II ' r. fhCftssiLNAL Cards t - - . - 'J ' PHYSICIANS Ik A l. RlChAkDbON, Physician &nt sur eon. m4.( Hurt utv( .-iu. M.-MOL.ITOR M. D. FHYSIC1AN AND SURGEON Corner Adiw ifniK iM bapol m. -Ofllet Main as HMdmt'iuia WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone Mala Tl Uaia ending, oppoalit Hon mat Hum " Omee Uova, I to , T lo BACON & HALL, fHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Office la Kola building, Main It C. T. Bmou, HaHlM Mala IS i ' U. K. Hm I RMUdtBw Mais U DKS. BIGGtkS & BIOOEkS . Puysiciaos and Surv,n .... W Blana, at. U. Geo. L. Bitten, U. D Telephones . Uflto Black lm - Kaaldenee Mais K , Omc Kalaton bulldloa ovar J. M. tarry a Mute. Hldepia ou MadUon AVa. aacood ttoor veet of 'uru.ar raaldene, or. (i W Hitter. L-UK AN UK - OkfcOON Fnaoawual oalls promptly attended to ; -day of aiaiit. - - DENTISTS ; REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. , OOua ttomoMt Building Ott Black SI ' ' ' ' Kealdeuee Black It. C fc. Cuutliorti . DENTIbT Office) Ov.r Hill Urutf. 8tor ' U (trance, Orckjou VfcTfcRINAKi iJHUt.OiM Dr.' P A CIIAKLTON VETERINARY tJURUfcON, 0fl.ee at A T ili.l's Drug Stun La Grande, Oregon Phoue 136 1 'KeiiisiK ,'Uii: red 701 ' . Fwrin'Ts'; line t 58 ' VKTBKINAKY 8UKUKON AMD liKMTIST Leave order al kts) t'ioa Ding aior KetldrnrrCor 61U and 1 al Tblrljr Dvc roan xpwlenca, tax of refaranci , turn l lied f ATI QUIETS IKAWrOKD & CKAWrOKl) ' Attorueys-at-Uw LA GRAKbK, UKKOON 1H1 Mi foley bolldli-g. - f " J. W KNJWLfcS Attor hey " and Counsellor At Law Office in Halamu Uulldlug Phone IM U orodOr H.T. Williams ' C Wmiato . WII LIAVIS BrtOS ' Vl'iOHXMKYH- T LAV ' Ulflma Ualaioa ini.Hilug PhoneiOjS UI.re.ida.sW. i L A. PICKLE R Civil. Mining. Irrigation FnsjMeitnJ nd . Jiiirv ym . KxllinHlns I'Imhi.. hikI M-1 Deal tuna. IKHia in Koley ilil'llng I.SllKAVIIK .IKRTUIir- The La Grande : Hospital Offers every accomodation for the care of tha siok Our. cDjraUrio room 'i .nttted w .h every modBrn appliance and our wards are exceedingly comfortable. Un denominational and frje for all to enter Fmnlrw anv ohisiciaH you wish but in- i - - ict unnn haincr taken to the La Grande Hospital. Patients under care of trained nurse. " MR Minnie Goodmah. I H CHILI" 8M. aud Traaa Picaldenl i.tjc MOUNTAIN MARBLE ; AND GRANITE CO. L ;ANI)K0KB(N " Our stock of Marble and Granite is the largest in Eastern Orjgn and hs baan enlarged by a cirload of blue, write and clouded marbl d ract frjm Vermont Our pncJS are better than traveling salesnen can make and our work-. manMip . cannA be urpssed Give ut art order for a monument and receive yo ur moneys worth. I -' - - . . , ! Classified Advertisements. Rates-One cent word, one-half a cent a word each subsequent inser tion. Classified adds bring quiJt ra sclts. Try one today. P.. i r.i-. i -oans, any amount on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title approved. La ' Gran&c InvarrMEKT Co. FOR RENT A suit of pleasant rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Inquire at 1617 Fourth street. I ' FOR SALE The A. V. Oliver four lot on Jefferson Avenue, including plat form scales, on hundred and ton foot porch running back to railroad track G. H. Powers, the Minnesota land man.. LOST A black envelop containg bank notes and paper. Finder return to C W, oiLK ajid receive reward. FORTY ACRE TRACTof grounT'Telr ua Urande. for rent with good build ings, and fin soil. Pric from Dec. 1st 1906 to March 1st. 1907, $226. La Grande Invbstmnt Co. , , . ' , . LOST a pair of gold eye glasses with plain bow, was lost somewhere be tween Ed Reynolds' place and the post offlc. , Finder please return to this of fice. , v VVANTED Honst boy for night cashier in restaurant Right boy ha steady position. Queen Restaurant SEWING MACHINES-W. K. Davis ha a few second hand sewing machines which he will U cheap. FOR RENT Two tory house on Wash ington Anu $12 a month. Prof. ,Day. La Grand School Music FOR SALE. Eiffhtv acres of timhar Jand tvw and one-half mile south of La Oiaiiua. , riiva U... abl. Address box 697, city. WANTED All th turkey, duck ehicfi- n and egg v can get Will pay markt;pric in cash. Grand Ronde Cah Company. Botn phones FOR SALE Family horse and surrey. Phon Black 1612. . ; WANTED