fiSsffiBBHW 1 t f i. r :IV1 W6 arc' in tite NikriUt to a-kf : quality of firstclass Timothy and Wild Hay. VVc pay the high est prices of any buyers.. Oregon ;. ; Produce Company ;j ... ., t Ready For Busiuess WITH A flLL LINE Of fEED, HAY AMD GRAIS W ar ready to buy all kind of hay and grain, and pay the highest v market price. r ' ' a .-. ft-' r. Slater l3uitdinar JEFFERSON AVE 'if-' A SPLEIMDID INVESTMENT Is a mVz ;dlch will build up your own ton ' and country. ' The Aurelfa Miriir-g ; Now offers the first block of stock' of KJOOOal ; shares at 5c per share. The cdiripatiy' has 400,000 shares of stock available for the Je velopement of the Standard Mines, which wilt ! be done conservatively, and as f4st as poslble. for further Information call on - , ' ;. . v.-- jPm Si Orhftm NO. -tacts' ' OpitaL ... : Surplus ; Liability 61 Shareholders fotat :y:''i4oWof'-;';'i'.4rsooo..: For the protection of its depositors! Depositor of thi Bank arV"ac corded such liberal treatment a sliall M' in keeping with thehractr and value of their account. W' would be ;pleaaJto";.haf 'your ac count ' 7 , . . ., ' ' ' ; ' . SCRIBER, .7 .- i- . . Cashier.1 ' - ' ; ' .:77 i', i scrtocfdlHl-j'; Asst. .Cashim ". JOSEPH PALMER". President. O. E. McCUtlY Asst. CASrinR. "Baby Incubator j Up at Oro Fino they have an interest ing little piece of flesh and bones three weeks old and weighing but 1 pounds. People returning from Portland had sung the praises of the baby incubater at the fair, but when the doctor was called three months ago to attend to a 7-month boy, weighing one pound, he had not the time nor the money to send to Portland for an incubaeor. Accordingly, he wrap ped the tiny child in cotton and blankets and placing it in a basket, suspended the basket just below the stove-pipe, at an elbow where the heat reaches it from the stove below, and the pipe above and from the pip on one side. . Night and day the father keep the fire going, and several times a day the tem perature of the little basket is recorded. Should it be below 1 00 degrees, more wood and a little more draft bring up the temperature to the required mark. ' At first the doctor did not think the child could possibly live. But a nurse was secured, and she taught the little one to eat, day by day it has been gaining. Sun day it was just three weeks old and weighed pounds. When but a few days old the nurse took a ring frtfm her finger and slipped it on the child's arm. It dropped right to the shoulder, and when the arm wa lowered, the ring was so loose it fell off. Off For Naples Mr. and Mr. U L. Carter received a telegram today from their daughter Flor ence stating that she would tail for Naples the 21st inst. Miss Carter has been studying journalism in New York for the past year.; Her. .friends ..wish her a pleasant voyage. Baiter City Herald. Miss Carter is well known in this city having held the position of ttenographer at Mayor Slater's office for some time. Her many friends her wish her success. (Shinto Wallowa Ceo. W. Boschk chief engineer for the O. R. & N. company, was in Elgin Wed nesday,' Mr. Boschk wa on his return from Wallowa county; where h wa in specting the proposed route which the O. tk N. Co. will follow into that valley. It is thonght that a soon as Mr, Boschke makes his report that the contract for the construction of the road from the mouth of the Wallows river to Joseph will b let AAAaAaaalftlVA 71 G. E. FOWLER j Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal ;: ; PHCNE ' 1 6 fl ; J All order given prompt attention CL01 ES CLEAKEt) The same old stand but a' new management Take your suit to th tarn place, and have' another man clean and pre it th way it should be. Harvey does the cloaiH and pressing and doe it right An other strong feature about hi sys- ' tern i that hi price are . correct 2 ' Remember th ptac, next door J-to th commercial club. Ladies geot clothing c Waned, dyed, pre' J ed and rnJrd. 1 - W. E. Harvey. ESTABLISHED 3G55 1887 The La Grande National Bank REPORT OF CONDITION NOVEMBER 9, 190S . RESOURCES " ' LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts ..'. $612,016 22 Capital stock , $100,000 00 United States Bonds 50,000 00 Surplus ...: .... 20.000 00 Real Estate, Furniture and- Fixtures 17.935 00 Undivided profit 40.SM 13 Due from banks and U. S. treasury 74,611 20 Circulation 60.000 00 Cash on hand . 68.981 23 Deposits " .....:.....':! "..$ 18.029 62 Total . $823,543 65, Total $823,543 65 , . OFFICERS HD DIRECTORS GEORGE PALMER, President. