pj rij: s ! 'f TT UN )0l PS, - $ ii i t :f a T : ; t i ! t J 9 i ;U!v,al CAHU3 Mysicins L. RKHAkDSON, in and but geon. r H lll'a Viat sum. Ht Main Pbo c r LI TOR M. D. iN AND SURGEON -bia avaae uri lMpe Hi. I ttealdeoe Vain LARD SMITH iN AND SURGEON fuun Mala 71 K, oppuaiia hiMUMf Huoae Huura, llo ,7ta -3n & HALL. IAND SURGEONS building, Maia IS ifune Slalu U . , I K. ria.l Bra! ana MxieS; EKS& BIGGEKS v 5 ud 8urK.D IM S'Imum, M.T). Uo. L. Bla, M. D I- " Tleibonea )( HUck mi Utaldenea Main M ILL K UnUlon bnlldlug over J. M. Harry' ii K adder on Madlaoa AVe. second ":t o) rori..r iwaideueo. Dr. 0. w uiKtr ''IKANDK - Ok MAIN V ' , eella piumiKly aUaadcd to day or aujiit. TI8T8 BKUS. T V( dEntists. mx Homiaar Building , ricalilaue Utark i.7 v - 'Cautliorii Jill Urug, more 71 iNAHf SUHUfcON f rZtftfAUY SUiiU&UN, , . 6t A T HM's DrugStor. I utulo, Oregon Phone 13 iidsuleuv-is yUuue reu 701 FarnnTs' line ff : , . ? LU. W. T. DJWNEa. " : ItlNAiiy SUiK'BON AND UKJ1TI8T KM) Keldrrer. 6Ui aail I M . K '4 parlance, naal of relereiH FORNEYS tW & CRAWFORD; h rneys-at'bw. i SDK, UKKUOM KNOWLtS and Counsel!o i lUtkUm Buliaia , LaUmadaOt ; W S-i 4 f WlUlaow j BH03. Uoi Ht liuibllu at I (4rai'a,(r. Wu irmjy iBfl Imiloiu. '. Dealers jv . WE 11 he cire of h fittted and our able, Un With lh .to ntr a Grando their order tof trained yourdinnw i000" know it " ' 'V' : Our pricV en d M'tar n by a ia d i 1: I Classified AdverUsercciiis. RaUs On cent a word, one-half a cent a word ach subsequent ir.sar iion. Classified adds bring quick r sclts. Try on today. - nem uux uwns, any amount on city and country real estate. Loan closed promptly, a soon a title approved. La Grakdb Investment Co. FOR RENT A suit of pleasant rooms , suttabl for light housekeeping. Inquire at 1611 Fourth street FOR SALE-Th A. V. Oliv.r four lot. on" Jefferson Avenue, including plat form scales, on hundred and ten foot porch running tack to' railroad track G.H. Powers, th Minnesota land man.. LOST A black envelope containg bank notes and papr. Finder return to C W. Silk and receive reward. ' iSO REWARD Black female Cockerel Spaniel. Notify Red 1712. LOST a pair of gold eve classes with plain bow, was lost somewhere be tween Ed Reynolds' place and 8 post office. Finder pleas return to this of fice. -,-; WANJED-Honest boy for night cashier in restaurant. Right boy ha steady .position. Queen Restaurant SEWINQ MACHJNES-W. K, Davis has a few second hand sewing machines which he will sell cheap. ;' ' FOR RENT Two story house on Wash- " Day, La Grande School Music. FOR .SALE. Eighty acres Of timber land two and one-half mile south of La Grande. Pries and terms reason able. Address box 697, city. WANTED-AII the turkeys, ducks chick ensandeegs we can get. Will pay market price in cash. Grand Ronde .Cash Company. Botn phones FOR SALE Family hors and surrey. . Phon Black 1612., - 4,,vi-..- WANTED Waitress at one at Modal Restaurant , ,-. FOR RENT Eleven room house, furn ished. , 1416 Fourth street Centennial Hotel ' : Under new management Board and Room $S per week, cash. Jeals.- SEcts. Special, rates 'furnished Knonthly patrons. No. 1417. Adams Ave tPhona'No. If61. V 1 c J Mrs. W. E. Murchisoh, proprietress. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY. PRINCIPLE ' ' ? MRS. DAY,"ASSISTANT, This is one of the best musical in institutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begmlnnt todiscover the advantage, of this school. Th system is the ' latest'and most practical, and in eludes all the latest discoveries in .the art of teaching music. Th school is divided" ihto two - depart- 'mentsi No 1 1 f or beginner from . 