La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 24, 1905, Image 1

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Vl'p.! h T Probab'y falr this aftenoon tonir'.t
,UUll!vl and tomorrow.
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Death Sentence
(Scrlpps News Ainoclatlon) ' :
Sacramento. CaL, Nov. 24. The jury
n th case of J. VY. Finley, who it charged
- with assault on Guard Murphy', while
v trying a life sentence, for murder at
Folsom last year, rendered a verdict of
guilty today at noon. Judge Hart passed
the death sentence to take effect Decem
ber 2. Finley is the first of the surviv
ors of the Folsom breaker to be tried
Others are to follow.
' Cabinet As Ymb'es
- (Scrlpps News Association)
London. Nov. 24. The cabinet assem
bled at noon today. Ail members excei t
Lord Salisbury were present" It is under
stood that the cabinet has decided to ap
peal to the people. - The suggestion that
the cabinet resign, was read, but was
declared unfavorable because of the at
titude of the Liberals. ' ....
Fxecution Stayed
(Scrlpps News Association)
Salem, Ore.. Nov. 24. Hollister Me
gordon, sentenced to die on the gallows
this morning at the state penitentiary, se
cured a stay of execution from the circuit
nwt nfMalhxw ivwmtv whom ha a
convxted last" night Preparation's for
the execution had . been made and the
death sentence was to be carried out at
. V
. ..... M-
An unusual opportunity for supplying Thanksgiving needs at prices that makes
a strong appeal to the economically inclined. In this GRAND THANKSGIVING OF
FERING are included all the arrivals fresh from the best markets, in the world.
Your wqnts, be tiey small or large, can be supplied at a saving during this' sale.
$10.00 Suits
$13.60 Black
., out.....;
$16l.00 Black
$18.50 Suits in
satin lining,
When table linen needs are suggested
that you can buy GOOD LINEN at a
;-A goodly assortment in Kirschbaum perfect fitting and guaranteed suits
: at Special prices this sale. $10.00 All Wool SuiU in Worsted and
Cheviots, this sale - ' $8.85
X $12.60 uitsthis sale ......
$15.00 Suits, this sale
etc. etc.
(Scrlpps News Association) , 4
Annopolis, Nov. 24 Just after the pro
secution in the Meriwether case restei its
case this afternoon, Lieut Commander R.
Robbinson, for the accused, moved that
the court martial order the body of
Branch be exhumed and examined. The
jidge advocate suggested that the per
miitsion of-the family of the deceased t
first obtained. Admiral Ramsey an
nounced that the court had decided to
grant the request for autopsy. The- de
fence asked that naval surgeons Ames
and Cotenwod be present The auuopsy
will probably be held tomorrow. '
Warehouse Fire
(Scrlpps News Association)
Bakersfield. Calif.. Nov. 24. The stor
age warehouse on the SantaFe reserva
tion owned by the Kern .County t-ana
"Company, was destroyed by fire early
this morning. Defective wiring was the
cause. Loss $100,000.
Absolutely every Ladies' Tailored Suit in our stock at a liberal price reduction during this sale
We can only mention a few. ', - ,. v .
27 inch Box Back Jackets Satin lined in natty styles, Mannish Mixtures, $7.50
Cloth Suits, & length Jackets with Extra Good Quality serge lining through-'.
:..i.v:.v .:.. ,.. ..$11.00
Broadcloth Suits, silk trimmed and lined, 27 inch fitted back jackets, $.50
nobby Mannish Mixtures In Black. Brown,
this sale .,
to you remember
saving here.
. - ..... .
This does notmein one or two lines, but every hat in'our
stock, at an enormous saving. About 6 down ladies'
$1.00 fo $1.60 Felt Walking Hats, choice . 25C
ui n.tAnut. uctivn UUU!xri. OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1905. - NUMBER 21
1 111 11 - .. ,-. ,.
Pleads Guilty
(Scrlpps, Newg Association)
Peoria, 111.. Nov. 24-Newton C
Dougherty, ex-president of the National
Educational Association, and ex-superintendent
of the Peoria sdhooli, and x
president of the First National bank of
Peoria,; pleaded guilty to the charge of
embezzlement this morning. He was
given an indeterminate sentence in Joliet
lias A Ounce
(Scrlpps News Association)
. Chicago. Nov. 24. Marshall Field's
doctors posted a bulletin this morning at
a o clock saying. "Pulse Bo, temperature
92,!. Chance for recovery." r
Anoth r Bank Robbed
- -
(Scrlpps News Association) -
Mendon, 0., Nov. 24. Robbers entered
the bank of this city last night and dyna
mited the safe and it is reported that
they secured $75,000.
Grain Markets.
