A FAIR JUDGj J D. H. STEWARD, Manager and Proprietor SIX NIGHTS and SAT. ? , MATINEE H. L LEA V ITT. Presents FOR SIX N1C1TS AND MONDAY. DEO. THE GREAT AND COMPANY OF PERFORMERS ASSISTED BY FLORENCE McEYVEN, Queen of Illusionists. s The Great McEwen wili cure the sick. make the blind eee. the deaf hear, the lame walk and cure any obnoxious habit by hypnotism. 10c, 20c, 30c SEATS ON SALE FOR WINTRR Our new machinery and additional help will enable us to do fami ly C::ZArr.?, C.,!C' I RETTER than you can do it yourself. We call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work. ; Give us a trial and y:u will not be bothered through the winter with family washing. ' " A S Ge STEAM LAUNDRY . ' WiONE Main 7 ''l: ; La Grvnfc. i i OiPfn. CP jfP PtaniKV fMOIflT Lift! w llmon Vacatu DKPAKT I urn Krhtiiui LA I.KAKDi., jiK nut -t I mil. Dei tt, Kl irtb. ouml'H. knit L--,City, L loiita, jt-i; t-un mud. o W; rm- I r'3, Vtnlia Vmlia, ify'ir, I'linwroK Co;. ', MiMCOW, aii. nd Miiiit rt and irli via pnk.e 6:90 ia. I'orHnnd, Italic, f i !ltim. 1 m ilill. vi lula. Lnam, lu'ir, Mcmr. A slim. i- 81M f. m. ion, HpokaiM and iHhtr tHjiuu acn our i) -la poenne - 1 Ulai.d Clir. In hiel 'lid .iu. Cor fir 1'nbft at t.lr u w ti DU) el fcl&a m "Noli U . hit UDM o h O nn WW mcr brliiw iiru a y. E.C MOO'tE. Airenl A CI O'l. An . When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and produce no griping or other unpleasant effect. ; Sold by Newlin Drug Co. Healthy, happy babies. Mothers say that Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the greatest baby medicine in the world Makes them strong, well and active. 3 cents, Tea or Tabiets- Newlin Druo Co. you If ILL HI ' W If V TT Itl'kM ft and ln I4raui RklU Lio 01 tbe world" tlir IVuer la "Hoenle UEOAUSE r me ate so nmny eenie ;" notntj of lulT4t loot the never BeooaMi Urawme wilroe all about U W C McBRIDE, Agent, I9A Third St, . NO I ijnua m 5 Pliilfll In aiiiaSi mtma fa Snii 1 il iliiTi I iTmi I STARTING MONDAY DECEMBER 4 SATURDAY MATIIVEE : w Better and brighter a than ever. Every- thing new. Magic, Hypnotism, Mind- a reading, continuous performance. Some J thing doing every a minute AT VAN BUREN'S J WAH NV, " We'tr In a Position tooffaT you'ifie'besr IheTmarket affords il tne way xf meatsj And our prices, you know, are always the lowest ! We handle only prime stock. Quality and quantity guaranteed.Fine roasting pieces of beef 3 and9. First' class mutton, jveal, pirk and poultry 'equally low. Can't do better anywhere. Sfandy Russell bLLRipreClAtTY Fall vegetables of all kinds at the lpwest current prices. Our -apples, are especially full from 60c to $1.00 a box. E dollar , box gets you the best apples to found in town. Watch for our new wagon which goes by your door daly. SEATTIE GROCERY COMPANY ZUNDEL & LAWSON. Cleared For Action When the body Is cleared and ready for action, by Dr. King's New Life Piils, you can tell it by the bloom of health on the cheeks; the brightness of the eyes; the firmness of the flesh and muscles; the buoyancy of the mind. Try them, at Newlin Drug Store, 25 cents. ; All women should strive to be beautiful. Beauty rules mankind. ' Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea brings red lips, bright eyes and cream-like complexion. ' So cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Co. Practical '.unsmith , Repairs Strictly Fi"stdass'; Tuns restotked ' : Kys fitted tu door Lo ksj WM. AGNEW : 1 Adms Am M Why La Orange Should BE THANKFUL The question may be asked, "what La Grande has to be thankful for?". That may be easily answered. La Grande has been blessed with so many good things since last Tnanksgiving that they can scarcely be enumerated. Beginning with the largest blessing, we may be tnankful that the county seat is located here. As a result there have been many fine residences erected during the past twelve months, and new business blocks have arisen. Let us be thankful for these. Let us not forget our blocks of splendid cement sidewalks both in the business and residence districts. Let us SOCIETY HE13HBORS400D CLUB RHCEPTION. Tre music lovers of La Grande were given a rare treat last evening through ut ;f . Mrr M.iinrw, The event be:ng the fi.