PHYSICIANS ; DR, A L RICHARDSON, '. Physician and Surgeon. tllirtra ; ram nun ;u K fkoaw v H. MOL.ITOR M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURUEON . -ZWILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND ! SURUfcON J rbon ataia 7 lteistalldla,nuuu Wwint luw OOKHur u li ro jBACON&HALL,.,. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS XilDrm ib Four tulldlu, Mais ml. . . C. T. &mm., Main U , DkS. BIGGttkS & BlGGtKS ' . Puyaiuiane and Su'trauo " . 1 i Telepbonw ." - . , 0c Black liU Uaaldeaea MaiB t)ftW kalatoo BolMlng ova, J. H. Barry i Tlota. , vaiiuenna oe. Madlao AVa, duar wot of 'oriuar rBUdaopa, 1. U. W Mwtr . 1MUHAMUK - ,0l(LHiN call. awa4h aitMaaa k day ir Bikb DENTISTS J RE RE A VIS BROSJ i j .J .4D&NTISTS.! . ;. ' f - 4, , fit'" t OffleajJIaek M haaldatw Hlaek II jC. tt Cuutiioru ,v ft'DENTlST j'. ,. Ofno Owwr Hill Urutf. Stur I La (irande, Urewjon ' 5 VETEHlNAHf ijRQtON' 1-H S'ClfA'KimiiV VErERINAHV 8UHUEUN,, Oflice K A T 'UiU'a Drug 8ion La Oraudfl, Oregon Phone 136 1 . Keideuu- pUuiietid 701 V " i ii DJWNEtJ. YKTKKIMAKT SUKUKON I i DUITMT.i:'. AND lnve artWrti ai Ked (oaeinng atort HarioaBccCer Mltaadlat . 1 hlrtj 04 fuar ipsrtaooa, BMI ol rafaranr. brolabed ATTORNEYS i 1 "i ' ' tVAWrOKU & CKAWrUKl) : : AttdnieyVat-Uf , f .-'':. :l I. ,". : LA OBADDB, tkt IB Fukj kelldlna. UUKUOM J. W KN JVVLEd Attorney and Counsellor A -f f ' i I ;' Offlceia Halaioa Halldlaf .;;J'ij'ff.' IUraaiOr.f M.T. WIIIibbm A,C f llllaa. WILLIAMS BROS ' iriOHN fcYB'A'I LAV OlA-a la KalBtBB Sulldluf it ' . fe." L A. PICKLER Civfl, Mintdj, Irri jilkrn Engincciinj .iJ 4 j Sorv ylni . 7- -t-KHllnuilM, PImu. Mtk.1 HiwuHk-aillooa. folre In fWeir fuSemt , .. " , , , , v ' tA umahkb. momi T-hc La Grande! , t- . ........ ...... ;i Hospital Offr, v.ry acsop.odittion fijrthe care pf Ihe sick. Our oparaUng room it flitted With every modern appliance and our Wafds ere exceedingly comfortable. Un denomitionI and free for all to enter Employ any physician you Wish but in-istuponbW:An-V.e;L Grande Hospital. tPiitienU under' care of trained nurses. Mrs Miwhib Ooooiiaii.. i m; lA la Prcsldaat I M CHII.IM Dao. aod Tiaaa t.UE MOUNTAIN MARBLE : AND- GRANITE CO.. :lVhandeakeu(nt Ourstwi of Mi'rbl; an! brviU is m Uriitti d astern o-.iu ui .tiarari by iiri'tr of em' '" anl olouj d .mini. dirjJi frjn Vjr.fljnt. Ou r oricM are betur than traveling tialesmio make and our work-. Ship . Pannot eurpass Give u an order for a , monumen. land recaive 70ur moneys worth.: Classified Aavcrtlsec!gr.ts. Rates-On. cant a word. cent word each subsequent inMr "ort. Classified adds brUlg -quick r-, UU. Try on today. ' y 5 Real Estate Loans, An T amount m ..;.. IWU aslal. Loan closed PP"?' a soon ., titl approved. La : uk hmnuirr' Ca FOR RENT-A .uit. of pliant room. r- 1617 Fourth street : ; ; N F0R SALE-Th.A.V.OUw four loU on Jefferson Avenue," Including plat- . form scales. ? on. hundred and ten foot porch running back to railroad track O. H. Powers, the Minnesota land man LOST A black .nr. lop. cootaing bank ' not8' nd paper, p,,. nU)rn to c w. ! Siut and receive reward. . . j FORTY . aCRETRActT f ground Mar La Grande, for rant with good build ' 'we, and fin toil Prica.from Dec Wt 1905 to March lit 1907. 122S. L -a. aai SJEKI' T - ' LOST a pair of gold .y. glass, with plm Dowt-wa- Jott aornawharr b.- twaan Ed R.jTjoldj- plc and th. pot- offloa. Finder Dlsksa ratum t fioa. t , WANTED Honest boy for night cashier in restaurant..' Right boy hat ateady foaiuon.. Queen R.taurant FOR SALE Dutch Hyacinth bulba, for window or. garden culture. Inquire LX.L. Store. FOR RENT-Tw? atory house on Waah- ingwm Avenue. 