(BcrSppa News Association)
Chicago, Nov. 24. Wheat opened at
83?; closed, 83bY ' corn opened
44,1$, closed, 44 V; oats opened 29;
Portlandrflov. 34. Wheat bluestem
76; club. 70; valley. 76T ,
Blue and Greon, 62 inch coats with T
, $15.50
Penitentiary Outb eik
(Scrlpps News Asxoclatlon)
Jefferson City Mo Nov. 24 A riot
broke out in the Missouri penitentiary
this afternoon at 3:50. Hall and Yard
Master Galvin were on the road to
Leavenworth Kansas with ' federal
prisoners, who were ordered by the gov
ernment from here to that place. The
citizens have been called upon for he!p
and they are responding promptly. The
whole city is terrified.
The prisoners are. riding through the
streets in a wagon followed by c.tizens
who are firing at them. The prisoners
are holding the driver at bay. ,with a 44
revolver at his head, as the reporter filed
this dispatch. Tne prisoners fired at the
reporter, the bullet passing just ovjr his
head. No one can shoot at the prisonars
in the wagon w'thout killing thj driver.
Captain R. W. Allison, in charg) of the
prison commissary dopartment is rjparted
to have been killed. .The prisoners blew
their way out with nitro glycerine.
Montana Frauds
Sorlppe News Association)'
Helena Mont Nov. 24 United States
Attorney Rash, today . instituted equity
in the federal court against a number o.
Montana corporations and iniiyiduils, to
set aside 23 patents to 401M) acres
land secured upon what is known as "tht
Hyde and Benson forest reserve script,
Alleging fraud. -The land is in various
parts of the state and verv valuable
Among the "defendants are Hyde am'
ienson, of California; Senator Clark'i
Western Lumber and Amalgamated Cop
per company; The Blackfoot Milling Co
Tne Conrad Investment Co; Former
Senator Hobson and others. Tne mar
thai is now serving the papers on the
defendants. .
Pendleton Robbery
(Scrlppa News Association) -Pendleton
Nov, 24 A package con
tairring $1,000 in currency is missing
from the office of tNe Pacific Expresi
?ompany of this city. Boyd Redner, a
light messenger, with a woman compan
ion are missing from the city. Rodner
was not under bonds and so far the
jfflcers have failed to locate him. '
New Governor
(Scrlpps News Association) ;'
Washington. D. C. Nov. 24 The Pre
lident today announcad the appointment
)f Herbert Magerman of Roswell N. W
to be governor of the territory. . The
appointment is to take effect at the. ex
p ration of the present in umbens. term
f office, which will be January 22 ;
, i ... ..
Cabinet Adjourned
Scrlpps Newe Association) '. ; -: .
London, Nov. 24 The cabinet adjourn
ea. mere was no announcements, ntr
was any action taken. The promisee
jensation apparently didn't devalope.
The La Grande Lodge B. P, O. E, No
433, will hold its annual public memorial
services Sunday, December 5. at 2:30
o'clock, in their hall. ' The public Is cor
dially invited to attend, A spec'al pro
gram has been arranged. This beautiful
an i impressive ceremony is held annually
as a tribute to the memory of tne depart
ed brothers. ,
Voluntary......!.:.... ;. . .
Mrs. W, W. Berry
Opening Ceremonies ;..;.'...:
F. S. Ivanhoe, E. R.
Roll Call of Departed Brothers.
Qmrtette. "Alive"' Parks
M .ssrs Ferrin, Monson, Davis, Bramwell.
Opening-Ode '
Solo, "Beyond the Gates of Paradise".: ....
Robert King
Mrs. Jay Van Buren
Memorial Address J...".
Hon. C. H, Johns, of Baker City.
Quartette "Nearer My God to Thee"
Eulogy. ; . .....,..,...
Hon. Thos. H. Crawford
Solo "My Redeemer and My Lord"........
Dudly Buck
Mrs. A. L Richardson.
Closing Ceremonies
The Chaplain
(Scrlpps News Association)
New York, Nov. 24. Gerald R. Brown
was recalled to the stand In the insurance
investigations this morning. He pro
duced a list of the tenants in the Eauita-
ble building in this city. He said that
the Equitable Trust company pays $20,-
000 a year rent but said that $30,000
would be an adequate rent. Brown told
that after the committee completed its
work somethinir would be done to secure
an adequate sum. He said that probably
all other tenants paid fair rentals. Hughes
questioned him concerning other real
estate matter of the Equitable. The
testimony developed the fact that fifty
two millions fire Insurance was carried.
It was handled bv the Continental 1
ince company at the direction of Jimm
H. Hyde, who was a director in that
company. .
. Francis W. Jackson, i secretary .of the
cquitaoie, testified that nevaf until : the
investigation had he ever heard of George
B. Squire, trustee account or of James
Alexander No. 3 account . because
ihese were unearned on- the company's
jooks of which he had control.