6 years or more and are taught the- first three grades. Pupils come en hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far' superior. In No. 2 th grade are from 2 to 6. - Here they graduate. Pupils take one or two lea sons a week as they desire. No scholars will be . permitted to remain . in this school : who do not study. - h - -f Opposite th Foley - House ' ovr th candy store. Phone. 4f3. ' Lodce Directory. a p. (kic.tAnHANiiKioDaKitacct- Mtb Tliuratlay avrulORal mU oiilin k tn Klk llklli' nm Adaim AinkM. VlatllMi. niTHOcaaracttruiaiijr laviMii 10 aiicuo U. B. kte(!Hlly, Eaucdln tlaeraUo. -AUI.KM-La uraeda Atria en f U t, bmoi run Hua.i.y aiahi its K r lull ft uiunsbnHkera la-llad V at la I i . Mammw. y. . J. aV fuUock, W.r tUO VotuSUraada Ledaa, M f atw j. Heir hall rvaryMaiarday nliiht. VMuu M fa mnttalia InattMl in taot mlary pMI eaa bt aaaa l Modal kVa- auranL iamra Moaa, N u I. R. Moooke. Ha. . IT AH KM-AMPMENT N (I. I. O. O. f MUnnl ana and Iblrd Thuraalara la tk nUi It 01 rxiowa ball. VMllna; fatrl Khs alH aalroma ' I. It auunk, C P. feUKI l'K "fAH O KM Urn Chaptar H. waititt wuH xana waoaaeoay u ac atioaii. t su a mi in aaoaw inipa Mettle Aldrlelt, Vtt . . lr" l r-m M. W.A.-1 . lined (kim Ho. T70 nrro amy "ra and laird Wedimda ofi ler- fmlk at I. n. II. F. Han. All vialiina aalik- nn are sordlally laviUd to wwad. . Joke Hall, liar. - .; ... , OHkMTSKM OP AMKHirA-4trl MaWI JHn. Nt ftt aaMla aaak Tharailav aJrltl ti ll! ti M .all RnMhara are lavllwl Iwallaatf. Chaa BrlaMeJ,Uiei lanrn. i. a winiaaaa, r ia, w avanl TraaUai -lO.UL Wanrs, Jufca Mall sedMeHxr l-xloarw fIKNOMH!f TKNT NO U-K. . T. M. :W.-i nanuud and tklrd WVdaadar- aarfe m hh. la i, H IX r. halt VialUng kclvKU ,.-;.Nu.a. IIT WRIMKMBaKAiftli. Vum. 1UA HlHTB Kaeor Kasia-r . UU'T. M HIV No. t7.Maa a vary a mi an.i tl nd I hurldare la la ariaraooa at Iba 1 O t If l) I. A 1 vlactlng ladlMr weloaiiMK i.aUf r a r. Kaioi Harnea, kacordlaj Haumary, U GRANDE PUBLIC SCHOOL Miss Ethel Redhead is our Hie h Schoo librarian. : 1 ' '- Andrew Allstott has enUred the -Hi-rh School. " . . . rTof. Tucker recently cal'md at the H'gh School building. : Hav you taken a ' walk '"over to the north side to see th progress made in the erection st the new school building? Mr. Goodnough has been doing the car penter work for the new school room in th Whit building. Th new teacher to be added to the fore will occupy.tfcjvacant room in the White School Our basket ball girls have added new basket to their paraphernalia in Armory hall The seating in Mis iMcKinlay's: room has been changed to "the advantage of both teacher and pupils. Teachers and pupils will be given a Lholidajr.on Thanksgiving and the day after. . Miss Marple, a teacher from the Pen dleton schools, visited the school work her on day last week. Our athletic" boys ar much gratified both with the score and financial results of Saturday's game with Union. ; Supt Bragg ha announced that the ' exhibit work from the Portland fair will soon be returned to our schools. ' Misses Rohan and Goodnough have re cently secured some very commendable results in th study of United States his tory. .-.'. The Whitman College Glee Club has asked for a date in La Grande. No ar rangements have been made, however, for their coming. Supt and Mrs. Bishop of Union accom panied th foot ball boys to tnis place Saturday. Prof. Conklin drpve over with som of th teachers. , Miss RoMn and Miss Brenholts had th banner rooms for attendance last month. The flags are accordingly dis played in their rooms. W hav received a challenge for a de bate with th Pendleton High School de bating dub. W hope to accept this challenge and announce dates later. - A barrel of floor oil arrived last . week for the floor's of th High School build ing and isbeinapiod. This will pract-icalW-rinse with the dust problem.' ' Teachers are required to file in the offic th second wtek of each month a set of written test