9 12 a month. Prof. Day,' La Grand. School Musio. ;r. I .1 I .LI I ensandegga w can get. "Will pay 3 market price m iaah.? Grande Rood. , Cash Company. Botn phones . FOR, SALE 'Family horse and .surrey. Phone Black 1618. . ' WANTED-Waitres at once at Model Restaurant ' FOR RENT Eleven room house, furn- FOR RENT--Fumiahd housekeeping rooms.' Inquire of Mrs. Noble, phone v Black. 1021. LOST Ladies black and gray collarette, ' ' Was lost between First street and th Opera House. 'Return to Coffey's , bar ber shop and receive reward.- ' FOR RENT Room with stove, electric f light and bath.i At Mrs. Patty's, Adam Avenue. The Exut Thing Required For Constipation , -'"As a certain purgative and . stomach purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets seem to be th exact thing re quired, strong enough for the most robust yet mild enough and safe for the children and without that terrible griping so com mon to most purgatives.4 say R. S. Web ster 4 Co., Udora, Ontario, Canada. For sale by Nkwih.Du Co. V V " ,. . V V-ji V v V, ' ' . , LODGE DIRECTORY EAQLES-rU Grande Aerie 259 F. 0. E. meets every Sunday night In K. of P. hall at 8 p.m. Visiting brethren invited to-ettend.. . Ppu-oc. WnS. J: A.'Matqtt, W: P. ,-.. .1, O, 0F,-JLa Orande- Lodge No. 16. meets in' their hall every Saturday night Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend, y Cemetery ptat may be seen at Model Restaurant . - James Moss, N. G. I. R. Swoon, Sac ., STAR ENCAMPMENTTNo.. 81,' I. 0. 0. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in- Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs Hlways welcome, ? - - i f. r. snookv' c p. Eomono Robimsom, Scribe. - ; EASTERN STAR-0 E.. S.-Hope Chapter No. 13 meets the secoad and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p. m. In Masonic Temple. . i. v Mertic Aldrich, W. M. Mahy A. Waehick, Sec ; jl - '? ' - ' ..: M. W. A.-La Grande Camp Na 7703 meets every first and third Wednesday of the month at I. 0. .0. F. hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend.' E. Rkislahd. V. C John Halu Clerk,' ' FORESTERS OF" AMERICA-Court Maid Marion No. 22 meet. aoh- Thurs day night in I. 0. R. M. hall. Brothers are invited to attend. Chas. Baktmus. Ctual Ranger. C. S. Williams, Fia Sec. -Board of Trustees Dr. Q. L. Biggers,' John Hall and Herbert Pattison, . FRIENDSHIP TENT No, i f, K. 0. T, M.TMeeta second and tKWd. Wednesdays each month in 1. 0..0.' Fv-4illi Visiting Jtnighta welcome. V - , . . .---OlT. WiaHRBBOn. Com. Mo 0tCK;ii. Rs&rd Keeper . ', I rta fl kl HI VENo.'a7.-MeeU every ftrstathi 'rd Thursdays in the after noea at k. I: Q..0 F, hall. - All visiting Indie am welcome. , . Lady Pqbter, Commander. Bam Barxej, Recording Secretary. . , 4B. P. 0. E. U GRANDE LODGE Noi 433 Meets each Thursday . evenins at eight o'clock in Elks hall, on-Adame Ave-, nue. Visiting Brothers are cordially- in-, vited to attend. F. S. IvAMHOK. Exalted Ruler! G. E. McCuUr, Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE W-T69L WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meets 2d and 4th Thursday f each month in the I. U. 0. F. hall over postoffice. All fsiting member weWome, " W. W. Bimrr. Consul Commander. J. K. WaiOMT. Clerk. BEAUTIMJL : WINTER FLOWERS At the home of Samuel R. Deal in the "old town" cart be seen a most beautiful display of chrysanthemums, and ali krrers of nowers should not fail to ee