TODAY'S JNEWS TODAY WpSfhr Prolahly snow tonight. Tomorrow fair. J i I x- x" i y x . r w wm j 1. - "E " . GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1905. NUMBER 19 MIDSHIPMAN A FOR MANSLAUGHTER As a Result of First Fight at the- Naval ' ' Academy (ScrTpps News Association) Annapolis, Nov. 22. Upon charges of manslaughter; conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline and violations of the naval regulations by engaging In a fight with Midshipman James R. Branch, Jr., Midshipman Minor Merriweather La Fay ette will be placed on trial this morning at'the naval academy before the general cotjrtmartial. Branch's death two days after the fight on November pth, is the basis of the manslaughter charge. The other charges ark incidental to this. , . ; ." Juoge advocate is Captain Adolph Marx who acted in the same capacity in the Maine inquery.,.. The other members are Rear Admirals Ramsay McCormick and Parker, retired. Captains Wain wright and Comly, Commanders Staunt on, Fieke and Barry, -Lieutenant Com i - I THAN KSGIVING SA HIGH C LASS MERC HA PIS E " UNMATCH ABLE RRICES An UnUSUal OOnnrflinitv , , rm -j -ff"J """.J IM llbVUJ ui JI Ibld IHUl IIIUIWJ ; ; : a strong appeal to the economically inclined. In this GRAND THANKSGIVING 0F ::;FERIN5;ar.Hi M i- tn i .7;;i from the best markets In the world. ' " Vn.... ...... .- IL... . . .. . . , iuui waiua, ue wey Milan $10.00 Suits $13.60 Black out $15.00 Black $18.60 Suits in satin lining, I -THANKSGIVING LINENS ..; i in i f l.1 ' " v 4 When table linn needs are suggested to you remember v. .fcj' ' - ' ' -.v .-... - that you can buy GOOD LINEN at a savins here. SPECIAL THANKSGIVING OFFERING IN MEN'S SUITS - A goodly assortment in Kirschb um at Special prices this sale. $10.00 Cheviots, this sale X i $12 50 Suits, this sale . $15.00 Suits, this sale etc. etc. TRIED manders Clark and Craven, and Lieuten ants Jackson, McLean and Constiens. Staunton was excused from serving because before' he was ordered to the trial he was heard to say that he thought that Merriwether should be dismissed. The charges and specifications ' were read to Meriwether who pleaded not guilty. 'James C. Vandecar, a second classman and a friend of the defendant said, "1 sat next to Meriwether at mess. Upon the arrival of the British fleet Meri wether declared ihtkt K w Uvim lw -chance" to 'soak' Branch. A day later he announced that he had received a challenge and that Branch had admitted nagging him," Midshipman Ralph J. Yeager testified that he accompanied Merriwether .to Branch" room' and related the heated . fnr linnllifl ThanUctfltlntf ur mrse, can oe supplied ai a ANOTHER UMATCHABLE OPPORTUNITY IN .y. . LADIES' SUITS 'Absolutely every Ladies' Tailored Suit in our stock at a liberal price reduction during this sale We can only mention a fewl . 27. inch Box Back Jackets Satin lined in natty Cloth Suits, i length Jackets with Extra - Brca'dcloth Suits, silk trimmed and lined, 27 nobby Mannish Mixtures in Black, Brown, this sale AT A SAVING ALL LADIES PUCTIONS This does not mean one or two lines, but every hat in our stock, at an enormous saving. About 6 dozen ladies' $1.00 fo $1.50 Felt Walking Hats, choice 25C perfect fitting an! guaranteed suits All Wool Suits in Worsted and - $8.85 $10.65 $13.35 etc. g Ma.llf,IJIJ.. Ifr.MVIMtl.llUMi.V conversation between the two. He showed that Merriwether weighed 15 pounds more than Branch and was four inches taller. He said that neither had been sick prior to the fight. Captain Col voccress, commander of the cadets, said that he opposed fighting but declared that the naval regulations do not prohibit it. Midshipman McKittlick described the fight and said, "The fight was to a finish according to the custom and Queensbury rules. The first 15 rounds wer. very even. Branch began to press things. The next few rounds Branch had the better of the fight until about the 20th round Meri wether fouled by hitting in a clinch. He admitted the foul and offered to forfeit the fight Branch said he could nut take the fight that way and it was decided to go five more rounds and then call . it a draw if both were still standing. About 20 seconds later it was reported that a guard was coming from Bancroft hall and we put out the lights and called the fight a draw. I helped Branch to his room and although he was able to walR he left with his room mate who prepared a hot bath- Calls on President (Scrlpps News Association) Washington, D. C. Nov. 22. El Haddjic Abdalla, the special commissioner from Abyssinia, called upon the President this afternoon and presented a personal letter from Monilick, and also