f5!r v- iUUjj'H i! -its a A I ! i .r, -v ; .v-;'. ii i I A SPLCiDID The Aixrelia . .id:,. Slew cffcrs Ute first tSdk f siack f IC0CD3 s&wes, t 5s per slure. The cwzspaoy Has 400,009 sS&ares f stack va2alsSe far tbe tfe tciseimxil cf tbe Standard Kisses, utatb ua fee tfaae caasmalhc!', aadi as fast s posJLSc fer fsrihtr itsfonaslifia ca3 a Ut: ' TTi 2 """ Pictures aaa I4v CWIn Dana G'thaaB W esaaea t pmauoa Shnw fint Arawtnc tor wrturih M . m - - - -' mJV li, 1Lfcit,M. -uV it M-a ft&jMftWw 7 H IIUM4. W iOlV HUIUUam u uiiv i ADCOOK &: HARRIS, AltMBS AVENUE HH4 !! LA GRANDE IRON WORKS Qanoml BlaokambX Hnraa Shneinc and Wafw "Work. JfianufaCt " raff TFltwU 35ollar Faei JBilL . KUMIETU MAOESTBC RANGE MRS. T. N. MURPHY, RTCSTMLYT i 2 : m . . . Minir g Co. z i I t IHIMMMW IS MICE SY TJtKIc uriw ila sik)l with Swnfl- ;iann iwd... "i - - am- mil itrnnhmlr wiltl IbsaUt aiiul lunefiilness Mu3ss X II a iitfwarg an Cntnfle Ed-kbt Observer THEHBSOATr- JBOVptBEB 15. 190$ Puiilishai fiai)y qt ma Sunoaj Ona ynar iia aUtamoa.' Si anonchs hi adtanoc . Fr anoitth 152 fcS .... Se Silvia oqjy . Entsrad ait the Pa QSoa aft La Ganda. Oirna, as Sacnnd Qua Jflaflw. CUKKT CDS AXD PROP. AFTE17WTEASS After snan ihuafimd yaara Swing lanaitta 4a Dams' mmefl 4y lortia. iotikaj and couittc iia jtMirr and oboa a annt, rf tha meoaaaitiat rf Iffa. tha Urmfa fpasjiai! am aft Haat wkOirjaui am8ihac wuntht' Tipht ta purchase and kwe ire a Hum im-t ioncmg a Sham. The cmttast thaa ibaan! a long na, Sited wtsh aomMK. ifalaaaahad' ndwaflt bdt victory alt last cnwtmatl thaa juiaaai anUunea iuT isoisfiutt tunoarli cirnuiTOCanom aa vnprnpttious Chatt ih' aaomadXiia So&ytfinadnaaBSo uamimue1 the anHmuai sOriogV Fur lOanUriea Aat-l unuetlt Uriaa ftatriota aaamiqgc. ouiuj nt; aalifaiqg (hut nriar to atfaaj conquest tS Chair: smmcry f she Enlist and sigta. Aiaafcr mry caurttry is jjritte haa (one -, i ta. pffH : farobaa that iitw ianaiifl twrnl J'r 'fet mina ilea chiidnaa in seonat musttj . It is araaaaa to Iteaa iaac. tuiaath tovue-; Sand." ; j Sut thai aw thane, Shnufc in pomnftg anil agradation. (ihemnied hope and asj tnair rafgaC "hungrj chitaram avotud father , abaut timn m he anaMmWa Hutt hey jaltaithair Jiomeiiutanuinolnx. Shpj' wmiid oaspbe ttha w p ami nt terror cf 'teanXamT arth bape saamunfy sore of oespair atrtuspar. laat aoma wtiaaqiiinm .csnsiaaie ahould !haar D.im. for inns at laat sea all Xhrnp And JT ae oe but ratEta the ihouc Tnare 4bt yet aias lunraa aower tuch eouUl raaa, Jf luutargraaa. The jaaarat aoarch aid vigil bung OS him vhc svaauraa 4$ a axraqg. 3"he fajraaOam Snigglea cf the Irish lor ttha right to own fannee its their native ani fiame aut wKtonoui wrtwc last wear the Encla parlimnt jianaafl xha "nd TmS." Mbi(ib sonoanad She right aid pm- wiiiiwm aiiii ina niiiimai r s ircdLrxy "Ob a wiy Stir the Irsh jmnsnntt to aarsbaaa aid haU Sfaumesin heiriwm righta. Thousands of fiai Iriss jicTt. are now ejrjryinj' ttheir oai ihomes and r' mrniher is anQnaaaing ifiaiiyu A iflia patca Snna Lonoau. England inatad iJHoc. IJKt mains fiad the Tnillimarf Oraiii and their desenuarita. f ujrrng aitatt she Karqois olf DownBhR iia Awiand Iliad fraad to sell imflor the ikt&e Hand ad She 'larfaatlhmdadasltato iia MUcd. Under sua aa. tenants jmrthaae m the iirattkll. JnrA jiiao jajfrrig a ivm mtervA. The EmJlisi lamil mot appropriated $tajl0a. 39 to aasiat tenants iia jmrshasing Than a a food mad cimvunttoB n3 m aeasioD .at Coraaillis hBrani She ta.4 and proposals are aimut ihings of Jar imara inurarlanoe to mwrjile ff 'Onjfna