papers. From these and a personal inspection of . the ' school work we ascertain the progress being mad. . " . - On Saturday evening December 2. at 9 o'clock th Pendleton High School Bas ket Ball ., team will play with the La Grande girl in th Armory hall. The girl ar expecting to provide seating for 200 people., Prof. Sullivan, formerly assistant sup erintendent of th San Francisco schools. was a pleasant caller at .th office one day last week! While with us he made a pleasing talk to the High School.: For sixteen years this gentleman was , super intendent at Alameda, California. On hundred new' school' desk's .have recently been, purchased , by jSecretary Williams of the school board. -These will be used to ftt up the new room in the White School and to supply extra i seats' in otherrooms, and the remiindsr will be used in the new building when completed. On next Friday evening our Senior and Junior High School girls will meet in what promises, to be a hotly contested game of basket ball in Armory hall. The girls ar playing this with the purpose of do nating the proceeds to the high school magazine table. - Because of this purpose we bespeak for the girls a liberal patron age. , We understand the Una up. will ap pear on th hand bills. . v . The feasibility of organizing a Mothers' Club, as an adjunct and aid to th school work, is now under consideration. These clubs in various cities arejdding effective and telling work. They meet in one of the school buildings monthly or bi-weekty to take definite and decisive action in promoting the cultivation of morals and manners among the school children. They do not meet and pass resolutions, express mpty wishes and indulg in general fault finding, but decide upor. courses of action, then act in accordance thereto to achieve a desired result along some specific line. They mjt usually at 8:50 p. m, so that teacher may be present and with them they talk over school matters from the parent' standpoint In thifc-arid in other ways, they do much to augment the utility of th sdhool. . Notice ot Settlement As we hav sold th Horseshoe Chop House w will consider it a favor if those in debt to us will pleas 'call and settle on or befor December 1, 1 90S. All ac counts due th Horseshoe prior to Nov ember 6, 1905, ar due and payable to us, and we will pay all account owed by th firm prior to that date. : . L. S.and W. W. Pollock. Terrific Race With Dcaih. "Death was fast approaching." writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tampa, Fla, de scribing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart dis ease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest in life. I had tried many dif ferent doctors and several medicines, but got no benefit until I ben to use Elec tric 3iUers. So wonderful was their ef fect tluit in three days 1 felt like a new man. and today I am cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at Newlin's Drug store ;pr ice 60c. Saved By Dynamite Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the fire can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, you feel as if nothing but dynamite would cure it Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun, Ga writes: "My wife had a very ag gravated cough, which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help her; so she took Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased hor cough, gave Iter sleep, and finally cured her." Strictly scientific cur for bronchitis and La Grippe, for sale by Newlin Drug Co. Price 60c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Service . , This drug store tries to serve every customer so well that they will not think of going elsewhere for drug store goods. A. T. Hill, Prescription Druggist Indian Novelties We have a fine line of Baskets and Canoes made by Mexican and ' Canadian Indians 'which ar the 1 most artistic ever offered to . the trade in this city. Fill one with candy and present it to your wife or sweetheart, and after eat-" - ing the candy she can use it for a handkerchief or glove box or for ,an ornament The prices range ........ from 35 cents to $2.00. Just the thing for holiday gifts. ; SELDER, The Candy - - Man J. R. OLIVER. I1 NION" OU NT V ABSTRACTS Farm Lo-ns a Specialty Best equipped abstracter in Union county. 'Many years experience with the Union county records gives me a great advantage. It is folly to purchase real estate without first securing a proper ' abstract An abstract from my office will show the title just as - it appeare on the official record. ). R. OLIVER, ).A 'KAWfR,ORE(, jN r Room 31 Sommer Building ' FOR WINTER WASHING Our new machinery and additional help will enable us to do fami- lly washing CHEAPER, QUICKER and BETTER than you can do it yourself. W call for and deiiver your laundry quickly and make special 2 . ty of rush order work. Give us a trial and ycu will not be bothered through th winter with family washing. . A. STEAM HHONE La Grvnie, Do you want freih eg? Do you prefer nire nisp and tender vegetables? Do you I Ke the best and freshest fruits? Co to Gf DOCS' BROS.. you cart always depend on j gettin just what you wan. neinze pure vintjar, ywu can do your- own reducing. Heinze pickles and chow thow. Crosse and Blackwcll's chow chow LOW PRICES. BEST GOODS QEDDLf BKlf North Fir Street . - CHOICE CUTS of the finest Beef, Lamb. Veal, etc. We cater to a class of customers who are fastidious and discriminating, and furnish only the most DELICIOUS MEATS We will be pleased to have your order whether you are providing for a small family or a hotel. Rohr& Company SMITH RF PAIRS Guns Bicycles Sewing Machines -Type Writers Umbrellas Brazes Broken Castings Grinds Scissors and does a general repair business C L. SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING OUR SPECIALTY Fall vegetables of all kinds at the lowest current prices. Our appias are especially full from 60c to $1.00 a box. E dollar box gets you the best apples to found in town. Watch for our new wagon which goes by your door daly. SEATTLE GROCERY COMPANY : ZUNDEL & LAWSON. J L MARS, contractor and Builder . Ifcalei ia Building Material. La Grande, Oregon Drop a line naming work, and 1 will nam the right price. B.C. LAUNDRY Main 7 Clemen'. - FURNITURE REPAIRIjNIE A SPECIALTY Old Furniture made to look like new at a moderate cost Edward Propeck PHONE, BLACK 401. - 209 Fir Street j THE OXFORD PAR JAMES FA1QUHARS0N, Prop. ( ConpMa aaaortmeal iX WINES, LIQUORS J AND CIGARS - ifl Cold lunches and mixed drinVs a j, specialty. Fair and impartial I j treatment to alt. You are invited I C to call and get acquainted. I twanywwfi Blue Front Saloon E. THORSON, Proprietor. FIKK9T " lt i si im I TATTJkUU flilliilTa iiVW' !in'irui ami domestic Pot or cold lunch at all hours. JetTtraon AvMiat Opfwalie liana Palace Sal cr CHAS. ANDERSON Prop FINK WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on hand. .1 Jenetaon Avanoa Oppo!li- Uol , THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT. Prop. FINS WINES LIQUORS 22 CIQ1R5 Gentlemen always Welcome Fir Vtrtet Eagle Sav)n ULRICH LOHIS. Prop. FINK WINES, LIQ1 ORS and CIGARS - Imported and Domestic. lefTaraoD Avaeaa. Oppoeita davit : SS2 HJS Qtt ' Phone Main 6-1 'NUF SAID Brir.lr fumlekj : - " any quanty .or any style. No contract too small or to arge. See samples of our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGE.R. LnUrande, Oregon. H . Bra j h III u t ill ii: 4 m ft, ' L " ...V, :No7TFir3Vet;r;,-'SEATTie oKOLtKrcum.SaVuro vWhig." put". ar cordiall invited. VI, 71 INrlKl. & LnnWlV