Waitress at one at Model 'Restauint T ; " -.... FOR RENT Elvn room hou. fum - ished. M416 Fourth street FOR RENT-Furnished housekeeping rooms. Inquire of Mrs. Noble, phon .Black 102K - . . " ; LOST Ladies black and gray collarette, v Wa lost between Firt treet and the : Opera House. Return to Coffey' bar . ber shop and receive reward. FOR RENT Room with tov. lectric ' light and bath. At Mr. Patty's. Adam Avenue. Centennial Hotel ' Under new management Board and Room $5 per week, cash. Meal 25ct. Special rate furnished monthly patrons. No. 1417 Adams Ave Phon No. 1161. Mrs. W. E. Murchison, proprietress. LODGE DIRECTORY- EAGLES La Grande Aerie 269 F. 0. R mula avAru .nj. nirrKf I. If nf D hall at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren invited to attend. J. E. Pollock. W, S. J. A. Matott. W. P.. I. 0. 0. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16. meet in their hall every Saturday night Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. Jakes Moss, N. G, 1; R. Snook, Sec. STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. SI. I. 0. 0. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellow hall. Visiting patriarch always welcome, - f. R. Snook, C P. Edmond Robinson, Scribe. EASTERN STAR. O. E. S.-Hope Chapter No, 13 meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Temple. Mertib Alorich, W. M Mart A Warnick, Sec. M. W. A.- La Grand Camp No. 7703 meets every first and third Wednesday of the month at I.- O. O. F. hall. All visiting neighbor ar cordially invited to attend.- E. Rbislano, V. C. John Hall, Clerk. . FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets ach Thurs day night in 1. 0. R. M.. halL . Brother ar invited to attend. Chas. Bartmess, Chief Ranirer. C S. Wiu.ians..Fio. JSec. . , Board of Trustees Dr. G. L. Biggers, John Hall and Herbert Pattison. FRIENDSHIP TENT No. SI. K. O. T. M. Meets second and third Wednesdays each month in i. 0. O. F. hall. Visiting knights wt 'come, v . . ' G.T. WtissNiEROiR, Com, Mox Bloch, Record Keeper. - 1.0. T. M. HIVE No. 27. Meeu every first and t..ifd lliursdays in tne after noon at the I. 0. 0. F. hall. All visiting ladies ar wj -om. Ladt Pqrtbr. Commander. Hazel Barnes, Recording Secretary. B. P. 0. E. U GRANDE LODGE No. 433 Meet each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elk hall, on Adam Ave nue. Visiting Brother ar cordially in vited to attend. F. S, Ivanhoe. Exalted Ruler. G. E. McCullt, Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 61 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet 2d and 4th Thursday of each month . in the I. O. 0. F. hail over postoffic. , All visiting members welcome. ' W. W. Berrv, Consul Commander. J. K. Whioht, Clerk. ' The Slorse Market As Viewed The horse market situation in the we.', is interesting this season. The period is now at hand for the inauguration of a heavier trade at leading markets, and in two or three months such centers as Chicago, St Louis, Kansas City and Omaha will be gettins their full quota of stall drafters. The continued keen de- rman fr well conditioned work horses at a comparatively mgn range or prices is notab'e, particularly so in the face of the steadily increasing output of automobiles and auto delivery wagons: Three or four year, ago the -Gloomy Gu" trader was predicting all sort of bad things for the horse market in view of the auto craze bu$ so far these have not materialized Recently an editorial representative of this journal talked over the trade outlook with several western dealers. Charles Rand, a heavy Iowa operator, who ships freely to Kansas City, says there is a market scarcity of four to six-year-old heavy draft in Iowa, indicating .that farmer in the period of depression had sold out their breeding stock too closely. However, Mr. Rand claims that tha coun try appear to be fairly well stocked with colt ranging from yearling to three-year-olds, but it will be another year or two before these are available for mar ket Dealer at Missouri river points which are essential factor in supplying the southern trade, report a good demand for horse from Florida, Georgia and the In Grans' Brutality Should Be Abolished - Philadelphia, Nov. 22. Dr. J. William White, profeesor of surgery