-st of the season's open m let'ngs given by the Neighborhood Club. Mrs Branholt. to whom is due much of :he euccats of the entertainment, gave a very interesting talk on Russian com pters and their music. The first number on the program was a duet, "Folk Melodies" by Mrs. Lyle and Mrs. Laughlin, which they rendered In a most pleasing manner. Other numbers followed which were equally as good. The music was excellent and highly ap preciated by those present A splendid social, as well as musicia! success re warded the members of this prominent club. Punch and wafers were served in the reception hall. . ADDRESS BY MRS. BRENHOLT ; The work of the Neighborhood Club this year follows the outlines given by the Bay View Study course. The sub- j it being Russian and Japan we , come today to tie study of the Russian com pojjrs and thair work. Since 'the proper study of mankind 'is man" the prjpar study of musicians must be mus e. So wi have asked you to come this evening to enjoy wth us the music of the Russian masters. All the tr bos of the Slavoman race have numerous popular folk songs and Russian like the anc ent Slav loves song and mus e. Some philologists claim that Russia has the largest collection of these popular airs of any European nation. They have songs for war, for love, for festivals and for all occasions of family rejoicing, the most papular of these are remarkable for their plaintive melancholy and tenderness. They have preserved the ancient rhythm as well as the an cient instrumj.its with 'which to ccomp any their songs. i .. , !( . "As character is known to be influenced by the physicial geography of a country so a'si art' the primitive arts. , The monotony ar.d length of the old epics ar counterparts of the physical formation of Russia and the union key in which most draarinass of that vast territory. These old; sngs , jre the aristocracy of Russian music and from them have c?m3 the folk sangs, the church music and the modern opera. Before t.ia time of Catherine It all church music was sung in unison. She established an institution in St Peters burg for the training of voices for the Imperial Ciupel. Bass voices were in demand, the ages ranging from seven to forty years, and these singers were not oily liberally paid, but when worn out were psnsionl One test of requisite strength was to place the singer in a room and if he succeeded in breaking the glass w:tii his voice he was accepted. Among the famous composes who have helped to mike Russia's musical reputa tion what It is, we may notice a few fam iliar names. Glinka may be considered the founder of Russian musical culture as he was the first to give form and direc tion to the scittering national airs. He was also the first to produce an ' opera with both the subject and music Russian. After his work there was a vigorous growth in musical culture in Russia. Fol lowing Glinka came Rubenstein, a Jew by birth, a German by education and Russian by adoption and sympathy. By his gen ius ha raised the fame of Russia music to a height it had never reached before, and eid much for the advancement of musiea! education by establishing schools and conservatories throughout Russia. For twenty-eight years he devoted the pro ceeds of his charite concerts, amounting to about a quarter of a million, to good works. In 1812 ha v'sited America and made most mem. r.bi tvur of tn United States being received everywhere be thankful for the great harvest Just completed in Grande Ronde valley. Let u be thankful that we do not live n Wisconsin, or the other snowbound north em states, and while we may not enjoy the skift of snow this day, let us be thankful that it is no worse. Let us re turn thanks for the harmony that has ex isted in almost every instance in the city and county government; and for the har mony between the religious and social or ganizations. Let us forget our trivial troubles and return thanks that we are all alive and residents of the state of Oregon, with enthusiasm. His later years were spent in Russia crowned with many henors. He Spent his time teaching and giving concerts in the principal cities of Europe. He was a player of masterful moods and possessed a delightfully ex pressive toneh.' His integrity as a man. his purity of character, his enthusiasm for his art and the fact that he never, broke his word, made his death at the compara tively early age of sixty-four a calamity to the world of music. , Tschaikowsky, a pupil of Rubenstein's ! w-.I..;i th; rr" mtr of Rus sian music and he has preserved in his compositions the old national airs and their wild, wierd strains run throughout his works. Chopin has added greatly to Russia's musical fame and his gentle