New York Election
tScrlpps News Association)
New York, Nov 24. Alton B. Parker
the late Democrat presidental nominee
appeared for Mayor McClcllan and Aust
n G. Fox, for Hearst, before the sup
reme court , this morning; Fox asked
that the else be passed to Justice Giege
rich. who is sitting in extraodinary session
learing the election cases. The order
vas granted in spite of Judge Parker's
objection!. The attorneys then appear
ed before Judge Geigerich who sent them
o the 'apellate division, which tribunal, he
aid. should say who should hear the
Jontest for the opening of the ballot boxes
V New Treasurer
(Scrlpps News Association) .
French Lxk Springs, lnd.. .Nov. 24
Thomas Taggart, chairman of the Demo
cratic national comm ttee. tody appointed
August Belmont, of New York, treasurer,
)f the national committee, to suceaed
jeorge Foster Peabady who resigned on
'.ccount of illness.
Bu'fon T?ks
Scrlpps News Association) ,
St. Louis, Nov. 24 Senator Burton
t ok the stand on his on behalf, concern
Hg the damaging testim ny of Charlee H
Jrooks; given yesterday. The senator
admitted all of the part culars, pertaining
a his retaimierrt as an attorney 61 Rialtg.
le stated that he visited the Post Office
Oepartment but at each time, he explain
ed that he was not there to,,.prevent any
contemplated action,- biC wa Hmerely
here In the interest ctirfntsiJto prevent
iny criminal proptg 'hat;' mifh' be
brought. The dete,:ij.rpsled.,Court ad
jjur.ied until after tunc nd the grgu
nants will begin this afternoon.
If you knew the facts about our prescription department your
prescristions would come hwe. even if our price were high-
which they never are
If you kn.ew the measur0 we u to jnsure the purity and
freshness of pur.drugs; if you were familiar with the safeguards
. we throw about the compoundine. and various other methods
peculiar to this store, you eould.not help haying entire confidene
in the accuracy of any prescription wi i put up. v . '
To have such service-to feel safe-is worth something and
costs nothing extra.
La Grande Oregon
City Water
The city council, realizino that th
present witer supply was inadequaU and
mat other sources soonoror later would
have to be secured, spent several hvinHrH
dollars on the Folk springs up Mill can
yon. Thess springs, according to th r.
porU submitted to the council, flow about
au.OOQ gallons in 24 hours, sufficient for
present domestic purposes but not enouoh
during the irrigation season. The city,
umii we nrst of November had an op
tion on these sprines for $3000. nH k.h
not this same property frequently changed
iioiiuj un a his oi rom 5U0 to $1200
no doubt the city would have purchased
the property, but the council thought it
was something in the nature of a holdup.
Many were in hopes that when the
Morgran laVe pwer aysUm was com
pleted, that this water could be used, and
the city was about to contract for this
water, but before doing so. Dr. Richard
son, the chairman of the water committee,
also of the .Board of Health, sent sample
of this water , to the state Board of
Health for analysis, and the report re
ceived this week, states that this water
is not sufficiently wholesome for citypur
poses. This leaves the question where it
has been for years. For. several years
the Folk springs and the Schilling springs
could give th city a pur and wholesome
supply tor nine montns m ins year, i ms
springs eould be conveyed into the city
reservoir for about $15,000; Water Sup
erintendent Oilman is of the opinion for
much less. Now if these claims could be
purchased for a reasonable sum,, the city
would be justified, as no doubt' these
springs wouldsupply u for the nex few
year, and if properly developed . the
present flow might be greatly increased,
but unless the city does purchase this
property, no private individual would think
of paying over $1500 for either of th
claims, and buyer are scarce at thi
price, . . ..
Just as soon a the owners of the
Schilling springs' thought the xity was',
seriously thinking of utilizing their springs. 1
they asked $6000 for them. The
council refused to further considor the
proposition, and the water question re
mains unsolved. It is the intention of thr
Grand Ronde Electric Company to bring"
the water of Rock creek into their Mor
gan lake reservoir. When this I accom
plished It may provide a pure supply and
If so the water supply of La Grande - wilP
be solved for all tim to come. : ,
Actor Dead
(Scrlpps New Association) ' if
Butt. Nov. 24. Daniel E. Bandmann.1"
aged 68 years, one of the most widely
known characters 6f the Northwest,
dropped dead last night at hfs ranch four"
miles east of MissouUi of acute digestion.
Bandmann was formerly a Shakesperian
actor of note, and was famous th world"
oveiJ, He was bopiV CasseL Qermany
His wife was Lady MicelleheV a one
famous London actress. " if
HarLvn Burned U
(Scrlpps New Association) ' ' 'VT'
' Warsaw, Nv. 24.PresisUnt romor"
that the Manchurian army of Russia ha
revolted again ar in circulation. Prlt" r
dispatches recolyed say that the' mutine-;
er have-ovnjpleloly burned the city pf -j
k -