tendered the president a gift with his compliments. LE OF noorfc at nrUc thntmoLae saving during mis sale. - styles. Mannish Mixtures, $7.50 Good Quality serge lining through- ; . ., $11.00 inch fitted back jackets, $11.50 Blue and Green, 62 inch coats with - $15.50 HATS AT SHARP RE- I mm More Russian Trouble (Scrlpps News Association) London, Nov. 22. Russian dispatches say the uprisings of peasants are erowinc steadily and now a million and a half persons are engaeed in the revolt. Eiehtv per -cent of the population of the Baltic provinces are now in a starving cond tion. Half a million peasants are now following the false Czar, and agitators are urging peasants to burn all the estates. Five Years (Scrlpps News Association) Dillon Mont Nov. 22 Dennis Franklin aged 22 years, was sentenced today tc the state penitentiary for five years foi the theft of-ten dollars from Joe Gallages a Mecican. Record Good (Scrlpps News Association) Cincinnati, Nov. 22. In 'the Madder iivorca trial this morning John A. Mad ien's record was pronounced unb'sm'shed The attorneys for both sides agret i thai mmmi iM wiuuKwunvss" snouic je unsustained by the court. It was s io ted on the records. RIGHT OF WAY INTO WALLOWA P. A. Worthington, right-of-vvv for the O. R. & N. Company, ' announces that with the exception of one place it the canyon over which they are compellee to condemn their way, he has secured i right of way for the proposed extentioi jl-ina-fcig!" hrancn as far as Wallowa J t .Kl'i'r"-'i""Ti-"."'.t.,iij","'Ai-,f 'i j i ..I f right of way through the Wallowa Valley Considerable interest is beine mani fested here in the condemnation proceed ng instituted by the 0. R. & N. agains 3eorge B. Clark, who will not aceeDt th price offered him for the right of wa; through his place in the Wallowa Canyor l he case IS on trial and the jury ha' visited the canyon to look'over the groum n order to determine whether or not ht s justified in his refusal to accept th price offered, him by the railroad com jany. There were four condemnatio. tuits filed for a hearing - at this spacia term of Circuit Court, but all the othor lave been settled out of court. Ten Thousand Pjs Salem, Or., Nov. 20. The report o. the Portland General Electric companj for the quarter ending September 20 filed this morning, shows that 10,25s' passengers passed through the canal anc locks at Oregon City and 2,282, tons o freight, 62,?o2 feet of lumber, od,60i P-ling, and 235.U9 logs. Ammdnia Pipe Burst (Scrlpps News Association) Huston, Tex., Nov. 22. An ammonia pipe in the Houston Packing house i.eai this city exploded today. , It Is reportoc that several people were killed. Mett Tonight All members of the La Grande Camp, No. 61, W. O. W. are requested to moei at the 1. O. O. F. hall over the past office. Business of importance to bt transacted. J. K. Wright, Clerk. $100 Lamp Those who have never viewed ar, elegant cut glass lamp, should cast their eye into the western display, window of A. T. Hill's drug store. It is a beauty and if you desire to have it on your par lor tible, just tike a $100 bill with ycu ind carry the price home. Bound Over C. W. Peterson "was held by Justxe Hough in the sum of $200 for obtaining money under false pretences, which was for issuing a check on the Farmers &. Traders National Bank, while in fact he never had an account in the bank. . Paid License S. Alexander, who was taken in charge yesterday afternoon by the police, for peddling without a license, and entered a piea of not guilty and had his case set for trial at 9 o'clock this morning, reconsidsr ed his action late last evening and paid his license fee. It might be well to state that it is worthy of comment that a lady, who was loyal to the city's best interests. Canal Recommendation (Scrlppii Newg Association) Washington. D. C. Nov. 22 Secretary Bishop, of the canal commission, todav intimated to the President, that the mem- jers of the commission who have resisted 1o report of the consulting engineers will probably recommend that Congress adopt the minority report which is signed by five American engineers. The minor ty report recommends the construction if the canal with locks with an elevation it thirty feet. The foreign members feel very much hurt at the reported dissatis faction of the President with the recom mendation that a sea level canal be con itructod. ederat;o t Convention JScrlpps News Association) Nevada City, Cal., Nov. 22. The Cal fornia Miners' Association convention issembled here this morning. The meet ng was called to order by President 3anjamin. His address was a radical lemand for greater recognition of miners vnd mining by congress and the state. 