them. Mr. Deal extends a most cor dial invitation to alt who wish to see theae truly beautiful winter flowering plants to call at his residence and he will be more than pleased in showing them t3 all who come. The walk to his house will be a benefit to your health, and look at these beautiful flowers will fill your hearts with gladness and your soul with joy. His Empress of Japan, Prin ceas Oyama, Princess Takahara, Lillian Russell, and the royals sixteen petal White Crown are very nice. The extreme cold snap in the early part of October injured the plants considerably, and they are not quite so profuse as they would otherwise have been; but they are all very fine. .- 'The writer of this is under many obli gations to Mr. Deal for allowing him to view his beautiful display of flowers. rsons desirous of 'obtaining specimens of those magnificent flowers should apply at one as they will be a thing of the past Here is the opportunity to win a bright smile from your best girl, and thanks from your dearest friend. . .- '.- i Real Estate Transfere The following real estate -transfers have been filled with Recorder D. H. Proctor since November 16: "V- I Jacob Delp to W. C. Getting. S,V Lot I, N, Lot 4, block 7. Sommer's addition to Elgin. Consideration $250.' - - - - - - - - "a y IB, Ip. , SR 40. Consideration. D. I Davis to R. V. Davis, NW SE V. NW E)i. SWJt' S12, Tp.'4, SR40. Consideration, $600.; I-. W.J. Dishmento J. T. Galloway, Block 37, Hindman'e addition to Elgin. Con sideration, $2000. - ; J. L. Hindman to 0. A, Haskill. Lots 5 and 4, block 62, Hindman's addition to Elgin. Consideration, $100. .... , Jacob Delp to Ernest E. Allen, N lot 1, block 7, Sommer's additition to Elgin. Consideration $60. t Union Land Company to Robert Lloyd, Jots 8. 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, , block 2. Imblar. Consideration $90. ' L Ida M. Moats to Lloyd & Gillispie. N MB, block 1, Summerville. Considera tion $140. O.R. & N. Company to La Grande in vestment Company, lota 4 and 6. block 47, Chaplin's addition to La Grande. Consideration $175. William Miller to Emil Miller SW'', S. 28, Tp. 2, NR 40. Consideration $1435. Pendleton Savings Bank to O. E. 'Harper,' lot 8, block 15, Grandy's addition to La Grande. Consideration $ 1 055. ' ! Hanna Chaplin esUte to William Till man lot I, block 8, Arnold's addition to La Orande. Consideration $35, Edmund Robinson to Scott GoodalL lot 8 and part of lot 2. block 79, Chaplin's addition' to La Grande. Consideration $3500. Jeanne Bogart to L. C. Pennell, part SW SWtf, S. 8. Tp 2, SR 88. Con sideration, $6000, ' H. U Buell to A. A.Roberts, S 18. SWV S 17, Tp. 8. SR. 89. consideration. $8053.07. Heirs H. L. Buell to A. A Roberts. Sec 8. SWV. Sec 17. Tp. 8.' SR. 89. Consideration. $8053.07' : Henry L. Darling to M. L. Crawford, N NW. Sec 29, NEJ NEJ S. 80, Tp. 6 SR 41. Consideration $75008. M. E. Osbum to; Rosa D. Spain, part NWS 18, Tp. 4, SR 40. Consideration $28." " ' - . . . . S. C. Cummin to. W. C. Hill, lot 5. block 8, Sommer's addition to Elgin. Con sideration $78.' ' ' ' ' ; L. E. Hooker to G. M. Richey, lots 10, 11 and 12, block 9, Romig's addition. Consideration $50. J: B. Nelson to John O'Bryant lots 12 and 13, block 24, North Powder. Con sideration, $100. Army Officer Arrested Manila. Nor.4: 2S".r--Lleutenant , Hugh Kirkman, of th Eighth Cavalry, has been arrested at Foi-tTdcKinley on the charge of, forgerjf. S,fs alleged tha? Uutenant Krkmahjwa short of troop unds to th amount ef $500, and that he .' raised th mon.y