a :f'r- i . 1 L I 5: i t i 9 ' ' Si 5 1 f! if V I : 3 C5tf armors and TJradcrs 9fational$3ank rV Grf0 NO. 4403 , Capital Liability of Shareholders Total ., .... . $ 60,000.00 14.00000 60.000.00 SI34.000.00 For the protection of it depositors! Depositors of this Bank are ac corded uoh liberal treatment as shall be in keeping- with the character and value of their accounts. ' We would be pleased to have your ac count . ' - ' JOSEPH PALMER, , President. a. E. McCUIXY. Assr, Cashier. J. W. SCRIBER. Cashier. r. j. scrogqin. Asst. Cashier Price $40 per acre FIDMC rnn cmc I Hum I Un OHLL IN THE GRANDE R0NDE VALLEY 200 Acres with good Improvements, all tillable land. ' B miles from railroad station and 14 miles from La Grande, Oregon 400 acres with good improvements, nearly all tillable land, about three miles from the railroad and 14 ' miles from La Grande. 160 Acres about J miles from the railroad and 14 miles from La Grande, No buildings 200 Acres, one mile from the town of Summerville, 18 miles north of La Grande and 3 miles from the railroad. All tillable land. No buildings 60 Acres, same class land as the above and adjoining Price $38 per acre 480 Acres, 2 miles from the railroad and 18 milos from La Grande. Good barn and small house, well watered. All good land 68 Acres, three and half miles from; La Grande, all . ., under cultivation. , No buildings . ' ' ' 1 60 Acres, 6 miles from La Grande Oood grain land. ' ' ' ' 1 ' Nobuildings If : ' : Price $26 per acre 160 Acres, ii miles fapm La Grand, 2 miles f rom the"''5 ' ' . railroad, flrstclass Improvements Price $68 per acre Price $38 per acre Price $38 per acre Price $36 per acre Price $42 per acre Price $76 per acre 1000 Acres 9 miles fro'ni I La Grande nearly all in cult ivation, all good (and ! I Price ' $36,000.00 jCa Srando Snvostment , Co, FOLEY HOTEL BUILDING I1NG , LA GRANDE, OR eeee.eeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' le '"?'' un on jvooi 1 ....... , s ...... e We have received a consignment of Union Fleece Wool. Insn Robes which we hate nn sale. These robes are '' .nitrnkl. 1 j -'vw. 'ui wuvii wfiw LMinr rooere ana oma- The price range is from ou .Woolcn ! Mills Indian Robes 1ri J t : :i on i 5'i QUO jMsorij HENRY (Si, CARR , wHOUSE FURNISHERS AND UNDERTAKERS PhpneTlo. 621 mi-.K &u-y,etf enee SH i 't i.i. Carr. residence 386 3 IVd VI 'Rtjulenates alllhlnj about the house, from cellar to arret. J 1 V v Wears like iron. WrHsBOHNENKAMP, Aient J A P AC AC ROMADKA READY ACCESS TRUNK SPECIALS Supported bed springs $2.40 Unsupported bed springs 1.68 Mattresses, good ones 2.60 2 saddles, choice 8.00 Remmington typewriter 40.00 16 orose cut eawe - 60c to 8.60" Hall rack 3.50 . 2 offlee chairs -1 ' 5.50-6.00 f Kitchen Treasure i 5.23 , Linealeum, ""1 " r" ft ' ' if f A fine line of crockery at half price-- ' ' T3AISINO the cover brings every corner within reach without re Moving treya. Savee H the time 0t aa ordinarf trunk to pack or -pack. Easy to operate. . Mothin to get oat oi order. Will stand all the knocks and hard sagc of traveling. Costs bo more than common trank, Jf ybt ol.......$5.00 F. D. Haistcn, PHONE RED 1161 Highest prices paid for Second , Hand Qoods. LA CRAf.DE; PUBLIC SCHOOL Rem lull IVteCit, Akchlntry OnDember 8. the Athenian Literary society will render the following program. The society extends to visitors a most cordial welcome. Quotations , Society Vocal Solo . .. ..Mabel Schogeldj Current Evente .Julia Carbine Piano Duet Florence Boorey and .... , Elizabeth King Recitation Florence McCall Essay on Yellowstone Park Henry :....Heidenrich Cornet Solo Vern Hendricks Paper, High School Bulletin Maud .. ....Clements and Arlie Bay Song ....'