than an he aroufatea coT Shaoiia nr She 'kmi rf giww Fwench 'ladies waar fm Pa.ri, ;DijgoB aw ilnes put jmid tmimtrj roads th nrndarwlEihe f She 3raJcingtihar rf asas jaB Umjg nekjed. The answer &. unigtmiantouk a deqper iimereat n afchar jawijiWa tenubas than it thoir own. AH tndicatiimi jiomt to a insst sucoess tul onrwantion rf the ainrfbieesiem Jroit 4TWT. Sao"BtaHutrrnahasrBoa- adanany Ilatters mduatting Shat Sbeais atates Willi 'im trepnsHonted, and many f lha AaajgaaBB will !brirg Mthtbits. Xaay cmnrrnsauHi mum to. we mtdied hrm feat thejrwill attend, and several Tepnaienta- tiw iff the iralinos are aiso oomreg. It atharirtornanfissary Shat La Grande and UntDB taurny nave cwaryttirrig neady to iraoawaSha visitor. We must b an aftublt artiioh will pmperSy mpmsmA oar BBunsry. jwa ruue the matenal her rift wiiidh to open the rym rf she obie gatesto 'our aplendid Ifruit TKasibiiits. and should wa&ll tc avail ouraBesrf the ajiaurtunlry offerad y this mwainf taone nuraaMajs ax arjustoa. vrtiic-h to ay She 'least w Tntaaraaahia Lattasvacin rnuw while there a yrttime to rpara aa cahlhtt that wa may reap tta e?sfiu anade saibaj fcy the anaat- ing. All wnmam snnriid atewa t K Beauty nias snankmd. - Kaliistar "s Socj Mounta'ie Taa faring red hps, krirtft aid oraam-WiB uiniplexian. ISoant. TaaarTahlats. 1-wi.o. Cbuib c Kccioa davahy cea that Share w 3 ba anwBimgrf the stock feoioer rf e La Grande Cmmnarcial Club Buiidmg Aaawaatioa. iia the library rf the Canw wercial Cliifc fcuiidmg on Tuesday. Dec ninarfciu.JiI)a, at ngbt"cioak p. m tem.ff .ung a Wd , -, ... , . BUYING DRUG STORE G02D3 WITHOUT RISK Wbea mccrnUi HUls Pharmacy for any drug store artkla it bi ikdrimdentood that in oil your purchase doe. not f-t.J our 'Snlra WEW1LL BUY FT BACK AT. nJuTpRlCE-oo arguments, no unpleasantness, bo dlay-your none, is yours amiiediately upon request PERFECT RUBBER CCCDS. We feorcy examine our RUBBER GOODS and seS bom whka art not perfect HOT WATER UUlluxt. o""" LB SYRINGES. ATOMIZERS. campleU new stock. fuLly rubber. BULB SYRINGES. V shearing, stand bard usaga. A. T. PmcriptkKi Dniis'ot Call up Main 29 for, EW VVaIXUTS - BlXACtlED Ctaster Raislos atroa and Dates netaz Mmcneat BAKER ; PHONE MAIN 2? GAMES Holiday Novelties Golf glovts Heeced Blankets E. M. WcDman & Cpmpahy ADA!5 AVENUE - ; " ataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoa Ready For Business, WITH A FLUL UXE CF FEED. tUY A73 G2JST. We aire ready to twy al kods of hay aad graia. aa4 pay aba MJieat snaradtprieas. ' . M-y.OLiyER 1EFFERSON AVE UiiaSl- 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE TJws tana iaooiy IS irnet from La Qraada, oo tb E3ga brmoeh rf the 0. R. A ft Railroad, al the Rmahart spur, k aril mmkm searal gaod Somes, and wia ba aoid in small trafi if daesrai' There are three d&erant your Wes oa the plac. in a good.scDool district fre from abt Terms easy. Adirtss. HENRY RINEH ART. - SUMMhRVUXh. OREGON. Or call at tht farm or full particulars. . " Notice Nwa is Waby given you that my wife hawme y horn without Just cause or provocatMsv. from and after this data. I wZH io m w. - l . ,. - rfi - e.taata0,,,0Tn, Jo$rt Anson, HILL ft! StlTAXAS . Muscatd Enisles Lemoa Peel ftts BROS. Adams Ave- a GAMES! fl 4, bearing orchards, and tan good' Fine CardT The OatMTta has take a oumbar of t orders for angrad visiting cards aa a , result of the admitwra pahabaM: ootnf tor the past tananaks. Taoae . wishing extra fine work ahouid gia at, call and sa our ana of aampUa bafor ; ordering. ' a, .3 1 ..V j 'i '' - ;J.'l " J..-J