! ' , . i ! THE FALL SEASON IS NOW LOCAL ITEMS I AT ITS' HEIGHT AMD he Golden Rule Company's Stock Is Complete in every detail, more than Thirty Great Departments filled with Seasonable goods of every de scription and. now offered to the trade at the Lowest Living Prices. DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS AMD CAPS, CLOTHING, LADIES' AND MEN'S FURN ISHINGS,. MATERIALS FOR FANCY WORK, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES AND . MITTENS, LADIES' AND MISSES; TAILOR MADE COATS and SKIRTS, LADIES' TRIMMED HATS, GKILDRENS HATS and CAPS, FURS. SCHOOL SUPPLIES, TOILET SOAPS and PERFUMES, .TOYS, TINWARE, CLASSWARE. GRANITEWARE, CHINA, CROCKERY, STOVES AND RANGES, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, HARDWARE, I TOOLS, SPORTING GOODS, WOOD and VVILLOWWARE, WASHING MACHINES, Golden Rule Company 1308, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue Largest 8tor- Smallest Prices Do yotrw.nt fresh eggs? Do you preUr nice crisp and tender vegetables? Do you like the best and freshest fruits? Go to OEDDES' BROS., you can always depend on getting just what you wan. Keinze pure vinegar, you can do your own reducing. Heinze pickles ai d chow chow. Crosse and Blackwell's chow chow ' LOW PRICES, BEST GOODS QEbDEBRJ North Fir 8tret When The Turkey Com$ To you in our restaurant you will have a triple feast. Your eyes will feast on Its tempting appearance. Your nostrils will faast on its appetizing odor. Your palate will feast on Its delicate flavor. Fating It Will be a joy to be remembered. With all . this in prospect, what's the good of bothering with a home dinner. ' Spend Thanksgiving here and be happy. The Model Restaurant -I A Aibuckle, Proprietor NO MIIHT Ml tlokrta lor 4 3 $40 SUIT GIVEN AWAY DEC 31 Every $1 csh purchase, or paid on account en titles you (o a chance. ... , ; ,. COMMENCING ON NOVEMBER 1 SUIT C LIB WINNERS " TTM( Meion $35 Suit New Club AL. ANDREWS : P A T liON IZE j HOME INDUSTRY Smoking KEY WEST PERFECTO THE VISTA ORADA and C. B. Cigars 17 Manufactured by C. E. HACKMAN, se?0 Corner ' Avenue SOCIETY 401 CLUB The popular club known as the 401 was entertained by Miss Evelyn Rohan, who had made all .operations for the good time realized. It was evident that Miss Rhoan believes in the, old adage, ''variety is the spice of life," when she presented her shopping bag well filled with parcels of various forms and sizes for her guests' approval. The mystery of this game was first solved by Miss Mar garet Porter, next by Mise Mayme Reith and last by Miss Bess Bohnemkamp. - Last Night's Fire Last evening about Ave thirty fire was discovered in the Furgerson residence on O. street, and an alarm was at once turned in. By the time the hose carts reached the scene the entire upper story was in flames, and though the willing workers did all in their power to subdue i he flames the building is badly damaged. The furniture of the lower story was re moved without much damage, but the contents of the upper rooms was totally destroyed. The property belonged ta Engineer Furgerson, and was insured to the amount of one thousand dollars. This amount will hardly cover the loss. Nw Bridges Between Baker City and Huntington the O. R. & N. Company has many gangs of msn at work replacing Vie old bridges over Powder and Burnt rivers with new iteel structures on stone iand cement abutmentsJfStone cuTvBriS 111 arsbeing built ana this division will soou be as solid as the rest of the main l:ne. Dissolution f artrerihip Notice is hereby given thit the part nership hera-to-fore existing between Hans Larsen and J. Norris has been dis solved by mutual consent, and that all bills will be paid by J. Norrie and accounts will be collected by him. Hans Larsen J. Norris Many prominent Democrats in ths county were expect!iig Judge Ramsey, of this city, to succeed Judge Wolverton. Judge Ramsey being one of the ablest at torneys in the state. Terrific Race With Dtath. "Death was fast approaching." writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tampa, Fla.. de scribing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart dis ease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest in life. I had tried many dif ferent doctors and several medicines, but got no benefit, until I began to use Elec trie Bitters: So wonderful was their ef fect that in three days I felt like a new man, ana loaay i am curpi or ajl my ) troubles." Guaranteed at tMtwiiu's Orug j tore; price 60c. ' I O. E. Brown of Baker City, is in thj city today. " Mrs. Frank Lilly is spending this week at Hot Lake. Mr. Thomas Jones, of Cove, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. L. Remillard. Amos Baxter, of Elgin, came up last night on the Elgin train. H. H. Stoddard, a Baker City business man, is in the city today J. Q. Peterman, a well known resident of Cove, came over yesterday. v There are a number of cases of diph theria in Pendleton, .aijd.talk of closing the public schools there. Geo. W. Stevenson of Elgin, came up last evening and is in