La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 04, 1905, Image 3

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T And W do jour wash easily
you should look over our line
- ?of
j ui ui im wiuium powaers witn me view oi ngntsning
1 your labor.- Our soap tin is complete and contain such
brands as . . ,
., . ........ . r i
- ' '-'. : ,
, , L
Possibly you hav heard talking machine" and hav not cared much" for them, but remember that there art
machine that reproduce only sound and noise; the sweetness, and the perfect expressson for which yju prize music
are reproduced onlv by the modern Edison Phonograph and the Edison Gold Moulded Records. Thess qualities dis
tinguish the Edison Phonograph from all it imitations. , Phonograph 10. 20 & 50 dollars.
In all your Holiday planning
think of books. They come the
nearer to being the universal
girt They art always accept
able and always appreciated.
In no other way can you invest
your holiday money that will
make it go so far and yield such
satisfactory results. Our pres
ent stock affords you an ample
selection of the world's literary
masterpieces in single books
M ... WWW. . . ,1. MW M i "
righted fiction is here, as also
the finest lot ofgift editions. Ox
ford Bibles. Teacher's Bibles,
prayer books, etc, we have ever
carried. Whenever possible we
sell books at less than the pub
lishers' prices.
...', Cigars
If he smokes,, probably .nothing
wiH please him' better than a
W of Ws' favorite" cigar. The
chances are that he buys his
. cigar here, sq we know what
brand he likes. Have holida,
boxes of 23 and SO cigar and
make reduced price by the box.
arr.y we
$1.00 per box up
now have
our entire line
.on display and w "
urge you to call and
'examine it as early as you
en and as often a you choose. ':,
We have an unusually good stock
this yeargifts from every clime and
quarter. We are certain that the assort
ment i the most extensive ever seen her. The
ft. M-fr4 VI. J..t.nH ... II..I. .
- - - - . . . . ,..vt w
than a hint of the beautiful
' . . ,, '. :': have
. . ". i J '; pro- -vided
In the
i f , mat- ; .
1 l '--J " tr of
p rice
"iicmtiti c. . have; ?.
to. We bought .
largelypaid cash and bought
for less than others and w
give you the earn advantage. If Mow
prica m flood good j what you want
i 4 1
yj you will certainly do your holiday shop-
' I .Din
, ping here. Plea make it a specie! point to tee
the stock while it is complete. If you eee any
thing you want to secure it will be la)d aside
if a small payment 1 mid. '
Christmas Cards
These make pretty token of
good will to send to distant
friends. Most of those we show
wera imported from Germany
and are extremty artistic
Pictures ' -
Thesa make superb gift. We
have a new line this year and
every one of them is a gem.
Many of them are reproductions
- fcl.. .. I.. . .14 . .
tors. SSe up to $18.00.
Smokers' Goods
Our magnificent assortment of
Meerschaum and briar Pipe i
the envy of every smoker.
Price very low. Hav cigar
to suit the most critical taste,
in boxes of 25 and 50. Special
price by the box,
Did you ever notice the man,
woman, or child, with a kodack,
what fun they seem to hav:
we are agent for the Eaetnon
Kodaks & supplies. '"
$2 up to $40
(Scrlppa News Association)
Washington. Dec. .4. Special . agent
Charle M. Pepper, of the Department of
Commerce and Labor, is just back, from
a tour through the Canadian Northwest
Just now, he says, the Canadians are
attempting to prevent the natural flow of
traffic from the Canadian Northwest
southwerd across the border into and
through the States.
A movement is underway.' he say.
to secure a dnty on Americarrough lum
ber imported into Canada equal to that
laid by the United States on Canadian
lumber imported into this country; that
is. $2 per thousand. If thi fails, the
aim is to obtain a tariff impost of some
kind so that the lumber shipments from
Washington and Oregon may be brought
within the provisions of the anti-dumping
With all the opposition to American
goods Mr. Pepper says ever factory is a
catalogue1, of American goods. A saw
mill in Vancouver, for instance, draw it
supplies a follow; steel plate. Wash
ington, Pa.; grindstones, Cleveland,yOhio;
mining macninery. Seattle, wash.; saw
gummers, Tacoma, Wash.; saw anvils.
i ronton, n. j.; menus for band saw,
Brooklyn, N. Y.; and fir brick, Troy N
Try This
Plan: -
Make a memorandum of thole whom You will lend; presents, i In looking over thi or any bf our sueeeedina ad if
you get suggestions of gift suitable for some of those on your list. note thn opposite the name, then when you 'com
in to so the goods you can concentrate your attention an the Uneslou have noted. Try this plan this year.