at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania and a member of th university committee on athletic, re turned tonight from Washington, where h had been summoned by President Roosevelt to discuss matters' relating to football. In an interview tonight Dr. Whit aid: " . :"Th President did me the honor of asking m to lunch with him at th White House today for the purpose of discussing with him the situation as to American football. An article of mine, published In last week' Outlook was the occasion of th invitation. A to what took place during my visit the president ha permit ted me to say that w ar in complete accord as to the need of the permanent abolishment of brutality and foul play; of the increase of the power of the officials and of th everity of the penaltie as being necessary to bring about such abolition; a to th desirability of careful consideration of any changes in the rules that may be required to minimize danger whil preserving the essential, manly end vigorous characteristics of the game and s to th urgent need of earnest effort to secure a simple and uniform eligibility code for all American colleges and univers All women should strive to be beautiful. Beauty rules mankind. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea brings red lips, bright eyas and cream-like complexion. Z 6 cents, Tea or Tablet. Newlin Druo Co. STRONG Again I what Mr. Lucy Stova!l.of Tilton. Ga, aid after taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cur. Hundred of other weak woman art 01 ng r- tored to perfect health by this rem edy. YOU may b well if you will tak it - Indigestion causes nearly all th sick ness that women hava. r It deprive th system of nourish ment and th delicate organ peculiar to woman uffr waken, and becom Kodol : Dyspepsia Cure tnable th stomach and digestive organ to digt and assimilate all of th whole some food that may be eaten. It nourishes the body, and rebuild th weak organs, restoring health and strength. Kodol cures Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, sour ibing. belching, heartburn and all stomach disorders. , Dltfests -What You Eat Mm a . k taa I trial, m M wat rlia. tnranl al U Lb- cwtrirl.OD.liit n,,cn,t.,i a. By The e Judd Farmer nas. These are bought mostly at a range of S40 to $125 each. At tha prin cipal western markets, heavy drafts are bringing $200 to $250, and the general outlook for this type of horses is reported to be exceptionally good. - If animals are choice, even higher price can be obtained. A Uading Iowa breeder commenting on the present horse situation, claims he fears the business may be overdone in his state. A few years ago during the depression in horse flesh, go.-d stallions were a drug on the market in Iowa, and could not be sold for a few hundred hollar each. Now farmers are groping and communities ar scrambling over one an other in efforts to secure imported stal lions as nign as ouuu to $4000 apiece. While not anticipating any great depress ion in the horse trade, the speak ar urged that a fairly conservative policy be adopt ed. .; , V A prominent stock grower of south western Illinois, who (has just returned from a trip to the new wheat fields in western Canada, says a very keen de mand exists there for work stock and prices are somewhat higher than in the states. He avers that there would be an opening for several hundred thousand United States farm horses in that coun try if some arrangements could be made whereby th duty into Canada could be lowered. Orange Judd Farmer. Football ities. The President said he emphatically believes in continuing the game.' The President adds: " 'Brutality and foul play should re ceive the same summary punishment given to a man who cheat at cards, who strikes a foul blow in boxing. The um pire must hav th widest latitude in en forcing this principle, even to the extent of ordering not only individual players, but whole teams, off the field and college presidents should hold to the sharpest ac countability the umpire who permits foul or brutal football in any game. W want simple rules, not complicated rules, be cause complicated rules offer too many loopholes. The responsible authorities of the several colleges whose teams play to