the city today transacting business. Miss Nettie Schooler, of Carthage Mo., who recently arrived, is the guest of Mrs. Willard Couch of Ladd Cadyon. Do not make any dates which will con flict with the Forester's Annual ball November 50. ' . ' Those who delight in the game of foot ball will surely get all that is coming to thetn Thanksgiving. The Fruitgrowers' Convention which will be held here" from January 3 to 5, bids fair to be the best one the associa tion has ever held. Remember the chicken piedinner this evening at the Elk's hall. You will not have anything better at home. One of our railroad men returned this morning from a run which kept him one hundred and eight hours in continuous service. J. T. Langley, master mechanic of ' the 0. R. & N. with headquarters at Albina. came up this morning on" a"Tour "of in spection, - ;'' - - - The Modern Brotherhood of Amerian meets tonight in the K. of P. hall. Initi- ation to take place. ' Members requested to be present, C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. J. D. Smith. 1 708 Second street, on Thursdajiat 2:50 p. m. A full at- ancelrequested. - Since Old Bill destroyed the usefulness of Peter . Jacobs lunch wagon, a new traveling restaurant has been placed in commission. The new one la a more elaborate affair than the other one.; The Methodist chicken pie dinners have long since earned a reputation and those in charge of the dinner saw that their former reputation was up to the par. The dinner was liberally patronized and not a few will return this evening for supper. . If that company of Portland business men who have been touring the Willa mette valley and Southern Oregon should visit Eastern Oregon at this time, they would consider this a regular summer resort and would take immediate ' stops to move their families to La Grande for the winter. We certainly have the climate. , - .. ' Winter's knocking at the door. With no uncertain sound he's demanding entrance everywhere. , Are you ready for him? How about your winter Suit and Overcoat? ",."' Are they in proper condition to weather the storms ol uie coming season? ... j How about your winter Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery and other Toggery? v Jf there are any weak spots in your wardrobe we are here to strengthen them with the Best That's To Be Had The most skilful tailors known to the trade build our, clothes artistically, and they build them well and they build them on honor. Our furnishings come from the hands of the best known 'manufacturers'. ""' " ' ' " Money back If you want It" Thot is the guarantee that goes with every sale. . It is under these conditions that we ask you to make this your Clothing Store. 1 X AAA. AAA AAA CLOTHIERS AMD HABERDASHERS. AAAAAAAAAA . Hit The Cause Osteopathy ofvall the systems ot heal ing is unique In his' respect'"' The' revolt of the mastermind of Dr. Still, tne found er of osteopathy, against the blind super stition and experimentation of medicine, of which he was a highly honored practi tioner, led him to the field of research. Turning his back on the dogmas of the past and the unsustained theories and practices of his day, he boldly proclaimed a cause: ... ' ., , ' . "The body is a complete machine and acta by the laws of mechanics; all parts are complete and ' the motive power within; therefore, the cause of. disorder is within, and lies in the slight displace ment of bones of the! spine, ribs, pelvis, etc., and in contracting muscles and liga ments." ',''!-'",'' ' i This i cpnfirnyed by actual demonstra tion on cases. .' ; WJien ha. had. replaced thejn and cured the disease thereby, he gave his system to the world. This is . what the oste opaths are practicing today. They are "hitting at the; cjiuee" is why they are succeeding." " ; $17,000 a Mile ' In a final decision delivered late Tues day afternoon, the Multnomah "county court determined that the assessor's fig ures will stand in the assessment of J 17, 000 par mile against the roadbed and right of. way and - tracks of all railway lines in Multnomah county, excepting the west side lines of the Southern Pacific railway, which will be assessed at $10, 000 per mile. ' All, rolling stock will be taxed at $3,000 per mile. AnotiW orchard Mr. Lyman who has been in the city for several days looking over the valley, has purchased seventy, acres in the vicinity of Imbler and will set the same out to orchard. Mr, Lyman sees a great future in this valley as a fruit center and states that it will only, be a short time when this valley will be exporting winter apples in train loads. . , ; , . , . , . Mr. Lyman expects to make his home in this city and purchased the home of M. Sorensen in the eastern portion of the city. This tract also containsquite a nice Ilttlrorchard. . . 4 4 I" Thc morf ".r-''f the ;bettef you will appreciate It f You need not be you but g!vc 0U(. I salesmen an opportunity to show you. f; not .be ured to; purchase t f MEN'S SUITS. $18 TO $30 ; OVERCOATS. $20 TO $35 s. 've ... icasro 4 ( tt1.ttttM t lUj