4 a!, tt.-t tb... .... .. . - nd the miners nothing. Confessed to Murder (Scrlpps News Association) Townsand, Mont,, Nov.. 22. May jtevens, a nwoman of the world, confessed oday to the murder of John C. Black, vho was stabbed to death in a saloon in nis cny Monday night. The woman ays that she stabbed Biack in the back ecause he attacked another woman ccusing her of robbing him of twenty vs dollars. The King In Paris (Scrlpps-News Association) Paris. Nov. 22.-King Charles, of 'ortugal, arrived in the city today, o visit President Loubert. He was ac corded a grand recaption, and was greet id with imposing military honors. He vill remain three days. Wayne to Testify Scrlpps News Association) ' New York, Nov. 22. Robert J. Wayne Jnited States Consul General at London, md former postmaster general, arrived tare today enroute to Washington to test Fy before the commission examining ;he post office scandals. Ssrilett Recommended Scrlpps News Association) ' Washington, Nov. 22. Senator Hey urn called upon the President and re Jommended that Thomas Harrison Bart ett be appointed register of the land office .t Lewiston. Idaho. Vice West, who was oday removed, also Addison T. Smith 'or internal revenue collector for the dis .rict of Idaho and Montana. k Oryn Mark t. Scrlpps News Association) Ch cigo, Nov, 22.-1-" Wheat opened at closed,'-- 8 5, s' corn opened ;4, closed, 44.V;--oats opened 29?; ;losed, 29. ' J . ' ' PORTLAND MARKET Portland. Nov. 22.-Wheat, bluestem f3; club. 72; valley, 72. & 75. PR ESCRI PT I O N iSECURIT If you knew the facis abjut our prescription dopartmont your , prescristions would come here, even if our prices were high which they never are If you knew the measures we take to insure the purity and freshness of our drugs; if you were familiar with the safeguards we throw about the compounding, and various' other Methods peculiar to this store, you could having entire confidence in the accuracy of any prescription we put up. . To have such service-to feel sa'fe-is worth something and costs nothing extra. ' - NEWLIN DRUG COMPANY , La Grande Oregon , . HAILEY SUPREME JUDGE (Scrlpps News Association) Salem, Nov. 22 Governor Chamber lain today appointed Thomas G. Hailey to the supreme bench to succeed Wolverton who was appointed to the federal judge ship yesterday. Mr. Hailey is well known over eastern Oregon. He was born in 1864 this in city in the Old Town. He is a compara tively young man and has been identified with the Democratic party for many years. For the pas few years he has bee n associated -with Judge Stephen A. Lowell in law practice at Pendleton and enjoyed most .... lucrative . oraotisa. H A. - dairy enthusiast and has Targe dairy farm on Wild Horse creek six miles lortheast of Pendleton. Besides dairying he holds several large tracts of wheat on the Umatilla reservation. ' , The appointment was not unexpected as tit and Governor Chamberlain havn been warm friends for many years.'. Be sides his friendship with the governor, Mr. Hailey has been so prominent in politics that he was almost sure to have received the Democratic nomination for the congressional election this next, year Mr. Haihsy has served as mavor of Pendleton, and district attorney for Umatilla and Morrow counties. While serving in the two capacities he made a great effort to close gambling and control the vicious element of Pendleton. H was signally successful, and during his reign the city of Pendleton was freer from gambling than it has been since. ". Mr. Hailey has many friends over the state who will be well pleased at th governor's choice and who wish him suc cess In his new position, , v ,; Fac'ory Fire (Scrlpps News Association) i Indianapolis. Nov. 22. Fire hrok nut in the Barger Furniture Factory at '10:' 40 this morning. While fighting the fir the water main broke and the firemen fear the destruction of a large amount of ousiness property on account of the low pressure. It is rumored that an elevator containing passengers is stuck between two punting floors. . . . Paymaster Robbed ; (Scrlpps News Association) , " Milwaukee, Nov. 22, Qeorge W. Wiley paymaster for a construction - company, was held up at the office door at Camp Cudahay, Wis. His personal effects and the keys to the office and safe were taken The robber entered the safe and' stole about $3000 in cash i and negotiable papers. . f Alderman Fined I (Scrlpps News Association) ' 1 Milwaukee, flov. 22. A. T. McCor" mack, a former alderman, pleaded guilty of bribery and was fined $360 and costs this morning. I- r- t ; 5 - I ' : 1 reported him over the phone. a IT