Christmas Tree Trimmings
. t f t t ' ' f f . J I T
We have everything yon ed arui.ouipric( evr the low
est to be had, ' Colored paraffin candles. 16 to. 4
box, according to'sizo! 'Candla holder; ' 'Oar
. .Ouiair.nt., XcmU wreath.. ..............J facy. blottor , etc.
These are always desirable gifts and the lino afford
wide selection as to nifca. Firie box t4nrVianr
arlands. f Weights! ink well, fountain! atig loldt eni 'dejf MtL
. . . - Shavlnl Supplle....., ..,..,.
If h doesn't hay himlf gjy him 4. fiUotor tShritty
Safely Razor, the beat rtaors made. (Per set $5.00 up-
Alw.hav thaflno ordinary razors, fctrops, jhugs, shav-
Implement. etc.
Desk Accessories :
.Th purest
, alTM the favorite varietiekome beautiful holly
boxes Just tl4 thing to send to your lady friend. 40c
ing soap", lotion. oW Don' ovtrlooi tMaliria. iV iiJ. 'pr ttox'Sp;'' j ' ;
, . u '.-crfti Rx i ,u?.''
' an i . a .AM- lib , .u..:,!. r V..'.... . v -.u.
a good pocket knife. Our areallruarjhite9d4a, of perfumojif it i of. U ihigh.quJljty.J,yQU
factory. Also ' h'avt" ckrving er,heVHfcwmawtfif havo fin toilet .wator. Coiogn atomn
jar, odor, satai etc. ii
250th Anniversary
London, - Dec. 4. A notabl dinner
take plac at th Hotel Great Central
tonight In celebration of the 250th anni
versary of th resettlement of th Jews
in England. Leading Jew throughout
th United Kingdom will attend. It was
on thi date, in 1855. that Oliver Crom
well, on the intersession of Menasseh ben
Israel th Amsterdam rabbi, granted
permission to the Jew to return to Eng.
land. " V
Jewish Day of Mourning
; Chicago. I1L Deo. 4. Th most general
observance of ite , kind that ha taken
plac in this country since the death of
President McKinly take place today
when th Jew everywhere observe the
day a a day of mourning for their afflict
ed brethren in Russia. Th observance
it th rult of an appeal issued by the
Central Conference of American Rabbi
through it president, Rabbi Joseph Stoltz
of thi city. ' ,' v -v, -. r y,.-.
Killed Wrpnil Man
or a. ra. unittim was caned ror trial laday.
Chittim, who is a well known stockman
barged with murder, thi charge grow
But of the killing of. a.tfaveling sales-
man mrhllo" Chittim wa shooting t
another party.
Goods on which a small ayment4aabeeir made :. will hi laid
Alway a good gift'
' Bibles, Teachers'
cove Biblee, etc. An ample im of
prayer book. Hymnal, book of de
votion, Church goods. Eta ',
Bibles Cames and Toys
We hav Oxford W hav a separate depart-
Bibles, Flexible ment for children's gifte and it
include all the new a wall as '
all th old favorite toys, games,
to. " .
Fancy Goods
We hav all the latest things in fancy
good. Boxe for handkerchiefs, Ribb
bons. Trinkets, Neckties. Gloves, u
"pender. gloves, etc." Also fih"trays
candle, picture frame, etc.
Christmas Cards and Booklets.
' ' ir.on in touch with old friends nd acquaintances by sending them om little reminder at Christmas tim. For thi
purpos w hav a lot of beautiful Christina Cards, Booklet, tc., ('Som of them ar artistic gems. f Have them at
anv once you care to pay. f, . "
Leather Goods Toilet Articles? '
Some new things in this line you will want to ee Vanity Brushes, Mirrors and Toilet Set whas better gifts?
bass Fifth A venu bags, and a large variety of othr Have them, mounted on. Silver, Oriental pearf.' Antique
new bags pocket books, purses,, bill books, music rolls, ivory, stag, ebony and th finest natural wood. Quality
etc. You cannot match our price. . 1 " of th best and th price reasonable on all. , -
Stationery Items ' . New Dolls
Many beautiful and useful gift In this line. . Fancy box W hav a regular Doll beauty show in our children'
rs with holly decoration for th -holiday. Papr dpartmnt Too many ' different; kinde of dell to
weight, fountain pen, gold pen, fancy ink well. Port- j numrato them her. Price, low on all of them. .
folio, ate . - ' ' I ' j -
;::Qwen Retired i ; ,
(Scrippa New Aasuiuatloni nw,' '-
Wahington(.De. 4-Major William 0
Owea. in th mtdjear department tof the
army and now on duty, at the Presidio of
Monterey' California,. ha been, placed on
the cotirok list on accpum of-'disability
Ueuteeant Charle N.. Barney. assistant
surgeon, on duty in. th Phillidpinee. has
been ordered horn and will go fen Fort!