. .. .School Critic's Report Mr. Martin The basketball game with Pendleton resulted in defeat for our girls by the close score of 6 to 4. As a result the visiting girls went home in jubilant spirits. Mrs. L R. Traver chaperoned the Pen dleton girls, and G. G. Goodman was the official. Mrs, F. S. Ivanhoe was an interested spectator at the basket ball game, hiving a claim upon the girts of both teams. ' The following magazines with subscrip tions prepaid for the coming year, appear upon our High School magazine table: Weeklies: Literary Digest, Collier's Weskly, , Youth's Companion and Satur day Evening Poets. Montniiee: wotki Work, McClure's. Cosmopolitan, World Today, Leslie's. Everybody's. Success Munsey't and Oregon Teachers' Monthly. Much benefit is derived from these maga zines in the study of current evente, cur rent politics and current world issues. It is with no little satisfaction that a number of teachers are taking up the study of artists and their masterpieces in a systematic manner, with their etudants mush to the profit of the latter. . ' Miss Brenholt's room has the banner r icord for the past month in the matter of attendance, - there being 23 in h r room who were neither absent nor tardy. - - ' ;; r There have been, in school during the past month, 63 more than were in school the same month last ije-.r, which fact is an evidence of the normal growth of the ' Nearly all of the .rooms of the High School Building pre now furnished I with oiled floors, much to the advantage pf the Janitor' fork." They are also much more healthful in-as-much as they are said to be almost dust proof and germ proof. So 00 w.U be tilun up this week In '.he new room which has been furnished in the White school, i The ' congested condition of Misses Mcllroy's and , Mitchell's rooms will be relieved. , j ; Beginning with the coming midryear lamination and at each promotion thsre after every pupil wilt be excused '.from examination in every study in whiA he has attained h average of 90. pasei upon his daily, work, .All interested in this regulation ahould read ,this jotice twice that there M no nlsunderetanding or misapprehensions. $t ' Misses Deal, Harris, Kuhn and McKin ley had banner rooms last month i: the matter of tardiness, there being no peases for the month in their rooms. , There were 43 cases of tardiness in the city during the pist month, same month last year, 61. , By action of the school board teachers and pupils will be granted a vacation from the evening of December 22 fa the morning ofTuesday.'January 2, I Up will occur at the High School Build ing Dec. 2?. Information- regarding this meeting may be obtained from Mr. A. C. Williams, secretary of the school board (Scrlpps New Association) . , ,, Washington. Dec 6 Some time during the next six months at Seattle, Washing ton, a remarkable outfit of machinery will be installed on the cable ship Burn- side.' The apparatus is designed to dive to the bottom of the ocean even to the depth of 1 1-2 miles and bring a cable to the surface for repairs. The machi nery is now being constructed by a firm in New London, Conn, and will cost about $23,000. Stockmen Attention A mass meeting of all stockmen and all eheepmen interested in grazing upon the Wenaha forest reserve will be held at Walla Walla. Washington. December 18, to arrange a division of the range for the grazing season of 1906. For further in formation address J. M. Schmitz. ranger in charge. Walla Walla. Washington. CAMERAS For young folks and for many older folks there is one ideal gift a camera. The desire to make pictures is in herent in every human being and for most of us it finds its highest expression in the camera. Not only ie picture-tak ing one of the most interesting of past times, it is of great educational value as wall. It leads to outdoor living, which makae one of the healthiest diversions possible. With the latest improvements it is possible for a novice to make practi cally as good pictures as the expert We will kmnnwiii that mhodv all these latest features. Don't make the mistake of buying a camera of antioated pat tarn it will not do the work. The Newlin Drug Co having scoured the agency for the Eastman Kodaks, will have a complete line to show in a few daye. Service This drug store, trie to serve every customer so well that they will not think of going elsewhere for drug store goods. A-T. Hiu, Prescription Druggist are what most, -people want, thd they al ways get the , at-firandy & "Rami's meat market Jtls no trouble' for us, because we always have the stock.