i " Pi I The Golden . . 5 I Is Complete in every detail, more than Thirty Great I Departments filled scription and now Living Prices. DRY GOODS. SHOES, HATS ISHINGS, MATERIALS FOR FANCY WORK, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES AND MITTENS.. LADIES' AND MISSES' TAILOR MADE COATS and SKIRTS, LADIES' TRIMMED HATS, GHILDRENS' HATS and CAPS, FURS. SCHOOL SUPPLIES. TOILET SOAPS and PERFUMES, TOYS, TINWARE, GLASSWARE, GRANITEWARE, I : CH,A. f Ar.KFRY. STOVES jl TOOLS, SPORTING GOODS, WOOD and WILLOWWARE, WASHING MACHINES. J; SEWING MACHINES, TRUNKS and VALISES. Golden Rule Company I' 1308, 1310, 1312 Armi Avenue. Lnraesst Stor Smallest Pricei P A 'PR ON IZE HOME INDUSTRY j Smoking KEY WEST PERFECTO THE VISTA OR AD A I and C. B. Cigars Manufactured by C. E. $40 M JIT GIVEN AWAY Or-C'31 .-Every $f c h pu'craf, or paid on accocnt en titles you lo a chance. ..' .. ., '.;' .!; .i;!.ii W;1? ri,'! 'j j:an,' .COMMON ING; ON , NOVEMBER .1 SI IT CUB WINNERS TlNkktion . $35 Sutt New Club A I.. AN DREWS '; , H .h-t-'i.' nr nd filler PARENTS AND TEACHERS Do you know that the health, happiness and progress of hundreds of children it hampered by weak eyes? u v W Dr. F. B. The Eye Specialist t Office at HOTEL SOMMER. Examination FREE J Tuesday and Wednesday Nov. 28-29 THE FALL SEASON IS MOW AT ITS' HEIGHT AND Rule Company's Stock jl with Seasonable offered to the trade at the Lowest AND CAPS, CLOTHING, LADIES' AMD MEN'S FURN AND RANGES. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. HARDWARE, ( Factory Corner ' ' Adams '' Avenue HACKMAN, se?" 'Wd I Pendleton, Or.. Nov. 1. '05 To the public: Owing to constant headache, dizziness and nervousness, my daughter Hazefwas "obliged "to" be out of school a great deal during the last winter and early spring. As the glasses she was wearing failed to give her any relief, 1 took her to Dr. F, B. Dayton. The glasses he gave her had the de sired effect. After a short time the suffered no more from head ache nor dizziness, and her nerv ous system repaired rapidly. The good results have proven perman ent and we are well pleased. Mrt. T. M. Keller. 801 Lillith St. Dayton goods of every de- SOCIETY FOUR HUNDRED ONE The 401 club was pleasantly enter tained by Miss Mayme Reith, Monday evening. Progressive peanuts was the amusement for an hour. Lillian McCall carried off the pretty little souvenir. Car men Stoddard was delighted with the booby, . , The Christian Endeavor society will give a vegetable eocial at Mr. Golithan'e home on Adams Avenue, Wednesday eve ning, Nov. 29. This promises to be one of the most entertaining of the year. . An excellent program has been prepared and a pleasant evening Is assured all who go. . ...... AT MRS BACONS't ; , ,,,!, , Mrs.'CT. Bacon entertained a number of her friends . with whist Monday after noon in honor of Mrs C. S. Dunphy, of Parma; Idaho, who it visiting her.. : Mrt .Al Andrews won the first prize with a score . of sixty. Mrs. Lyle won second with a score of 66. - Those present were: Mesdames Jean Moore, Bock. Lyle, Andrews. C. S. Dunn, L. Dunn. Given, Thomas, E. Edmonds, Leonard. Bartlett, Slater, Van Buren, Myers, Oilman. Buehler, Shea, Molitor, Conkey. Reavis, Grady, Bohnenkamp. Ash. Dunphy, Newlin. Collier, Causey, and Misses Newlin and Bohnenkamp. Oregon Pioneer Ontario. Nov. 23. T. L Arnold, a high ly respected and prominent farmer and stockman of Beulah, died Sunday of pneumonia, aged 64 years. Tne came to Malheur county 30 years ago and has resided in this section continuosly tince that time. One More On List (Scrlpp News Association) Sedalit. Mo., Nov. 58 Robert Brown aged 1 6 years, died this morning of foot ball injuries. Marriage Licenses County Clerk J. B. Gilham following marriage licenses issued from his office: William Aldred tn t H, Chandler, both of Elgin, on November 25. C. Q. Coalwell to Nora Ratliff, both of Perry. November 25. Emma England to Jesse C. Davit, both of Union, on Nov ember 29. Recorder's Court Harry Perry, who hat been working the Elgin extension, came ud to town lt night, and after painting hie nose a' rosy nue, proceeoeo to decorate the town with the same brilliant dye. This morning he en ten dollars with the city recorder cover the expense of hit good time. to LOCAL ITEMS Mrt. J. Hug it up from Elgin today. Mrt. Bertha Sommer came up from Portland last evening and left for Elgin. Mrt. Charlet Melquist came up from Portland last evening and it in the city. John Stuber and George Tiffany, of AliceL came up on latt night's train and are in the city today on business. L. J. Hazelwood, John Hallgarth, F. F. Bussan and Eugene F. Hugall, of Elgin, came up last night and are in the city today. Attorney u j. uavis, or union, can-e over thie morning and is in the city today on legal business. P. Loftns and A. J. Sullivan, well known residents of Starkey. are down to day on business. J. R. Ellingford. of Imblsr, is in the city today, having come up last night on the Elgin train. The railroad company is preparing the company ice house for the reception of the annual ice harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stephenson