Bayard, N. M., for hi health. a -
' a i . .. i. . . '
New, : Trust Company
iflorlpps News Association) '
i New York, Dec. 4.-The newly organ
ized Columbia Trust Company beean
business today with a ' paid in capital of.
$1,00,000 and a surplus of $ 1. 000,000
Many prominent rnen r interested in
the new institution, among them ar At
torney ' General William H. Moody and
A. B. Hepburn, former Comptroller of the
Currency. .
Cakes Golden Star, Silk, Crystal White Laundry,
Luckel's Borax, felvNaptha, Wool Peet's
1 Defender and IVo Rub soaps
Our toilet .aps ar th best on the market A full I'm
of all the prominent brand of washing powders. Our
. own delivery Ukes your order to your door almost a
' ' soon ai urdore. '
Jj& Grande Oregon
Better Lumber and Cheaper than it sold In
U Grand, We deliver it to your building
Grande Ronde Lumber Co
Our new machinery and additional hlp will nabl us to do famP "
lly washing CHEAPER. QUICKER and BETTER than you can doit
yourself. We call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special
ty of rush order work. Give us a trial and y:u will not be bothrd
through the winter with Tamily washing." T - .,
. ee
: a. a. u : i
: Y.I 3 WH&SIkta 7Y T IO i
I General Blacksmith, Hors
"2 efo7 Th"?itzgra1
Shoing and Wagon Work. Manufact-
Ltfrfoll?rMdWin. tot MA'
I, i ,
'fT7'JSn,tv ui'P.iiii..,l.
Notice is hareby given that the partner'
ship existing between J. A, Garity tt Ben
Brown known under th firm nam i
J. A. Garity & Company has been dit-
solved. All partis knowing themselves
indebted to th above named firm . will
pleat call at their offic and settle before
January 1st, 190S. as all account muit
b settled by that tim. " ;
J. A.Gahity,
Bu Brown.
lieaitny, happy babies. . Mothers say
that Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea it
th greatest baby medicine in th world
Make them strong, well and activ. SS
cent, Tea or Tabiet. NtffLiN Oruo Co.
Thpricof a pretty face is $1.00
three package of Hsilister' Rocky
Mountain Tea bring red lip, bright ys
and lovely color. 1$ cent, Tea or Tablet.
KnUtlj DMXt, ft.
WartH. Omclia. Van.
men?, Ht. Lwk, cbi-
nose as
PorUaad, Dtilvi, Pea
tlaa. Wall, Walla,
fu, Wuw, Mpukane,
mma ocmiiu rmt aaa
nufta viaupolcare
HartlaMl. Dillea, Wn
dlaton, UmHtilla, wal
tala, humutm, Co'lei,
Uoftuw. walwc. war-
Mr, HpokBn, aiKI Umt
Pomu mm itnu mono
XaUad City, lie!, Im
btr and . '4pm. Com-
n IHM at fcl.D m IM
tor point ak
If rmir tlokU rad ,. the IVmw
, anil Rio Hihii- Dillt lu
Line t the wwld" r j
iiEOAUsE :
fj araaomaur snente att t mii
JkiIdu of lutrnwl Ion tba ne
rnOln and Dtnwt t tat ilu dtp
sever tNoam tlrewue .
Ifyoo are coin aeat, write (or lfn.
niatloo and cat a pretty booir'Uiat (nil
let! you all about It ,
. W C McBRIDE, Agent.
124 Third St
'ortlajrd - OrgC
t t n ' s
Stock Holders Meeting
O-aaa Mtaawara bln n ai aa
J Praomparv"'
. & O. muokk. aaat
Am O, Qea. Agea
Notic i hereby given that there wt
b a meeting of th stock holder of th
La Grand Commercial Club Building;
Association, in th library of th Com
mercial Club building on Tuesday, Dec
embers th.,1 903, at eight o'clock p. ntr
for th purpose of electing a board
fiv driactor. .
Wet. Millbr, Passion
Niwun Dua Co.