister ship of the Miss issippi. which wa' lauchad a few wssks ago. HarkesI was laid in 1904. The Idaho has a displacement of 13.000 tons, and will be of 10.000 horsepower. It i expected to have a speed of 1 7 knots. The estimated cost of the battleship is $2,995,500. Its main battery will con tain four 12 Inch breach loading rifle; eight 8 inch and eight 7 inch breach loac ins rifles.- ' The secondary battery will include twelve 3 inch, rapid fire guns six 5 pounder rapid fire guns; four 1 pounder rapid fire guns"; two 3 inch field experts of the I guns and eight machine guns. -i BANK FOR COVE There is a rumor which appears to be well based, that when the railroad ex tension is completed to Cove there will be a bank established there. The pro- i a e SPECIALS Supported bed springs Unsupported bed springs Mattresses, good ones 2 saddles, choice Remmington typewriter . 15 cross cut saws Hall rack 2 office chairs Kitchen-Treasure Linealeum 60 $2.40 1.68 2.60 3.00 40.00 to 3.60 3.60 8.50-5.00 3.25 V ROMADKA PF ADY ACCESS TRUNK A fine line on1 crockery at half ; ' price position is reported to be backed by local parties and outside capital will be inter ested. It is understood that an option has been iriven on the Stevens block and a modern stone banking house will be erected. There is perhaps no better opening in in Eastern Oregon for a bank than at Cove, The people of that section are as a rule piosperaus and enterprising and a home institution will receive their hearty s ipport- Scoj 0RT POWDER PAPER Maxwell, of the Oregon Scout; of Union, n4 a nartnar. whose name ws did not learn, have bought the printing ' press, etc.. !' North Powder, a v! exoacte to - - M .' mi new na'AaDlDar If u; ss ui their nvn abou'. inj nu-Jn of Ucj.nber. Haines Rcjrd. . L Cdtcd Mere Dr. C. E. Hawke. of Portland, has lo cated in th s city, and has ottiees in me Sommer balding. Office pione Red 1251, res dance phone Black 831. i MMf (HANGK Adam Crossman, of Cove, has leased the Baird place, next to the Centennial Hotel, and w;ll occupy the) same with a saloon. Manager Baird will build a new central office 25x42 on the old Joe Wright hall grounds, and the telephone system will be overhauled and brought up to date in many ways. Reputlxan eM'uef within reach without t- F D. Haisten, aaovinc tray, Save A " an oroiuarr t-r cack. ar to operate. Nothing to let out of order. Will stand all the knocks and hard nsag of traveling. Coats no morn than common trnnk, Z h eth .. .......$5.00 -U m PHONE RED 1161 . .I . , Highest prices paid for Second Hand Good. DeWITT'S WITCH HAZEL SALVE THt ORIGINAL. ' A Well Known Cure for Piles, Huraa obstinate sores, chapped hands. tama, akin diseases. Makes burns and scalds Rainless. We could not improve the quality If paid double the price. The best salve that experience can produce or that money can buy. Cures Piles Permanently DeWitt's Is the orMnal and only pure and genuine Witch Hazel 3alve made. Look foi (he nma DeWITT on every box. All others are counterfeit. hifasd by K. C. DaWITT CO., CUICAOO A. f. ml l, Druegot WANTED Potatoes, Hay, Oats, Apples We pay Highest Market Prices for all Produce A car of strictly fresh eggs to arrive Saturday, Nov, 26. We quote these to the trade at $8 per case of 30 doz. A fresh cansignment of fancy white clover honey from Call-, fornia which we sell to" the trade at $3.25 per case. We have'a lot of No. 2 apples which can be bought, here at a very low price. Oregon Produce Company A SPLENDID INVESTMENT Is a m'tx which will build up your own town and ccantry. , ;. The Aurelia Minitg Co. Now offers the first block of stock of 100000 shares at 5c per share. The company has 400,000 shares of stock available for the de vclopcment of the Standard Mines, which will be done conservatively, and as fast as posible. For further information call on : t i: J. A. THR0NS0N. Hi FOR WINTER FEED PHONE MAIN 6 VERGERE PHONE The Grande Ror.de Cash Company is in a position to offer the best thsre is. Fresh Lteam Rolled Barley. Timothy and Wild Hay, and all kinds of Grain and Chopped Feed. -WOOD AND COAL DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY Grande Ronde Cash Company, Jtffr on Avenue iTiEli3KI&Sp Of ERR HO5S D. H. STEWARD, Manager and Proprietor SIX NiGHTS and SAT. MATINEE H. L. LEAVITT, Presents STARTING MONDAY DECEMBER 1 Yes, They are good! s what every man sayi with each uff of a VISTA ORADA cigar, t's the best for the money .hat can be procured, and you san - get more enjoyment from .his luxurious smoke than from iny cigar made and sold at the same Igure, Try one and you will never rnoke any other, Manufactured by C. E. HACKMAN. Avenue and Red 1641 Factory Corner Adams Ur.enwood Street, FOR SIX NIC ITS AM SATURDAY MATINEE ', COMMENCING MONDAY, DEC. THE GREAT iM-c EWEN'i AND COMPANY OF PERFORMERS ASSISTED BY FLORENCE McEYVEN, Queen of Illusionists. The Great McEwen will cure the sick, make the blind see. the deaf hear, the lame walk and cure iny obnoxious habit by ovpnotism. lQc, 20c, 30c Better and brighter than ever. Every thing new. Magic, Hypnotism. Mind 'reading. continuous performance. Some thing doing every minute EAGLES' NIGHT-FRIDAY DECEMBER 8 SEATS ON' SALE AT VAN BUREN'S J