left thit morning for North Powder to visit their eon. Earl, who has a ranch near that place. C. D. Hoffman, secretary of the North western rruiigruweie m.mmawuu. n.i in the city thie morning, and" announced that he it receiving letters daily from dif ferent states stating they intend to at tend the meeting. Many eastern com mission men also state they will come. La Grande hat been overrun the patt few dayt with thoe string merchants. For the benefit of those who have not been waited upon by thAe dealers we will explain that a thoe string merchant it one who goet from .house to house tell ing a hard luck story and offering to tell shoe ttrings to the lady of the house for the small sum of a quarter. T.iree of these sore footed gentry called at the same house today. Large Orchard Dufur, Ore. Nov. 28. One firm con templates putting out an apple ' orchard of 600 acres, and several individuals are talking about 60 and ,100 acre orchards. The apples displayed at the Lewis and Clark Fair attracted frvorable attention and were declared superior to those ex hibited from other sections. This fact largely determined the firmers to enter into apple-growing s a business. Bg Daman s (Scrlpps News Association) Butte, Nov. 28. The supreme curt has confirmed the judgment of $25 003 awarded Martin Burke, a. miner, whose hands'Vrera burned to stunaps by com ng in contact with a poorly insuiated wire in the Colusa Parrott mine. , It is the largest award for damages in the history of the state. t . - ; ; j ......... r A. u i. - r I II -m'7bAJLjejS- i v. r Mb nvr 'TV ft i-, - r I The more jou know about Wr cioWS tie better tou neea not ce a ciotmnj salesmen an opportunity to show yoj. ; They will consider It a MEN'S SUITS. $18 TO $30 WANTED Potatoes, Hay, Oats, Apples We pay Highest Market Prices for all Produce , A car of strictly fresh eggs to arrive Saturday, Nov, 26. We quote these to the trade at $8 per case of 50 doz. A fresh cantonment of fancy white clover honey from Cali fornia which we sell to the trade at $3.25 per case. We have a lot of No. 2 apples which can be bought here at a very low price. Oregon Produce Company ? Died at tint Like Henry H. Voorhers. aged about 45 years, died yesterday morning early at tie Hot Dake sanatorium. Very little is known concerning the man other than that hs came here from Lswiston, Idaho, where he has a 12 year o'd son. Letters found on the deid man's body ind;cate that he has a daugV.sr in Qiiir Rip ds. Iowa, and evidently a wife, although it is believed mm tie u,u .wt I'.vc "'it1: !v .family. He had come to Hit Lake sever al days ago for his health but steadily de clined until he died. Nj arrangements have yet been made as the family in Iowa has been communicated with, and until they are heard trom nothing can be done. "The body is now at Henry & Carr's undertaking parlors in this city. Large Stock The Blue Mountain Marble and Granite works probably has the largest stock of marble and granite ever on sale in Eastern Oregon. On the floor at their show room there are 150 designs on dis play. All grades of stone from all parts of the country are represented. Not all of these designs are machine made, by any means, as thsre are three expert marble workers employed all of the time designing and cutting. Tais enables the purchaser to have just what they want made at home. Bab, Dies f Violet, the four months old daughter of 'M. and Mrs, W. E. Scull, who reside in m north part of town, died yesterday of whooping cough. Tne funeral will be ai'.i today. ,.. ' Indiana .Mob - . . (Scrlpps Newt .Association) , ,. B'.oo.nington. lr.a., Nov.. 23. A posse this rr)oi7g; sueejeded in sorrcunding a negfo and theh shot him Wdath; who yesterday in a quarrel fatally wounded Jon Waltz. jST&IN-BLOCB' SMART CLOTHES . expert to detect its' merit - privilege and you will not Nol-ce ol Settlement As we have sold the Horseshoe Chop House we will consider it a favor if those in debt to us will please call and settle on or before December 1. 1905. All ac counts dus the Horseshoe prior to Nov ember 6, 1905, are due and payable to us. and we w 11 pay all accounts owed by vie firm prior to that date. L. S. and W. W. Pollock. Notice it hereby given you that my wife having left my home without just cause ' or provocation, from and after thit date, I will in no way be responsible for any debts that she may comtract Dited at Island City this, the 6th. day '. of November. 19J5. Joseph Anson. When The Turkey . Corms To you in our restaurant you will have a triple feast. Your eyes will feast on its tempting appearance.,. Your npstrila will feast on its appstizing odor.-Your palate will feast on ih AaVmata lliuiw 4 J.'ilV taii.'g It .Vi ill be a joy to te remembered. With all this in prospect, what's the good of bothering -with home-dinner." Spend Thanksgiving here a. d be happy. The, Model KestVuraat ' J "A'Aibuik, .Proprietor aeP wlclv j cn Tr.iiUlckrUfor'P4 3v. NU MUHT you uill eppreclate It I if you will tut ive our ! be urSed to purchase I OVERCOATS, $29 TO $35 1 """"""""""" '"'HtvWmvtHMIMMMIMI.r.