by forging namee to a "note. Arctic White Owl An arctic whit owl wa killed by Han r Pulley neaf Echo Saturday. This is th Rrsi owl of this kind scat in this sec tion for years: Its coming is said to be the sign of an unusually hard . winter. Athsna Prass. , j " . ; ; : 1 . I lerrirc Race With Dari. ; "Death was fast approaching." write Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tampa, Fla de scribing his fearful rac with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart dis ease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest m life. I had tried many dif ferent doctor and several medicines, but got no benefit until 1 began to as Elec tric Bitter. S wonderful wa their ef fect that in three days I felt like a new man, and today. I am cared of all my troubles." Guaranteed at Newlin's Drug tor;pric 60c . c. . EXPLOSION IN CHINA TOWN Seattle. Nov. 23. Th building on Grant street in which fir works were manufactured for Wa Ching & Company Chinese merchants, was wrecked by a terrific explosion this aftereoon. One white girl and two Chinese boys were taken from its ruins badly hurt Other bodies may be pinned under the debris. Maybel Niverson. a white girl, was taken out with face and hands badly burned and suffering from internal injuries. Chin Toy had his right shoulder broken and wae also severely bumed. Tin Foy was blind when rescued. The sight of both eyes was destroyed by burns. Th cause of the explosion is not known. The fore of the exploion wa terrific and parts of th building were blown for a block. ; Digging Up Hop Yards Eugene, Ore., Nov. 23. Th present condition of the hop market is having its effect upon the grower of Lane county, and it is reported several new yards will be abandoned and no new ones will be set out next year, nor will any new hop houses be built Marion Davis, a Spring field grower, ha already commenced grubbing up a fin young yard of 1 0 acres. Many old growers, among whom are Geo! A. Dora. Campbell & Walker and T. D. Linton, will do but little work on their varda next year, , making tha expense of cultivation very ngni, wL;, th yards will not produca over a third of a crop at best Thoy cannot afford to put th work on them that wa done this year at the present price of crops.-Rose-burg Review. ' Press Button New York, Nov. 23. The electrical show to be held at Madison Square Gar den for two weeks, beginning December 12. will, it is announced today, be form ally opened by President Roosevelt who. by pressing a button in the White House, will set in motion the machinery of the exhibition. A Cretping Death. Blood poison creep up toward th heart causing death. J, E. Steams, Belle Plain. Minn., write that a friend dreadfully injured 'his hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Buek ln' Arnica Salv drew out the poison, healed the wound, and sav.d hi life. Best In the world for burns and sores. 25c at Newlin's Drug Stor. ; Centennial Hotel Under new management. ,. Board and Room $5 per week, cash. Meal 25cts.. Special rates furnished monthly patrons. No. 1417 Adams Ave. Phon No. 1161. ) Mus. W. E, Murchison. proprietress. Saved By Dvnamite- Sometimes. a flaming city Is saved by dynamiting a space that tha fir can't cross. Sometimes, a cough . hang on so long, you feel as if nothing but dynamite would cur it :Z. T. .Cray, of Calhoun, Ga writes: "My wif had a very ag gravated cough, which kept her awake night. Two physician could not help her; so she took Dr. King' New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and kColds, which eased her cough, gave her sleep, and finally cured her." Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and La Grippe, for sale by Newlin Drug Co. Price 60c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. .,. w 1 " ' v Cleared For Action When the body is cleared "and ready forjiciion, by Dr. King's New Life Pills, you can tell it by the bloom of health on the cheeks; the brightness of the eyes; the firmness of the flesh and muscles; th buoyancy of tha mind. Try them, at Newlin Drug Stor. 25 cent. ' FOR WINTRR WAH NG . ; ; ; '.'.";'; . .' ..',"' '. ' -; ' "'.'' " ' i Our new machinery and additional help will nabt us. to do fair.7 Hy washii" CHEAPER. QUICKER and ' BETTER than you can do it yourself. W call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work. Give u a trial "and ysu will not be bothered through th winter, with family washing ,1Jt , " ""' ' STEAM, LAUNDRY :- Vv;; "vv : '' ' H0NE I . La Grnle, - CHOICE CUTS -s of the finest Beef. Lamb, Veal, etc. We cater to a class of customer who are fastidious and discriminating, tnd furnish only the most DELICIOUS MEATS We will be pleased to have your order whether you are providing for a small family' or a hotel. Rohr& Company Wt'er In a Position to offer you the best the 'market affords in the way of meats. And our prices, you know, ars always the lowest W hand! only prim stock. Quality ;and quantity guaranteed. Fine roasting pieces of beef 8 and9. First class mutton, veal pork and poultry equally low. Can't do better anywhore. Grandy & Russell WW. v 3 l yi .yp When you wish a nic Juicy roast or a tender steak, or a pieca of boiling meat orjpot roast just phone Main 48, and you will soon have exactly what you da sir. , J. BULL CO. Phon Main 48. Remember tha phon on tha directory as Boss Meat Market main 48. OUR SPECIALTY Fall vegetables of all kinds at . the lowest current prices. Our appleeare especially full from .,. 600 10 $1.00 a box. E dollar , ' box gets you the best apples to found in town. "Watch for our new wagon which , goes by your door daly. SEATTIE GROCERY COMPANY ZUNDEL LAWSON. Main 7 . . :: ::- Z ; Oi'cn. . X ruauTini: r.i;r,: .. . A SPECIALTY Old Furniture made Co look like new at a moderate cot Edward Propeck PHONE. BLACK 401. 203 rir Street I THE OXFORD DJR 4 i JAMES FARQUHAR50N, Prop I CompIrU waurttuaot ol j WINES, LIQUORS 1 AND CIGARS j U Cold lunches and mixed drinks a ) specially. rair ana impartial , treatment to all. You are invilod to call and get acquainted.' i Blue Front Saloon E. TH0RS0N, Propritfor, ':" . FINEST " W I N KA LIOTJOnS 'iii!ril and doinoavic Pot or cold lunch at all hours. J j Janrao Avanaji, "-X , a Palaco Salo i- CHAS. ANDERSON Prop' FINK " WINES, UQUORS AND CIGARS Always on hand. Anon Oppwlti'' n crt THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. wlr!Pv I lAiinis, 12 CIQ1R5 Gentlemen ilwiyi Welcome Rr Wrtet Eag-lo Sa n v- ULRICH LOTTIS. Prop. , " , " .; riNR . . WINES, LIQ! OKS and CIGARS , Imported and Domestic. laffanwa A van a a, Oppoail'dmut w-waamaawaaaiBIIIUISISWWIawwi eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeB , 50MMER H0 CAFE : Pron AUin 6-1 NUF SAID BKIfK BIIICK Brick furnished in any quant.t :.ty or any . style. No contract too small or to ; large. See samples nt our pressed 2 brick. ; '-; , '. , - , '' ? .- -v GEO. KREIGE.R. ; La (Jfdride, Otejj u. , ! J. 10 c ' i: ." m 2 as ' it th, ': v rr an thi , .rd tee j!e o( . ' ra ter . ur- 1 't u.,..ira . no s ty ' r :' . . i, . . v ': ' t. i I ! i