gether should hav what may be called a gentleman agreement among themselves that these rules shall be enforced in spirit a well as in letter, each being held rosuonsioio tor wnai goes on in his own college and each seeing to the permanent removal from the gam not only of the foul or brutal players, but of the man who is not a bona fide student jnd amateur. It would be a real misfortune to loss to manly and vigorous gam as football an 1 to avert such a possibility the college authorities in each college should see to it that the game in that college is clean.' " Our basket ball girl have added new baskets to their paraphernalia in Armory hall. ' , , BeWitt DeWIrt It tha name to bok for whaa Tu to to bur Witch H-ial Sa v. DaWltt's Witch Haul Sita la tha orlglniil and onlr gonulr.a. In fact DaWltt'ilttha only Witch HualSalre f Witch-Hazel I All others ire countrftta bua Iml- B tlflnnB. h(,an .rl uv,kLii. mm SI a made irorn tha uudwlaratad dancerom. DaWitt t Witch Hual Salve It a specific tar Pllaa: Blind, Woodlnt, Itchlnf andProtrudlntPllea, AlaoCula, Buma. unilaaa, Spralna, Lace Contualont, Bolls. Carbuncles. Eczema, Tetter. Salt Rheum, and ail other Skin Dlaaaaaa, SALW rHspaaiD sr E.C.DeWitti5Co.tChlce,e ' FOR WINTRK WAH'Nf, Our new machinery and additional help will enable us to do faml lly washing CHEAPER. QUICKER and BETTER than you carr do it yourself. We call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work. , Give us a trial and y:u will not be bothered through the winter with family washing. A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY FHONE La Grvnk, CHOICE CUTS of the finest Beef. Lamb, Veal, etc. We cater ta a class of customers who' are fastidious and discriminating, and furnish only the most DELICIOUS MEATS We will be pleased to have your order whether you are providing for a small family or a hotel. Rohr& Company MEAT CHEAP But not Cheap Meat Having purchased the Bock c Thomas shops and also the Bull market we are in position with the three shops, to furnish our patrons with choice meats at a less price than if we had only on shop. It I not our intention to - raise the pric on meats, but it is our intention to reduce th pric. and thereby hope to increase our trade. . A trial order win oonvmu jm T the assertion. Grancly & Russell TdREP SHOPS Adams Ave. between Grandy and Depot Adams Ave. between Elm and Fir. Fir st between Jefferson and Adam Ave. Main 50 Main 78 Main 70 When you wish a nic juicy roast or a Under steakTor a piece of boiling meat or pot roast, just phon Main 48, and you will soon hav exactly what you de sire, - J. BILL &. CO. Phon Main 48. Remember the phone on th directory a Boss Meat Market main 48. : ? J , . '' ;' OUR SPECIALTY Fall vegetables of all Itinds at the lowest current prices. Our applet are especially full from , 60oto $1.00 a box. E dollar box gets you th best apple to found in town. -,' Watch for our new wagon which goos by your door daly. SEATTlE GROCERY COMPAN. ZUNDEL & LAWSON. ' ' Main 7 13 -- - - rtRMTlE HIV?.: A SPECIALTY Old Furniture made to buk o new at a moderate cost Edward PropecL PHONE, BLACK 401. 203 Fir Street sawsjrarr HsTrrrF I THE OXFORD i. JAMES FAKQUHARSOM, Prop I CcmiplM svuKirtmenl ol c WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS I jjj Cold lunches and mixed drinks a v specialty. Fair and impartial f I treatment to all. You are invited S to call and get acquainted. c Blue Front Saloon j E. THORSON, Proprietor. FINEST ..'WINKS. LIOUORS !iiiir(-ril and tlouiooao Pot or cold lunch at all hours. T 4 Palaco Salor .1 CMAi, ANDERSON Pro? FINK ' WINES, I IQU0RS AND CIGARS Always on hand. Jaflateoa Avenue Oppwltr l o THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. . FINE VIIIE5. LIQUOR CIQ1R5 Ocntlemcn always Welcome PIrWrtd ULRICH LOHIS. Prnp. FINB WINES, LIQI.OIIS and CIGARS . Imported and Domestic. leltaraoa Aveoua, Onpoaitetlvmt aaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajaaaaaa ' a ' : 50MMER omE cafe : Pron Main 6-1 j 'NUFSAID . BHIPK BliJCK Brick furnished in any quant.cy or any style, No contract to3 srnill or to 1 large. See samples our pressed brick. GEOa KREIGER. I La (ilraudv, OreK.iH j t 9 u j' y.i 1 i ii- a or !.' d d 3 i t A. T. MIL, Druggist