- The very finest Selected " beef. lamb, mutton, veal, pork 9M poultry, and our1 prices wont hinder you from buying. -' Grindy& Russell ' ' v 'i ,0.''. v J Practical Cunsmith; -v ,:. iv (to. ,.'3 Repair? Strictly Fj'StcIass Guns rstockd.r,V . Krys fitted to door Lo k? VWA.T AGNEVV4 ..' WANTED Potatoes. Hay, Oats, Apples We pa rlilhet Market Prices for all A cr of s'-rcV-y fresh eggs to arrive Saturday. No. 23. ii t-.eae to fie trade at $8 per case of 80 dot. A frssh Ma.iigimat of fancy white clover honey from Call for.i i 1 i : f i J V) the trade at $3.25 per case. We havs a bt of No. 2 apples which can be bought hare at a very low pr'ce. ; lu ., i Oregon Produce Company J I.- THE TERR OFWINT1 Mgm 13 usually worse in Winter because of the cold and c fefcer changed conditions of the climate. The occasional tw Sthat are felt during the warmer weather are changed to mu3.h3 become inflamed ,&, aoolUev, the-aem get eoi koses alie, and Rheumatism, the terror of winter, takes p ' tysteai. Then the sufferer turns to the liniment bottl . jm, the favorite plaster or some home remedy, in an effort . , ftheuraatism is not a trouble that can be rubbed iT ort plaster; '.'-se things relieve the pain and reduce the in flam m (each tl;e real cause of the trouble, and at the next exposu 1 comes on. . Rheumatism is caused by a sour, acid conditi Tne refuse matter ana oodiir iiuutuikm . tc C t the channels of nature have been left in the system beca t Weak Kidneys, torpid Liver and a general sluggish condit These impurities sour and form uric acid, which is absorb &A distributed to the different muscles, joints, nerves and ! gainful symptoms of Rheumatiim. S. S. S. goes to the r tne trouDie ana cures Kueumaasm by ciea the blood. It neutralises the acids and them out of the circulation and sends a str- nnvui 11,1 ll .ff IV. the pains cease, the. inflammation aulaide VEGETABLE. nerves quieted, every svmpteem t the d m passes away, and-the cure is permanent S , testable and does not injure the system as do those tuediciu ch and other minerals.: - Book on Rheumatism and medical 1 mgsmrfspecifsgf ca atianta, g f5 - .:: r;':;.i m - " - - i A To t!ic Ladies of : La Grande and I '.::;:;Vicinity-:-- Kindly esk cu oijre your grocer, and have him tell you about that BLUE STEM PATENT FLOUR ft c n't be bectv r. Just try a sack and if you don't say it is fts 'L- ' best at. it w:? t st you anything. . We will stand the loss" and ' As I see that you gt your money back or more flour.' Made by the i La Grande Hiluing (S'q. : G. E. FOWLER;, : Wo"1 and Cca' 2 ? PHONE 16U . All orders gn prv.ip'. at:ntion e OUR' SPECIALTY Fall vegetables of all kinds at ' L . 'th lowest current prices. Our B;- 6Qc to. $1.00 a bo. S dollar box gets you the best ' apples to found m town! A . j , " . wto!'),f?'.9r neW erases. whkA "goes by your door oalj: ' SEATTl E GROCERY COMPANY ii XI ew jj- Obstinate racking; coughs that settle on the lungs and may derelop Into Pneumonia over night are quickly cured bj KOILE It soothes and heals the Inflamed air passages, stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lunes. FGtrY'A .. w . ....'" . c , 0-1 8iucns tne lungs. FOLET'S f-1 HOMEY AND TAH contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and Is safest for children and delicate ronU I I Remmbr the name FftLPY'fl 15ft! STY fili Tfl. . .-,' .. people. , f I - " u me genuine, as no other reaefo : Is so safe or as certain in results. , wey . " " BIvBn Da ta DU With tVswa. Mrs. . t. Cordier, of Manalngtoa, Ky., vrriteei MMy three yeaf oM girl had a severe ease of croup; the doctor eaid she could not Hve Editor Curad f Lbm Tm.i.1. W. t. eitrank r ... a. ad I gave her up to die. I went to the store aad rot a bottle of. TtoM Um affKUdm" h, - f 1 . TaniP I got wt and caught a FoIcy-b Honey mad Tar. The ant dose Kave nkk relief and ' soreeover m kJotJ?4 1 ,"'ctl it, thinking I would r ..V: aS Three stsss 15c, 50c, fl 00. The $9 omt aba eoatalos two and one-half Hm . w , s r 11.00 bottle abooet aia tlmT m-h VLaTi--84." uc.h aie and the - "wuunw. Cwia a tic:is:a by A T- H!I.L.; Druggist V.;..;' Xt-".PV't5!..-V-i'- . rue --, ,1M4- 1"'rt ' j ,. .