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. ' GEORGE L. CLEAVER. Assistant Cashier. W. L. BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cashier. J. M. BERRT?, a! B, CONLEY, C. C. PENINGTON, . F. J. HOLMES. F. M BYRKIT. With ample capital, large experience, and unsurpassed facilities, we offer you absolute security for your deposits; and solicit your banking business, promising you courteous treatment and every liberalty consistent with conservative banking. ; - Poor Dissatisfied (Scrlpps New Association) London Nov. .20 Another remarkable demonstration of the unemployed poor, showing their .dissatisfaction of th at titude assumed by the government to ward th relief made today, ' thousands of men marched through th streets to Hyde Park where they held a meeting. Violent speeches were made and resolu tion were presented declaring "An unending, war on the capitalist system.' Thar has been no disorder. Always Accommodating You will always find us accommodating. Try us and see if we are not ever ready to oblige, nd our price are right A. T. Hill, ' prescription druggist Notice ol Settlement . As w have sold the Horseshoe. Chop House we will consider it a favor if those in debt to u will please call and. settle on or before December 1, 1905 AH ac counts due the Horseshoe prior to Nov ember 6, 1905, are due and payable to ut, and w will pay alt accounts owed by th firm prior to that dat. . 7 . . ? . 7 L. S. and W. W. Pollock, New Physician Dr. C. E. Hawke. formerly of Portland Ha located m this city and expect to make his future horn her. He hat rented one of the cottages near the court house and has a suite of office rooms in Hi Sommer block on Adam Avenue The doctor made the change from Port land on account of his health. : MEAT CHEAP But not Chtap Mea Having purchased the Bock & Thomas shops and also the Bull market we are in position with th three shops, fcj furnish our patrons with choice meats at a less price than if we had only one shop. It is not our intention to ' raise the price on meats, but it is our intention to reduce the price,- and thereby hop to increase our trade. A trial order will convince you of the assertion. Grandyft Russell THREE SHOPS Adam Ave. between Grandy and Depot Adams Ave. between Elm and Fir. Fir st. between Jefferson and Adams Ave. Main 50 Main 78 Main 70 BOOKS Our shelve ir loaded with Interesting Book. , You would like to read hand somely 'bound book by popular author. Look them over. Newlin Druo Company. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. The art easy to take and produce no griping or other unpleasant effect. Sold by Ngwtnv-DRuo Co. Th price of pretty fce ( $1.00 three' package of Hsllister's . Rocky Motihtain Tea bring red lip, bright eyes and lovely color. 16 cents, Tea or Tablet. '. Newlin Druo Co, IU H HURRY? THFN CALL THE TRANSFER MAN H will tak ' that trunk to the De pot or your horn in le tim than it take to tell it . Wagon always at your service Charge" moderate. Day phone. B ' 1792, night phone. R 12. . v When you wish , a nice juicy roast or a tender steak, or a piece of boiling meat or pot roast just phona Main 48, and you will soon have exactly what you de ir. J. BULL CO. Phone Mam 48. Remember the phone on tn directory a Boss Meat Market main 48. Healthy, happy babies. Mothsr say that Hollister't Rocky Mountain Tea i the greatest baby medicine in the wtrld Makes them strong, well and active. 35 cents, Tea or Tablet. Newlin Druo Co. Practical Gunsmith e iairs Stricily Fi stclass ' tins re-storked K ys fitted' to door lb ks WM. AGNEW Amm Aei ne fARMS fOR SALE IN THE GRANDE RQMBE VALLEY 200 Akre with good Improvements, all tillable land, 3 miles from railroad station and 1 4 miles from La Grande, Oregon 400 acres with good improvements, nearly all tillable ' land, about three miles from the railroad and 1 4 miles from La Grande. ' 160 Acres about 8 miles from the railroad and' 14 miles from La Grand. - No building 200 Acres, one mile from the town of Summerville. 15 mile north of La Grande and 3 miles from the railroad. All tillable land. No building . 60 Acres, same class land as th above and adjoining Price $35 per acre 480 Acres, 2 miles from the railroad and 15 miles from La Grande. Good barn and small house, - well watered. All good land 65 Acres, three and half mile from La Grande, all under cultivation. No buildings- 160 Acres, 6 miles from La Grande'. Oood grain land. No buildings 160 Acre. 12 mil faom La Grande, 2 mile from the . railroad, firstclass improvements 1000-Acre 9 miles from La Grande, nearly all In cult ivation, all good land Price $40 per acre Price $38 per acre Price $35 per acre Price $35 per acre Price $42 per acre Price $75 per acre Price $25 per acre Price $63 per acre J Price $35,000.00 jCa Srando Snvestment Co J FOLEY HOTEL BUILDING ' LA GRANDE, OR -". ' h SPECIALS Supported bed springs $2.40 Unsupported bed springs 1.65 Mattresses, good ones ' 2.60 2 saddles, choice , S.00 Remmlngton typewriter 40.00 16 cross cut saws 60c to 3.50 Hall rack 3.60 2 office chairs 3.60-5.00 Kitchen Treasure 3.25 Lineateum ROMADKA READY ACXESS TRUNK OAISING the cover tarings every corner within reach without re moving tniys. Saves H th tim of an ordinary trunk to pack or un pack. Easy to operate. Nothing to get oat ol order. Will standi all th knock and hard nsage of traveling.. "Cost no mora than a common trmuk, . u etytu at... $5.00 -a A fine line of ctockery at half . prici , F, D. Haistcn, PHONE RED 1161 Highest prices paid for Second Hand Goods. D V T V d V I 3' r- r v All Colors Rejuvenates all thin about the house froth cellar to garret Wears like Iron. W. H. BOHNENKAMP, Ajent CL I A P A L A C .V: . - It;