rapturous music is beloved wherever known. Of Polish French descent he combined the delicate finish of the artist with the self respect and dignity of the aristocrat Although his works All only a few slender volumes, they stand unrivalled for indi viduality of etyle, combining intensity of feeling with the highest finish. Russia claims many others of lesser fame as composers and shares with Po land the greatest living pianist Pader- ewski. In the program this evening we have endeavored to have tbe best of Russia's composers represented beginning with a collection of the aatient folk tongs. J rom Oregon The Mt Pleasant Utah Pyramid says of E. J, Conrad of this valley: E. J Conrad, formerly one of Sanpete county's most prominent, citizens but now near La Grande. Oregon, cam down from that state last week, reaching here on Saturday. He hat been at Chester since that time arranging for a settlement and final disposition of the estate left by hit brother, Ben Conrad, who died a short time ago. The property will be probated of course, but what will be done with It is not known. '" " - i Mr. Conrad it In the thorougbred stock stock business in Oregon at the preserjt time and is doinn well.' He ie quite well pleased with that country, but tayt it ia not to much better than Utah. In- sorrj respects he perfers Oregon and in. others uian is ine oei a short tims A'wayj Accommodating You will always And us accommodating. Try us and see if we are not ever ready to ODiige, ana our prices are ngnt. jjlAT. Hiu .prescription druggii. ft roH UUUUI THE UIO THROAT PR. EtlEW in pnnn J Vj . S FOR CHAS. EBY, SR., of Elizabeth, 111, wrltesi 1 pprj out over $160 to local phy sicians, who treated me for La Grippe without giving me any relief. I afterward bought a 51.0O bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY and after taking contents of this one bottle I was entirely cured." - Pries 53c tad $1.09 AnnOMJTftLY OIlARAnTnUPT Trtd Bj!t!a Fr.i zzzz 2 ewlin 13 rug Company STANIELS Dealers in Wall Paper, HAY, GRAIN Art our specialties. Our feed roller is working steadily to supply the demand for good feed. We have on hand a lot of fine wild and timothy hay which we can sell you either by the bale or carload. The quality of our fuel it too well known to need description. We have two wagons and all they have to da is to deliver your order as toon at it it received at the office. Grande Ronde Cash Company, Jefferson Avenue. xieuuj WITH A FILL LINE OF We are ready to buy all kinds of hay and grain, and pay the highest market prices. HO. OLIVER Slater Building JEFFERSON AVE Ma.n 57' CL01i.ES CLEANED J The tame old stand but a new management." 'Take 'your suit to A the same place, and have another man clean and press It the way it should bt. - Harvey doet the clean- and pressing and does It right. An- .other strong feature about hit sys- tern is that his prices are correct. Remember " the place, next door to the commercial club. Ladies gents clothing cleaned, dyed, press ed and repaired. S W. E. Harvey.' Stock Holders' Mtet'ng kNotiee jsJiereby, given trja .hera . wll be a meeting of the stock holders of ' trie La Grande Commercial Club Building Association, tn the library , of (he .Com mercial Cfub building on' Tuesday,' Dec- ember6th.,1906,. at eight o'clock p. m. for the purpose of ; electing a board. of five driectors. ," "''' i yS,: ( Wjfc fAlLLJtR,. PfitSIDBITf KESf'.CyRElfifl WONDER WORKER 0 0MSU rJ3CTDaXi s:id o r.ic:r:H::iD Of wall paper will not be overrulled by a higher court if he decided that the inter ior decorations furnished by Staniels & Jarman ard at tached to your wails and ceilings by their skilled art i&ons, were the best obtain able for anywhere near their prich. The patterns ws display, our taste in combining colors and our "stickiag" ab.lity will bear comparison. & JAKMAM, Paints, Cils, Class, Etc AND FUEL FEED. HAY AND GRAIN G. E. FOWLER Truck and 1 Transfer Wood and Coal ;jm cUi mr . - PHONE 1611 J m All Orders given prompt attention The Exact Th'ng Required? For . Constipation ; "As :a ''certain purgative 'arid smach purifier Chamberlain's Stomach an Liver Tablets seem to be the exact thing re quired. strong snogh for thj'most fobust, yet mild enough and safe for the children and without that terrible griping to com mon .to most purgatiyeVtiay R. SC Web ster & Co., Udora, Ontario, Canada. For sale by Nswl'.h Druo Co.'''i A Vl AND LUTJCG V cy zzz: 4 m t ! : PortUrd ' Oregci